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Search results

  1. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    I noticed I have this response to REALLY GOOD singing, like just acoustic singing that is well executed. Sometimes I tear up inadvertently and I feel liek a bitch, so I tend to dry them up so no one notices! or certain classical symphonies and music with minor chords and yes, DetachedRetina in...
  2. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Starting computer programming at 28

    I am so glad I came upon this post....not because I can help, but because I can relate.... I'm a 33 year old nurse, have been one for a little over 10 years and while I enjoy the science involved in nursing and the intrigue of overall human existence, I began to sense I was being pulled in...
  3. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Why Do So Many People Hate Ayn Rand?

    I was about to make a thread positing the same exact question. I don't understand what the problem is, but like you, I have yet to read the books either, but I find her philosophy sound, so far, a reasonable request. I don't see why people feel the intrinsic right to get help from the...
  4. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What's your ideal occupation?

    This and add computers and i would be set.
  5. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    2013 ideas

    Damn, NEVER touch it again?? What was it like meth for you?? I don't think i'll really ever make that resolution. I actually almost have a small concern there will be a point (and this point being a decade or two from now) where I will lose all my contacts, no one I know smokes it, i will...
  6. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Music Is The Only Way I Feel

    I have a book I read called "This is your Brain on Music" Wonderful book about the correlations between the brain and music. It was a great read for me, and it will probably answer a lot of questions in general about how people respond to music psychologically, physiologically, etc. Not specific...
  7. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Sad / depressive songs?

    No particular interest in depressive songs, but maybe you should see what the key and chord make-up is of the songs you enjoy. I've been told (which for me, is 100% true), INTP enjoy songs made up of minor chords and keys, which are not considered "pleasant-sounding" for a lot of other people. I...
  8. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Your dark side

    Not at all a hippy or an environmentalist. I think people just need to stop being so selfish with how much they use of the resources around them. I don't think that makes me an "environmentalist", it makes me a realist. I'm sure if there was a study or short questionnaire, it would be very...
  9. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Your dark side

    My dark side is my selfishness in feeling that there are too many kids born every day. I hate hearing someone got pregnant. I don't know how to react. Especially when they have other kids, especially when they didn't plan for and aren't prepared for said kid. Sometimes I feel like putting...
  10. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Your favorite artist's OR artists' personality

    Two of my FAVORITE people: Fiona Apple and Louis C.K. (He is a comedian, but nothing short of a genius--as an artist, in my eyes) I think I would like to start a family with them. Like they can have the babies together and I'll just live there with them... be like the extra wife in that...
  11. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Eye Contact?

    Damn! I think that's right on!!! I never noticed that, but yes! When I am talking to someone, I will generally ONLY look at them when they are the ones talking--not to say I enjoy looking at them, I don't like that either, but when I try to make a conscious effort to involve eye contact, that is...
  12. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Emotionally Sensitive INTPs?

    I would say that tends to be the case (extreme emotional displays). Sometimes I can be VERY animated compared to those around me and sometimes I'm even told, "Gosh, Trish, calm down" and people make me feel like I'm outta control when they do that. As if I'm some bipolar in a hypomanic episode...
  13. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    I LOVE THOSE BOOKS!!!! I read Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics... both great books on strange statistical matters. I'm a black woman. My name is pretty plain and when I was younger, let's say 6. I can remember telling my mother I hated my name because it was so plain. In hindsight, I'm...
  14. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTPs and Ants

    I find creatures in general fascinating (except cockroaches--FUCK cockroaches!), but have never ventured to say that I enjoyed them actively or had any particular fascination with ants.
  15. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Eye Color

    OMG, I hate when people get all philosphical about their eye color! It's like one of 4 colors, JUST PICK ONE! In addition, your iris literally CAN'T be black! Why is that even an option! Why are people picking it!!??!
  16. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What are you waiting for?

    Nothing. Because expectations are pointless.
  17. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    That's really beautiful! I'd FB it, but people would worry about my mental well-being.... f*$@ing tards....
  18. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    I think I've come to realize that suicide or the act of it, is really viewed differently by different cultures and I'm in no position to tell others whether they believe they should live or die. But the idea of killing one's self to avoid public humiliation, embarrassment or punishment is...
  19. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Is 'highly educated' synonymous with 'highly intelligent'?

    HELLLLLLLLLLL no..! But that's a given. There are plenty of people who never went to college or graduated HS for that matter whom I would gladly learn from. I guess it's a matter of what kind of intelligence we are gauging. Conversely, there are plenty of "intelligent" people who can't spell...
  20. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Understanding MBTI and becoming less misanthropic

    I don't really understand when people in here break down the types and talk about Fe types vs. T or what type is expressing what when.... I am interested to pick up a book that goes into that detail with some more understanding, but to answer your question, even after learning about the...
  21. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What genres do you prefer?

    I like practically ALL genres of music, and yes, depending on my mood. At work, especially on Thursdays when it seem to be the most hectic, I play my "Calm Me Down" Playlist which includes artists like Air, Badly Drawn Boy, Fiona Apple and Coldplay. On the ride home or to work, I usually play...
  22. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    _Good_ dubstep.

    OMG, Has ANYONE else seen Key&Peele (comedy show on Comedy Central) where Jordan introduces Kegan to Dubstep and the whole apartment turns into this crazy Dub Step trip! It's funny as hell!!!!! That's all I had to interject...
  23. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP (LII) INFJ (IEI) relationships, socionics take

    Nothing to do with this thread... just wanted to say I LOVE you name!
  24. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Adventure Time anyone?

    Ahhh, I forgot there's even a part of Netflix that involves DVD's! Thanks, I'm gonna check those "other alternatives". lol
  25. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Adventure Time anyone?

