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Search results

  1. GYX_Kid

    Do NTs tend to be picky eaters?

    i used to have a parsley avoidance 'fetish' since i wasn't a fan of small flakes sticking to my teeth. other than that i've always been an enthusiastically adventurous eater since birth, basically. raw horse ftw
  2. GYX_Kid

    ENTJs Rare?

    sharks i tell ya, bunch of no-good sharks out to get you supposing the healthy outlook on life is not present.
  3. GYX_Kid

    ENTJs Rare?

    my dad vs brother. if my dad is an ENTJ he isn't the worst one i've seen by a long shot, though that ^ happens all the time between them
  4. GYX_Kid

    ENTJs Rare?

    yeah an ENTJ + INxx is going to yield a sadistic vs vindictive war until one of them crosses the line of legality. but if both of them are civil, wise and understanding there can be some quality output churned at high speed. a cooperative ENTJ will provide a realistic motor for a cooperative...
  5. GYX_Kid

    Soviet Russia

    soviet in russia makes ten sence selling morf-english form,. sentence with 10 sense i need sleep
  6. GYX_Kid

    True Self

    there are apparent one-dimensional people. those who display the same often cliche behavior in their personal lives, among everyone they interact with, tend not to change/develop too much over time, etc. i don't believe that being considered shallow goes hand in hand with non-hypocrisy in a good...
  7. GYX_Kid

    Positive Misanthropy

    a this-type of misanthrope, who also would take risks that didn't necessarily depend on the possibility of shit from an asshole = win (unless maybe they were testing the asshole) well, society is pretty chaotic but not either extreme...what is it, something like 4% of the population are...
  8. GYX_Kid

    Intuitive "bad feeling" about something

    thank you, you have no idea how much that will probably help to trust it more in the future.
  9. GYX_Kid

    Intuitive "bad feeling" about something

    have you ever ignored this psychic ability and gone with your "logical conclusion," only to find later that your natural protective conscience was a logical leap above your conscious realization?
  10. GYX_Kid

    Knowledge or wisdom

  11. GYX_Kid

    Guide to typing in real time.

    dendrophilian claims to be ENTP YouTube - the final stage of transhumanism (Dendrophilian reupload)
  12. GYX_Kid

    Question for long-term INTPs

    in an argument, when an INTP makes a theoretical argument and the other person reacts with 'emotion'/'outburst'/'obstacle' practicality and applicability disagreements tend to happen i also occasionally may hold a deep, lasting grudge against someone who successfully frightens me in the right...
  13. GYX_Kid

    Who are we?

    Originally Posted by wilsonwatson I have reasons to try if there's no deadline. For example. I had to read different chapters in a very large history book, and I couldn't make myself do it even though the book seemed interesting, because...
  14. GYX_Kid

    they have some great lyrics. "our light-induced image of truth, filtered blank of its substance-...

    they have some great lyrics. "our light-induced image of truth, filtered blank of its substance- as our eyes won't adhere to intuitive lines" <- even rhythmically catchy and rhymes somewhat anaal nathrakh is all hyper-aggressive black grindcore, though severely lacks lyrics then there's...
  15. GYX_Kid

    Current Favorite Metal Songs

    YouTube - Impaled Nazarene - Nothing Sacred
  16. GYX_Kid

    nice signature. i actually posted that first song in music some time ago

    nice signature. i actually posted that first song in music some time ago
  17. GYX_Kid

    The where is everybody there has barely been any activity lately, I would know as I login everyday n

    'sup, minuend. are you a coffee drinker?
  18. GYX_Kid

    INTP Sexuality Survey

    i'm sexually attracted to the idea of being able to implant more nerve endings in genitalia. i've flirted before with the idea of developing ocular transplant technology as a stepping-stone. and some asian girls
  19. GYX_Kid

    INTP: The dream shatterer?

    i deeply shattered a gay narcissist (hypothesizing ENTJ) by pretty much doing absolutely nothing, besides the occasional nonchalant smartass jab. then i got perfectionistic and wanted to do more, so i pretended to be friendly and invited him over just so i could hurt him some more. i think he...
  20. GYX_Kid

    Petirrojos (2007) Peruvian Black Doom / Post-Rock

    that's great. i love genre experimentation with things like black metal minor tremolo leads over waltz-rock, haha. if you haven't heard a band called lifelover, check out something of theirs like 'ms salmonella' too.
  21. GYX_Kid

    Brain Works Test

    hmm....this one says slightly left, eh Your Brain Usage Profile: Auditory : 43% Visual : 56% Left : 57% Right : 42% NR, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic...
  22. GYX_Kid

    it's like being the audience of a mirror!

    it's like being the audience of a mirror!
  23. GYX_Kid

    Happy New Year, INTPf!

