we all bash each other sometimes over attributes owing to our type.
i actually really like the qualities that other types pretty much detest in us intps - namely, our predisposition to be abstract and the tendency we have to drive off course in discussion taking our company on a wild ride they may possibly understand and find exhilirating in the end. yes, we can be scattered and dark and brilliant and anarchistic and helluva lot more.
what are the characteristics you cherish and perhaps, amp up to shake up the masses?
i actually really like the qualities that other types pretty much detest in us intps - namely, our predisposition to be abstract and the tendency we have to drive off course in discussion taking our company on a wild ride they may possibly understand and find exhilirating in the end. yes, we can be scattered and dark and brilliant and anarchistic and helluva lot more.
what are the characteristics you cherish and perhaps, amp up to shake up the masses?