That video was full of holes.
You have to realize when feminism "started", women were used to being treated very poorly. This gave a bit of an aggressive touch in the beginning. Burning bras and whatnot.
Even today, both genders are being seen through a stereotypical lens. Some women are still aggressive because they've been treated less when growing up. This does not represent feminists as a whole.
We still treat genders as genders. We enforce images we claim not to believe in anymore. If you watch a cartoon for children, you can see what role models they have. The treatment of sexes will never change as long as we are influenced like this our whole lives. Men don't think women can drive. Women think males incapable of nurturing.
The video says men are being dragged out in the media when they commit crimes or generally when there's something negative to tell. Just yesterday I read in the newspaper about a mother who killed her own child. I've also read about women being more violent in partnerships and so. Violent women aren't hidden here.
You must also realize that men are in the news when they do good as well.
There was more, but my memory sucks so..
Feminism is obviously a good thing for me. Without it, I'd be dependent on other people. I wouldn't have any freedom (not that we aren't our own slaves anyway, but at least now we have more enjoyable prisons with playstations). If you read a bit on how females were being treated before, or how they are still being treated in some countries, I don't think that many would want to return. Sure there'd be a female or two who just likes to suffer that much. But I think some doesn't really understand how fortunate we are.
It's not just about staying home and clean the house all day. The lack of freedom is rooted in everything you do, everything you think. Your opinion isn't valued, your being is just for housekeeping, children and sex. You are a fragile, weak thing that can't be exposed to anything real.
Caused problems. In this regard it seems a bit unfair question. Any change of society causes some level of difficulty, no matter if the change itself is labeled good or bad.
1. Being that because women are granted more opportunity in employment it disrupts order in the household. The kids are affected greatly and the historic approach to the man being the head of the household can be threatened by the female as now she provides for the household as well (in the assumption the woman of the house works)
That kinda makes it sounds like the female is to blame. The equal female can't be expected to stay at home. It is as much the working father's fault as it is the mother's.
And the question still remains;
does two working parents disrupt the family?
If you are pointing to increase in divorce, certainly that has plenty of other reasons. (For instance that it's legal). I don't think marriage is anything sacred either. I don't believe you can love the same person your entire life. Sure you can be fond of hir, but love? I see nothing wrong with splitting up.
2. Lack of protection for women? By this I mean that before because women were viewed as lower-class citizens they were seen as being weaker (still are, but not as severly) I think there was more of a need in society to preserve their honor, dignity, and safety. So another problem for this is the decline of such traits, women being targeted more, their lack of self respect decreasing. In a way, I suppose this could also lead to another potential problem;
A victim is a victim, man or female. Females being targeting more is neither good nor bad in that respect.
I don't know what you mean by lack of self respect.
3. Gender switch. If men were originally placed to care for women and women gain more rights and can care for themselves, presenting this attitude then where does that leave men? Does their attitude of protecting women and taking responsiblity decline over time as a result? Could this also disrupt a natural order to things, resulting in more problems to follow?
As we created new roles for women, we do the same with men. But personally, I don't think the men so dependent on the female's fragile nature to find purpose in their lives.
Oh, also the other important question for these wackos is to force companies to disregard competence and instead hire people because of their gender. This is because if it's a 50/50 divide between women and men in a workplace it looks good in the statistics, never mind the discrimination.
Actually, that is a problem whether you use affirmative action or not. Some job interviewers will still choose employees based on gender. I'm not really pro AA, but I see the problem with not having it as well.
I think generally, people see men as better mechanics and women as better nurses. Even in Sweden.
That being said, it seems that feminism can go a bit far. It often goes to the point of putting men down and proclaiming women superior.
That is feminism as much as blowing things up is religion.
Really, is it all that hard to understand the concept of "different but equal"?
Yes, it is, actually, Because of our limitations of mind. We are too influenced by our environment. We are blinded by own expectations and wants. We, subconsciously or consciously, treat people different.
To me it seems most are fond of generalizations <-- myself as well, apparently.
And I think, in psychology, this is because it helps us navigate in the world. If we've seen one chair, we expect another one to offer us the same comfortable seat, without knowing both personally. It is needed, even though we sometimes risk seating ourselves on a painfully uncomfortable chair.
Some have problems separating majority from everybody. Majority is 51% or more. Some will think majority is 99% all the time.