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Search results

  1. shoeless

    i don't quite fit in here.

    no names. it's a general sort of thing.
  2. shoeless

    i don't quite fit in here.

    i haven't been posting much, or even visiting much, lately. life is life and so on and so forth. but when i'm here, and i begin reading a thread -- any thread, but particularly the lengthier discussions -- i'll get about halfway through before losing all interest in the rambling, overly...
  3. shoeless

    Do you fear the physical means of your death, or the unknown part?

    i would fear the sensation of drowning, or falling from a great height to my death, because i imagine the terror and adrenaline going through my veins more than the actual pain of the situation. i would also fear dying of a terminal illness, particularly one that is very slow and painful. lung...
  4. shoeless

    Do you walk fast?

    i definitely walk too fast, and i absolutely loathe being stuck behind people who walk slow (or what i perceive to be slow; they probably walk at a perfectly average pace). i've had a few people give me side-eyes and even comments when i pass them by, as if my perception of them as slow-ass...
  5. shoeless

    The hungover club

    when i had my coffee this morning i found a teeny bit of vomit that i only kind of remember happening at the foot of the stairs outside. other than that, i feel... good-ish. we need a new water filter though, our water tastes like shit. my usual hangover cure of chugging like three glasses of...
  6. shoeless

    Partnership Rights: Spanned from: INTP Sexual Orientation

    this thread needs more gay. also, just so, like, you know... one's sexuality has no correlation to one's potential to abuse. like, ever. also i don't know i'm personally not too worried about the human race going extinct for lack of procreation, but maybe i'm just blinded by all the sweet...
  7. shoeless

    No Such Thing as Mental Illness

    i agree with the last sentence. everything else seems like poorly thought out rhetoric. my aunt is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and has recently stopped taking her medication. if you could see the change i've seen in her, you'd call bullshit, too. if a person is having a psychotic...
  8. shoeless

    How do you compensate for your greatest fears?

    i compensate for my fears by clinging to comfort. and forcing myself to remember that everything will pass with time.
  9. shoeless

    Tell me something

    so, uh, not to be all lame and vanilla over here or anything, but you might want to consider seeking professional help. i mean, i'd like for you to do that, anyway, before you go and murder my brother or something. seriously, that's not cool, man. i'd be pretty pissed off about that.
  10. shoeless

    Blurred Lines

    i cringed so much reading through this thread. train wreck, indeed. an article, for relevance: http://www.xojane.com/issues/victim-blaming-media-are-everywhere-whats-going-on-rape-alcohol as for the song, it's just a catchy song, maybe a bit date-rapey, not my favorite, but so not important in...
  11. shoeless

    INTP Sexual Orientation

    i agree that i don't believe type has an influence on sexual orientation. honestly i don't see how it could. i just can't find the association between personality and sexual orientation in my brain. that said, i would describe myself as "pretty much mostly heterosexual", or between bisexual and...
  12. shoeless

    text is fake speech and books are narcissistic monologues

    what's wrong with narcissism? why is it considered a bad thing? discuss. seriously though. i want to know.
  13. shoeless

    type me based on song (ego thraed)

    esfp. just a guess. something i would have heard in a club after dropping ecstasy a couple years back. always turned me into a temporary esfp, anyway.
  14. shoeless

    Original music

    okay, i've only played the most recent (fraktal ataque), but it's really groovy. i dig it a lot. something i would have loved to just lie down and get baked listening to back when i smoked. i'll listen to more and write a more constructive/comprehensive review when i have more time.
  15. shoeless

    Emotional Intelligence Test (Berkeley)

    i got a 10/20... but honestly i feel i'm better at reading actual facial expressions as opposed to horribly staged facial expressions (i mean seriously, 2nd from the bottom guy, if there was a "constipated" option i definitely would have picked that) not to mention it's a lot more difficult...
  16. shoeless

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    ...thanks. i guess.
  17. shoeless

    Bad memory?

    when i was younger, i was the same as you - awful at memorizing dates and such for history classes; awesome at memorizing concepts for math/science/english classes. i did also practice a lot of cram studying -- stuff as much information as possible into my brain immediately before the test; ace...
  18. shoeless

    Nature or Nurture?

    i can't imagine it could ever be anything but a combination of the two, as is anything in life. too many factors determine who we are, and our personality type is no different. you may call it nature vs. nurture, but i prefer to call it neurochemistry vs. environmental psychology. people are...
  19. shoeless

