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Search results

  1. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    Write, people, write! Here, I'll do a sentence... Each of the fortune-seekers heard the others' footsteps echoing through the disused, weed-grown halls as an invader's through a well-protected fortress; they banded together, not caring who they stood next to or whence they came, only that...
  2. sagewolf

    Seme/Uke Quiz!!!

    Welllll.... sucks to be you, huh? Your mind is now polluted with the filth of teh interwebz. Soz. :D I like that hat. Wish I had a hat like that. (Yes, I think this was fairly accurate. Why do you ask?) (I think I may have been a mindfuck to the test, though... I gave a lot of odd...
  3. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    Um... Da Blob?
  4. sagewolf

    The Personality Defect Test

    I remember this one. I was the Spiteful Loner, like a couple of others (although the rational/brutal axes were a little borderline). Scary thing is that someone at work has actually told me that if anyone in the building was going to go on an unexpected shooting rampage, it would probably be...
  5. sagewolf


    Ahh... nothing says love and togetherness like a 50-foot tall funnel of racing wind that probably took out someone's garage. :p That is a very cool picture, though. Although I don't doubt it's photoshopped. The most significant thing I'll be doing on ol' Valentine's day will be watching the...
  6. sagewolf

    Default Gender

    From a purely linguistic standpoint*, masculine pronouns can and should be used to refer to someone when you don't know the gender. Honestly, though, I don't care myself: if I'm in a mood, I'll correct you, but I'm generally not in a mood. (I've never cared what pronoun I was referred to as on...
  7. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    Cryptonia/Fullerene it is. The 'master sleuth'/net thing was a reference to his avatars. Pick a riddle. :D
  8. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    @Anthile: Nope, not Perseus. (We try to figure out something cryptic, and he just springs to mind, doesn't he? ;))
  9. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    Alright! The mausoleum lies disused, but once housed the prey of a master sleuth... he has left this line of work, the holes in his net grown too wide to ensnare. Thank heaven for poetic license...
  10. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    Hmmm. ...Chimera?
  11. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    ...My best guess is OreSama.
  12. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    AI, you need to make a new clue, too: you got Nyx's riddle. We have nothing to puzzle over. :(
  13. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    :p Now you!
  14. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    No: this is an joke (and much older than that!). Somebody here is never to be blamed for anything. :D But I can see how you came to the conclusion.
  15. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    I think we may need another hint, AI. I'll give another one, too: blameless. ...Yeah, that's all you get! :p
  16. sagewolf

    Renew Your Passwords

    That esoteric jumble of letters and numbers you keyed into the box under the one right underneath your username before hitting the "remember me" box 26 months ago when you first joined. Rememember that? Apparently they can be stoled. :phear:
  17. sagewolf

    The Game

    *sigh* Garmgarf made me lose on AIM. T.T So I'll drag you all down with me. :evil:
  18. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    Wooo! I guessed one! Hmmm. A blend of darkened skies and battles fought, watching through a window undersized.
  19. sagewolf

    Anybody here Seen Death note?

    What, do you not approve of the way he embellishes his writing with his entire body to faux Latin chanting while sparks fly from the paper with the very force of his divine wrath? Killjoy. :p
  20. sagewolf

    Guess the forum member?

    @lor: ...Oblivious? I'll wait for confirmation.
  21. sagewolf

    One More, Two More

    Hello Kellhus. I like your avatar. Can't wait to see your posts on the forum: you sound like quite the interesting handycat. Welcome!
  22. sagewolf

    Super N00b

    Good to see INTPc hasn't changed too much from when I was there last. :rolleyes: Good to see you here, though, Lucylie. Enjoy your stay! Oh, everyone, to varying degrees. :storks: Don't worry, though, you'll get the hang of it.
  23. sagewolf

    Name Changes No More

    ...May I change my name, for one day, to "HaHaHaGuessWhoIAm"? :mad: :rogue00::fipsaufsmaul: I'll even change my avatar and signature at the same time, to make the game really, really fun. We need a comprehensive list of who used to be who.
  24. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    'Bout a sentence or so; within reason, I'll leave it to your judgement, just don't go rambling on and on and on to the extent that you're writing the whole thing yourself. Oh yeah, gepcy, you didn't do that. :p
  25. sagewolf

    Renew Your Passwords

    I propose this, with an option to recite said password in imabic pentameter for those who don't enjoy singing or are tone-deaf. Who doesn't love iambic pentameter?
  26. sagewolf

    Play by Post DnD?

    ...That 'd probably be Kirodanus, but I'll let Anthile confirm.
  27. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    ...Nothing in that post had better show up as your avatar, Noddy. It seems to have disappeared and I shudder to think what you have planned. :eek: :ichnicht:
  28. sagewolf

    College Sucks

    I can sympathise: I spent yesterday fudging my way through the fafsa, rejoicing when I actually found my W9 forms, relieved that I wasn't going to accidentally falsify a federal financial aid form. I agree, when you don't keep a handle on time management, it bites you in the butt... I also...
  29. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Context would be nice, although I appreciate that what is not public is not so for a reason. I understand what it is to stand behind your inner values and convictions, though, and I believe you when you say this isn't an attempt at coercion, because I believe I know you, and I don't believe...
  30. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Tekton fell prey to the conspiracy, obviously. He wasn't careful enough. Kuu, on the other hand, is a worthy warrior against their wiles... Like Zelda and Sheik...
  31. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Defenestrations for all! :evil: Flow: They're probably doing that anyway, just not publicly.
  32. sagewolf

    Hahah, I just nearly used that exact phrase to describe who you were to someone on IM. I settled...

