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  1. Agapooka


    Hmm, maybe introversion would be based on how much they need outside stimulus in order to be happy? In that sense, I'd argue that dogs are generally more extroverted than cats, although there might be variance. Barking is outward. I think that what needs to be considered is how external stimuli...
  2. Agapooka

    Time travel / grandfather paradox

    I think it's because the actors in the movies are subjected to the force of gravity? :P And because they didn't bother to strive for accuracy, because they thought the idea was ridiculous, anyway? Agapooka
  3. Agapooka

    Time travel / grandfather paradox

    I believe that the question is the following: If you were to prevent your future birth while existing in a moment that precedes that of your birth, how would you explain your origin? Of course this question stems from the ignorance of the mechanism of time travel, supposing that it is possible...
  4. Agapooka

    Dating my Temperament

    Latent, if you want examples of what is being described here, I remember at least one thread in the "Human relationships" section which was that of an ENFJ trying to make things work between herself and an INTP she fancied. From what I read (and an extensive amount was written), it went exactly...
  5. Agapooka

    Time travel / grandfather paradox

    Alternatively, one might be able to time-travel, but because they would also get younger and their memories would also go back in time, they would have no way of being aware of their intention to travel back in time... In other words, it would be like rewinding a movie: the characters have no...
  6. Agapooka

    Anyone interested in taking part in my experiment?

    You know, you can observe their reaction to the idea that you lied to them for a month without lying to them for a month. You only have to lie to them for that moment and you can still record their reaction. Actually, it might be interesting to see if there's a difference between their...
  7. Agapooka

    Time travel / grandfather paradox

    Stellarium is a wonderful piece of software that is able to track the movement of planets and space bodies through time. You'd have to combine time travel with teleportation in order to transport yourself to the same location on Earth at a different point in time. You'd have to be able to have...
  8. Agapooka


    Oh, I'm French-Canadian, but I actually just wanted to know your bacteria culture. :b I'm impressed!!! :)
  9. Agapooka

    I hate weddings

    According to a Buddhist monk I once encountered, when asked if Buddhism is a religion: "Yes - for tax purposes." Anyway... Weddings, weddings... yes. Ideally, the guests should be passive, as they are there to witness the symbolic representation of the decision of two people to live together...
  10. Agapooka

    I hate weddings

    No, not yet. :P
  11. Agapooka

    Insulting Intelligence

    That's what lawyers are for... :P
  12. Agapooka

    Insulting Intelligence

    From your wording of the OP, you made it sound like it was entirely your fault, because you started by defining yourself as having "above average intelligence" and your words as being "intelligent". With such a starting definition coming from yourself, I can see how this could impact the manner...
  13. Agapooka

    I hate weddings

    I've never been to a wedding and I'm in my twenties and my father was a minister for years. Is there something wrong with me? XD Regardless, I've seen enough recordings of weddings to have a pretty good idea of what it's all about. What I've seen is boring, but I don't see why Architect said...
  14. Agapooka

    Just a thought

    1. Personality changes. It's not "fixed". 2. It's possible that, if you either relate to an archetype or idealise it, that you may unconsciously attempt to mold yourself to it. 3. Alternatively, you might be noticing things about yourself that you hadn't noticed before, and this contrast can...
  15. Agapooka

    Everything makes me angry.

    It was mentioned that she was unsure how to solve the problem. This, combined with the request that this part (solving) of the equation not be considered in our responses, can lead to the perspective that I described. Furthermore, not knowing how to solve a problem (which is exactly the feeling...
  16. Agapooka

    Everything makes me angry.

    Perhaps the archetypal INTP challenges the notion that A necessarily be more desirable than B, where A might be coping, whereas B is solving. Granted, we are not aware of your situation. That said, there seems to be this general consensus that certain things can only be dealt with healthily for...
  17. Agapooka

    What does it mean to be insulted?

    Indeed. I don't believe that anyone is immune to the feeling (although I have not yet been able to define it in a manner that is satisfactory to EditorOne). It just seems that we experience it in a manner that is relative to that which we see as important. From my above post, it is clear that I...
  18. Agapooka

    Insulting Intelligence

    The fact that you refer to your own statements as "intelligent" might be partially at fault for you coming across as arrogant. It might very well be what you think; however, and this is likely to impact your dialogue. Understanding your ideas as abstract, however, might help in understanding...
  19. Agapooka

    What does it mean to be insulted?

    You are correct in calling it indignation, but if this stands in contrast to "feeling insulted", then I am not aware of what is meant thereby. Once I become aware, however, that the intent is to effect particularly negative emotional reactions, I do not tend to continue reacting to the...
  20. Agapooka

    Perils of Shaving

    I can't even grow a decent beard, either. If facial hairs represented trees, my unshaven face is sparse like a subarctic forest.
  21. Agapooka

    What does it mean to be insulted?