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    if anybody hasn't noticed, i did create a new video thread (originally in the lounge -- instantly moderated into the elysium, for whatever reason). there isn't much content to respond to at the moment, but i was hoping people would simply introduce themselves to begin with. if this doesn't jive...
  20. shoeless

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    hello again, friends! it is definitely slower to load than most pages for me - maybe not to the point of unbearable, but definitely slower. anyway, i have to work today (ick!) but as soon as i'm back -- or maybe another day, hard to say -- i'll remake the thread somewhere. probably in the...
  21. shoeless

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    hello again, kuu! i remember your username (and the usernames of a few other particularly active members); it's the personal details i am fuzzy on. salmoneus: perhaps this problem could be fixed by simply posting links to the videos, instead of embedding them? alternatively we could use another...
  22. shoeless

    Three Things.

    since childhood, the echidna was forced to wear thick-lensed glasses as a result of his astigmatism, and had grown accustomed to ill-intended chants of "four eyes!" by his chimera peers on the playground. orange / heartless / wires
  23. shoeless

    hello again!: a re-introduction

    i frequented this forum long ago. you might remember me, but you probably don't. i certainly don't remember most of you! but anyway. i am shoeless. i am twenty years of age. i haven't had an interest in MBTI for a long time now; that phase ended shortly after i met my fiance. regardless, this...
  24. shoeless

    At what point is a person too drunk to consent for sex?

    it's impossible to define the exact point to which a person can no longer consent (by volume of drink, that is). everybody metabolizes alcohol differently. (personal note time!) i was once coerced into having sex when i was so drunk i couldn't walk. well, i wouldn't even say coerced. i wouldn't...
  25. shoeless

    INTP Identity Loss

    here's the thing about the military. i grew up in a military family, so i have a pretty decent idea of how it works (without having worked there -- just from what i observe from my dad). the military is fundamentally horrible at organizing things. i don't know why. everyone is frustrated because...
  26. shoeless

    "Thats so gay" commercial. Discuss.

    shitty shitty fag fag, shitty shitty fag fag, how do you do? but really though, i can't contribute much, because i do use the term "gay" in the way described (probably as a result of growing up with three asshole brothers) and have yet to run into somebody actually offended by it. especially...
  27. shoeless

    Anxiety and all that shizzle.

    it astounds me how much i can relate to what's being said here. about the thought processes mostly. does anybody get random physical twitches/jerks/etc as a result of the memory of an event that has recently (or not so recently) made you anxious? like, just thinking about something, and then...
  28. shoeless

    Anxiety and all that shizzle.

    psychologists and doctors are scary. i can barely talk about my feelings to people i know and love and trust. i can't even imagine talking to a stranger about things so personal. anxiety is a tricky one. a terrible cycle.
  29. shoeless

    Anxiety and all that shizzle.

    have you ever considered seeking a prescription? that's what i've been thinking about lately. not that that would change the situation. just take the edge off.
  30. shoeless

    Anxiety and all that shizzle.

    anxiety i understand. it's hard to give advice as i find myself in a similarly difficult situation. i kind of figure there will be some point in the future when everything will inevitably change on me, for better or worse i can't say, but i look forward to it. in the back of my mind i still know...
  31. shoeless

    Let's play Diablo III

    i think witch doctors are actually extremely powerful if you use the proper abilities. i don't know if y'all were aware of this, but in the gameplay options there's a box you can check that allows complete customization of your action bar, so you're no longer forced to pick one skill from each...
  32. shoeless

    but... but why?

    but... but why?
  33. shoeless

    Let's play Diablo III

    i love diablo III. it's everything i dreamed it would be and more. that said, i hate playing online in diablo III. at least with the annoying friends i have. i'm the kind of person that likes to actually explore an entire map area before just beelining it to the quest, especially on my first...
  34. shoeless

    let's talk about beer!

    i hate beer. it tastes like piss, unless you're drunk, in which case, it tastes like piss water. but sometimes i'm downtown and i find myself short on monies, and unfortunately, tasty drinks and liquor are expensive. so i buy beer. when this happens to you, what kind of beer do you purchase? i...
  35. shoeless

