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Search results

  1. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    Perhaps. I suppose that may be one of the reasons I haven't started writing chapters for it yet. I very much enjoy thinking about how an AI would come to terms with the existence of a non-digital world. However, at some point you have to explore how humans will react to learning about a...
  2. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    As a general question, what media/world would anyone base a hypothetical fanfiction on? I've always enjoyed the idea of a How to Train Your Dragon, Temeraire crossover (Hiccup & Toothless vs. Napoleon). What else sounds appealing?
  3. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    There is nothing new under the sun. Even an original world will share elements from worlds that inspired you. The line that is drawn between original fiction and fanfiction is largely a legal one in today's society. When people talk about original fiction, they mean fiction you could...
  4. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    I have an original story idea kicking around I'm calling either "Sentience" or "Inside Pandora". It's about a set of subroutines in a piece of security software that develop a collective sentience through its learning and auto-defense protocols. The story's first act focuses on the AI's...
  5. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    I acknowledge your point, but I will counter that finding people to regularly and reliably read and critique your reading is very difficult. As I'm specifically trying to improve my writing mechanics, tapping into fan communities provides me with a testing ground to identify weaknesses and...
  6. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    Just posted the second chapter of a new story. Yeah, I need to get back to the other stories, but it's hard to avoid a persistent plotbunny forever. This one is a One Piece story. Player One Piece This is an experiment with a meme introduced by this webcomic.
  7. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    I'll keep that in mind. And yes, I have extensive technical writing experience. More than I'd like, frankly. The breadcrumbs part I'm not too worried about, because they're there, if heavily camouflaged (e.g., in Tsukumogami the rival bit will be pretty important). The sensory descriptions...
  8. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    The first three chapters are done for this one. This is more of a "For want of a nail" story about Naruto (and no, I don't only write Naruto fics, but it's what I'm writing now). Tsukumogami: The Living Seals Tell me what you think.
  9. Decaf

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    8/10 - one of my favorite kinds of live music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKzuI52V7iE
  10. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    I hope it didn't sound like I was saying you needed to share the interests of your partner. I meant to say that you need to be interested in your partner, hopefully such that what those interests mean to them is, in itself, interesting to you. My wife isn't that interested in writing, but she...
  11. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    Imagine spending your time with someone who, while they might not share your interest, enjoy listening to you talk about what excites you. You don't have to want to learn about the subject to find learning about the person interesting. While it's not a bad thing to lower standards like "must...
  12. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    And what happens if you don't have a real life role model for those things? I'm not saying the entertainment industry is a great solution, but it isn't nothing. How do you teach a man to be a good husband or father if he never knew his own? A movie character isn't going to show them how, but...
  13. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    I hadn't really thought of it in those terms before, but I tend to agree. At least on the average for the culture I grew up in. As if it's a man's responsibility to lead, but not too much. Instead of balance, it becomes a balancing act. That being said, I'm kind of impressed by her...
  14. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    In some cases I agree with that statement, but I think this issue transcends that argument. What is the point of affirmative action? The short-term ramifications have been argued both ways for years, but the real reason is most assuredly long-term. If you have a subculture that most...
  15. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    I agree that evolution and natural selection play a role in making men and women different from each other, but those pressures aren't the same as they once were. The question is, do women have the necessary ingredients to develop similar tastes and aspirations as typically associated with men...
  16. Decaf

    Double-Double Standards

    Nicely said. This is, essentially, why there are college courses taught on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A show that focuses on a female story while staying true to genres that are typically more popular with men. More importantly, it doesn't stay so focused on the female perspective that men...
  17. Decaf

    Decaf's Stories

    I'm trying to improve my writing ability by working on a fanfiction story and was hoping to get some feedback. This one is a timetravel story about Naruto. Remembering Tomorrow NOTE: On fanfiction.net, my username is Preposte. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
  18. Decaf

    College Student Receives $350,000 Government Drone in the Mail

    On the first two counts I suppose I agree. That's just what came to mind. However, RC planes are designed for clear mild weather, and I imagine drones need to be able to fly in January too.
  19. Decaf

    worst personality type to be

    Probably either the least common or those that prefer the functions that are least represented by the local culture they grew up in. Extraverted people can be just as socially awkward as the introverted (just typically more visibly so). We probably rank up there as INTPs as we are one of the...
  20. Decaf

    introversion is nature here is why.

    It should be pointed out that the kind of introversion/extroversion that's being discussed is not the same introversion/extraversion (the 'a' is intentional) that is discussed in personality type theory. Being an MBTI/Jungian introvert merely means that your dominant function (your preference)...
  21. Decaf

    College Student Receives $350,000 Government Drone in the Mail

    My guess is that, unlike RC planes, manufacturing tolerances for drones are much, much tighter, which means more failed product that has to be reworked to meet those tolerances. Plus they have to use more obscure and expensive materials to maintain flight characteristics in semi-extreme weather...
  22. Decaf

    Why do women on the internet identify themselves?

    In some cases (like video game servers) I think self-identifying as female has a selfish intent that relates somewhat to how the sexes are treated in real life (not that that makes the action somehow wrong). However, here? In a forum ostensibly dedicated to helping each other understand...
  23. Decaf

    Is it possible to see intelligence in the eyes of a person?

    Depends on what you consider intelligence. IQ measures abstract pattern recognition and certain types of knowledge. Calling that intelligence is a bit excessive, but its not nothing. I would think that using eye behavior would likely measure another type of intelligence, but by no means...
  24. Decaf

    Elder Scrolls: Choose your race.

    Bosmer. It just seems like an interesting culture. They're pacifists with a strong military defensive mentality. So they're militarily potent, but don't actually attack other people unless they get attacked first. Imagine that, huh? The forests are sacred to them, so they're...
  25. Decaf

    Is belief a right?

