What proportion of the prison population was that? Those who were ordered to see you, those who chose to see you, a mixture of the above, or everyone?
Cauterize said:
You're right but...I'm not exactly pointing at people and talking realistically. Just the theory and its relation to tendencies.
The theory is nothing but tendencies: Someone who comes up as, say, ENFJ on the test isn't contsantly extraverted, intuiting, feeling and making decisions. Basically, all that says is they
tend towards extraversion, intuiting, feeling and making decisions first. It doesn't mean they can't ever show I, S, T, or P traits and it doesn't even mean they
don't. I have my extraverted moments when I want to work at something or go interact with people (T/F). I have my S moments and my F moments (oh so many F moments...) too.
N = extends thought beyond how a person looks and acknowledges others' possible personality complications.
S-types aren't nearly that shallow. They just have a greater tendency to make decisions based on what information they gather, rather than information they infer or posit. Ns are
fully capable of judging people based on their looks alone, or the sound of their voice, or they way they hold themselves.