    Hahah, I just nearly used that exact phrase to describe who you were to someone on IM. I settled for 'one of the founding fathers of the forum', though, rather than saying you "spammed the forum into existence". :D Which we all thank you for, of course. No-one was ever on flashchat. It...
  33. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Objectively speaking, what you say is correct. I'm not willing to say any more lest I derail the thread, though. :p Longest. Callback. In history of forum. :eek: Sure. *lights with flamethrower she conveniently happens to have on hand* What? ... Actually on-topic, thank you Anthile...
  34. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Yep, Flow has had the Official Best Idea of the Day. Woo! :balance:
  35. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Ash, What, exactly, in this world, is 'undeniably wrong or right?' That in itself is a major philosophical argument and deserving of a thread in and of itself. Wisp: Indeed: I would prefer a rational decision, but not an emotionless one. Not one based solely on logic. We're defending a friend...
  36. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    You're right, I don't (when it started, I was still using a dial-up equivalent service that cut out a lot and it just wasn't feasible, and I just never got into the IRC after I escaped the hell that was Vodafone's ISP services), and I was unaware of your history there. Sorry. EDIT: Never mind...
  37. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    I never blamed him. I agreed with the decision, in fact, granted on a temporary basis until this is sorted out. I think what this is is that a long-standing member of the forum in good repute has been blamed for a major incident by one of the admins and banned without any apparent recourse...
  38. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Everything Cry-- Fullerene said. Everything. Times a million. Claverhouse: By you, I meant the admins as a whole, any one or combination of you. I didn't mean you specifically, sorry if I sounded like I was accusing you of anything. Latro: I don't think that's what he meant. Forgive me for...
  39. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    ...The report from Verizon Fios that I am assuming you are going to attempt to obtain? The one lightspeed mentioned? The one from earlier in the thread: That one. I'm waiting for that one.
  40. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    ^Fair enough; I suppose it is a big enough event that it deserves a place in the General forum... Yes, but if you're going to give up on a forum before even a day of downtime has passed, that I'd posit that the forum probably didn't mean much to you in the first place. When I saw the...
  41. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Claverhouse: Why can't you just blame nobody until the report arrives? Take whatever measures you need to take to protect the integrity of the forum, then say that we're awaiting a more detailled report on the incident, and final decisions and judgements will be passed at that point. ...And...
  42. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    ...This discussion should probably be in the "Crime and Punishment" section, not a thread that's supposed to be a straightforward report. Maybe some nice mod or admin would split the thread, move the relevant posts to the new thread, and insert a note in the OP saying that a detailled (and...
  43. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    There's also the humble index card, but why bother? Internet Explorer (and almost every other modern browser) has the security advent of AutoComplete, which will fill in forms for you, like usernames and passwords on forums, and turning it off is a lot less obvious of a thing to do than just not...
  44. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    Claverhouse: Naming Face may be as much or more an injustice as naming Jesin: this does not mean you have to do either one or the other. You did not need to say an unnamed administrator was responsible; you did not have to commit to saying anyone was responsible so early after the attack. You...
  45. sagewolf

    No. Even if we had, we'd have lost it anyway after the-hacker-who-is-bloody-well-not-Jesin...

    No. Even if we had, we'd have lost it anyway after the-hacker-who-is-bloody-well-not-Jesin decided to give the forum an acid trip. I'll post some stuff in the thread this evening, when I get home: basically, if no-one feels like answering the questions, I'll answer them myself. :twisteddevil...
  46. sagewolf

    Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

    *After consideration* While I cannot believe this was Jesin's doing, I suppose the admins' decisions have to be respected. You're the ones, after all, who'll be cleaning up this mess if it happens again, and leaving the same hole through which the hacker entered open only invites disaster to...
  47. sagewolf

    Absence from the forum

    Of course... it all makes sense! ...Well, more than it did, anyway...
  48. sagewolf

    INTPs appreciate weirdness?

    Re: INTPs appreciate wierdness? Weird is awesome. How else will people recognise me? :evil:
  49. sagewolf

    Absence from the forum

    Yeah, it got kinda... bizarre... around early afternoon... I think Jesin staged a coup. :phear: A really, really weird one. ...Am I also correct in assuming we lost a little bit of data?
  50. sagewolf

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    I either draw, read, or play video games until I can't hold my eyelids up anymore. Just doing something preoccupies my mind, so I'm not lying in bed trying to avoid thinking and hoping I drift off. I like the feeling of weight on me, too, but I can do without it, and I prefer to be warm when I...
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