Hi everyone.
@Words... actually my problem is that I don't conform enough and find myself feeling like a misfit in most settings OR feeling pressured to put on a professional facade which I intensely loathe. Unfortunately, being the "smart weird girl" only takes you so far professionally. Ultimately I just rebel.
@Melkor... how literal of you hehe... but it did make me laugh. I use the term "chick" ironically of course.
@EditorOne... disability hehe (smirk)
@Minuend... nice Fight Club reference.
@MsAnthropy... EXACTLY. Realizing I am an INTP has caused me to seriously pause and reevaluate everything, especially career wise. Ultimately it will be good for me, because I really need to understand how I function within bigger systems in order to be content. And oh wouldn't it be deliciously yet sadly ironic if I also feel like a misfit as an INTP within an INTP forum...
@Cavallier *sigh* you are right... I need to embrace who I am. Hopefully you all can help me with that. I spend a lot of time scurrying down informational rabbit holes pursuing my latest interest, which varies wildly (thus online way too much). Recently I have been trying all sorts of new hobbies in the hopes that something would stick, but frankly I enjoy learning about and planning to do the activities far more than actually doing them. Thus I have corners of my house stashed with all sorts of quickly abandoned hobbies e.g. ukulele, sewing, woodworking, knitting, exercise videos, etc. etc. I garden, but am sick of it by August. I volunteer, but the people mostly make me want to claw my ears and eyes out. I am obsessed with traveling, especially out of the country which I do annually. Lately I am feeling passionless, which is very sad for me. I guess my current fascination is figuring out my personality and redirecting my career accordingly.
@Redfire Thankfully I do have good friends... including "N" type friends (no NTs though... rarer combo with females), and actually enjoy spending time with them regularly. I can flex my E and F pretty well with them, especially after a couple glasses of wine.
@Moocow yes I have been a poor, misguided soul in relation to this issue, which is why I am now participating in this forum.
@thelithiumcat... thank you for the article and video recommendations. I am going to investigate tonight!