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Hello... disenchanted INTP chick here...


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Well after years of imagining I was an ENTP, I have finally faced the reality that I am an INTP. I have always fancied myself as fairly extroverted, but in the last year have realized that I am ONLY extroverted among people I know quite well. However, outside of my friends or close colleagues, I detest strangers and meeting new people and working in groups and crowds blah blah blah. So after unending study and analysis of the INTP personality, I have resigned myself to the fact that I really am an INTP. I can't say I am happy about it. A female INTP is an odd one in any crowd.

So please... help me embrace my INTP personality. Convince me of its positive qualities! Help me see beyond the social disconnections, over-analysis, existential angst, and endless thought processes that seem to define our reality. Or maybe just say hi. :slashnew:


Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Aug 19, 2009
the in-between
why would it displease you to realize your introvertedness? introverted =/= unsociable. you can still be as "extraverted" as you want to be in whatever settings make you comfortable; no need to be "resigned" to the fact as your personality shouldn't really have changed in any way. why keep yourself in a box like that?

also, welcome!


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
No my personality hasn't changed, just my understanding of myself and how I fit into the world. It's a bit of a paradigm shift for me. I've had this idea of myself that just was not true... it's disappointing. Society tends to reward and love extroverts, and I've had to face that being an introvert has held me back professionally. Do you (or anyone else) enjoy being an INTP? Or is that an irrelevant question?

Thanks for the welcome...


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
I should add... it has been a bit of a thrill to read through the posts of other INTPs in this forum and recognize myself in all of you. What an absurd collection of misfits we have here hehe... that I can really appreciate!


og root beer
Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Jan 13, 2012
Welcome to our site. Coffee, tea?


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Whiskey. Neat.


Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Do you (or anyone else) enjoy being an INTP?

Oh I enjoy it quite much.

It's the part about everyone else not being one that I disike.

*cue misanthropy*


Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Jul 3, 2010
Welcome to wonderland, madame.

Being an INTP is amazing. While I honestly can't compare exactly how my mind works to other's, (as I have no experience being others,) I can say I have a beautiful way of looking at the world around me, and taking in Data. From my analysis it would seem mostly the same for other INTPs.


and Blood
Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Jan 10, 2011
It sucks. I don't think all MBTI types have the same advantages and disadvantages in the world at all. I mean, each one enjoys and dislikes different things, but it's really difficult for us to find a place in the world we truly enjoy.

However, you are what you are. Trying to change it would be futile, because you'll realize you don't really want to change. I particularly like INTJs, but when I'm doing work I inevitably wonder off towards what I find interesting, and start writing it in some notebook. I do think we are way more creative than most types. We have new ideas, different ideas. And that can be put to good use, but only through a lot of work and sacrifice (or luck).

All of this is just my opinion though, but I feel that "INTP optimists" just got accustomed to hard work and living in the world, and forgot how as children we could really just do whatever we wanted. That may be true for all types though, I don't know. All I could find so far is that I enjoy creating new ideas, toying with a system, etc. I hope that computer science fulfills that thing for me.

It's also great that you have friends. My friends are mainly sensors (except for one INFP), and I hang around them mainly to drink and talk about dumb shit. It really helps to make my mind stop working overtime for a while. Then I come to this forum and others for intellectual satisfaction (though I mainly stalk it, I don't participate much). I don't mean any offense to anyone, but some of the people in this forum are so closed in their INTPness that I fear what I would have become without my sensor friends, which I got just by sheer luck.

Lastly, I believe Einstein and Darwin were INTPs. So our type is really not so bad, I just get frustrated from time to time. Come to think about it I comforted myself with this post while I was writing it. Yay me.

We rock.

We got the biggest, balls of them all!


pat pat
Local time
Today 11:57 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Oh I enjoy it quite much.

It's the part about everyone else not being one that I disike.

*cue misanthropy*



Hi, xeno. Kewl avatar


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
"I am ONLY extroverted among people I know quite well."


