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Search results

  1. grey matters

    How to give a cat a pill

    How to give a cat a pill (with bonus instructions on how to give a dog a pill) 1. Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand...
  2. grey matters

    The saga of Ceiling Cat vs. Basement Cat

    I think I might get shot if I post this on the "Philosophy and faith" forum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBxCBi3C67k :eek::eek::eek:
  3. grey matters

    Interesting...um, weather forcasts

    At that point I lost it too.
  4. grey matters

    Interesting...um, weather forcasts

    I saw this and I had to post it. http://www.937thearrow.com/pages/waltonandjohnson.html?article=10499045
  5. grey matters

    Star Wars Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Cube Tray

    Star Wars Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Cube Tray. I've seen fancy ice cube molds before but this one is seriously funny. I just thought I'd post it here, don't think it's spam, I'm not making any money off of this. I just thought it was funny...
  6. grey matters

    when you are melancholy and others find an incessant need to attempt to cheer you up

    Response to the OP: Slip a little despondex into their food or drink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd4tugPM83c
  7. grey matters

    Man stuffs his dead cat and transforms its body into a remote-controlled helicopter

    That would make a kick ass rodeo attraction Cog. Noddy, wouldn't your grandparents be slippery when wet? Try something with rougher skin.
  8. grey matters

    Man stuffs his dead cat and transforms its body into a remote-controlled helicopter

    A Dutch artist, upset over losing his beloved pet, Orville, had the animal stuffed and transformed its body into a remote-controlled helicopter. http://www.barstoolsports.com/nyc/super-page/dude-turns-his-dead-cat-into-a-helicopter/
  9. grey matters

    Check out this really cool creature

    Soo, you were that kid in the 1980's who didn't realize that it was your sweater that you were supposed to tie around your neck. You would have never made it in California.
  10. grey matters

    Check out this really cool creature

    Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on this forum. It almost made my head spin how the subject went from sea slugs to...um...other things. BTW Noddy when you wear pants you don't wear them like a hat -just a little tip.
  11. grey matters

    Check out this really cool creature

    That's the first thing I thought when I saw it. It reminded me of a Po ki mon. You know that three for three thing could apply to you too Cog -just saying. :)
  12. grey matters

    Check out this really cool creature

    When I saw this animal I honestly thought it was Photoshopped. I had to look it up to believe it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaucus_atlanticus
  13. grey matters

    let's talk about beer!

    Me gusta Tequilla, beer is boring.
  14. grey matters

    so attempting to enter the dating world....

    Ok folks, I've posted this video before on this forum but for those who haven't seen it yet, here goes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya_D9IwB3-s
  15. grey matters

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    quote: "...other than the standard weed story." Lol. Talking about something a bit more legal, My son (who was 8 at the time as I recall) and I both did an experiment with an allergy med called "Claritin". Over a period of 3 days it altered our personalities. My son became very...
  16. grey matters

    How do INTPs express emotion?

    Mellivar, you posted a while ago but I'm just getting around to reading this and felt compelled to reply to it even though you have long since left the conversation so I don't really know why I'm doing this but I'm doing this anyway so there (I like run on sentences). Quote: "I'd say we just...
  17. grey matters

    PC Won

    Well I'm glad I never actually paid for my ipod clippy thingies. I won them in a contest. PC = Practical Computer
  18. grey matters

    PC Won

    I'm not an Apple fan. I had two ipod clip thingies. That was enough to inoculate me against the companies products. I am still tempted from time to time by the cool apps and the friendly graphics that smile at me but I remember my inoculation and realize that it's better to have something...
  19. grey matters


    I have a degree in psychology. It was really fun. The problem is that you can't do much with it unless you get at least a masters degree. If you are going to go this rout understand that you, and your money are in it for the long haul. As for careers in Psychology be wary of counseling...
  20. grey matters


    I have a degree in psychology. It was really fun. The problem is that you can't do much with it unless you get at least a masters degree. If you are going to go this rout understand that you, and your money are in it for the long haul. As for careers in Psychology be wary of counseling...
  21. grey matters

    Oh whew! I thought you might have taken things the wrong way. I would love to see the torment...

    Oh whew! I thought you might have taken things the wrong way. I would love to see the torment you are causing. You have a way of making everything funny. I can't tell you the number of times I almost fell off my office chair from laughing at something you wrote. I could send you an invite to...
  22. grey matters

    If you do go torment people on the forums let me know I'm sure it will be entertaining.:D

    If you do go torment people on the forums let me know I'm sure it will be entertaining.:D
  23. grey matters

    Hi Nod. I hope you don't think I was being harsh with you on that last thread. I did time on...

    Hi Nod. I hope you don't think I was being harsh with you on that last thread. I did time on the Christian forums a few years ago. I got horrified and left. For a while there (before I got horrified by something) I participated, but I became frustrated with the vast numbers of mindless...
  24. grey matters

    Partial blindness and brain hemispheres?

    An interesting notion K. I don't know much about sight but I am loosing my hearing in one ear. It makes sound location a real bitch. It's interesting to learn that you handle information differently with each ear. I haven't noticed much difference but the hearing loss is only partial in that...
  25. grey matters

    What are you all reading?

