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Search results

  1. psion

    I am not broken

    Yea I've been noticing that.
  2. psion

    I am not broken

    Is it just me or is it very teenage angst-y in here?
  3. psion

    Video games are dying.

    I personally really like PvP games, so it's League of Legends and Starcraft for me. The only other games I pay for are various multiplayer zombie shooting games, usually on Steam. I torrent all single player games, because there will just be an expansion or DLC that I will also have to pay for...
  4. psion

    Perfect INTP Domiciles

    Mildly claustrophic so no. I like space and openness.
  5. psion

    I started a Tetris Tournament

    Have fun playing the terrible version of Tetris in the arcade >.<
  6. psion

    Joke Thread

  7. psion

    Romantic Relationships Versus the Evil Twins of the INTP Psyche

    Yeah you need to keep writing these, even that brief paragraph was more insightful than a years worth of trying to understand different internal emotions. Trying to think about feelings is hard :( Honestly though, thanks, and bookmarked for sure.
  8. psion

    Romantic Relationships Versus the Evil Twins of the INTP Psyche

    Thank you for putting this into a concise read, it is very much the root of issues I am currently trying to work out. :) Yea I feel like I would too. Also it is nice to hear an opinion from a more emotional side of things, it helps towards considering other perspectives. More information to...
  9. psion

    why do iNTPs love mainstream music?

    I actually like this album and listen to it regularly.. I feel somewhat guilty about it for whatever reason.
  10. psion

    "Thats so gay" commercial. Discuss.

    I'm gay and I think the commercial is funny. The slang doesn't particularly bother me either, it is just a minor annoyance. I guess I'm neutral, I couldn't care less.
  11. psion

    INTP (good) musicians?

    I've been playing guitar for almost 10 years, when it started my parents put me in lessons and I hated practicing. After I finished a year of lessons, I stopped playing for a couple years. Eventually I picked it back up because my family only had one computer that my dad was always on, so i had...
  12. psion

    Post here alL your "To-Do's List"!

    -Remember to Vacuum -Clean your ex-girlfriends hamster cage (I got stuck with the thing, it's cute sometimes but ergh) -Write some kind of random 2nd guitar noodley part for I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) for a friends birthday party (playing a custom two guitar version of this song instead of just a...
  13. psion

    Characterizing introversion

    This is exactly how I feel about relationships. So far women don't approve.
  14. psion

    SciFi for chicks

    Yea I foresee the creation of a "Sci-Fi Romance" genre and that makes me cry.
  15. psion

    Man stuffs his dead cat and transforms its body into a remote-controlled helicopter

    I'm not particularly concerned that it was once alive, I find it amusing. Perhaps it is because I never owned a pet.
  16. psion

    Random future predictions

    People will get over the 20th century craze of "falling madly in love for the rest of your life" and will maybe actually put effort into their relationships instead of buggering off at the first bump, therefore reducing divorce rates. Maybe.
  17. psion

    what made your day today?

    Watching a video of comedian Hannibal Burgess perform a stand up routine. Rather hilarious.
  18. psion

    Birth Order

    First of two. I also never had any family that was my age, all of my cousins are at least 15 years older than I am. One would think that there might be some kind of confidence boosting effect from being the center of attention during infancy.
  19. psion

    Self-examination vs. self-critisism

    I think the line lies in the intent of the self reflection. If you intend to examine yourself to hopefully improve to meet some realistic goal, then you should be fine. If you are just criticizing yourself with no purpose in mind, or your goals are unrealistic, then it can cause more harm than...
  20. psion

    What Should You Major In?

    Mathematics You scored 33 mental chops, 13 work ethic, 12 bullshitability, and 5 practicality! So you're smart, but you're also lazy as hell and don't care too much about your post-college prospects (unless you're one of those rat race academic types or you're a dual major in something more...
  21. psion

    INTP Forum channel on youtube?

    I like this idea. If anyone can figure out how to make this work I would gladly contribute.
  22. psion

    Favourite Serial Killer

    YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ... *cough* :l
  23. psion

    Let's play Diablo III

    zaozen#1785 Level 52 (I think, it's been a couple days) Monk. Act I of Hell.
  24. psion

    Trying to get into comics

    Scott Pilgrim!! aha Chalk up another vote for Preacher from me, also I've heard good things about The Crow, haven't got around to reading it yet though. Also Transmetropolitan is somewhat amusing, albeit a bit vulgar sometimes.
  25. psion

    Parents hitting kids

    Oh God belts.. *cringes* I remember when I was younger, I was pretty damn scared of screwing up because I'd get hit. I don't think a mother hitting her kid after almost running across the street warrants any kind of physical punishment but when your kid takes a hammer to the new dresser...
  26. psion


    It seems like pernoctator and philosophyking are arguing for a hypothetical ideal and are both of the opinion that such ideals do not require an explanation of how to achieve a practical implementation, whereas proxy is asking for such a thing being of the opinion that an ideas validity rests...
  27. psion

    Staying Up Late

    I tend to stay up quite late as well, I find that I am less able to do logical mental tasks during these hours but more likely to be creative or feel an emotional response to something. I generally just attribute it to being more tired than at other times, as my brain seems to stop chucking...
  28. psion

    The Ideal / Real You -Test

    INTP for all the results on both tests. Did I break it?
  29. psion

    I write like:

    I got Ursula K. Le Guin, from whom I have not read any works, but she is a science fiction / fantasy writer of some note apparently. I also got Chuck Palahnuik. For the Gender Genie, I received these results: Female Score: 335 Male Score: 779 Female Score: 248 Male Score: 181 So... I am both?
  30. psion

    I've read Watchmen, but will be adding everything else you mentioned to my to-read list for...

