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Search results

  1. shoeless

    i am graduating high school in about three weeks.

    military brat, stationed in germany, moving back to texas in august-septemberish. also, i'm almost certainly not INTP, but i dunno, i don't rely on personality type when it comes to picking a career. i just know i like people, i'm fairly sociable (at least when i'm happy i am), and i like fuzzy...
  2. shoeless

    i am graduating high school in about three weeks.

    makes sense, but the problem for me is, my actual fields of interest aren't very marketable (to the point where i wouldn't be making enough money for real, in many cases). art and writing. my brother has an english degree because he wants to be a writer, but all he's been able to do is find...
  3. shoeless

    i am graduating high school in about three weeks.

    my plan currently is to attend community college for a couple years to get my general education out of the way for cheap. but for the love of everything holy, i just can't figure out what i want to do with myself after that. i've thought about going into nursing. it's a good field, high demand...
  4. shoeless

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    my dad picked up smoking in his mid-50's. i'd say he probably fits this bill. also, i'd say it'd probably incredibly easy to find weed where you live, trebuchet. that's how it usually is in most places, you just have to know who to ask.
  5. shoeless

    What are you all reading?

    i just finished 1984. read it for school. only worthwhile thing i've read all year. seriously, fuck beowulf.
  6. shoeless

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    smoking calms me down during bouts of anxiousness, which i have frequently, being an anxiety-prone person. i originally became addicted, however, because in germany, basically everyone smokes weed with tobacco, and after a while you become addicted to the tobacco without even knowing it. but...
  7. shoeless


    my nicotine addiction has evolved into a weird psychological weed addiction, because for the longest time i only smoked tobacco in joints so i craved joints, thinking it was the weed when really it was the cigarettes. the more cigarettes i smoke, the less weed i smoke, and vice-versa. it makes...
  8. shoeless

    Sexual novelty

    i enjoy being naked. i also enjoy seeing other people naked. it's crazy, innit? but i bet you i'd enjoy it less if everyone was naked all the time. plus it's not very fun to picture somebody naked if you already know what they look like. also, showering together can be fun in the right context...
  9. shoeless

    Gaming with girlfriend or boyfriend

    if she's into RPG's at all (this isn't multiplayer btw just fucking epic) get her paper mario for the N64. thats my favorite game of all time. it's just so... good.
  10. shoeless

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    erowid is practically my bible. i still wouldn't be arsed to do the nutmeg thing though. rather shell out a few extra bucks for some weed then try something with a reputation of making you incredibly sick. (that's the one thing i won't do -- shit that'll make you sick. learned my lesson from the...
  11. shoeless

    Opening yourself up!

    if you're afraid of judgment it's not possible to open yourself up. abandon fear. then you're free to do whatever you damn well please. sometimes the easiest way to become close to somebody is to approach from a detached position.
  12. shoeless

    SpaceYeti hearts his snack drawer

    looking at that makes me want to throw up a little. like... yeah, just ew. but i guess i don't have much of a sweet tooth anyway.
  13. shoeless

    I'm back, slutes.

    i understand where lobstrich is coming from. it's nice, when you're part of a community, to understand the government of said community. then you can make an educated decision on whether or not you want to remain a part of that community. what's wrong with that? personally i don't really care...
  14. shoeless

    I'm back, slutes.

    i, personally, think the ban was unnecessary. just a bit too authoritarian to me. he didn't even do anything besides have a personality that happened to conflict with some people here. i didn't mind him at all, myself.
  15. shoeless

    How to get an insecure INTP to shut the fuck up????

    he doesn't sound like much of an INTP based on that information. to me at least. i only think that because he sounds quite a lot like me in some ways, and i am certainly not an INTP (maybe INFJ maybe ENFP maybe ENTP i don't quite know but i don't think it matters much). it sounds to me like he...
  16. shoeless


    as a member of the female party, i would be inclined to disagree. i went to a dubstep event (nero) and i danced for six hours straight and it was amazing. and i'm pretty damn sure i wasn't on ketamine. i have to be in the mood to really listen to dubstep, and even then i do tend to return to...
  17. shoeless

    I'm back, slutes.

    ...so yeah, why was he banned? besides that some people just generally don't like him? doesn't seem like a very good reason to ban somebody.
  18. shoeless

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. i obviously don't care much. mostly just with capitalization though. i don't tend to get shit for my grammar, necessarily, at least not on a forum. in a casual one-on-one chat session i get away with zero punctuation as well. as far as i'm concerned, if i understand what...
  19. shoeless


    play pokemon/something awesome like paper mario, smoke a cig/joint (preferably the latter), cuddle if possible (more is nice also), clean my room and subsequently chill with satisfaction in the newly cleaned room, and that's basically all i do, not much time to do anything else. depending on...
  20. shoeless

    Every woman is now a lesbian.

    bisexual, maybe, but i doubt many girls are completely denying their actual preferences and "choosing" to be completely lesbian when they aren't really. personally i think most people have at least a little bi in them. most. at least a little.
  21. shoeless


    i'm a senior in high school now, learned cursive in elementary, still use it, and people still bitch about my handwriting. alas.
  22. shoeless

    Abortion. Pro-choice reasoning correct?

    i wonder if the views presented by female members differ chiefly from the views presented by male members (i'd look deeper but i don't actually know the sex of most of the members here). because, let's face it, a dude can never really know what it's like to have to face the reality of pregnancy...
  23. shoeless

    How many 'you's do you know?

    um, well of course i have different personality "manifestations" (for lack of a better word) when i'm around certain people (ie, my boyfriend as opposed to my brother) but i wouldn't go as far as to call them different mes or name them or anything. i think most people experience what you're...
  24. shoeless

    If phobias are irrational...