Since I am INTP to the point of being a cartoon character with INTP, I sometimes feel like I ought to qualify for a disability allowance or something. Special needs, etc. However the pity party doesn't last long and then I just blunder on with being badly misunderstood by a world inhabited by people who pretty much fill in any blanks I might have on my personal wall with their own fears. You get used to it, and it helps to embrace the concept of "dispassionate observer." No, really.

But it does get tiresome when well-intentioned people sit me down for an earnest conversation about how I'm "hard to read" and I ought to do something about it. That crap triggers my gag reflex.


*Silent antagonist*
Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Apr 16, 2008
Béal feirste
Wow, a previously magical poultry with an MBTI classified personality type!



The Black One
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Jan 31, 2012
South Florida
Hello, another INTP chick here. I am totally foregoing my lunch break, just to respond to your post! lol

I too made a huge realization when I figured out that I was INTP. everything in the world made sense at that moment and then fell apart at the same time. It meant that I was going to have to actually think of what makes me happy and stick with that versus allowing other people to define that happiness for me. Which is actually WAYYYYYYY easier than the first thing I was doing, so that rocks. But I almost feel like I had to start from scratch and re-analyze things (wait, do I really like this thing, or am I only into it because someone else said I should be or wanted me to?). It also helped solidify other thoughts and ideas I had, especially after having been exposed to other INTP's, even in passing.

The downside to this forum, however, is that certain folk, tend to feel the need to deconstruct your statements as not "belonging" to an INTP process and therefore making it impossible for you to be "INTP". If you feel this type is what you most closely fit, then congrats, because we're awesome effin' people. :)


Semantic Nitpicker
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Nov 21, 2009
When I see introverts wishing they were extroverts I see poor, misguided souls. When I grew up, my mother (INTJ) told me that introverts are largely responsible for some of the greatest achievements in history. We just can't spread ourselves out to everyone and throw away our focus and our efforts.

I'm not trying to put down extroverts, as everyone can find important roles, but knowing our limitations can only help us determine our potentials.


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Jun 12, 2011
Being an INTP female is difficult with regards to society. Dealing with gender stereotypes, mainly. My dad, uncle and grandpa all only humour my way of being to a certain extent. For example, yesterday my uncle seemed convinced that he should replace my astronomy program with golf and that I should go to chat and play a dance game, of all things. My father occasionally makes sexist remarks at me, such as my parking being bad, like all women. I remain astounded that they continue to apply these thoughts to me despite knowing me for my entire life. I also struggle with the concept that, should I make some scientific discovery or other great accomplishment, I might be remembered for being a woman to do so, and not for my discovery. As an INTP I would rather be viewed as a mind most of the time.

However, it's great being an INTP. Discovering and understanding the world. If you can find fellow NTs (I, for example, have had a female INTJ best friend for six years now) that would be good. It's easier to be who you are around such people. Consider that INTPs have some of the greatest minds. Try checking out videos referencing INTPs from DaveSuperPowers on youtube, who knows what he's talking about.

I suggest you try reading this paper, examining INTP women across cultures. The experiences were remarkably similar. http://typeandculture.org/Pages/C_papers93/9Barger_K.pdf


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Aug 23, 2009
^I agree about that being a good article. It, at the very least, helped me to understand that my general indignation was natural. ;)

Help me see beyond the social disconnections, over-analysis, existential angst, and endless thought processes that seem to define our reality.

Only way to cure that is to delve into it and forget about that whole "it sucks to be an INTP girl in the world" bit. What do you find fascinating?


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Hi everyone.

@Words... actually my problem is that I don't conform enough and find myself feeling like a misfit in most settings OR feeling pressured to put on a professional facade which I intensely loathe. Unfortunately, being the "smart weird girl" only takes you so far professionally. Ultimately I just rebel.

@Melkor... how literal of you hehe... but it did make me laugh. I use the term "chick" ironically of course. ;)

@EditorOne... disability hehe (smirk)

@Minuend... nice Fight Club reference.

@MsAnthropy... EXACTLY. Realizing I am an INTP has caused me to seriously pause and reevaluate everything, especially career wise. Ultimately it will be good for me, because I really need to understand how I function within bigger systems in order to be content. And oh wouldn't it be deliciously yet sadly ironic if I also feel like a misfit as an INTP within an INTP forum...

