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Search results

  1. citrusbreath95

    The Oreo Personality Test

    5. Dunked: Everyone likes you because you are always upbeat. You like to sugarcoat unpleasant experiences and rationalize bad situations into good ones. You are in total denial about the shambles you call a life. You have a propensity towards narcotics addiction. Not me at all, i'm not so...
  2. citrusbreath95

    Dreading High School

    I understand what you mean. So really school is just sort of a place where you can learn the larger concepts out of the concepts your studying, such as Spanish teaches you ways to communicate other than English, and algebra sequential thinking. So, I suppose once you have this knowledge, the...
  3. citrusbreath95

    Interesting Bands?

    Well, I listen to a few bands, but I really would like to find some other random bands that most people never would have heard in their life. I don't have the fastest internet that would allow me to view many band's music (unless I want to wait 3 hours for all of it to load) and I don't know...
  4. citrusbreath95

    Trouble expressing ourselves?

    Yeah, I'm like that on this forum as well, usually I have a lot in my mind, but I suppose I'm so used to keeping it quiet to people I know at school, etc, and I'm use to their comments on my interests. I never know how to put it anyways, it makes sense in my mind but orally and sometimes even...
  5. citrusbreath95


  6. citrusbreath95


    It's horrible! Actually once I was at a fair, and when the ride I was on ended this guy came around to unlock the seat belts. Well the guy came around and pretended it was stuck, I felt as if my stomach was disintegrating inside of me, I could sense the look of fear on my face and did my best to...
  7. citrusbreath95

    Are you afraid of robots?

    To Op, I'm afraid of the human minds programming these robots, I would be fine if the robots were identifiable (no androids: I'm sorry... but your sister's a robot...NOOOO!!!:eek:) But, to do simple things like fix cars, build buildings, direct traffic (we'll see on that one!:phear:) I'm O.K...
  8. citrusbreath95


    Yep, this is mine so far....
  9. citrusbreath95


    Everyone has something they're afraid of. Whether it be general things or more specific things. There are many types of fear whether you have Hydrophobia, Geliophobia, Cacophobia, Nomatophobia, etc. (The possibilities are endless) Anyways, I am curious if INTPs have specific phobias based on...
  10. citrusbreath95

    INTP Characteristics

    -Female -Middle child, though it could count as the eldest -Right Handed - Light Blue/green/grey eyes (sort of change depending on the lighting) - Dark Brown hair -Pretty pale complexion -Mostly flat footed (the smallest of an arch) -Live in the States -Some weird stomach thing when I was a...
  11. citrusbreath95

    The 16 Desires of INTPians (or not)

    Most desired: 1. Curiosity 2. Independance. 3. Tranquility 4. Idealism Least Desired: 1. Vengeance 2. Status 3. Acceptance 4. Exercise I think desire does affect personality, with different desires you act a certain way to achieve it, therefore your mind also works around the way you act to...
  12. citrusbreath95

    Dreading High School

    That's an optimistic way to look at it, and I now I have some hope. I guess just wait until college as then all kinds of people from different places come together, and share common interests as you and won't laugh in your face. I'm curious as to what college you attend (I need to start getting...
  13. citrusbreath95

    Recognizing intelligence?

    To OP, Personally I think for many people intelligence is how you present yourself. You could be a genius, but if you were clumsy, uncivilized, and had a very small vocabulary people then people would assume you weren't intelligent all the while that person may be conducting formulas to enhance...
  14. citrusbreath95

    Dreading High School

    Originally I was pretty exited about high school, I thought this might be a time where I could actually pick classes of my interests, escape to the library during lunch instead of sitting for a mindless half hour watching kids put beans up their nose, meet more interesting people in higher...
  15. citrusbreath95

    Sports and INTP

    I like participating in certain sports, hate watching them- I find it boring, but I enjoy track/running, swimming, a little bit of tennis, I'm pretty good at any sport I do, but I'll never be a Michael Jordan or anything, or want to, I like sports as it helps to release tension, clear my mind a...
  16. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    I find myself in this really weird sort of phase, where I have no idea if I'm awake or not, I will hear myself just talking. mumbling, saying random things. Apparentely I sleep talk as well. Once my dad said he heard me talking to myself in my room and came in to see if I was calling him or...
  17. citrusbreath95

    Does no one care?

