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Search results

  1. joal0503

    First Person Strategy

  2. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

    i apologize for the simple, lazy response. when i get the time, ill try to come up with something more. i just have been strapped for forum time lately. i really did appreciate the response you put forth.
  3. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

  4. joal0503

    Humans look like reptiles?

    more relevant material http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOmtVFQ3WF8
  5. joal0503

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

    for an experienced user who knows their body and mind...driving while stoned is completely safe. when it comes to trying to juxtapose alcohol and weed...just doesnt work. completely different substances. Im not saying that people SHOULD try to drive while stoned (you shouldnt) but I just point...
  6. joal0503

    Happy Easter!

  7. joal0503

    Humans look like reptiles?

    you notice the D.A.R.E bumper sticker too :D...that dude has some serious talent.
  8. joal0503

    Humans look like reptiles?

    further investigation... there are striking similarities...
  9. joal0503


    bioshock 2 was solid, but definitely didnt have that 'feeling' that i got when i first played bioshock 1. mainly because the beauty and awe of the environment wasnt as new, but they definitely made the big daddy thing work.It was just this, 24/7 level of immersion, the way the story unfolded...
  10. joal0503

    What animal type is the INTP?

    a human.
  11. joal0503

    Humans look like reptiles?

    strangely enough, they arent photoshopped.
  12. joal0503


    yepppers. and what i appreciate soooo much, is that we have this highly respected team that works on bioshock...that DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. they dont push out titles every half year...they give us time, quality, and amazement. I STILL HAVE TO BUY THIS!!!!!!!
  13. joal0503


    i feel like you dont have to be an american at all to grasp the themes and brilliance ive heard about thus far. In FACT, id argue you have a BETTER chance of seeing it for what it is.
  14. joal0503

    patriarchy, a problem.

    the aging population, controlling the institutions grew up with this shit in their brains: have we really changed much, at all?
  15. joal0503

    Uncomfortable with Happy Endings

    me rove them, rong time.
  16. joal0503

    Self-Induced Hallucinogenic State

    if there is such a thing as objective truth, id bank on the egyptians take on it. Ma'at btw, glad to hear you enjoyed the experience!
  17. joal0503


    I HAVE to get my hands on this...anyone played it yet?... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jchIi-vR_js
  18. joal0503

    The War on Consciousness + Science Delusion

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b6-0yW7Iaw Graham Hancock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKHUaNAxsTg Rupert Sheldrake now whats interesting is that TED, pulled these videos from their youtube channels...it sort of smells like bullshit...but it showcases the divide we currently face in...
  19. joal0503


    i fell in love with a stripper too man. :D for me its the opposite. ill realize something (such as a naked dancing chick wanting my nuts), and then become immobilized by the terror induced by thinking about the inevitable fallout, drama that is associated with human relationships. sometimes i...
  20. joal0503

    REALLY long dreams

    time is too elusive for me in my dream states . im generally not aware it even exists.
  21. joal0503

    Mental Disabilities

    ^ ... the notion that if you have a 'disability' if you are unable to exist within the construct of this make believe world, seems a bit strange. especially with 'conditions' that are admittedly not that well understood. schizophrenia, autism, bi polar, come to mind if we were to follow...
  22. joal0503

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    yea, you dont want to fuck around with opiates. highly addictive. and highly available. growing up in a pleasant little rich kid suburb it sort of disgusted me, but at the same time i could see just how easily people got hooked. grab the pills from their parents, couple weeks later they have...
  23. joal0503

    INTPs and Astrology

    see, now why hasnt something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism been publicized more? fascinating... a technological device lost for nearly 15 centuries... zodiac was a prominent feature...
  24. joal0503

    INTPs and Astrology

    "spider hands"?
  25. joal0503

    INTPs and Astrology

    my sign...i use to be a pisces until the earth decided to rotate back around 2011 ( i think?)... now im an aquarius. which is like wtf astrology. wtf. and on top of that, i dont think im even correct... id have to locate my birth location, and the star alignment at that precise moment in...
  26. joal0503


    whiiiiiiiiiteeeee plaaaaain teeeexttt
  27. joal0503


    i was sort of just being lighthearted with that...its an interwebz classic but the 2nd video...i thought it brought up some decent points.
  28. joal0503


    refuted directly by video evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s0dRcdyizU more katana goodness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQRFuBeRAi4 (featuring that dude from the old ninja turtles movie)
  29. joal0503