@Cavallier *sigh* you are right... I need to embrace who I am. Hopefully you all can help me with that. I spend a lot of time scurrying down informational rabbit holes pursuing my latest interest, which varies wildly (thus online way too much). Recently I have been trying all sorts of new hobbies in the hopes that something would stick, but frankly I enjoy learning about and planning to do the activities far more than actually doing them. Thus I have corners of my house stashed with all sorts of quickly abandoned hobbies e.g. ukulele, sewing, woodworking, knitting, exercise videos, etc. etc. I garden, but am sick of it by August. I volunteer, but the people mostly make me want to claw my ears and eyes out. I am obsessed with traveling, especially out of the country which I do annually. Lately I am feeling passionless, which is very sad for me. I guess my current fascination is figuring out my personality and redirecting my career accordingly.

@Redfire Thankfully I do have good friends... including "N" type friends (no NTs though... rarer combo with females), and actually enjoy spending time with them regularly. I can flex my E and F pretty well with them, especially after a couple glasses of wine. :rolleyes:

@Moocow yes I have been a poor, misguided soul in relation to this issue, which is why I am now participating in this forum.

@thelithiumcat... thank you for the article and video recommendations. I am going to investigate tonight!


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Is the fact that I 1) edited the above post about 23 times and this post 7 times and 2) am now deeply concerned that I did not order my above comments in the same order in which you responded to me indicative that I am an INTP? :rolleyes:


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Jun 12, 2011
You're welcome. I hope your research proves useful =)

If you're looking for a starting point video-wise, here are some good and fairly relevant ones (in as much as they refer to INTPs or functions INTPs have):
Ni vs Ne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M32HTTaowW8
Fi vs Fe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nItaf7vR620
ISTP vs INTP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwHFjtBoxEI
Inferior functions, INTPs and Fe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggdm0ZnlZOo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe1kQqWNSyY This one is on 'dating tips' but I mainly find it an interesting explanation of type interactions.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ2QbS-EgrM Here's a last one on MBTI errors which is also informative and interesting.

I often link to this channel, mainly because it provides a very good understanding of the MBTI system and clears up a lot of misunderstandings. The guy is also good at helping one feel better about one's type, as well as providing an improved understanding. I figured that since you're INTP you should understand the type properly, and not just see the negatives. It's easy to see the negatives, but then that depends on what you value, and if you get away from society's ideals then you can see the good points of being INTP more clearly.

I hope I haven't got too off-track here. Darn Ne x]


Active Member
Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Jun 12, 2011
Is the fact that I 1) edited the above post about 23 times and this post 7 times and 2) am now deeply concerned that I did not order my above comments in the same order in which you responded to me indicative that I am an INTP? :rolleyes:

Well, as far as I know INTPs often do that. I am the sort of person who edits to change a misplaced comma. I'm currently wondering whether I should edit the post I made just now and screen it more rigorously for relevancy, and whether I should attempt to make it stop putting the video player there. It was a neat list of links when I wrote it x.x I usually re-read all messages I send and posts I make and edit them several times.


Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Apr 13, 2009
Lisbeth Salander is INTP. She's pretty cool.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Aug 23, 2009
Is the fact that I 1) edited the above post about 23 times and this post 7 times and 2) am now deeply concerned that I did not order my above comments in the same order in which you responded to me indicative that I am an INTP? :rolleyes:

BAHAHA! Editing your own post many times is typical. In fact, I think it's become a sport to see who can read the original post fast enough to know what was said before all the edits. My room looks so pretty by the flickering light of posts popping up and then going away while people edit and re-edit. ;)


Semantic Nitpicker
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Nov 21, 2009
@xeno_girl Actually, I saw your post disappear while I was reading it, which means you hit the edit button. At that moment I thought... probably an INTP, and probably will fit in well here! We do a lot of editing, to the point that we interrupt those reading our posts!