    I agree with this, or maybe this spotlight on one's self and ignoring other's needs is a result of historical events that have occured both in the U.S. and globally, and because advertisement just advertise based on to the current events and plays on people's emotions (advertisers don't start...
  18. citrusbreath95

    Accused Rebellion?

    ha ha! I can't stand teachers like that, luckily my teachers pretty much leave me alone, I probably just majorly jinxed myself!:)
  19. citrusbreath95

    Accused Rebellion?

    Yep you bet right, if I space out on my mom though it's especially hard as she's ESFJ, and whenever she says something she is constantly questioning me, it's an olympic act if you can space out when she's talking but apparentely I do, but yeah I do some really awesome things when I drift off, I...
  20. citrusbreath95

    This makes me sad.

    To OP, I have moments like this, I'm in middle school as well, and I was talking about some random philosophical (if that's the right word) about how our vocabulary is relative (sort of based on the quote by a famous philosopher "if a lion could talk we would not understand it") anyways, I was...
  21. citrusbreath95

    What was the last thing that made you excited?

    To OP, I have the same issues, and I really need a challenge of some sort, and a challenge that actually applies to one of my interests, I've been trying to sort of randomize my life a bit, I recently started making homemade parody commercials, my most recent one is a device that unties knots in...
  22. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    That's funny, Sometimes if I am deeply in thought before I sleep, and then I fall asleep I may wake up in the middle of the night and immediately go back to that thought, as if my mind has just frozen on the spot... pretty interesting
  23. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    I wish I could lucid dream, my dad can he says he sometimes has dreams where he is flying, and can control them. So I'm trying to control my dreams more and more, I've had a good deal where I've realized I was dreaming, yet I still couldn't fully control them... darn... maybe it comes with...
  24. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    You just described my dreams, only mine do leave a lasting feeling, my biggest problem is as soon as I wake up, I forget most of the details... the very things that could hold many answers to what the dreams actually meant!
  25. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    I'm like that like if I have a nightmare especially I will carry the depressing atmosphere it left behind for nearly the entire day, sometimes if it was really severe a day or two (that's really rare for me),
  26. citrusbreath95

    Hmmm... traveling

  27. citrusbreath95


    Get out and travel, take a break from daily life, do something to break daily routine (I get really depressed over daily routine) it can be something really simple, but it does help. Make something new, (a video, write a book, song, etc.) force yourself to go outside and take a walk
  28. citrusbreath95

    INTP writers

    Not entirely sure about INTJ as my dad is INTJ and I didnt really make a connection to him while reading, though I dont know too much on the INTJ personality type only the basics.
  29. citrusbreath95

    The Brutally Honest Test

    Loser- INTP... ha ha ha. My friend will get a crack out of that one.:cool:
  30. citrusbreath95

    How effective are INTP leaders?

    To OP: I think it's really amazing how an INTJ is at the top of the list of being a leader, and INTP at the bottom, that the last category makes such a major impact... this information answers so many questions! Anyways, about INTPs being leaders, I'm usually not too good at this, I think if I...
  31. citrusbreath95

    Hmmm... traveling

    I'm not sure if this subject has already been posted, if so I apologize. Anyways, I absolutely, without a doubt LOVE traveling. I get many happy feelings through traveling, and though I rarely can do it, I am crazy about it. Im just wondering if this is a typical INTP thing, or just something...
  32. citrusbreath95

    Problem with authority

    Response to OP, I do in my mind, I am pretty, (not sure if this is the right word) passive to rules and people, I usually do what they ask if it doesn't interfere with my personal life, or my principles. Though I hate doing things because I feel I only have to do them because some higher...
  33. citrusbreath95

    Body language

    Not too good at body language, I usually try to hide my body language, and get all paronoid that people are making observations on how I am feeling based on my posture, or position. I actually did some research online on body language, and found it very interesting. I was comprehending it...
  34. citrusbreath95

    AHHH! Presentation!!!

    ha ha! Dancing could work, it'd be rather strange but that could be what gets the judge's attention... any other suggestions along with that?:elephant:
  35. citrusbreath95

    AHHH! Presentation!!!