    Is it on HULU or Netflix? I don't pay for cable... meaning I don't have it, not that I steal it. LOL And I LOVE that show, but I've given up watching it because I didn't think it was available anywhere else... Probably gotta buy it on iTunes, right?
  26. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Stuff INTP's don't care about

    God! It JUST hit me what FTW meant! I kept meaning to Google it and I realized and I really don't care that much... but looking at it in its different contexts, I see now! Anyhoo, things INTP's don't care about (besides made up abbreviations) ... being constantly on time or worse, early.... I...
  27. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Not quite sure what I am looking for...

    Sounds more like you enjoy people's company and you are only considering yourself introverted because you appreciate being alone. You still don't sound like you LOVE it. I am not saying your typing does not fall under being INTP, but if you were, I don't think your concerns about being lonely...
  28. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Do you feel human?

    Dr. Freeman, You mean like this??
  29. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Do you feel human?

    I constantly tell people I'm not human. I wonder sometimes why they even confuse me as one of them. I clearly do not have the same goals or interests as they do and I don't react the things the way they do. But instead they call me things like "jerk". lol Silly humans "If you ever get close to...
  30. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Caffeinated beverage of choice

    I've not experienced trouble sleeping over a patterned period of time. I suppose if I ever do, I will stop drinking coffee full time and long term. I do stop drinking it for days at a time, but it never lasts. I don't drink soda that often but I drink coffee every day. And not no 8 ounces...
  31. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably


    I have never gotten used to working a morning job. I used to work the evening, nights or overnight shifts, but now work a "9-5". I still hate it. The ONLY thing I love about mornings is wake-up sex, wake-n-bake and coffee....:smoker:
  32. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Your View on Hugs

    I don't enjoy hugging if it is for no reason or too often. I don't like hugs to say hello unless they are my significant other or someone I haven't seen in a while. My friends feel like I should just hug them all the time and I don't see why. Now the compromise is, hugs on Birthdays and before...
  33. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Architect, Engineer or Designer?

    I GOT IT! I just had this thought today as I was trying to determine how to better re-serve the leftovers we were having tonight! Macgyver! I always find I am very resourceful about how I use things or how I create things out of nothing. I can take butter spray and see it as a great WD40...
  34. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How often do you socialize?

    You mean plain old interaction or purposeful socializing? I have three close friends.... to be honest, more like 2.... one of them is more or less a consequence of the other two. Any way, I see them randomly throughout the week. 1 lives in the same apartment complex as I, so we see each other...
  35. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What's Your Age?

    LOL, I don't think I could pick the teenage members on this page out of a line up based on their posts. I guess that's what great minds do.... I'm 33!!! I can't believe I just wrote that.... weird... Feel like 20 some days, feel like 48 others....
  36. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Paid Programming

    Why do you say "only" pause, rewind and record??? First off, changing the channel or turning the TV off is also an option. Secondly, the options you describe give a great reason why TV is NO LONGER controlling our minds as it once was. I have chosen to stop paying for TV especially since the...
  37. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Replace all filler words with the word "DOOMED"

    Wasn't there a similar Family Guy episode where Stewie replaced the word, "the" in Brian's manuscript with the word "Fart" and thought it was hilarious?
  38. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP´s view on masturbation?

    I hate porn. To the point where I would call it a fear. I tell people I'm pornophobic. I don't like the idea of watching other people doing it. It freaks me out and forcing me to watch it is probably a good way to get me to divulge secret information. I sometimes get fleeting inclinations to...
  39. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    RJD2, which my SigO turned me onto and I love it!
  40. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Shaving is self-hatred

    Re: Shaving is self-hatret Sorry, you could be right. It was just a strange way to take such a stand. I had to voice my opinion as well.
  41. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    hey! i'm mello. c:

    God I love sarcasm. Hey m3110! My BF's from Kentucky! Not that there's only 3 of you there and you have to know him. But I just felt like mentioning it because as you stated, being yourself is not easy there. I will be shortly following him to a family function (luckily in Chicago, NOT KY)...
  42. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    hello, INTP friends :)

    I think it's a nervous reaction. I do that a lot when I have to write in a forum setting or status update. It's my way of saying, "see, in text, I appear to have emotions, but please don't ask me to express them out loud". It's the only way I show emotion that can be interpreted correctly.
  43. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Curb Your Enthusiasm - perfect for INTPs

    Anytime I remember my days watching Seinfeld, which was basically my childhood to late teen years, I remember in tandem and without fail, an excerpt from a Chris Rock Special where he said, "You're not gonna find a girl who likes Wu Tang AND Seinfeld, forget it!" And that was me! I LOVED...
  44. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Shaving is self-hatred

    Re: Shaving is self-hatret Tell me about it.
  45. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    INTP: Social contexts

    I suppose I could have picked similar interests and included video games. But I tend to prefer playing them by myself anyway...
  46. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    hello, INTP friends :)

    Welcome! I'm also an INTP girl... woman...whatever... There aren't as few of those here as according to statistics.... But I COMPLETELY understand everything you went through. I am very passive and reserved around people I don't know and the people that I DO know think i'm "weird"... so all...
  47. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Words that piss you off

  48. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    Words that piss you off

    Very few words. I have my use for most. Pupils (when used to describe students) Period (when uses to describe a woman's menses) I'm more annoyed with particular phrases: "Meant to be" "All of a sudden" "Literally... followed by something that is clearly NOT literal" "It's all good" "Like...
  49. MsAnthropy_Indefatigably

    How do INTPs Love?

    Feels weird to be a female INTP for these reasons. I am INTP and my boyfriend (who I now live with) is INFJ. I feel more comfortable with him than anyone and I find I do the same thing Dimensional Transition does where I smile a little more than I ever do around others and don't come out the...
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