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Search results

  1. MichiganJFrog

    Academic Psychology

    And even applied psychology just seems like pretty much of a numbers game these days.
  2. MichiganJFrog

    Academic Psychology

    Agreed, but it does seem like the MBTI has fallen out of favor in academia. Is that because administering it has become such a cash cow for boutique management consulting firms? As far as no one studying Jung anymore, could that be more a factor of time than of his relative merit? I remember...
  3. MichiganJFrog

    Seizure-inducing Web pages

    As in cathartic, like a Greek tragedy? Or was it like bloodletting? I checked out a couple of their videos. They seemed like high-tech primal screams to me.
  4. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Hey, I was there, man! No, wait, that can't be right.
  5. MichiganJFrog

    Seizure-inducing Web pages

    Here's one
  6. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Maybe not, but at least when he has his little nappy poo, I can hold it up to his mouth and record whatever he says in his sleep. :p
  7. MichiganJFrog

    Teaching myself maths

    I wanna do this, too. I went back to the quadratic equation the other night and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I don't know if I just have some kind of mental block or if I have dyscalculia. I'll give these resources a shot, though. Thanks for raising the question.
  8. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Can I operate the stenomask?
  9. MichiganJFrog

    Ni - perceptive of human nature?

    Really? I thought he refused to treat Van Gogh because he didn't want to mess with genius.
  10. MichiganJFrog

    Cuntfase McFucknugget

    The 1980s called, they want their graphics back.
  11. MichiganJFrog

    Cuntfase McFucknugget

    In that sense, it was a very valuable post, no doubt about it.
  12. MichiganJFrog


    Hiyas. I think the best thing is to just try to figure out what life means to you, not in general. At least, that's what I've been thinking lately. I'll let you know if it changes.
  13. MichiganJFrog

    Trying to come up with a Heavy Metal Timeline

    Link Wray invented the power chord. The Yardbirds really got things going, though. When they had Beck and Page in the same lineup, they were pretty much heavy metal.
  14. MichiganJFrog

    Anyone on INTPc?

    I checked out INTPc before I settled on this place. I thought their design was on the drab side.
  15. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Washington Research Library Consortium. Links to about a dozen institutional repositories at universities in the D.C. area.
  16. MichiganJFrog

    An ESFJ Society?

    If I read it correctly, Susan Cain's historical argument is that American introverts of all stripes were more socially accepted, perhaps even preferred, up until around our Industrial Revolution. Before then, apparently, it was less important to sell yourself, because everyone was expected to be...
  17. MichiganJFrog

    I like logic, you like logic, we all like logic.

  18. MichiganJFrog

    I wish I had found this place years ago

    Happened in Bolivia, too: Leasing the Rain. Anyway, wilkommen. Probably the most interesting intro I've seen in a while.
  19. MichiganJFrog


    I haven't heard of that one, but it seems like everything and everyone goes at hyper speed these days, sometimes for good reason, but often for no other reason than because we can. I say slow the fuck down once in a while, people. Same here. I have been doing independent study of cognitive...
  20. MichiganJFrog


    I did, nearly 30 years ago. Totally freaked me out. I landed in a psych ward because of it. Then 20 years after that, I ended up in another hospital, rooming with a kid who looked like I did, right down to the dyed blond hair, and he was having auditory AND visual hallucinations. Based on my...
  21. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Rare Books and Special Collections at the Library of Congress.
  22. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
  23. MichiganJFrog

    Last movie you watched

    The Giant Mechanical Man A kinda low-key chick can't seem to get her life together, and all these well-meaning extraverts keep telling her what to do. Jenna Fischer from The Office plays the protag.
  24. MichiganJFrog

    The Curious Incident...

