Big Green Turtle
Up again in the middle of the night (which meant I got some sleep on account of drunkeness to relieve a neuralgia attack) so I decided to mend my bicycle by the front door light.
Th Council Landlord has ordered me to get rid of the big green plastic turtle in my front garden I said there was nothing in the tenancy agreement that prevented me from having green turtles, (I said I would be allowed a Big Yellow Taxi, but he said that these were forbidden in the tenancy agreement), dead ones or plastic ones, although live ones come be problematical. Then he asked what I wanted it for. They have simply got it infamy.
The neighbour (hereafter called the Rodent) is one of the Incurables. Incurables are the "conceited ones" who think they are right and everybody else is wrong, or if they are mental cases, everybody else is sick, which she said in the note. These are the type of people that burn books, run whorehouses (Fauna in the Great Bear Cafe thought she right about the love matches and she proved by a collection of Gold Stars: Sweet Thursday by John Steinbeck), wear the Corporation T-shirt and hate Turtles (and bicycles).
The reason for not going to the Psi Cops (psychiatrists) is because they (a bit like the crucifixion priests) want to indoctrinate you into their Weltanschauung (world view). It is not a very good one. They put stupid labels on people (stigma) and lock them up without a charge. There record is appalling. It is the Reform House where people are made to be unhappy. They poison them and induce them to commit suicide at an appalling rate. Their system is run by self-serving Incurables. These people not only do NOT cure people, they induce a sickness into the community. They are also under political control and have a lot of power, so they can gaslight people they don't like, and the whole mental squad with the Games Controller (the Wolfman) and the Picnic Controller (Pony Girl) are Racketeers. Well that cuts out work in the social sector in England
The Racket is sometimes called the Steam Roller which is their collective might to run over people and destroy them by crucifying and then putting labels on them. Now that Men in Frocks (Gallon of Liquor) are going out fashion, the shrinks are in control. Don't give them any legal power so they will use it to abuse people.
In England the proper social services is the local public house, but these are now being taken over by the Corporation, and the customers become a commodity.
The Horseman wants it and he wants it right now. But she is spooked by something slithering in the grass down by the lake.
Man Gave Names to all the Animals (Supplementary Last Verse)
Original words:
Changed words:
Two legged animal without any thought
He liked to open his mouth and began to talk
Fashioned some crayons and began to draw
Think I'll call it the law
Phoenix XNXP from Neptune