Yes, but there are probably many more males on forums anyway, for reasons I won't even get into, lol.As far as sites go, there are a lot more INTP males at INTPcentral than females. Maybe even a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 or more.
As an INTP female, I have been told my whole life, always by other personality types, that my interests and style are not feminine. In high school, I was informed by other girls that I was too analytical, brainy, into electronics and science and math, too geeky, to ever attract boys. They urged me to drop electronics lab because "that's for boys." I don't know what they took instead.
In college and most of my jobs, I have been the only female or in a small minority, and there were other INTPs there. It seems the perception in US culture is that INTP is wrong for a female. (Any females INTPs with a different story - please share it with me!)
Yes, scientists use the word "reliable."
As an INTP female, I have been told my whole life, always by other personality types, that my interests and style are not feminine.
This seemed to be the general thought that there was more male INTP's than there were female when I first joined this forum. But the more I hung around the more I realized how pretty much dead even it is regarding gender on this site. Although this is just a forum so it's not very.....reliable? No, I'm pretty sure that Scientists use another word other than "reliable" but whatever.
Yes, but there are probably many more males on forums anyway, for reasons I won't even get into, lol.
Yep me too, and I've come to actually pride myself on going against the grain in this respect, and on many other things.
I've not really even bothered faking being more feminine, but I play at being an extrovert a lot in the work place specifically.
...I've seen introverts being given a hard time for being introverts regardless of gender way too often.
Anyone else find this to be the case?
Being "T' may be a "masculine" trait, but introversion, imo, certainly isn't. Think of the protoypical "alpha" male-does he ponder at length before making decisions? Does he quietly assess a situation before jumping in? Does he think or does he take action? I speak from the experience of having been lectured from various male authority figures in my life to be a "doer", not a thinker.
In college and most of my jobs, I have been the only female or in a small minority, and there were other INTPs there. It seems the perception in US culture is that INTP is wrong for a female. (Any females INTPs with a different story - please share it with me!)
My guess is that a lot of INTP females go underground, trying to live life as a personality type they aren't really. But I don't have any data to back that up.
Personally I've found being an introvert to be much more difficult to get away with than being a female that's considered unfeminine, in fact I think it's becoming more and more common to see going against gender norms as a positive trait, these days, at least in women anyhow. One could say "well women are expected to not be introverts, so that's just part of people having a problem with you not being particularly feminine", and that's probably a part of it, but I think a rather minor part of it, as I've seen introverts being given a hard time for being introverts regardless of gender way too often.
Anyone else find this to be the case?
I ignored the girls who told me to be more feminine. I didn't see where their opinion on the subject mattered, and I still don't. If I put on a dress and nice shoes, people think I'm feminine. If I start talking about the difference between causation and correlation (which I am prone to do), they think I am unfeminine. That tells me feminine is all about looks, which can be faked. Smarts are unfeminine.
Oh yes. Introverts are not respected. Maybe we seem too secretive to the extraverts? I agree that in the workplace especially, being an introvert is much more of a problem than being "geeky." On the other hand, I was once ordered by my boss not to reveal that I had a physics degree, since I was teaching software skills at the time and not supposed to be a "technical" person.
This site, the gender balance is fare more equal in terms of INTPs than I have ever seen or experienced at any other site, honestly.
I think it's because this site is typically more "feminine." It's gentler and far more nurturing and seems to take care with not being intrusive or hurting people's feelings. It's no wonder that the percentage of female INTPs here is higher than what seems to be average.
I am not sure whether it's the female presence that makes it more nurturing or whether it was more nurturing to begin with, though.
I ignored the girls who told me to be more feminine. I didn't see where their opinion on the subject mattered, and I still don't. If I put on a dress and nice shoes, people think I'm feminine. If I start talking about the difference between causation and correlation (which I am prone to do), they think I am unfeminine. That tells me feminine is all about looks, which can be faked. Smarts are unfeminine.
