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Search results

  1. Lithorn


    I love this show. I think season 4 was the best since the first one (although much of my annoyance with season 3 had to do with the fact that it was a repeat of season 2 except with a dude). John Lithgow is an amazing actor, sooo creepy, and the ending, while not exactly a shock, was excellent...
  2. Lithorn


    I have to agree with Cheese about Locke. Yes, I can respect his search for truth, but his "truth" is totally subjective. He throws himself into one thing and when it doesn't give him the result he wants (whatever that is...enlightenment?), he gets frustrated and decides, no wait, that's not the...
  3. Lithorn

    Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

    It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds!
  4. Lithorn

    Tolkiological problems

    He didn't have enough favors to get them to fly into Mordor. He used up his last favor when they rescued him from Orthanc back in the first book. The fact that they came to the battle at the end or ROTK is evidence that, like the ents, the eventually came to their senses and realized that they...
  5. Lithorn

    I wear a fedora on Tuesdays when the penguins attack and the whale sits at a card table gambling...

    I wear a fedora on Tuesdays when the penguins attack and the whale sits at a card table gambling away his blubber in a game of pick-up-stix.
  6. Lithorn

    Any other massive Tolkien fans out there?

    I thought it might be fun to have an LOTR thread.
  7. Lithorn

    Tolkiological problems

    Ok, as a massive Tolkien fan, I feel the need to address several things. 1. Ent sex: As described by Tolkien, Ents are not actually plants. They have simply lived in the forests so long that they've eventually become covered in a tough, bark-like coating. They blend in with the trees. They are...
  8. Lithorn

    INTP writers

    I highly doubt that Stephen King is INTP. He's much too repetitive
  9. Lithorn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I thought that was just me! He wanted to hold my hand and carry my books and tell me I was pretty *shudder*. It was most disturbing. Of course all my friends told me I was crazy.
  10. Lithorn

    Central services! We do the work, you do the pleasure!

    Central services! We do the work, you do the pleasure!
  11. Lithorn

    Hi. Thought I should introduce myself.

    Pretty basic jewelry-making stuff so far. Some casting. I hope to eventually do some blacksmithing, but it's really hard to find people that teach that. And rubberducky, I highly recommend Caprica and The Plan, in case you haven't watched them yet.:)
  12. Lithorn

    Hi. Thought I should introduce myself.

    Hi. Umm...not much to say. I'm an INTP. I love books and movies (especially of a fantasy/adventure nature). I also enjoy pretty much every artform: painting, drawing, photography, sculpting, metalworking. I also like music. I play the cello and compose a bit. Among my favorite things are...
  13. Lithorn

    INTJ -> INTP -> INFP -> INFJ ...ENTP? (hobbies)

    That was so freaky-accurate! Really, down to tiny details like enjoying eastern european music.
  14. Lithorn

    About you?

    What is your name? Olivia Where are you from? Chicago originally. Right now I spend most of the year at college in upstate NY. How old are you? 18 What's your gender? Female How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? High school guidance counselor made me take...
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