    This is pretty last minute, but I have to do a presentation this Tuesday. It's for this advertising unit we are doing. So I am working with my friend, and our product is ing. (which is bubblegum toothpaste, sadly I just found out the Japanese had it already... curses!!!) Anyways, we have to...
  36. citrusbreath95

    Easily Attached?

    I never seem to get too attached to anything. I mean, I could have a great friend, but if I were to move away forever from he/she I wouldn't feel that horrible and cry myself to sleep as I see most people do in the movies, or hear about in actual life. I am just wondering if this is INTP or if...
  37. citrusbreath95

    wanderlust! wandering while wondering! not all who wander are lost...

    ha ha, I'm like this as well.... I really love going to different places, and learning new things. I have been living in the same place for about 6 years now (which doesnt seem like much but it is!), and I am so tired of it i'm losing my mind... I am really hoping I can move soon but that...
  38. citrusbreath95

    Introversion = Social Anhedonia?

    It can be both a weakness and a strength depending on the circumstances. A strength, as you don't rely on people, or depend on them and can get much accomplished if wanted (well for me anyway) yet it can be a weakness as you miss out on fun when others are having it... I get this way a lot. It...
  39. citrusbreath95

    Dreams... oooooh!!!

    I was just curious as to how you guys felt about dreams. For me, I absolutely love dreams, they actually give you something to analyze fully that you otherwise can't in real life. I was also wondering what kind of dreams you have. I found it suprising to learn some people dream in black in...
  40. citrusbreath95

    How Do You Sleep At Night?

    Depends on the day, if nothing is on my mind, I sleep quite well and fall asleep in seconds. Though a lot of the time, I'm either debating in my head, thinking about the future, about previous events of the day, random thoughts, so much stuff that sometimes I give up on the whole idea of sleep...
  41. citrusbreath95

    Accused Rebellion?

    O.K. so this is a simple question, I was just wondering if any of your parents accused you of being rebellious. I find it quite frustrating, as I don't have the idea of wanting to be rebellious it if just forgetfulness, or not being focused... but if my parents tell me to do something a lot of...
  42. citrusbreath95

    What do INTPs look like

  43. citrusbreath95

    Talking to yourself

    I am much like this, and talk to myself often sometimes, I might go through previous conversations of the day, and think up things that could have been said, and how I would have replied... this is when I really dont have anything else on my mind
  44. citrusbreath95

    Quiet or Noisy Atmosphere when Studying?

    When I do study, I prefer silence, any kind of noise aggitates me and it makes my mind wander... though if I am in a nosy environment, I can focus, it just takes a little more out of me, but if it's really loud, then I might just find myself thinking about random thoughts, reading the passage...
  45. citrusbreath95

    what is the most useless school subject

    I don't think any subjects are completely useless, you can always learn something from them, even if it doesn't relate to the topic what-so-ever though, my least favorite is health class
  46. citrusbreath95


    I have confidence in my thinking styles as if I know something others don't, in my mind, alone I feel confident about my ideas and opinions, yet once I need to share these ideas to another person, most of the time I am trying to convice myself as much as the other person. Unless, I truly have...
  47. citrusbreath95

    Troubles with Compliments?

    I am not good with compliments either, I think sometimes it is just paranoia. For example, if someone comes up to me smiling and comments my hair I get very suspicious and start to wonder what their motives are. Also, I just feel as if too much attention is on me (I sometimes enjoy attention...
  48. citrusbreath95

    Hello Everyone

    Well I do act a lot like how most people describe themselves on this forum, so it isnt the actions that got me suspicious, I just don't know how accurate the test is... but I too find it really interesting
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