    I am always curious why others form the opinions they happen to form. I always hope to find some form of solid logic behind it, and at least if it does not exist, I always hope to be able to correct it. For me, feeling "insulted" happens when the above attempts to create mutual understanding...
  22. Agapooka


    It could be good advertising for a future brand. Call it astroturfing, but you could turn the internet's memechanism to your advantage. :P
  23. Agapooka

    Perils of Shaving

    I must try these cut-throat razors you speak of.
  24. Agapooka


    Yes, I see your point. In fact, it's not particularly different from mine, except that you may have misinterpreted mine. I was specifically referring to instances in which a label is used to imply (or explicitly state) that it is associated with attributes that are not innate to it. Through...
  25. Agapooka

    Thought Control

    Actually, I'm just looking for excuses to start sentences with the words: "I like..."
  26. Agapooka


    Was this really necessary? Essentially, I don't want others to presuppose that I have certain traits, just because they believe they can fit me in a category. In other words: the connotations of a particular category, combined with the broadness thereof are often unjustified. It is based on...
  27. Agapooka

    Thought Control

    I like the fact that you noticed.
  28. Agapooka


    Mostly when it's applied to me. "Oh, you're a anti-conformist. Me too." "You bothered to come up with a broad term that encompasses me being me, regardless of what other people are doing?" "Young people these days..." "I "like" how you prefer to generalise than to consider me as an...
  29. Agapooka

    Everything makes me angry.

    Don't underestimate the power of someone who's willing to listen to you and shuts the fuck up while they do so.
  30. Agapooka

    Thought Control

    I like this. :P
  31. Agapooka

    BTW: I was left speechless for 4 days. Imagine.

    BTW: I was left speechless for 4 days. Imagine.
  32. Agapooka

    My ego appreciates your words! :P

    My ego appreciates your words! :P
  33. Agapooka

    ExTJ assholes and reacting more in the moment

    Once, I was in a position of authority over an ENTJ and I fired him. That was... interesting... I hesitated for the longest time ever. I believed he was an ENTJ, but I never confirmed it. I do recall that he was pissed and he used his strengths to try to gather people against me. I hated...
  34. Agapooka


    Hey, cheese - what's your culture?
  35. Agapooka


    Beer? Gross.
  36. Agapooka


    Either way, labels are just a form of social control. If confronted with any kind of label, I tend to say, "oh, you've found a way to generalise about X?"
  37. Agapooka

    ExTJ assholes and reacting more in the moment

    I've done similar. Sometimes, I find that if I don't want to expend the energy required to interact with particular people; making interaction with me undesirable works wonders. Actually, I have a way to circumvent this: force them to explain themselves. Don't defend your position: ask questions...
  38. Agapooka


    I wonder what the label is for someone who doesn't push an opinion on others and asks poignant questions at unexpectedly significant moments...
  39. Agapooka

    Learning A New Language: Russian

    lagduck, I am planning on starting to learn Russian perhaps next semester. I it would essentially be my 5th/6th language, depending on how you look at it, so I believe I'll learn quickly. Right now, I'm focusing on improving my German and Spanish, but I almost feel ready to start. I hadn't...
  40. Agapooka


    Plus, God only had to speak things into existence. Sounds like every INTP's dream. If we could do that, we wouldn't have trouble applying our ideas, now, would we?
  41. Agapooka

    Thought Control

    What binary routine? Ask them to clarify every ambiguous statement they make and make them acknowledge all the possibilities they're omitting? As for the OP, what he's doing sounds a lot like what NLP calls "reframing" and I believe he's using certain anchor triggering techniques. For...
  42. Agapooka

    Are you trustworthy?

    Q: Am I trustworthy? A: Yes, I am. Now, do you trust my answer?
  43. Agapooka

    Is anyone else attracted to older women?

    What kinds of tests? Mental Stability Test 1. Why are you here? 2. Why are you bringing another being into this world? 3. Will the answer to question 2 satisfy your child if it ever asks itself why it is here? 4. Do you know who got you pregnant? 5. Did you cry when you found out? 6. How would...
  44. Agapooka

    Anyone obsessed with violin music?

    I am obsessed with anything related to Paganini, (e.g. his 1st violin concerto almost made me cry). Here is his 24th caprice, allegedly the most technically difficult piece for a solo violinist: YouTube - Hilary Hahn performs Paganini Caprice 24 Recently, I've been discovering...
  45. Agapooka

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - Les Cowboys Fringants - Les Étoiles Filantes
  46. Agapooka

    Confusion - between a Rock and a Hard Place

    We don't have to limit ourselves to "true" and "false". How's this: "Both of these statements are irrelevant."
  47. Agapooka

    08:41. :P

    08:41. :P
  48. Agapooka

    Broken Window Fallacy?

    The "Broken Windows Fallacy" works because the current system is built on wastefulness. It works on the principle of sales: by expending more energy into creating a product that is of low quality, one assures that the customer will expend even more energy in replacing it. It is a ploy for...
  49. Agapooka

    Why I Hate Facebook

    I only use Facebook to stalk people. I keep the number of "friends" there down to a minimal. hence the news feeds are quite minimal as well. I've figured out how to make certain people not appear in the feed. Furthermore, I've learned to enjoy reading about people's suffering. Oh and when I...
  50. Agapooka

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Hmm, I didn't get to cause too much trouble, because we moved around a lot and I found it difficult to make friends from scratch all the time, especially since I like to know a few people well. This meant that in elementary, when we moved again when I was 8, I started becoming more reclusive...
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