    happy accepted excuse to celebrate and get shitfaced, and be witness to the number 11 instead of 10 a lot more :) 11 reminds me of pretzels right now
  24. GYX_Kid


    ever done online collaboration experiments?
  25. GYX_Kid

    Guitar song for project

    i like the buildup starting at 2 minutes
  26. GYX_Kid

    People change

  27. GYX_Kid

    Worst Music Ever

    wesley willis YouTube - I Wupped Batman's Ass
  28. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    not necessarily an opinion that was completely forced into your head by the mainstream. if you hate it i recommend clearasil oh man. woooow i overlooked 15, the weasely clown. he knows how to appear pretty, even the upper arms. that is a trap. he made himself look a bit like a girl i know...
  29. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    okay let's see if i can do this, the guys are... #14, and... 7. i was debating either 2 or 3, but nah. but shit, yeah, it becomes obvious when they're super dolled-up like in some of those. apparently lol. i don't understand the mass appeal of tanning either, can get bizarre looking quickly.
  30. GYX_Kid


    you can use sadism in effect (cold and appropriate revenge), but it seems like a more direct primal contact would have more roots down to a feeling of satisfaction. basically it's whether or not you think it's worth it to masturbate your emotions generated from the event of violation. i assume...
  31. GYX_Kid


    i figure a certain portion of society would be out to do that anyway, and it's only because it's in my personal world that that grievous enemy has now entered eh, you only live once. if i live to 90 i plan to OD on heroin and jump out of a plane (amazes me that no old folk with nothing left...
  32. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    hard to find ugly eyes, though possible. haha i actually prefer natural asian eye color to when they get like blue contacts and stuff, though it isn't bad. apparently so many koreans get plastic surgery, the slight nose imperfection being fixable thing was a viewpoint a korean guy said. i saw...
  33. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    no, eyes are important. the thing about you asians' eyes is that the variety lies in the shape of the eyelid. white people differ in iris color. i agree about the noses, they're something plastic surgery can fix without much detriment if there's an unwanted bump or obvious beaknose or something.
  34. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    haha yeah well of course when i talk to girls, i'm talking and listening to their breasts...just like any red-blooded straight male :cool: eh, titties are like alcohol- nice but completely overrated. there isn't enough detail in them anyway. but i'm not gonna like stare at and study someone's...
  35. GYX_Kid


    oh... and i'm thinking ISTP guitarists would probably have great technique as well. might be more traditional than INTJs though?
  36. GYX_Kid


    don't know too much about the 7's, i always wanted one and love ibanez, so i just bought a used 200 dollar one to play around with- from a guy who looked like a regular-bodied dino cazares, actually. this RG model definitely isn't anything to complain about, for a casual playing-around guitar...
  37. GYX_Kid

    Favourite Game soundtrack?

    hey, the beehive levels and lockjaw's saga were great tunes.
  38. GYX_Kid

    Favourite Game soundtrack?

    Klonoa: Door to Phantomile YouTube - Klonoa 1 - The Ruin's Air
  39. GYX_Kid

    Are you creepy/weird?

    that is awesome one weird and potentially creepy thing about me is that apparently i'm 'supposed' to suck at reading facial expressions, says pigeonholing. but actually i tend to be so detail and subtlety oriented that i'll be like "hey, your top teeth remind me of this other person's."
  40. GYX_Kid


    anyone? i'd think meshuggah could fit metalheads with schizoid-ish tendencies. the T is kept entertained playing simon with the rhythmic patterns and appreciating the dark/existential lyrics, while the underdeveloped F is entertained by the overt brutality of the drop F guitar and jens's yells...
  41. GYX_Kid

    Anal C**t

    the only song i like by them musically is "you're a cop". this band's message is true philosophy
  42. GYX_Kid

    Perfect Symmetry

    i have no input other than this is all incredibly interesting.
  43. GYX_Kid

    Words Meaning/Understanding

    there is a point that all words and means of communication are socially defined and arbitrary, but you can't just name your baby cuntnigger without being purportedly obnoxious. doesn't need to be stated, but the meaning in this sentence comes from a consensus of the english language. speaking of...
  44. GYX_Kid

    Is objectivity subjective?

    subjectivity = introversion = a perspective objectivity = extroversion = projecting; a judgment the winners of war write the history, the king decides the morals and principles. at least in a 'democracy' with a system that apparently makes an extroverted objective judgment based on a...
  45. GYX_Kid

    Challenge: name an absolute moral (a moral that is true for every human culture)

    the only one i can think of that would span every culture/subculture/labeled cluster of people, would be the principle of how you should apparently not violate X moral.
  46. GYX_Kid

    How to survive as a guy

    -be physically and genuinely attractive -use your brains and innate quirks to be smart and interesting -have some kind of awesome habit or interest -if you're quiet, you can use that to be 'mysterious' or naturally aloof, instead of appearing shy. just show at least enough interest to keep...
  47. GYX_Kid


    if i was an al-qaeda terrorist, i'd definitely exploit the herds pointlessly gathered to stand in the cold, and bomb times square on new years eve.
  48. GYX_Kid

    Being INTP and being social

    your story sounds a little like tommy's, did you know how to handle him after watching the video? haha. from that he sounds like the type of narcissist that a guitarist in a band i was in was, though that guy was 19 years old and since started learning better. you think dino is ESFJ? really...
  49. GYX_Kid

    Being INTP and being social

    dino cazares got into a confrontation with you? did you open for fear factory or divine heresy?
  50. GYX_Kid

    What are your goals?

    make a bunch of experimental rock/metal albums full of substance, then keep adding and re-polishing them until i think they're complete (while keeping them away from my competitive ex-bandmate) spend more time in japan, bermuda and other areas make more recipes that are better than egg coffee...
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