*rolls in a barrel of something, liquid by the sound of it, there's warning labels all over the barrel, flammable, corrosive, toxic, it'd be a shame if it wasn't radioactive too*
Well y'know these first world feminists these days haven't got a clue what it's all about, they bitch and moan about the smallest things, song lyrics, wolf whistling, the man keeping them down in many ways too subtle to conclusively prove or disprove, indeed it's all the man's fault, the attention we give them is either too much or too little because we are either too meek or too bold. Equality is a paradox too, you must treat a woman as if she's special but don't you dare hold the door, pay for the meal or enquirer about her business, unless you're supposed to, not that you'll know but you'll be in trouble all the same.
And god help you if she's in a bad mood.
A man can be screamed at, struck, humiliated and falsely accused but he must remain calm, never raise his voice, never take offence and most certainly never defend himself least that be interpreted as reprisal. Because as we all know women are incapable of controlling their emotions like we are which is why it's the man'd duty... No wait that's absolutely wrong, we're violent overgrown children compared to those creatures of beauty and grace that comprise the fairer sex, which is why we must condemn our fellow man least our friendship lead us astray from the path of true manhood, because a man is not a man unless a woman says so, and only while she says so.
I digress, outside first world capitalist countries where great temples to excessive wealth convey severely overpriced garments, make-up, perfume, fashionable, consumer electronics, small cakes and whatever else someone only without a Y chromosome may desire, there's the forgotten lands where feminists are actually feminists. Because in these places whether by culture, law, or simply tradition there are women who are
actually oppressed, who don't receive education, who don't get to vote, who can't get a job or if they do it's at unequal pay, women who fear rape because the police don't care about such petty issues, women who couldn't care less about the lyrics of a song unless it's the chant of some religious extremist group that may execute them for having the audacity to try to learn how to read.
*tips barrel over and throws a match on the spilling contents*