Life is a side scroller, keep moving.
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Sep 8, 2011
What's going on? To me, you seem like an INTP. I think it's ok for you to want to be extroverted, as long as you're comfortable with your INTPness. I'm sure being a female INTP is tough, but try being a black INTP with an all SJ family, with asperger's. It's definitely a load sometimes. However, I've learned to make due and anyone who knows me knows that I'm "eccentric" to say the least. And the people that don't know me very quickly find out.

Point is, just be yourself and things will feel a lot more natural. The people you hang out with we'll bring out your extroverted side but you must show them that you have the capacity to be different as well.

I'm OG welcome to the forum.


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Sorry for the disappearing posts due to my over-editing hehe. So pleased you all can relate. Thankfully I am only this way in writing... being forced to verbally explain myself precisely is too exhausting and 99% of the time NOT worth the effort largely due to the capacity of the brain on the receiving end.

@Mello... ahhh no wonder I totally identified with Lisbeth Salander and have a raging girl crush on her...

@ObliviousGenius... don't get me wrong... I am not TRYING to be extroverted, just wish I were mostly for career reasons. It frustrates me when extroverts equate listening/thinking to being uninvolved and aloof or stupid during meetings etc. Plus I just shut down when I am with super extroverted people who dominate the conversation i.e. the dreaded verbal masturbater. Thus I am needing to redirect professionally so I can just "BE MYSELF" and appreciate my "uniqueness" (gawd I am bordering on starring in an episode of Sesame Street here) and extricate myself from dealing with too many strangers and irrelevant people. :p

As INTPs, do you all have rebellious tendencies towards corporate and social structures like I do?

(I will not edit this post again.... I will not edit this post again.... I will not edit this post again...) :o


The Black One
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Jan 31, 2012
South Florida
I work in a mental health office as a nurse. (Gonna claim black INTP #2 on this thread, lol)
I think 80% of my day is trying to figure out how to get around the rules or why they aren't really as important as "management" or whomever thinks they are (i.e. making my own inventory spreadsheets rather than using the standard issue or recreating a form to make it easier for me to fill out or just plain not filling something out because it lacks significance to me and my job, etc). I tend to question a lot of the rules or new policies that affect my job the most therefore getting me "noticed" by upper management types who recognize I am not a voice to be muffled or an employee to sit idly by. The office manager I work with shudders every time I tell her I put a post on the company website. I'm never rude, but I have a way of getting my point across... :)
With the implementation of our electronic health records i'm also getting noticed for my "geeky tech skills" which I am much more comfortable using than my nursing ones. As some part of being INTP, i suppose, I tend to over-focus on minute details of a project or scrutinize/ perfect the hell outta something and have a hard time dealing with incompetent co-workers.
Even though I LOVE science, the part of nursing where I have to intrinsically care about the patients and yet create structures and boundaries make me more a caregiver than anything else (@xeno_girl, this was part of my realization) and I feel, at times much more accomplished when I troubleshoot with the pharmacy on why a medication isn't being covered by an insurance than seeing a patient's psychiatric progress.
As part of my most recent "Screw the Man" Plan, I've somehow figured out how to get on my Facebook account from the work computer. I don't really care if IT can track my internet site history or any of that crap, I'm just excited I can log in. I'll stop when someone says something...formally... like an actual written warning from my boss...not some snitch-ass co-worker. :)


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Tomorrow 12:57 AM
Jan 2, 2010
@Words... actually my problem is that I don't conform enough and find myself feeling like a misfit in most settings OR feeling pressured to put on a professional facade which I intensely loathe. Unfortunately, being the "smart weird girl" only takes you so far professionally. Ultimately I just rebel.

In the very core of rebellion, you don't rebel at all, you conform. I'm talking about values. Why do you care for "professionalism"? I can understand if your aim is largely internal like you're trying to get a meal or if your pursuing a passion, but I get the feeling that "pressure" is overly external.

As INTPs, do you all have rebellious tendencies towards corporate and social structures like I do?

and you also dislike having "rebellious tendencies"?

I can't say I am happy about it. A female INTP is an odd one in any crowd.