    Back in my journalism days, I used to get a lot of good quotes by people being irritated at how thick I was and just losing their shit with me. That took its toll, though. They'd see their quote in print and then lose their shit with me all over again. My editor liked me because she said I gave...
  25. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Scientific Research Publishing
  26. MichiganJFrog


    Just came across this, FWIW: Successful and Schizophrenic
  27. MichiganJFrog

    Effect of dystopian literature on INTP

    I'll have you know there are many fine people out there writing, editing, and selling zombie books and bringing joy to millions in the process and ... oh, hell, yeah, you're right, they're total bullshit
  28. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Public Library of Science Same as ^
  29. MichiganJFrog

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Sue Foley
  30. MichiganJFrog

    Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? (Easy online test)

    I've noticed that with my cat, actually. I'll have the coffee grinder or the ice dispenser going, and he won't flinch, but if I slide across the floor in my socks, the hair on his back will stand up on end.
  31. MichiganJFrog

    Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? (Easy online test)

    25. The only two I didn't check were the one about caffeine and the one about knowing what people need. I am so addicted to caffeine I guess I just don't notice how wired I am anymore. And I can tell when people are uncomfortable, but I'm usually clueless with regard to what will make them...
  32. MichiganJFrog


    Yeah, I guess maybe a less highfalutin' interpretation would be whatever you have in common with the bulk of humanity. Originality's important, but I've always felt like it's also important to capture stuff in a way that rings true to people. Homer the Philosopher
  33. MichiganJFrog


    Including the idea that you're not original. 905 "Every sentence in my head/Someone else has said." To put a positive spin on it, you could say you're becoming a part of the Collective Unconscious, or something like that. Anyway, hola y buen suerte.
  34. MichiganJFrog

    Knowledge of self

    The Highly Sensitive Person As they are described in this book, I find the details of the trait of high sensitivity more salient for me than those of introversion, which seems incredibly hard to pin down. Ask 10 people to define introversion, and you'll get 12 different answers. The...
  35. MichiganJFrog

    Oil found Down Under

    Don't worry. Once it warms up, we'll have our hands full with Canada.
  36. MichiganJFrog

    What are you thinking about?

    Thinking about this song Cheesy 70s stuff
  37. MichiganJFrog

    Birth order

    Alfred Adler was a major force in promulgating the theory of birth order as an influence on personality. I think he was the one who said youngest children were lazy and spoiled. As the youngest of three, I can vouch for that.
  38. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Cogprints.org: Open access scholarly articles.
  39. MichiganJFrog

    Do xxFx's affect you?

    The INTPs of the world quietly and methodically clean up the messes made by the confident FJs who forge ahead with their poorly thought-out plans. Whether they get any credit for it is another matter.
  40. MichiganJFrog

    The depressive position

    It could be that the world today is actually so safe that the consequences of sitting around doing nothing (for whatever reason) are less severe than they have ever been in recorded history. No, please, continue! :D
  41. MichiganJFrog

    The depressive position

    Shit, man, Wikipedia got me thru grad school j/k :p Piss poor will do quite nicely for a n00b, thank you. Social defeat sounds similar to the theory of Learned helplessness.
  42. MichiganJFrog

    The depressive position

    Here's my understanding of it: Being sad without being consumed by it (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
  43. MichiganJFrog

    I Tried To Kill Myself

    That was pretty much me 30 years ago. In terms of cataclysmic impact, few things compare to my freshman year in college, especially the first semester. After that, I was just kind of shell-shocked. There have been various points in my life where I have dropped a lot of pounds because my...
  44. MichiganJFrog

    Time Does Not Exist

    If the foregoing discussion is true, then this man's life and work, his endless days of toil and drudgery, have meant nothing. Time to Make the Donuts
  45. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Thanks for starting it! :cool: The Online Books Page
  46. MichiganJFrog

    When did music start to suck?

    The unsung heroes of the industry Kinks - Session Man
  47. MichiganJFrog

    Hello, World!!

    Heavens to mergatroids! Welcome!
  48. MichiganJFrog

    When did music start to suck?

    Sometimes, quite by accident, the people who ape what someone else was doing end up doing something interesting: cf., The Police doing their take on punk rock per the record execs' specifications.
  49. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    Hathi Trust Digital Library
  50. MichiganJFrog

    E-Book Downloads

    A kitchen-sink type of site: http://www.unz.org/
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