My experiences with being myself have been turbulent at best, and kind of catastrophic at worst. For an enneagram,
I'm type 5, 4 wing, self preservative type (maybe social?), and I came across these tests a few days ago. I'm an
INTP, and for the most part it has meant feeling as if I am holding myself back. For the most part, except for the
hyperconcentration thing, I think it fits me to a T. After reading the archeatypes, I kind of wish I was an ENTP
though. I don't like theorizing; I respect application and the ability to bring goals and ideas to fruition. I've
spent most of my life in my head, where a series of well developed fantasies exist. I'm sure that I have some sort
of psychological disorder, because I can't go a day without thinking about them. I even use whatever I watch or
read to influence the events that they encounter. It's not like I want to write a novel or something; they're just
there, fizzling out my mental energy and wasting my life. I feel as though I'm in a permanent mental fog; I can't
really get anything concrete done. If I'm focused, it's usually on something of personal interest that can't really
help me. For every situation, there's something internal that's drawing from it. First I have my basic, ongoing
fantasies; those ones have characters that I've named. Their names are Khris, Dylan, Kya, Sean, Briana, etc. They
exist in a fantasy setting and they're for when I want to get away from reality or just imagine people living out
exciting circumstances or real, meaningful relationships (all mine are flimsy and pathetic). The next one is about
myself; it's more traditional and less insane, and is basically who I wish I was. All those characters; I even have
a boyfriend named Vai, are centered around me. That's mostly because I'm invisible in my real life and all of my
friendships are average and unadvantageous and meaningless. In that fantasy I'm good at what I do and well
respected, and people care about helping me grow as a person. It's selfish, but hey who cares; what's my
alternative? The real world where everyone chases meaningless goals with maddening vigor? Sometimes I just carry on
imaginary conversations with whomever I want. I'm usually arguing with them or just telling them off. That works
well with my parents. I dont' like them because they never took the time to try to understand or guide me; I was
just cosntantly punished for acting out and not being like other people's children; my mom especially. I really
hate girls who embody what she wants. I think they're bitches and I think she's a bitch and I think that it's very
unfair that they all get rewarded in this life for being materialistic, extroverted, shallow, subversive and two
faced. I don't understand why most people in this world get rewarded for being nasty and in your face. I don't
think that's a virtue at all and it's not getting humanity anywhere, so why is it perpetuated? I mostly slip back
into fiction when I need a break from reality, which means I'm daydreaming 24/7. But really, I can't see myself
doing life without it. Facing myself and my limits all the time, as well as my unfulfilling life, and
relationships, and the fact that everywhere I turn people who don't deserve it are getting ahead. It's like it
can't be stopped. One of my friends is a highly radicalized activist. I enjoy listening to her plans of revolution
largely because it would give me the chance to be competent and relevant should such an upheaval occur, and also
because it would punish many of the untalented extroverts that take big, fat pieces of the proverbial pie. What I
really wish I had most at this point is just useful people; people in positions above me that I could talk to about
real concerns and problems; not my parents or old teachers who were only interested in literally breaking me,
proving to me, my family and my peers that I didn't belong and was unworthy of anything, and basically giving me
career advice in order to push me into a career that would bring them personal status. I hear a lot that I
shouldn't say bad things about my family or w/e but who cares? I believe that people should be objectively
critiqued on their performance. I feel pretty cheated growing up, because everything essential to myself and
staying afloat I had to discover and do myself. Apart from daydreaming I also over eat alot. It calms my restless
energy, and also helps numb the feelings I get from inadequacy. I feel largely unguided; is it because there's no
one smart enough answer or even address my questions? A year ago I tried the unraveled by a shrink route. I found a
host of people who are shit at what they do. I was almost into the whole antidepressant/antispychotic drug circuit,
but then I just decided taht this too would be something that I had to overcome myself. I faked my way out of a
therapy program when I realized that my parents had essentially dumped me on strangers more incompetent than they
were. I've had pretty big clashes w/ authority my whole life. Going to college has been a dream since I get to live
autonomously; even if it's hard because I basically can't get my mind to focus, or my life to fit into a routine.
I hate to place my development on other people, but I really, really wish I had friends and family and maybe even a
lover that I could grow and learn from. I guess it's back into the recesses of my fantasies for me.