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  1. Lithorn

    The INTP to ENTP project!

    You are grossly misinterpreting my post if you think I was defending Adymus. In fact, I have often found myself quite annoyed by his "charge in an correct people" attitude, which is why I felt the need to post. If I sounded sympathetic towards him (or did not criticize him to your liking)...
  2. Lithorn

    The INTP to ENTP project!

    Wow. I believe what we have here is a serious case of (if I may quote a particularly thorough intp profile http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html ): "the INTP feels the instant drive to provide for clarity. This is his Mission; to be the provider of clarity, and is often suspicious that he is the...
  3. Lithorn


    I agree. It's great to have a dog to snuggle with...until he decides that you simply Must be awake and sits on your chest to accomplish this. With a sixty pound dog, that's not really something you can ignore.
  4. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you're not absolutely horrified by the idea of spending two days in the forest alone with a few rolls of bread, a book and a pen (check out the "what did i do" thread in human relationships). Sounds like heaven to me, but somehow I doubt most people would agree.
  5. Lithorn


    Hammocks are great for lounging in, but too envelop-y for me to sleep comfortably. I can sleep almost anywhere, but I'd much rather be able to spread out. Plus, I tend to flail in my sleep. That could be a safety hazard in hammock.
  6. Lithorn


    For me, one of the worst things is parties. I despise having to weave slowly around people instead of moving freely. People at parties are always asking me what I'm nervous about. Apparently my eyes dart around, memorizing the exits in those situations.
  7. Lithorn

    Victor Frankenstein

    Actually, in the book it's not so much a matter of the monster being uncontrollable. In fact it yearns for guidance and affection from Victor. It was Victor that was being irrational. He spends years obsessively trying to bring a dead thing to life, and the moment it opens its eyes he freaks out...
  8. Lithorn

    Greatest orator ever?

    @ Jordan But you're commenting on the value of oration, not the actual skill of the orator(s) in question
  9. Lithorn


    Well, yes, it feels weird at first if you're used to a bed, but over time you posture improves.
  10. Lithorn


    In the summer (plus late spring and early fall if it's warm enough) I sleep outside on my porch. It started out because I just preferred to be outside, but I got so used to sleeping on a hard surface that now beds feel too squishy. Also, I've heard that sleeping on the floor is actually very...
  11. Lithorn


    I too am claustrophobic. It's pretty severe though not debilitating. The feelings of being physically restrained and of having no exit rout actually make me nauseated.
  12. Lithorn

    Greatest orator ever?

    @ Anthile But isn't being excellent at manipulating people, making them think and feel what you want them to think and feel inherent in being a great orator?
  13. Lithorn

    Greatest orator ever?

    I don't quite understand your assertion that the greatest orator was not an orator. The term itself encompasses more than just the use of language. If "greatest utilizer of language" were the topic of debate, it would be a different story. Oration however implies presentation, emotion...
  14. Lithorn

    Victor Frankenstein

    When you mentioned people "losing their patience" that reminded me of another reason I don't think Victor's really intp. Every other page I found myself annoyed with his irrational, emotional behavior. He's constantly freaking out and having nervous fevers. I mean, yes, he's a mad scientist, but...
  15. Lithorn

    Victor Frankenstein

    I'm writing and essay on Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", discussing how Victor Frankenstein lives only in a theoretical world, blind to practical application. It occurred to me that this sounded rather intp. But he has way too much focus and follow-through. INTJ maybe...?
  16. Lithorn

    How do you solve a problem like rhetorical questions?

    In a case like this, it's not so much a rhetorical question as just part of the venting. Rhetorical questions are not the only kinds of questions which don't require answers.
  17. Lithorn

    The 16 Desires of INTPians (or not)

    Independence Curiosity Tranquility Honor I was a little unsure as to whether I should pick honor or idealism. Honor seems to be rather unpopular, and its definition "desire to obey a traditional moral code" doesn't sound good, especially to intps. But I guess that's not really how I define...
  18. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    That right there is how you know you're an intp
  19. Lithorn

    INTP Characteristics

    -Middle child (older brother and younger sister) -Female - Birth started off as a false alarm. My parents were sent home, but had to come back later that day. -5'10'' -160 lbs. - extremely narrow feet but with wide, flared toes (most likely due to my refusal to wear shoes until the weather...
  20. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you can't read mystery novels because inevitably, the only thing that's mysterious to you is why the characters haven't solved the mystery yet. You knew from page 2!
  21. Lithorn

    Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

    Anarchy...that I run!
  22. Lithorn


    Any theories on the "flash sideways"?
  23. Lithorn

    Left Handed?