However, outside of my friends or close colleagues, I detest strangers and meeting new people and working in groups and crowds blah blah blah.

Others will claim other things, but this is not necessarily INTP. For the majority, certainly. Theoretically and based on my experiences, "meeting new people", "crowds" etc has enough of the sort of things that attract TiNe(INTP), particularly Ne. There is a high level of unpredictability within these scenarios. A new kind of person means a new set of reactions. A new set of reactions falls under new set of possibilities to explore. A group or a crowd means greater complexity. Greater complexity indicates more unpredictability, which is more possibility, and therefore, more exploration and stimulation for Ne. There's a lot of "testing" and "experimenting" that can be done in these situations, that TiNe should focus and experience. Once you see that, it's not that bad really.

I am not TRYING to be extroverted, just wish I were mostly for career reasons. It frustrates me when extroverts equate listening/thinking to being uninvolved and aloof or stupid during meetings etc. Plus I just shut down when I am with super extroverted people who dominate the conversation i.e. the dreaded verbal masturbater. Thus I am needing to redirect professionally so I can just "BE MYSELF" and appreciate my "uniqueness" (gawd I am bordering on starring in an episode of Sesame Street here) and extricate myself from dealing with too many strangers and irrelevant people.

I think you should try to be extroverted via letting your "extrovert function lead." That is, try to figure out internally what could be interesting externally and just "go." I believe it's not impossible for an INTP to dominate conversations.[I often do]


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
@Words you are partially right about external pressures to do well professionally, but I also have a strong desire to be viewed as a competent expert in my professional field. I do value that... and I see nothing wrong with that value and I suspect it is common among other INTPs.

I actually like my rebellious streak... it just tends to make functioning in normal society and the workforce more challenging.

I don't have ANY problems with new environments or risks... in fact I thrive in them. I have traveled all over the globe for both work and pleasure... to many developing and post-conflict countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kenya, Uganda, Thailand etc. I love risk and adventure... where I run into problems is with meeting *most* new people. Even worse... stick me in a room with a hundred other strangers (e.g. a conference or seminar) and I want to flee. I naturally "connect" with very few people, and I can usually tell within a few minutes whether or not a person has the potential to have a meaningful relationship with me (personal or professional). Thankfully I do enjoy getting to know those with whom I sense a natural connection... it just doesn't happen very often.

I am actually quite extroverted within my social circle and with certain colleagues I know well, which is why I always thought I was an ENTP. If you were to ask them, they would say I am an extrovert and sometimes even the "life of the party." I can dominate a conversation depending on to whom I am talking and the topic at hand... but never with a stranger unless forced to carry the conversation. I don't quite get it. :confused:


lust for life
Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Others will claim other things, but this is not necessarily INTP. For the majority, certainly. Theoretically and based on my experiences, "meeting new people", "crowds" etc has enough of the sort of things that attract TiNe(INTP), particularly Ne. There is a high level of unpredictability within these scenarios. A new kind of person means a new set of reactions. A new set of reactions falls under new set of possibilities to explore. A group or a crowd means greater complexity. Greater complexity indicates more unpredictability, which is more possibility, and therefore, more exploration and stimulation for Ne. There's a lot of "testing" and "experimenting" that can be done in these situations, that TiNe should focus and experience.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Tomorrow 12:57 AM
Jan 2, 2010
@Words you are partially right about external pressures to do well professionally, but I also have a strong desire to be viewed as a competent expert in my professional field. I do value that... and I see nothing wrong with that value and I suspect it is common among other INTPs.

This value seems to be balanced, internally and externally, so that's understandable.

I actually like my rebellious streak... it just tends to make functioning in normal society and the workforce more challenging.
So you have a clash of values? Rebellion versus Competence? Do you really have to conform in order to appear competent?

I also don't understand valuing competence based on an external standards, because that seems like appealing to the majority, which is a fallacy. But that is your value.

