i blame coldplay
So why does everyone tell me I need to be fixed?
And how does that make you feel? We could use some more information in understanding the nature of your problem.
You are just a big drama queen. An over feely INTP like myself, but one that strays to the soft and cuddly side of things. I perfer to let hate and regret guide me, those are much more reliable emotions for one that can't seem to understand the childish and untamed nature of his own Fe.
The problem is, I have no problem. I am not broken, I don't need to be fixed. I want to know why people seem to think that I do have something wrong with me, because it isn't me that is wrong, it is the world.
You are just a big drama queen. An over feely INTP like myself, but one that strays to the soft and cuddly side of things. I perfer to let hate and regret guide me, those are much more reliable emotions for one that can't seem to understand the childish and untamed nature of his own Fe.
The problem is, I have no problem. I am not broken, I don't need to be fixed. I want to know why people seem to think that I do have something wrong with me, because it isn't me that is wrong, it is the world.
There seems to be some deep down pain. Come here and receive your medicine. Prepare for a hug and a shoulder to cry on.
...yet I can't help but think that you've entered into an unhealthy emotional rut. For example, you claim to be driven by hatred and regret, both of which indicate that you've experienced some sort of severe emotional pain that isn't healing properly. Moreover, focusing on those feelings is an equally inadvisable route because you end up behaving like a kid throwing a temper-tantrum over a toy that he didn't get and/or a murderer with a guilty conscience. You need to let yourself feel the full spectrum of emotion if you are to claim such a moral high ground as having integrated Fe.
Hugs are for the weak, those that want acceptance for being too weak.
I will not be weak, I will not forsake my logic and fall into a pit of Fe pitty and look to others for comfort. If the logic I have presented thus far in my life is not good enough, then I shall simply become stronger, I shall simply provide better logic unitl my existance is undeniable.
There, there let it all out.
Who is questioning your existence? Who has hurt you?
Healing is for the weak. Healing is for those that are weak enough to accept the emotional scars of life. I reject them, I don't accept the pain, it is logistically wrong and thus it cannot hurt me.
If it brought me pain, it is my fault for wrongly veiwing the situation as something that could bring me pain. The pain is not true, I am.
Don't mock me, I reject your pity, I reject your weakness.
Only the strong have the strength to survive, and only the strong can protect the weak. But there is no one on protect me, so the only option is to become stronger.
Anything else, I simply reject as illogical.
I blame cosplay.i blame coldplay
When did this forum turn into a damn carebear fest?
What to do, what to do...![]()
When did this forum turn into a damn carebear fest?
What to do, what to do...![]()
the arrogant wangst and pretension make my eyes bleed.
Berating him isn't helping things, ma'am.
Sometimes cuddling is the answer.You know, coddling isn't always the answer.
Sometimes cuddling is the answer.
You know, coddling isn't always the answer.
Sometimes you get bit. When life gives you lemons, put one in the microwave for ten minutes just to see what happens.
I have to actually get his feelings out before I can challenge them. Otherwise, he'll get very defensive and frustrated because he thinks I don't understand his problems, which, at that point, I wouldn't.
It's not your responsibility to help people and solve their problems. Your approach is going to make some people see you as a bothersome busy body. Why are you so insistent even when people don't want it? Don't you think you should be more respectful of boundaries?
Not every display of negative feelings or distress is a desperate cry for help. I can't help but think you read too much into people's troubles.
Everyone could use a good fix. Look. I had my cat fixed last month and he's all the better for it.So why does everyone tell me I need to be fixed?
So why does everyone tell me I need to be fixed?
It's not your responsibility to help people and solve their problems. Your approach is going to make some people see you as a bothersome busy body. Why are you so insistent even when people don't want it? Don't you think you should be more respectful of boundaries?
Not every display of negative feelings or distress is a desperate cry for help. I can't help but think you read too much into people's troubles.
It's not your responsibility to help people and solve their problems. Your approach is going to make some people see you as a bothersome busy body. Why are you so insistent even when people don't want it? Don't you think you should be more respectful of boundaries?
Not every display of negative feelings or distress is a desperate cry for help. I can't help but think you read too much into people's troubles.
I do not have a problem that needs to be fixed... That is the whole point of this...
The point of this was to start some sort of discussion on how the world seems to want to "fix" people and wittle them down to some kind of least common denominator in order to fit what they want.
I am not wrong for being cold and logical and learning how to move other people around like pawns on this chessboard I call life, that is just survival.
I am not wrong for having this untamed Fe shadow inside of me that begs for some sort of external validation from someone close to me.
Don't tell me to change what I want, don't tell me it is wrong. It is the world that is wrong for telling so many people that other things will make them happy, that you can somehow fill the void of what you really want with therapy and medications or money and fancy cars and fancy clothes.
It is not me that is wrong, it is the world. That is what I wanted to discuss...
An amazing statement because I don't know what to do with it. We are ALL dependent on one another. There is not a single message here that was not made in public. Every message requires a certain strength to make it and another vulnerability for its non-independence. We are all moving targets and we all calibrate our aim.Don't mock me, I reject your pity, I reject your weakness.
Only the strong have the strength to survive, and only the strong can protect the weak. But there is no one on protect me, so the only option is to become stronger.
Anything else, I simply reject as illogical.
You are a drama queen, Dux...
Your statement commits the ad hominem fallacy even if it were true.
I am not here to discuss me, I am here to discuss the world.
I am curious how you know you're not broken.
Because he always starts up in the morning, idles smoothly, and runs flawlessly all day long. His brakes don't squeak, his transmission never misses a shift, and his climate controls function perfectly to cool him off or warm him when his cabin temperature is above or below his comfort zone.
Hmmm...yeah right. Everyone's got their quirks. I think it's more important to use what you've got to work with to get from point a to point b. Hitting someDuxpotholes along the way is unavoidable. The trick is to either circumnavigate 'em or hit 'em softly to minimize the chances of becoming incapacitated by them.
Excuse the metaphors; it's the only way I really know how to wade through the icky fe.