I made a post in the spectator thread that Shapelog said I should share in regards to Town playing effectively, so here it is:
I mean to me, Town players have a few criteria for being good:
- figure out who is scum for themselves, push their scum targets
- do and say things that help town figure out who is scum
- if they have a strong scum read, play to persuade the town that they're scum
- be cooperative, don't push your town-reads
Above all, Town should try to be consistent. If they STRONGLY suspect someone as being scum, they should vote them and then state clearly why they think they're scum. Then if they want to change their vote, they can explain how the reasons for them finding them scummy have changed, citing where and when they changed.
If they WEAKLY suspect someone as being scum, they should ask them questions. If they have a feeling or a weird post that they see as potential scummy, then they should prod and poke and see what they get. If they don't get much, they push a little harder. If the person starts to either lurk in response or says something like, "I'm busy, I'll be back in X time" and they don't actually come back in X time or they start breaking their promises, town should air their frustration and possibly declare intent to hammer. If they start seeing this as being really scummy in the context of the game: vote. Explain why. Show why that person was being scummy and what led you to that conclusion.
The problem Hadoblado and also others on this forum are having, is that they're not consistent. Hadoblado will vote for someone he thinks is Town as some kind of elaborate ruse to catch scum, while simultaneously deciding that he's not going to push his strongest scum-read because "META GAMEZ YO".
That's a crude and potentially offensive assessment, but it's true in essence imo. The result is this:
- Hado pushes a weak case on someone (because he doesn't really believe in it)
- Hado gets called out for weak case
- Hado then starts saying, "yes I KNOW it's weak but try THIS one!"
- Hado then pushes his strong case
- Hado's strong case isn't taken seriously, because he's just fucking confused everyone and made such a mess of his intentions and also undermined his own ability to actually find scum in the eyes of the rest of the Town, that the rest of the Town doesn't take him seriously.
Is that the Town's fault for not believing him or understanding his motives? To a degree I suppose.
But to me, the essential problem is that people never really establish a baseline or they don't act in accordance with what they say they're thinking.
*proceeds to vote very townlike person*
"Fucking what?"
"Oh I was just tricking scum and seeing who would jump on my wagon!"
"Fucking what?"
The problem being, no one has any incentive to believe you really were just tricking. The thing is, this kind of play confuses mafia, which is why people do it I think. They want to keep mafia confused. The problem is though, it confuses EVERYONE, not just mafia. Town, Mafia, Serial Killer, Spectators and everyone is confused, but that favours the mafia? Why?
Because the mafia have an inherent information advantage. They never have to guess who or what is town or mafia, so if people start playing in a confusing way - it's really easy to use that as lynchbait and not be suspected for it: because the person REALLY WAS genuinely fucking confusing people. So if they lynch them and say, "well fuck that was confusing my bad" - everyone goes, "yeah that was fucking confusing I agree" - bam, off the hook.
Also, if Town play this way, it rapes people's filters and is likely to get you investigated by a blue-role. Again: wasting Town effort and energy on frivolous hunts. Mafia having the ability to talk to each other is a huge boon too, since then multiple people can quickly disentangle any attempted, "cleverness" by a Town player and turn it against them (or just ignore them).
Tl;dr: elaborate tactics confuse everybody. Mafia have the least confused base-line and the most tools to make themselves un-confused. Stop trying to outsmart mafia, you can't. They know more than you. You beat Mafia with your genuine co-operation and natural ability to work things out and problem solve as a group. Nothing else matters except in gimmicky situations like LyLo when you're a blue role with guilty reads or something like that.
Play the game, not the gimmick.