    Belief should be a right, because attempting to enforce rules regarding thought is bad, mmmkay? Practical uses of good and evil are not relative. They are culturally generated in order to promote the growth of "civilization". I may think something is good, but if it harms the members of my...
  26. Decaf

    I'm somewhat confused when it comes to my sexuality.

    When I was younger, I could sympathize with the asexual conclusion. For me it was more of a cost/benefit analysis. Relationships were already too complicated and too demanding be to overcome merely by the perceived benefits of pursuing a sexual relationship. Especially having come late to the...
  27. Decaf


    I highly recommend audio books for road trips and exercise. It's nice for books that have difficult to pronounce pronouns, but I suppose I enjoy reading a bit more unless the reader is damned good. Give Temeraire a try (read by Simon Vance).
  28. Decaf

    i don't quite fit in here.

    This site is interesting in the way it acts as common ground for all of us. For the most part, we don't have many traditional shared interests. There are consistent overlaps, for sure, but generally not in terms of passion. This isn't a Naruto fan site, a forum for aspiring writers, or a...
  29. Decaf

    Thread Closings

    Side Note: I've been removed from admin status as I'm not really "around" and its not wise to have mostly dormant admin accounts sitting around considering how much damage they can do (I approve the change). One of the significant differences between mod and admin is that mods can't change...
  30. Decaf

    Owned & Operated (Documentary)

    Today's the promotion day for the film. If you haven't watched it yet, I strongly recommend you do. If you know most of this and agree, you'll enjoy the narrative. if you don't know its vital you learn. If you disagree, its not bad to know why the other side believes the way they do.
  31. Decaf


    I actually agree with this.
  32. Decaf

    Owned & Operated (Documentary)

    My brother recently finished making a documentary dealing with modern politics, economics and the origins of the Occupy and Zeitgeist movements. Its 1:46:07, but I highly recommend it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_264304&src_vid=JPld0UHZbQg&feature=iv&v=njSV5LtVmR4...
  33. Decaf

    Geek Music

    What do you think about nerd/geek-centric music? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhgupR565Q In this instance I'm conflicted. Growing up a nerd I determined that "being cool" wasn't worth much considering I didn't respect those that were. With hipster and "geek-chic" trends on one side, and...
  34. Decaf

    Polyamory & Type INTP

    I know this is technically a dead thread, but I had to post this somewhere :D http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1001/polyamory-is-wrong-grammar-nazis-irritate-and-distract-the-h-demotivational-poster-1264589541.jpg
  35. Decaf


    Its back! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dTe4Lv3nwc
  36. Decaf

    High IQ Society

    Absolutely. In fact I think that's a fantastic analogy. The value of a "high IQ society" is only in bringing people together with something in common. In this case the ability to perform well on tests that are designed to measure IQ (or rather people who are gifted/skilled at pattern...
  37. Decaf

    High IQ Society

    As someone who believes IQ is not a meaningful way to gauge a person's intellectual ability I will say I agreed with your argument for most of my life. However, still believing IQ isn't very meaningful I think the "high IQ societies" have their place. They're social organizations for people...
  38. Decaf

    Editing Posts after a day or two

    At least its better than many other forum-like software packages where comments/posts can not be edited (usually to prevent confusion and trolling). If you REALLY NEED something removed, then you can ask an admin. However, in order to preserve the sense of discussion and conversation here the...
  39. Decaf

    High IQ Society

    I'm a member of Mensa. I haven't really been that involved, but I've been to a couple events. Basically they're just local get togethers with other members. Some nights are Trivia night at a local bar, others are networking opportunities. Nice people. Learned some new board/card games...
  40. Decaf

    What is your favorite music video?

    Speaking of which... "Weird Al" Yankovic - CNR - YouTube
  41. Decaf


    This is a must watch! :D Skyrim: Sneaking - YouTube
  42. Decaf

    Favorite Art Style?

    I like most Cubist art And for some reason I'm really keen on bamboo calligraphy
  43. Decaf

    Private IP Registry

    That's the point though. This would block much more than legitimate pirates. This forum, for example, has lots of copyrighted material in the form of youtube videos, images and quoted text. This site could easily be put on the blacklist, but are we pirating anything? You no longer have to be...
  44. Decaf

    Private IP Registry

    True, the registry would have to sit on a static IP so people could always find it, or maybe tie into a Firefox plugin. If SOPA passes, I think you're gonna find that much of the net is a dark area.
  45. Decaf

    Best comedians?

    How has no one mentioned David Mitchell? David Mitchell Rants - YouTube David Mitchell on Michael McIntyre's Christmas Comedy Roadshow - YouTube Well, I suppose maybe because he doesn't usually do stand up, but he's still a fantastic comedian.
  46. Decaf

    Private IP Registry

    With all the talk about how SOPA is going to ruin the internet I got to thinking, so what if it passes. I suppose its the same reason I have a Zombie plan, but this one might actually be useful. SOPA allows the government to read domain names in transit and block offending addresses. It...
  47. Decaf

    Sheldon Cooper - ISTJ?

    Does he keep changing the channel on you?
  48. Decaf

    Sheldon Cooper - ISTJ?

    The writers deny they're characterizing him with any specific diagnosis, but he exhibits nearly every listed symptom of Asperger's. I think they shy away from the diagnosis in order to avoid having to talk about it where people will read into their portrayal with political perspectives. *edit...
  49. Decaf

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7/10 It's always nice when a band cares about their lyrics, but I was never able to groove to RATM Diner- Martin Sexton - YouTube
  50. Decaf

    Chakra Test

    For shame. Surely some of us would be Shikamarus :smoker:
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