    Taking "INTP" too seriously (RANT)

    the OP put my feelings on the matter more eloquently and potentially less offensive than i would have done so myself. that said, i do believe the behavior described can often be a manifestation of heavier problems in a person's life. a form of escapism, if you will. it's easy to mold yourself to...
  36. shoeless

    according to this chart, we like DMT

    i no longer put a whole lot of stock into functional typology, and i haven't read or studied it to any extent in years. so i can't really say what i think about it in that sense; i can, however, note one major difference between my cousin and ex-friend. my cousin is a person with a generally...
  37. shoeless

    according to this chart, we like DMT

    i've never done DMT myself, but i've had friends who have tried it. my cousin said it was a pleasant trip, nothing too extreme for him to handle (and he is an experienced psychedelic user), but i would assume he did a much smaller dose. my ex-best-friend, however, said he was entirely...
  38. shoeless

    Hello... disenchanted INTP chick here...

    why would it displease you to realize your introvertedness? introverted =/= unsociable. you can still be as "extraverted" as you want to be in whatever settings make you comfortable; no need to be "resigned" to the fact as your personality shouldn't really have changed in any way. why keep...
  39. shoeless

    Short story game

    so i would imagine this is more like flash fiction than a short story. i see short story and tend to think in the realm of 30-50 pages. so... yeah. i will attempt to participate at a somewhat later point. waiting on a phone call right now.
  40. shoeless

    why has YOUR week sucked the big one?

    my brother and my mom have been having screaming matches because he's a little bitch who doesn't want to help the family work while he's on spring break. not little arguments, screaming matches, until finally she took him back to austin because nobody needs his bullshit when we're working our...
  41. shoeless

    i will make this clear

    :smiley_emoticons_mr:smiley_emoticons_mr:smiley_emoticons_mr:storks::storks::smiley_emoticons_mr:smiley_emoticons_mr:smiley_emoticons_mr:twisteddevil::twisteddevil::segen::segen::segen::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant: edit:: i apologize for this post. i left my laptop open and my...
  42. shoeless

    Hi, I'm 12.

    i remember when i was 12 on the internet. too young for big kid forums like this one, i mostly stuck to neopets and pretended to be older than i was. that said, if the OP is actually 12 years old, i feel bad for her. i know what it feels like to be discriminated against for your age when you're...
  43. shoeless

    I need your help brothers!

    i agree with steeleye. but to answer your question, every country has different immigration laws, so you'd have to do some research on that. it usually involves staying in the country for some amount of time and taking some kind of test to prove you're worth something to their country. either...
  44. shoeless

    I need your help brothers!

    just drive there. lololol you'd have to first go through the beaurocrazy of getting rid of all your ties to america. whether that's getting rid of the lease to your apartment, giving away all your possessions, quitting your job, etc etc etc. become someone they won't give a shit about on paper...
  45. shoeless

    Your Ideal Male 'Partner'

    i like 'em tall and skinny. mixed races are nice (i've had his preference as early as kindergarten, can't say why) but i prefer anyone with interesting eyes. teeth, also, i prefer with character. perfect straight teeth are just eh. personality-wise, anyone who is kind, not too aggressive and...
  46. shoeless


    eye buddy HIGH FIVE! yeah, sometimes they look greener or bluer depending on what i'm wearing and what the lighting is like. apparently when i was young they were pretty much just blue but i'm lead to believe that's a common occurrence.
  47. shoeless


    bout that color. (it's an old picture, okay? i pluck now.) still not sure what to call it. bluish-greenish-grayish with a little segment of brown. for my identification card's sanity, we just call it blue. so whatever. between me and my boyfriend (who has brown eyes; he's also half korean) i...
  48. shoeless

    I know you all like Smartassity...

    i was about to make a whole big long post about this but i feel this article sums up my view pretty accurately: http://www.cracked.com/article_19376_5-scientific-reasons-your-idea-happiness-wrong.html as far as i'm concerned, everyone should stop trying to "find happiness" and just start...
  49. shoeless

    What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test

    confirmation bias. i read all the ones here and they pretty much all "apply to me" to some extent. when i took it though i got the japanese one. simple, progressive and sensual.
  50. shoeless

    What's on your mind right now?

    weeds. the kind you pull, not the kind you smoke (though now that i think about it...) so much housework to do. beautiful day to be doing it. best way to celebrate my 3rd day sober, in the sunshine, making progress.
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