    INTPs you are smart

    wouldnt that make me closer to Bubba? i love shrimp too.... omg post count...
  30. joal0503

    INTPs you are smart

    E-peen internet slang for ego, pride, or attitude in the virtual world. long standing net definition for the age old "bigger penis" arguement. K/D ratio Gaming term that stands for "kill/death ratio" used to refer to the number of people you are able to kill in a game before you die...
  31. joal0503

    Those Russian Bears ... Huffin Gas ...

    i completely agree, but for the sake of awesomeness i think we could let this one slide. srsly though, its probably not 'drug seeking behavior' but could we say its more along the lines of 'bears trying to alter their consciousness'?
  32. joal0503

    INTPs you are smart

    i have an IQ of 94, my e-peen rating is off the charts, and my k/d ratio is 234.21
  33. joal0503

    INTPs you are stupid.

    id let snafupants manipulate me, any day of the week. even if he/she is a she-he
  34. joal0503

    IQ Test: Gigi Assesment

  35. joal0503

    INTPs and Astrology

    considering that the sun, literally gave this planet the energy it needed (and continues to need) to create life/existence as we know it. why does this possibility seem so silly? besides, its not just signs and personality traits...that more of the westernized version. astrology at its core...
  36. joal0503

    Those Russian Bears ... Huffin Gas ...

    lol i know that last one was what got me! bear is just pondering over existence ... just starin back up to the cosmos... and loaded up on some gas fumes.
  37. joal0503

    Those Russian Bears ... Huffin Gas ...

    Part of me legitimately is fascinated (from a sort of science perspective) with the drug seeking/using ability of our furry friend, the other part just laughed hysterically imagining the sort of anthropomorphic depiction of a few bears just chillin and huffin gas fumes together...the pictures...
  38. joal0503

    Infatuation and sexual desires

    To me that falls under a different category. infatuation seems to be rooted in sexual desire (i know this is subjective). If its 'infatuation' with somebody for other reasons, yes its technically a form of infatuation no doubt, id just be more likely to call it idolization, admiration, bromance...
  39. joal0503

    INTPs you are stupid.

    *proud of my own stupidity
  40. joal0503

    INTPs and Astrology

    ancient astrology =/= modern astrology i would say theres MORE credence to the ancients work, than today's modern interpretations.
  41. joal0503

    One world?

    are you kidding me? its worst. the sports fetishm and rampant waste of time and money pro sports are in this country. its arguably biggest here than any other place inteh world. How many people were stabbed at baseball games alone last year? riots, drunken idiots, fistfights, brawls, etc....open...
  42. joal0503

    Infatuation and sexual desires

    infatuation feels like a misnomer. how can you have differentiate reasonable from unreasonable passion? Id guess most peoples's passion seems to stem from sexual reasons. more appropriate to call it, "the i want to really bone that person feeling"
  43. joal0503


    either way, its fascinating how creative we can be when it comes to shit that we use to kill eachother with. bluuuue
  44. joal0503

    opinion poll : greatness vs happiness

    you stole my response. why choose? just be.
  45. joal0503

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    *insufflates large quantity of powdered silly putty YES, purge the wicked and unpure! for the children!!!
  46. joal0503


  47. joal0503


    ...for the sake of the argument you bring forth, put all of that aside (even though the points you make, MAKE a ton of sense...http://www.thearma.org/essays/longsword-and-katana.html) if two ancient warriors, lets say both are at MAX XP, Samurai w/katana vs Knight w/longsword who wins that...
  48. joal0503

    Picture typing. Help me.

    what happened to 'lets just leave it at that'? :D ... dont sweat it dude, you arent going to convince me that you have quasi psychic reading abilities, and you dont have to. whatever floats your boat man.
  49. joal0503


    keep in mind, i know nothing about swords! just my impressions... id say its just the culture and folklore that has been popularized over the years that gives these sort of mystiques over katanas. i think if there were a LEGIT reason for it, it would be considering the japanese culture, and the...
  50. joal0503

    Picture typing. Help me.

    the bieber clone army arises...
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