I don't have ANY problems with new environments or risks... in fact I thrive in them. I have traveled all over the globe for both work and pleasure... to many developing and post-conflict countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kenya, Uganda, Thailand etc. I love risk and adventure... where I run into problems is with meeting *most* new people. Even worse... stick me in a room with a hundred other strangers (e.g. a conference or seminar) and I want to flee. I naturally "connect" with very few people, and I can usually tell within a few minutes whether or not a person has the potential to have a meaningful relationship with me (personal or professional). Thankfully I do enjoy getting to know those with whom I sense a natural connection... it just doesn't happen very often.

With a (supposed)inferior Fe and really, with how dynamic individuals are, I doubt you that you really CAN tell the potentially interesting things people can do or say. Perhaps you shouldn't judge too early, and how is "natural connection" better than "initiated" or "experimental" connection? The more people are, the more likely that there would be interesting people to converse with. So, why flee?

I am actually quite extroverted within my social circle and with certain colleagues I know well, which is why I always thought I was an ENTP. If you were to ask them, they would say I am an extrovert and sometimes even the "life of the party." I can dominate a conversation depending on to whom I am talking and the topic at hand... but never with a stranger unless forced to carry the conversation. I don't quite get it. :confused:
Because you are uncertain of strangers? Because you don't like strangers in general? Because you think strangers are uninteresting? Fear?


Local time
Today 2:57 PM
Apr 13, 2009
In the very core of rebellion, you don't rebel at all, you conform. I'm talking about values. Why do you care for "professionalism"? I can understand if your aim is largely internal like you're trying to get a meal or if your pursuing a passion, but I get the feeling that "pressure" is overly external.

Others will claim other things, but this is not necessarily INTP. For the majority, certainly. Theoretically and based on my experiences, "meeting new people", "crowds" etc has enough of the sort of things that attract TiNe(INTP), particularly Ne. There is a high level of unpredictability within these scenarios. A new kind of person means a new set of reactions. A new set of reactions falls under new set of possibilities to explore. A group or a crowd means greater complexity. Greater complexity indicates more unpredictability, which is more possibility, and therefore, more exploration and stimulation for Ne. There's a lot of "testing" and "experimenting" that can be done in these situations, that TiNe should focus and experience. Once you see that, it's not that bad really.

I think you should try to be extroverted via letting your "extrovert function lead." That is, try to figure out internally what could be interesting externally and just "go." I believe it's not impossible for an INTP to dominate conversations.[I often do]

Others will claim other things, but this is not necessarily INTP. For the majority, certainly. Theoretically and based on my experiences, "meeting new people", "crowds" etc has enough of the sort of things that attract TiNe(INTP), particularly Ne. There is a high level of unpredictability within these scenarios. A new kind of person means a new set of reactions. A new set of reactions falls under new set of possibilities to explore. A group or a crowd means greater complexity. Greater complexity indicates more unpredictability, which is more possibility, and therefore, more exploration and stimulation for Ne. There's a lot of "testing" and "experimenting" that can be done in these situations, that TiNe should focus and experience. Once you see that, it's not that bad really.

Theoretically and based on my experiences, "meeting new people", "crowds" etc has enough of the sort of things that attract TiNe(INTP), particularly Ne.



She's not Ti-Ne.

I'm quite sure she's Ni-Te.

Possibly Ne-Ti.


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Yes... a clash of values between rebellion and conformity is a good way to characterize it. I had not looked at it this way. Do I need to conform to be competent? No. Do I need to conform to have professional opportunities to demonstrate my competency and be *recognized* as competent? Probably.

So based on some of your comments, you appear to be doubting I am an INTP (e.g. "supposed" inferior Fe"). Why?

I abhor disingenuous relationships and inauthenticity. I would not initiate a relationship for experimental purposes. I want to flee in settings with a large number of strangers because I feel like a misfit and small talk is awkward and boring. All that being said, I also suspect I have a much larger social circle with genuine friendships than most people here. I am definitely not an INFP, although my T is probably not as strong as many here. So... what... I am an ENTP with social anxiety? :rolleyes: Analyze away...

One thing I am confused about... reading through some past posts on this forum, there seem to be a lot of personalities here that are extremely convinced of their "rightness"... isn't this typically a J quality?


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
@Mello help me out... please explain the difference between Ti- Ne and Ni - Te...

