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Search results

  1. Carnap

    Nice picture ! You look so respectful !

    Nice picture ! You look so respectful !
  2. Carnap


    I have the same problem as you, but there are people I connect to. It's rare, though. Let's start with the people the repulse me. And I mean that literally, in a very subtle physical way. Like magnets. I had an appointment with a fellow student and the minute I saw him walking my I was...
  3. Carnap


  4. Carnap

    lol your profile made me freak out. I was like "what? ads on the INTP forum ! Then I thought I...

    lol your profile made me freak out. I was like "what? ads on the INTP forum ! Then I thought I had a virus.
  5. Carnap

    I didn't finish my BA. I got (sorta) kicked out of the school. I have a different BA...

    I didn't finish my BA. I got (sorta) kicked out of the school. I have a different BA (literature and linguistics). I'm currently contacting schools that will let me in a Masters program without finishing the BA. One in Chicago said yes and that I seemed like a decent candidate but it...
  6. Carnap

    Mental Drainage

    Interesting about mental draining by other people. I have one draining ex that seems to feed on my positive emotions and if I talk to him for more than thirty minutes and share details of my life with him, get excited about something I learned or someone I met, I don't know what he does, but...
  7. Carnap

    Bad handwritting in school test

    Mine depends on my mood. But with stress, like you said, it's a disaster. I was so nervous during a test once that the whole essay was chicken scratch and me wildly crossing out mistakes (forgot whiteout) that the teacher didn't smile at me for three weeks. I had to win back her respect and...
  8. Carnap

    How's Michigan? I might come home for Christmas. Ahhh...that lovely slush and gray.

    How's Michigan? I might come home for Christmas. Ahhh...that lovely slush and gray.
  9. Carnap

    Feel free to explain all the metaphors to me!

    Feel free to explain all the metaphors to me!
  10. Carnap

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    Maybe doing a master's thesis? If I can get my act together to apply before the deadline... or if I wrote down the right date for the appointment I have with the dean of a new school (didn't get along with the others in my old school). Maybe coming back to the states? Staying in France...
  11. Carnap

    What was your childhood like?

    I was very shy when I didn't know people. I was held back in pre-school one year because of shyness. Then, since it was a private school, we knew the same kids from age 7 until age 18, so I was sort of the weird outcast but sometimes would be funny and loud. It was a pretty conservative...
  12. Carnap

    facebook sucks!

    Same here. I was a high school dropout due to some bad family dynamics and some drug use in the family, death in the family, etc. and I was really rebellious and pretty emotionally lost. Now, I have the most original lifestyle of them all, have moved halfway across the globe while they...
  13. Carnap

    That book's almost inaccessible to me. I think it's kind of hard to read. I like his other...

    That book's almost inaccessible to me. I think it's kind of hard to read. I like his other works, I think they are pretty important to the history of philosophy. That is, if you can ignore some of the things he says in his aphorisms about religion (ex. Christianity is for ugly people). It's...
  14. Carnap

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Last night's dream : I forgot the first third of the dream. I might come back to it. In the middle of the dream, though, I (but I had long, long thick blond wavy hair, was almost given the image of the prettiest but sort of airheaded girl that I was in elementary school with) was playing...
  15. Carnap

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Ok, so this dream that I had, I've forgotten some of the beginning, it's a bit patchy : Somehow, my sister wanted me to change cars with her. I think it was my sister. The police were involved. We had to trick them or something, play nice. I ended up parking that car in our garage. On...
  16. Carnap

    I know, all that rage, doesn't it just make you feel warm inside.

    I know, all that rage, doesn't it just make you feel warm inside.
  17. Carnap

    Have you ever blatantly disagreed with a teacher during class?

    Well, since it's not my domain, I can't say about the objectives. But when it's teaching a language it's annoying for the students to go away with nothing written on their paper, they think "I didn't learn anything", even if it did give them speaking practice or listening practice. They want...
  18. Carnap

    I'm weird

    I envy you a bit. I suck at math for some reason. Languages, I can play with them, they go right into my brain and I can do lots of fun things with languages. But math...I am a total retard.
  19. Carnap

    Why do they say the Supermarket is the best place to meet women?

    I actually look at my purchases and others with the most repugnant snobbism you could imagine (health food snob is me). I think "oh, she knows nothing about nutrition". And then I swell up with pride. Who knew going to the grocery store could be so sick.
  20. Carnap

    INTP to INFP flip flop?

    How would I know if I had strong or weak Ti? You say they both can resemble Fi.
  21. Carnap

    Why do they say the Supermarket is the best place to meet women?

    lol. It's like this one man I met at the library. We went out to lunch and he was always spewing this mystic drivel, like about Sufism and shit. And then he said, "isn't it mysterious how we met?" And I just stared at him wide eyed, and thought "mmmmm...hhmMMM? you hit on me at the...
  22. Carnap

    Have you ever blatantly disagreed with a teacher during class?

    I don't know what you're teaching, but when teaching a foreign language you're not supposed to ask the students if they understand because it could put them on the spot and if they don't understand, they might feel stupid, be tempted to lie, and then no progress will be made. You're very...
  23. Carnap

    Well you'll have to teach us all you learn, then ! Don't leave us in the dark ages with all of...