That always annoyed me. While I like nice dresses and shoes, it really bothers me how girls only tell me I'm feminine/pretty when I'm wearing a dress or a well coordinated outfit. Nothing has changed but my clothes, yet I'm only feminine when I'm wearing a dress?! The same mind is in there 24/7. They'll appreciate my mind when I'm wearing a dress or girly outfit, but they are just weirded out when I "use my brain" in any other setting. I wonder if I could overcome this contradiction by always wearing pretty clothes and "using my brain" at the same time...
I can't speak for other more 'normal 'types, but I certainly prefer more intelligent women, regardless of how feminine they appear. I do like to see a feminine side, but it's not necessary and is possibly just leftover social programming. My gut tells me that the rest of the US is starting to accept this, but I think it's only because technology has given people like us more of a voice than in the past. I'm not convinced 'normal' people accept it any easier than they used to. I say this because nearly all the 'normal' men I know still prefer less intelligent women with relatively loose morals and are intimidated by overly intelligent ones. (Or perhaps they just don't know how to relate to them.) Same for the women: most of them tend to prefer the stereotypical outgoing jock type. Then again, I do currently live in a relatively rural area, where the people are generally uneducated and have almost no experience with the larger world.Isn't the combination of brains and beauty supposed the ideal in a woman like brains and brawn is the ideal in a man? I think the geek/intelligence=unattractiveness is outdated. There might still be pockets of ignorance about this issue but for the most part I think this idea is slowly fading. Once I got out of high school my intelligence has been valued. I have not been demeaned for it.
When I recently started getting back into this Myers-Briggs stuff, I found INTPc and began reading. I found INTPf after and they're definitely different. Granted, I've only recently started reading these sites, but it feels to me that the difference is not so much about nurturing, but an almost hostility over there.I don't think it's female presence that makes this forum nurturing. There's a sizable portion of both nurturing males and females here. In contrast, INTPCentral seems to be composed of mostly non-nurturing males.
That always annoyed me. While I like nice dresses and shoes, it really bothers me how girls only tell me I'm feminine/pretty when I'm wearing a dress or a well coordinated outfit. Nothing has changed but my clothes, yet I'm only feminine when I'm wearing a dress?! The same mind is in there 24/7. They'll appreciate my mind when I'm wearing a dress or girly outfit, but they are just weirded out when I "use my brain" in any other setting. I wonder if I could overcome this contradiction by always wearing pretty clothes and "using my brain" at the same time...
Isn't the combination of brains and beauty supposed the ideal in a woman like brains and brawn is the ideal in a man?
I've always gotten the impression that people expect women to be either smart or pretty, but not both.
But I still think that people have more issues with introverted females than introverted males. At least the males have the "strong and silent" archetype, which is somewhat positive. Females only have the label of "shy" which is always negative.
I've always gotten the impression that people expect women to be either smart or pretty, but not both.
But I still think that people have more issues with introverted females than introverted males. At least the males have the "strong and silent" archetype, which is somewhat positive. Females only have the label of "shy" which is always negative.
When I wear more feminine clothes, they "double check" my math answers "just to be sure" and tend to avoid talking to me in a friendly manner. You can guess which I wear more often.
On the day after our class got our HonorsCalc.II exam scores, I came to class wearing a summer-type dress. When someone asked me what my score was, and I told him 97% (best anyone did in the class did) they refused to believe me until I showed the score report. Looks on their faces were quite amusing![]()
Femininity can be faked through appearance which has been one of the great discoveries of my life. I've never seen myself as particularly masculine or feminine but a nice balance of the two. However, in junior and high school I got a lot of crap about not being feminine enough. A lot of kids at that age seem to feel a strong need to pigeon hole people. I didn't fit into any convenient holes. So I added a few feminine details to my look. It made a difference but it has taken time to discover a nice balance between appearing feminine enough to not get funny looks and not looking so feminine that people mistake me for a girl instead of an intelligent introspective adult.
When I wear more feminine clothes, they "double check" my math answers "just to be sure" and tend to avoid talking to me in a friendly manner. You can guess which I wear more often.
On the day after our class got our HonorsCalc.II exam scores, I came to class wearing a summer-type dress. When someone asked me what my score was, and I told him 97% (best anyone did in the class did) they refused to believe me until I showed the score report. Looks on their faces were quite amusing![]()