    I'm actually not sure which of my hands would be considered dominant. I write with my right hand, but I suspect that's just because I saw a teacher writing like that when I was little. Everything I learned to do before I learned to write ie eating, brushing my teeth, I do with my left hand. I'm...
  24. Lithorn


    Ok, Wadlez, I do owe you an apology. I was too harsh, mainly due to my frustration over the tangential nature of this thread. I'll admit that the way the argument kept getting more and more convoluted was not entirely your fault, and Pi had it right when they simply asked for a re-presentation...
  25. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  26. Lithorn


    Several posters have expressed confusion over what it is you're actually trying to say. Having just read through this thread, your arguments strike me as rather disjointed and unsupported by proper evidence, and saying that others just don't understand them is in no way an adequate response...
  27. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    And the funny thing is, while we dislike being illogical, we're perfectly fine with being nonsensical. Unfortunately, most people don't understand the difference.
  28. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    And there's so many more worthy people to hate out there, like people who won't stop asking ridiculous questions during the Lost premier because they've skipped the last two seasons. Much more annoying than furries if you ask me. When you think you're in the middle of a wonderful debate with...
  29. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you know the difference between nauseas and nauseated. "You're feeling nauseas? Meaning, you feel as though you are inducing nausea? Well then, I suppose I should feel nauseated."
  30. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You know you're an intp when a logical fallacy bothers you the way the spot bothered Lady Macbeth.
  31. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    @ Preceptor While I agree that feelings have no place in a scientific debate, I believe that your logic is flawed. You talk about allowing genocide to occur in the same way a park ranger would talk about not feeding the animals. Yes, it's not good to mess with the lives of creatures in a manner...
  32. Lithorn

    Hilarious Ads that Market to Me for Some Reason on Hotmail

    I keep getting ads to reconnect with high school classmates. Why in this humorous? I graduated in June 2009.
  33. Lithorn

    Do you Long for passion or to be passionate ?

    Is it counterintuitive to have a passion for logic and reason?
  34. Lithorn

    Do you Long for passion or to be passionate ?

    I don't believe that we intps are really all that cold and rational. Sure, we love logic and a lack of drama in our everyday lives. It takes a lot to get us riled up emotionally rather than intellectually, but when it does happen, I think it's even more intense than for feelers. An...
  35. Lithorn

    Any other massive Tolkien fans out there?

    I was always a big Sam fan. I really admire his intense loyalty. I also love Aragorn, but not really in the role model sense, more in the 'I must marry you' sense;) Also: trivia point to Wolverine.:D
  36. Lithorn

    Any other massive Tolkien fans out there?

    I don't believe it had actual wings that could make it fly (after all it couldn't fly back out when it fell into the pit), but I don't take issue with depicting it with wings. The fire spread around it like wings. Tolkien never specifies exactly how much "like wings". They could very well have...
  37. Lithorn

    Any other massive Tolkien fans out there?

    @ Asylum, you're definitely right about having something to discuss. I should have known better than to make such a vague inquiry of a bunch of intps. Now what will spark a debate? I guess a minor like the movies/don't like the movies squabble is inevitable. :)
  38. Lithorn

    Any other massive Tolkien fans out there?

    Oh my god, me and three of my friends do exactly the same thing! At this point it's been going on so long that we just bark out a question when we see each other rather than a greeting. What didn't you like about the movies? And btw, whose weapon was the battering ram "Grond" named after, and...
  39. Lithorn

    It's an interesting thought, but I'd rather avoid a Carrie situation.

    It's an interesting thought, but I'd rather avoid a Carrie situation.
  40. Lithorn

    I was considering flinging waffles. Followed by water balloons filled with syrup.

    I was considering flinging waffles. Followed by water balloons filled with syrup.
  41. Lithorn

    Yay! When do you wear a fedora?

    Yay! When do you wear a fedora?
  42. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When you become so frustrated by someone using a logical fallacy in a debate that it causes you to feel physically ill. :mad: When you enter the library in the morning to pick up a book and before you know it the librarian is asking you to leave so they can close. When you stand up from your...
  43. Lithorn

    INTP male/female ratio

    It seems to me that gender doesn't matter so much when you're just talking about introversion vs. extroversion. Whether you're male or female, introversion is frowned upon. The "alpha-male" "doer" type has its female counterpart: the "social butterfly".
  44. Lithorn


    My New York friends tell me that I have a bit of a Chicago accent. Apparently the Chicago "a" is very distinctive, and I'm incapable of pronouncing "Albany" correctly. Minnesotan accents crack me up. Not quite mid-western but not quite Canadian.
  45. Lithorn

    Hi. Thought I should introduce myself.

    Jealous! Oh, and I take that back about the original BSG. Gotto respect the classic SciFi
  46. Lithorn

    Hi. Thought I should introduce myself.

    The one from the 70's? Where all the characters look like they live on a beach instead of a spaceship?
  47. Lithorn

    INTP male/female ratio

    Wow. Story of my life.
  48. Lithorn

    Hi. Thought I should introduce myself.

    It is indeed an Irish Wolfhound. The world's coolest dogs in my opinion. I particularly liked that picture; it has a kind of sleepy, "whachu lookin at?" attitude to it :) Am I to take it you prefer the original Battlestar Galactica?
  49. Lithorn

    INTP male/female ratio

    So I've read that there are more male INTPs than female INTPs. Is this: true? false? unsubstantiated? Are there any theories about it?
  50. Lithorn

    The Beatles Best Album

    I agree with Lear. Abbey Road, the b side. I love the Golden Slumbers medly Rubber Soul is second I'm a George fan
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