    Well you'll have to teach us all you learn, then ! Don't leave us in the dark ages with all of our endless questions !
  24. Carnap

    What are you investigating right now?

    mmmm. I'm a huge alternative medicine fan and for about 4 months all I cared about was vitamins and minerals and foods and all they contain, what they do to the body. It was a really sick obsession that involved me eating in front of the computer trying to figure out what exactly each molecule...
  25. Carnap

    You're on your anti-philosophy rant again ! Go ahead, leave us behind !

    You're on your anti-philosophy rant again ! Go ahead, leave us behind !
  26. Carnap

    What are you investigating right now?

    Oh Cog, if that wasn't sarcasm, we have a lot to discuss.
  27. Carnap

    Do you think you're addicted to adrenaline?!

    Yes, and then sometimes I wait too long, like you said, and then my work is crap. But it usually only happens when I don't like a class. And then the teacher judges me, and I just want to slap her and say "well, honestly the "knowing subject" and an anything that has to do with Descartes...
  28. Carnap

    What are you investigating right now?

    Religious experience in mental illness/psychosis, the dangers of having a taxonomy of mental disorders, how what we perceive as mental illness is often spiritual awakening in other cultures, Jung's take on psychosis as trauma healing.
  29. Carnap

    Tattoos, Piercings, Other Body Modifications

    I have a quarter sleeve tattoo. I like it. Sometimes I don't though. I'm pretty immune to it, I guess.
  30. Carnap

    INTP and social class

    My mom married a wealthy man, but a miser. He would pay for private schooling for us, her kids, but not give her any spending money. So, we had nice cars, food, good education (that's debatable), etc. but still my mom had to work to buy us clothes and stuff. So it was like we were half middle...
  31. Carnap

    Do you think you're addicted to adrenaline?!

    I've tried to change, too. But - it's like my brain just can't concentrate on things when I know I have time. My work lacks a certain quality when I don't procrastinate. I honestly have come to terms with it. I hope to pair myself with a J, though. Because I am way to the P side.
  32. Carnap

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    That really sucks. Is there any way to manipulate them out of that (yes...I want to found a relationship on manipulation)? Also, I find they are relentlessly blunt, make decisions very quickly, perhaps sometimes regret their decisions, but have too much damn pride to go back on them ...
  33. Carnap

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    So is it true ENTJs have a romantic streak they try to hide? Is that why the one I'm interested acted all weird the moment I said I had feelings for him? Or is my love really some monstrous thing to run from?
  34. Carnap

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    Good comments. The whole feeling thing is tough though. The one I know tolerated all sorts of things from me but the moment I told him I had feelings for him, he cut me off brutally in the weirdest way. His loss.
  35. Carnap

    R. Crumb illustrates the book of Genesis

    I hate R. Crumb. All that empty existential drivel. And his poor wife, he's driven her to near insanity with his sexual obesessions.
  36. Carnap

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    So can anyone say what an INTP brings into the equation? I mean, other than brainstorming, what does the INTP bring other than unorganization and possibly not being able to get his shit together?
  37. Carnap

    Yes ... ? :confused:

    Yes ... ? :confused:
  38. Carnap

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I often have a dream involving my significant other. One time it was me, blond and naked, driving the car, a convertible, him in the passenger seat. It was a long time ago, I don't remember all the details but I do remember him looking at a dignified brunette, wanting to leave the blond and go...
  39. Carnap

    yep, a complete and utter fraud !

    yep, a complete and utter fraud !
  40. Carnap


  41. Carnap

    Bipolar Disorder

    Well, do some research. It might just be a bad relationship. It's good to avoid people we're not compatible with that make our temper hot.
  42. Carnap

    Bipolar Disorder

    Yeah, if you don't like your girlfriend (you once told us sex was boring with her), then break up with her and stop insulting her on this forum all while showing her off on your profile.
  43. Carnap

    Greatest Hip Hop Albums of All Time

    I had a friend obsessed with anticon. I don't like their artists. I like Tricky sometimes, but that's considered trip hop. And I like Gorillaz because I like brit pop. I've always really wanted to find other hip hop I liked, maybe I'll try some of these, but...meh.
  44. Carnap

    ;) you never know on the internet. it's annoying how people use it just to fuck with others and...

    ;) you never know on the internet. it's annoying how people use it just to fuck with others and be immature.
  45. Carnap

    I thought he was making fun of the condition, so I got mad and erased it ! Probably being...

    I thought he was making fun of the condition, so I got mad and erased it ! Probably being paranoid !
  46. Carnap

    What kind of dreams do you have?

    If you're having that type of dream it must be related to something going on in your life. I used to have dreams about birds attacking me when I was in a bad relationship. Often, your subconcious will let you know stuff you try to ignore in the day.
  47. Carnap

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I had two dreams this morning that were obvious wish fulfillment dreams. One was that I was sitting with my two old best friends that dated for years, I was third wheel and always enjoyed both personalities greatly. I was, in the dream, discussing a current situation with them, me the...
  48. Carnap

    Bipolar Disorder

    this is a bullshit post , isn't it? they don't do diagnoses in hospitals after one visit. what's your problem?
  49. Carnap

    Bipolar Disorder

    see below
  50. Carnap

    The Amazing Athiest

    euh... he's annoying.
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