[EDIT] nevermind I am finally watching video links above...


pat pat
Local time
Today 11:57 PM
Jan 1, 2009
From such limited information, I'd say Ne-Ti as well. But that is hardly anything to go by. You can't really type based on text.

Extroversion doesn't as much refer to your outgoingness and ability to small talk, as much as whether your focus is on the outer or the inner world when you categorize information. For instance:

# Extroverted Feeling – These people judge the value of things based on objective fact. Comfortable in social situations, they form their opinions based on socially accepted values and majority beliefs. They are often found working in business and politics.

# Introverted Feeling – These people make judgments based on subjective ideas and on internally established beliefs. Oftentimes they ignore prevailing attitudes and defy social norms of thinking. Introverted feeling people thrive in careers as art critics.

So the extroverted feeler doesn't necessarily need to be an extrovert in the normal sense. It's just about how and where they get input.

These descriptions are of the Fe dominant (ENFJ and ESFJ) and Fi dominant (INFP and ISFP), though one should be aware of individuality within type. The Fe doms aren't always comfortable in social situations.


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
Ni - Te is INTJ? I really don't think I am a J... I keep my options open, I hate schedules, I tend to be late, I need flexibility, I tend to go with my mood, I hate rigid rules, I hate routine, I am quick to adapt, I put off making decisions until I have an excessive amount of information, etc.
Ne - Ti is an ENTP?


thinker of thoughts
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Apr 9, 2012
the interwebs
@Minuend I most definitely categorize information and interpret the world based on internal reasoning and values... however I am not so introverted that I am unable to consider external elements and their effect on the matter at hand. Same thing with thinking versus feeling... I make decisions largely based on what is rational, however I am able to recognize the importance and reality of emotions and how they impact a situation.

I have nothing invested in being an INTP. I am just trying to determine if it is the correct type. And if I don't fit well into any type so be it... that certainly has been my experience in life overall. :slashnew:


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:57 PM
Dec 26, 2011
In my own world

When i got to know that i am an INTP everything started to make sense, well at least i could think about it in that way.

Being an INTP female can be hard when it comes to society but there is no need try to change it.


Local time
Today 10:57 PM
Oct 24, 2011
Hello disenchanted INTP chick here...


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Tomorrow 12:57 AM
Jan 2, 2010

She's not Ti-Ne.

I'm quite sure she's Ni-Te.

Possibly Ne-Ti.


Yes... a clash of values between rebellion and conformity is a good way to characterize it. I had not looked at it this way. Do I need to conform to be competent? No. Do I need to conform to have professional opportunities to demonstrate my competency and be *recognized* as competent? Probably.

Is appearing competent the equivalent of actual competence? Does "recognition" do anything to the truth of your competence?

So based on some of your comments, you appear to be doubting I am an INTP (e.g. "supposed" inferior Fe"). Why?

Scrutiny and doubt. It's part of the package. But yeah... your ideas of "professionalism", "competence", and "socio-exclusivity" emits signals of Fi-Te. Granted, the former two is also T-related but still...

I abhor disingenuous relationships and inauthenticity. I would not initiate a relationship for experimental purposes.

"Why so serious?"

I want to flee in settings with a large number of strangers because I feel like a misfit and small talk is awkward and boring.
Why should stranger talk be necessarily small talk?

One thing I am confused about... reading through some past posts on this forum, there seem to be a lot of personalities here that are extremely convinced of their "rightness"... isn't this typically a J quality?
This forum is mix of different sorts of N-types. There are plenty of INFJ's, some ENxP's and a few INTJ's. Also, the "J" letter is the least evidently reliable. [It's still practical as a generalization though] This is all according to me.

If i'm included among those "rightness" people, then it's really just my own exercise for less usage of "I think" or any indication of subjectivity and uncertainty. It's more relatable and easily understood that way.


Rupert Pupkin's stalker
Local time
Today 4:57 PM
Mar 10, 2012
A tunnel
Hi. Good thread, good intro. Inspired me to Google the phrase "accepting your introversion."
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