I've met two ESFJ's in my life, and I’ve want to strangle one and paralyze the other. The first sits in the back row of my AP Chemistry class, always shouting some fresh bit of illogic; her flaccid passions rub my mind raw like sand from the bottom of the sea rubs paint from a sunken wreck. How she manages to comprehend the idea of multiple-domain electron hybridization is beyond me. The second is the mother of my ESTJ classmate, also from my AP Chemistry class: that hag is the most insular, self-centered, cram-it-down-your-throat religious nutcase that I have ever had the misfortune to encounter in person. When I came over to the ESTJ’s house to finish a French project, we worked long into the evening and the ESFJ invited me to dine with them. I helped to prepare the meal as best as I could and tried to maintain some conversation, but the first crack in the baba-yaga’s armor appeared when she could hardly understand a word that I was saying: in her eyes, it was there, the cold, blank Sensor stare.
Disheartened, I kept quiet until dinnertime and sat down at the table when the ESFJ called. Now you see, before eating, the ESTJ’s family had a tradition of saying Grace, and you likely know my philosophical views well enough to understand why I politely refused. “Why not?” the ESFJ demanded, leaning over her plate a bit; internally, I recoiled, Why not? I shouted through the halls of my mind, Is that really a polite question to ask? My ideas are my own business, and you, old bag, don’t seem interested in hearing anything other than your own creed spoken back to you, word for word. “I’m a nihilist,” I replied, trying to keep my Ne from bringing the hammer of logic down upon her puny mind (with her brains, I’d likely shatter it). Unfazed, she continued, “Why not just say it with us anyway?” At this juncture, even I, the socially inept, lax, and utterly liberal INTP was offended. Did she really not understand the idea that other people live differently from her? Does she even comprehend the idea that others might not share her beliefs? Does she even understand the idea that actions can have meaning? Luckily, her ISTJ husband intervened and powered her down. All in all, the evidence that I’ve seen doesn’t support the idea of an INTP-ESFJ pairing going anywhere but straight to the darkest, fieriest pits of the Earth: the ESFJ will be hurt by logic, and the INTP will be baffled by baloney.
As for ENFJ’s, my ENFJ Anatomy and Physiology teacher is like a teddy bear that just came off a radiator: Warm, soft, and cuddly. She, along with the two other ENFJ’s that I’ve known, have been my favorite teachers. Unfortunately, they’re all focused on Feeling, while the INTP is often known by its moniker, The Thinker. I see an ENFJ-INTP relationship as one of the INTP periodically coming to the ENFJ for support and kindness and the ENFJ being interested by the INTP’s thought, but with neither being able fully experience the other’s world.