I'm sorry I just can't agree that everyone changes the course of history. There are people in human history who have contributed nothing to society. If they were to have never existed, very little will have changed.
We are all part of an infinitely complex system that we can't possibly begin to understand or predict. This is my main objection against the OP.
There are single moms who work two jobs, go to school, and manage to keep their kids off drugs and out of gangs. Some of these people get no recognition and no praise, some of them end up dying lonely. Nevertheless, some of them are also among the greatest human beings who ever lived. (Depending, of course, upon your definition of greatness.)
This is one reason why I disagree with using the word "great" to describe people who have a substantial impact on the course of history. I think the English language suffers here from a dearth of words.
I agree with Vreck, though I would also add a hypothetical example where someone keeps kids off drugs, thereby saving them from OD'ing so they can get into music and out-fame the Beatles.
I think you understand what I am saying, but you refuse to acknowledge the fact that there is no such thing as good and evil. Greatness is greatness. My definition of a great person is one who possess qualities that are able to sway human opinions, ideas, and emotions.
Where does my argument rely on good and evil? The way I see it, your idea of 'worth' is commiting the very same fallacy. You see the dramatic and conspicuous events as something that is somehow 'worth' more than unremarkable events and, unless I misunderstand, you believe that a few select individuals hold most of the responsibility for bringing them about. You also imply that change is necessarily 'good', which leads me to assume that you also believe mankind is progressing towards a future that is 'better' than the present.
If you by 'great' mean 'charismatic, noticeable and popular,' I might understand where you're going, but I do not support the idea that they are more 'worthy' just because they are easier to notice and changing things so everyone can see. The point I'm trying to get through with is that you can never know what causes dramatic change or whether it is driving mankind towards a 'good' or 'bad' future.
Stalin's mother indirectly caused everything he did, and she, as well as any circumstances or people that brought him about, dramatically changed history. It was hardly obvious at the time. You can in fact trace Stalin back centuries if you'd like, and you would find that small people and small events changed history.
Everything and everyone is influencing the outcome, but not always to the sound of a fanfare.
How can that sound unfamiliar to you? Where are you from? I was taught many many times in school that people who forget history are doomed to repeat it. We have learned so much from WWII. Yes, it was a horrible event in human history, but I truly believe that it was necesssary. It taught us that no nation is completely independent from the world. That we are all, to a certain degree, responsible for each other.
A powerful lesson c
ould be taken from WW2, but can you prove that we have?
True enough, the UN, the EU and the NATO have brought nations closer to each other, but only
some nations in the case of the EU and NATO, and with an incredibly unfair bias towards the top-five weapons manufacturers of the world in the case of the UN. WW2 might've kept Europe
mostly quiet since, but what about all the rest?
It could be that we're moving to a brighter future, but what do we have to thank for it anyway?