    I'm reading "The Closing of the Western Mind" by Charles freeman. It starts with the ancient Greek philosophers and follows the progression of western thought through the dark age to Thomas Aquinas. The book is about 350 pages and I am only on page 60 so I'm interested in how they are going to...
  26. grey matters

    Some of my drawings

    Well, now I'm more interested in the book. I guess I ought to just buckle down and purchase it.
  27. grey matters

    Some of my drawings

    Thank you A22. BTW do you know that there's a theory out there that suggests that everyone is capable of drawing well? I'm not trying to sell anyone a book, especially one I haven't read yet, but according to what this book says about itself it delves into the notion that not only can anyone...
  28. grey matters

    Some of my drawings

    Ugh my computer is being really slow right now and I don't have time to fuck with it. I'll post the rest of the drawings in a day or so.
  29. grey matters

    Some of my drawings

    Here are some drawings I have done recently. I'm going for the photorealistic look because my drawing skills aren't advanced.
  30. grey matters

    I've never thrown a party - have you?

    I've never been to a party where people have puked in interesting places. I have been to a party (of sorts) where 100 people suddenly were compelled to say "oh shit!" (and/or fuck) at the same time.
  31. grey matters

    NASA scientists will soon help INTP's with their pick up lines.

    .....and other things related to approaching the opposite sex. Yes there is hope folks, watch this terrific video to see how NASA will approach this problem. ‪NASA Scientists Plan to Approach a Girl by 2018 - from The Onion News Network‬‏ - YouTube
  32. grey matters

    Autostereograms ("Hidden 3d Laser images")

    Re: Hidden 3d Laser images Thank you Zombie for explaining that. I have always wondered why I couldn't see what I was supposed to see in those images. When I looked at the flags image that the original poster had posted It looked to me more like a Rhinoceros dancing the can can, which is...
  33. grey matters

    Color Test

    Existing Situation: Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems, but is either unwilling or unable to exert the effort. Stress Sources: Physiological Interpretation: Pronounced susceptibility to outside stimuli. Psychological...
  34. grey matters

    Why are you so grumpy?

    Grumpiness (or the appearance thereof) can be masked. Just inhale helium before you speak. The high comical voice can cover over a world of sin. Heck you could probably read Sylvia Plath's poetry and people would laugh.
  35. grey matters

    OH GOD

    So you think you are a cheese wiz huh? I'm gouda kill you for that. Someone please brie me the grater I'm gonna Canestrato you.
  36. grey matters

    Temporary Suspension

    Quote: Apart from them not knowing what their left hand is doing, of course. The left hand was jacking off.
  37. grey matters

    Hi, I'm new

    You say you are "New" yet your user name is "THE nOOb557". Who are you and what have you done with New! BTW welcome to the forum (commonly known as The Depths of Insanity).
  38. grey matters


    Compared to parrots budgies are quiet. Parrots, at least the one we had (briefly) SQUALK loudly. The one we had had an attitude and bit people. He also shit all over the place. An interesting story about parrots: We kept this parrots cage on a little cart that squeaked horribly at the...
  39. grey matters


    Budgies are loud and messy. They shit everywhere. when I was a teenager my sister got a pair. Their cage was right next to the window that looked out on our backyard. At the crack of dawn, long before anyone wanted to wake up on Saturday mornings, they would be chirping with the outdoor...
  40. grey matters


    Multi unit dwellings built in the 70's and 80's often had thin walls. This made it easy for your neighbors pot smoke to drift through the walls and cracks thereof. If you live in one of these dwellings Ocofan, perhaps this is a reasonable explanation for the phenomenon. I used to have very...
  41. grey matters

    Looking people IN THE EYES!

    The similarities between the INTP personality and Autism spectrum disorders like aspergers has in the past been an ongoing topic of conversation. Being that those with aspergers also have difficulty with eye contact, perhaps it's time to revisit this connection. And now for a random string of...
  42. grey matters

    How to survive as a guy

    “Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.” Winston Churchill
  43. grey matters

    The world is flat

    "There is no spoon" What does flatware have to do with this?
  44. grey matters

    The world is flat

    "On a more serious note, if you think the world is flat in a non-local sense, you're probably just doing it for the attention." No I don't think the world is flat. I just thought it was some funny bullshit that people might be interested in.
  45. grey matters

    The world is flat

    One must ask the question, has science become so complex to the average person that its theories sound just as plausible as those proposed by groups like the flat earth society and creation science (another group of crazies)?
  46. grey matters

    The world is flat

    Perhaps the site is a hoax. I only read a few pages of that site. There are people who believe the earth is flat. I have read some of their shit. It's pretty funny. I believe this is the site I viewed a while ago http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/ I don't have time to read it right now...
  47. grey matters

    The world is flat

    I'm hoping it is. I have read a few pages and so far they are serious. I have also read some other things from other sites (I can't recall the links right now) and those people from those other sites are dead serious. Perhaps this thread belongs in the Psychology and Neuroscience section of...
  48. grey matters

    The world is flat

    Hey folks check this out : http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/Flatearthsociety.htm These people really believe that the world is flat. Edit: someone said that the above site was a hoax. I had been wanting to post something on the flat earthers for quite some time now so I googled the...
  49. grey matters

    The "whos online" thread

    Oh! should I groan or giggle.....I think I'll do both.
  50. grey matters

    That's a lot of information for the hosting company to back up. Was all of it actually...

    That's a lot of information for the hosting company to back up. Was all of it actually restored? The forum does seem a bit dead. I can't seem to put my finger on why. It does look as though a lot of the older members don't post very often. I'm not able to participate much because I am busy...
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