    I've read Watchmen, but will be adding everything else you mentioned to my to-read list for sure. I am in a similar position in that it has only been recently that I have started reading comics regularly. If you find anything of particular interest let me know! Would be glad to read it.
  31. psion

    What do INTPs dislike in games?

    I would actually disagree with a lot of the things on here, I don't mind games that require a high apm (SCII) or fast "twitch" (UT), I find that I enjoy the challenge. I used to be very interested in the story line over any other aspect of gaming, but now I'm finding that most of those games are...
  32. psion

    Gaming with girlfriend or boyfriend

    Well I'm glad someone said it. Also Rogue Squadron and Super Smash.
  33. psion

    Diablo 3 Beta

    I'm going to reserve judgement on the PvP until I actually play it. It could be absolutely terrible (reminiscing about certain periods of WoW imbalances), but it could be good.
  34. psion

    Yeah Del always made me smile, the parts where she was "walking her fish" were great xD I've...

    Yeah Del always made me smile, the parts where she was "walking her fish" were great xD I've read a few comics, I'm a particular fan of Deadpool and I've read my fair share of X-Men. Transmetro isn't bad. I want to read Preacher, I've heard good things about it. Also, yes, my avatar is Scott...
  35. psion

    INTP humour

    Another fan of puns and wordplay here, for sure. I usually don't say too many (as many as I think of anyway) but I thoroughly enjoy when other people do. Besides that, I would say that I am the person who just throws in a witty statement unless directly addressed with a question (or the...
  36. psion

    Del from Sandman? Definitely a great character. I like Death best myself, but Del is a very...

    Del from Sandman? Definitely a great character. I like Death best myself, but Del is a very close second.
  37. psion

    Learning style quiz

    It's down there vvv on the right. Math and music, whee.
  38. psion

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    Well... This is... Fitting? The Psionic Striker 8% Strength, 30% Bloodlust, 58% Intelligence, 33% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 15% Agility Instead of using magic to manipulate the elements and the world around them, Psionic Strikers will use their mind and mental energy. By focusing their...
  39. psion


    Maybe? I don't know, I've never really had an issue entertaining myself. I often will just lay down and stare at a ceiling for a couple hours, just thinking, and that is enough to entertain me.
  40. psion

    By INTP standards what type would you be?

    Hm... Interesting question. Probably ENTP if not INTP.
  41. psion

    Stealing books from the library?

    I have a history textbooks from grades 8 and 11, but other than that I haven't stolen anything. I generally just go to thrift stores or used book sales to get books, and sometimes my university library gives away old books. I would advise against taking anything from a public library, they can't...
  42. psion

    Synthetic Biology: Inorganic Life

    Pizza tasting giant bugs? Alright I guess I'm in.
  43. psion

    Synthetic Biology: Inorganic Life

    I think this is pretty damn neat. That is all I guess. Although I don't think I would be all for the giant beetle brunch. :eek: Although I guess it would be kind of like eating crab.
  44. psion

    What movies are you looking forward to?

    Went to see The Cabin in the Woods on opening day (Joss Whedon fan) and I recommend it. It pokes fun at most other horror movies while also being funny and gory. In no particular order: The Hobbit The Avengers Skyfall The Amazing Spiderman Dark Shadows (It makes fun of vampire movies and has...
  45. psion

    All math help thread

    Google Docs?
  46. psion

    Diablo 3 Beta

    It turns out the "bugs" are actually just a restriction on how many people can log in at any given time, so play at weird hours I guess?
  47. psion

    Diablo 3 Beta

    The beta is free to play this weekend if anyone is interested. Currently some bugs logging in but they should be fixed soon.
  48. psion

    INTP at school: How do you do it?

    Never studied throughout all of public school, high 70s to 90s. Having a bit more difficulty in University (well, any challenge AT ALL I suppose one could say), but I still manage 70s and 80s. I also read through quite a few classes and similarly will only take notes that are short forms or...
  49. psion

    Orange Juice

    Where do i go to order one of these? I feel like that sometimes, so I start to plan out how I could go about making my life "fulfilling" and "productive" as considered by the outside world. Then I realize I don't want to do any of those things and would in fact hate doing them, which leaves...
  50. psion


    I generally just started reading something. Then if I'm still bored I can blame it on the horrible trash I'm looking at, and have fun deconstructing exactly why it is horrible.
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