    i know a thing or two about phobias. any kind of bug terrifies me. even like a ladybug. it's unfortunate that logic can't control the physical reaction of anxiety and fear that triggers when the object of your phobia is presented to you. very unfortunate. humans are emotional creatures, and...
  25. shoeless

    When you think it can't get any worse...

    i'm confused.
  26. shoeless

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, the pointlessness. it made everything seem very simple, like it gave me a step-by-step way of perceiving things. smoke a cigarette, walk the dog, come back. it was comforting in a way. the way you deal with it really depends on your mindset going into it. to me...
  27. shoeless

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    when i dropped acid i got the overwhelming feeling that nothing really had a point to it. it's like, the entire time you expect something extraordinary is about to happen, but then you realize nothing is going to happen. the cabinet isn't going to burst open and reveal the secrets of the...
  28. shoeless

    SAT Tomorrow

    the SAT was insanely easy for me. it's just long. most of the material is fairly basic. math, reading, writing, that's it. but yeah i really wouldn't worry about it. i didn't study or anything at all and i got 2000 even last year, which from what i understand isn't too shabby.
  29. shoeless


    alright alright, it's not "new" but it's becoming more and more popular, so more people are hearing it for the first time. whaaaaatever. dubstep gigs are totally sausage fests, but i'm a lady and i still think it's some sexy sounding shit.
  30. shoeless

    something between an ENTP and an INFJ. really though, i don't know. adymus says i'm ENFP, if...

    something between an ENTP and an INFJ. really though, i don't know. adymus says i'm ENFP, if that holds any weight. it's hard to say.
  31. shoeless


    a new electronic music movement that is very deserving of its own thread. very popular here in europe, i don't know about the states. YouTube - 'Cozza Frenzy' (Original) | Bassnectar [HD] YouTube - UKF Dubstep Tutorial (Presented by Dubba Jonny) YouTube - Borgore - Nympho...
  32. shoeless


    as was already said, clubbing > partying. you don't have to know how to dance to go to a club. just let the music move you. that really is the point. just this friday i went to a dubstep concert (basically a straight up rave), nero if anybody knows them, and it was intensely amazing. i was...
  33. shoeless

    Insulting Intelligence

    ^ yes. i have nothing else to contribute except that the tone of this thread reeks of arrogance. but that's just my ever so humble opinion.
  34. shoeless


    i'm not saying it's objectively good. i'm just saying it's good to me if it's good to me and it's pointless to generalise across the board, whether it's music or television or anything like that.
  35. shoeless


    obscure music is good when it's good obscure music. popular music is good when it's good popular music. i like to judge things based on their content rather than based on their societal standing. also, man calves what? my boyfriend still wears baggy jeans. it makes him look like he's from the...
  36. shoeless

    The High Club

    the first time i seriously crossfaded alcohol and weed, i thought i was teleporting all the way home. it was kind of cool. the last time i did it i missed the entire party because i was too busy being dead on my friend's mom's bed. moral of the story: if you're going to drink and smoke, smoke...
  37. shoeless

    The High Club

    you don't smoke much do you? what is this bullshit i smoke weed out the ass and i never get to actually pick my strain, i just get whatever shitty shit my dealer will give me, nobody gives it a name. i get my kicks trying to figure out if my shit is laced or not, which sometimes it is, very big...
  38. shoeless

    doing whaaaaat?

    doing whaaaaat?
  39. shoeless

    ADHD Really?

    regarding the drugs: people with ADHD who take ritalin are mellowed out by it. people WITHOUT ADHD who take ritalin are hopped up on it. (that's what amphetamines do. they also improve focus, which is probably why it's prescribed for ADHD.) so yes, it is a real disorder, but i think it tends...
  40. shoeless

    The Ideal / Real You -Test

    lawl ENFP/ENFP/ENFP. so. yeah. (to be fair, always pretty split S/N and T/F it seems. what's wrong with liking logic and sharing?)
  41. shoeless

    Who are You? *inside*

    something i doodled about three or four years ago. still seems like an accurate portrayal of my basic composition. i like this one too.
  42. shoeless

    secular heterochromia

    that's weird. a small section (but still large enough to be distinct) of my left eye is brown as opposed to the bluish/greenish/greyish color that the rest is. my aunt has the same thing. i also have ambliopia (my left eye is shit) and don't have depth perception, but that's probably irrelevant...
  43. shoeless

    INTPs and learning other languages

    i love how basically everyone here who isn't from the US is at least bilingual. goddamn americans. seriously need to step it up on the foreign language curriculum. that's always pissed me off.
  44. shoeless

    Shy or Outgoing.

    i definitely prefer somebody in the middle. loves to be home, loves to be out. not too shy you can't talk to them, not too outgoing they're overbearing.
  45. shoeless

    Awesome facts that don't deserve a thread

    so i guess this is a thread about weird animal dicks.
  46. shoeless

    Extroverted Introverts?

    i think it's about being able to maintain a good balance within yourself. it could also be about arrogance or the Ne function. depends on you, i suppose. i am supposedly an extravert, but why then am i naturally poor at socializing in large groups? why did it take me so long to develop my...
  47. shoeless

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    i'm very confused about the purpose of this thread.
  48. shoeless

    Do You Believe You're Different?

    on the contrary, i tend to try to convince myself that i'm fundamentally the same as everyone else, and that there's nothing wrong with that. but of course i still can't help but feel like i think/talk/feel too much, relative to everyone else. but then, you never really know what other people...
  49. shoeless

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    naw it's definitely not crack, that's something a lot harsher. idk pep is kind of its own entity here, it's sort of like cocaine but with a bunch of shitty side effects (basically not being able to eat, shit, or sleep) and it lasts longer. plus it's more of a powder, and sometimes comes in a...
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