Jon C
The Open-Minded Skeptic
Does a perfectly symmetrical person exist? Like an individual who is 50% in all categories. (I, E, N, S, T, F, P, J) How would we categorize this person? Would this be the idealistic type?
Does a perfectly symmetrical person exist? Like an individual who is 50% in all categories. (I, E, N, S, T, F, P, J) How would we categorize this person? Would this be the idealistic type?
You can't quantify these dichotomies in the psyche.
There is no "ideal" type, but different types can achieve an individual "ideal" level of development.
These dichotomies are also extremely simplistic and misleading, I recommend pursuing the study of cognitive functions.
How would you characterize that person's ideal level of development?
A constructive use of the tertiary and inferior that facilitates the goals of the dominant and auxiliary function.
Do you believe that even in the event that it is typologically impossible for an individual's personality to be born into perfect symmetry, there may be a way to improve on the weakened aspects in order to move toward a more aligned, and less lopsided personality? Ultimately having the potential to reach that symmetry?
At one end you are completely wrong. People are not born into a personality. A personality, (and consequently a personality type and its cognitive function) is formed through life experience. True, a brain may have certain genetic, biological predispositions that make the development of one trait easier and therefore more likely than another, but each baby born into this world is, on the most simplistic level, a blank slate.
This is where you are completely right. You can spin this truth to your advantage, and say that everyone is born in perfect symmetry, and their experiences take them from being evenly split between all functions, to a certain, slowly settling type. Most of this change would occur early in childhood. Though I am not certain, I believe that there are several branches of child psychology that support my thinking.
It is easier to think about if you understand the central theme behind Quantum Mechanics, that nothing is truly definite, but rather everything is in terms of probability
Your reasoning assumes that test results are 100% accurate, which they are not. This is why I think it is ill-advised to type a person based on the strength of one's cognitive functions. Rather, people should be typed by observing the psychological effects due to function consciousness (or lack thereof).I think there are some people with rather weak preferences on all scales. Have seen some personality badges with pretty weak preferences before on more than one scale (myself included) though not exactly 50% on all.
Does it make them perfect? I doubt it. The results just mean what they say; these are just people who are betwixt and between, and have both strengths and weaknesses of both extremes of the scale, to a lesser degree.
EyeSeeCold said:Your reasoning assumes that test results are 100% accurate, which they are not.
Specialisation has its benefits. An economics analogy - free trade is good because it allows for specialisation.SkyWalker said:Another benefit of being balanced which i didnt mention yet is that a truly balanced type has no preference, thus is totally unpredictable! This is very beneficial when you operate alone against enemies. Let me explain.
All specialists are predictible, you can build traps for them if you know their type, simply set up some paths of choices/options in their lives, planned by you in advance, in which you know in advance which option they choose (because of their preference), and you just lead them to exactly where you want them to be in the end (in your trap). This only works if you seperate them or when they are in a dysfunctional society, in a healthy society a specialist is always protected by another specialist (just like your body and its immune system).
The gist of what I was saying is merely that an XXXX type is not perfect.
Specialisation has its benefits. An economics analogy - free trade is good because it allows for specialisation.
A "generalist" might not necessarily be totally unpredictable.
Although the ultimate winner in 1-on-1, you would be the ultimate loser when confronted with a (complete) group of all specialists (society)
You are not a specialist in any type, but in society everybody is a specialist. Specialists are experts in a certain function, since they have developed it all their lives and you (the balanced one) have only devoted part of your life to them (since you have devided your full life time over each of them equally) So the specialsts would always be better in that particular function than you and could always beat you if that is the only function that can win. You could actually beat them 1-on-1, since you could switch to the next type that can beat them, but if your are in a society where this next type also exists, they will reap the occasion before you (they are faster and better in it because they more specialized in it) and you will be left behind as the loser.
Thus society forces you to become a type
Actually, I think this is a specialisation. It's called INTP.flow said:Thus remaining objective and equally critical of everything.
This begs the existential quandary: What should I specialize in? Or, should I rebel and choose not to specialize in anything? Thus remaining objective and equally critical of everything.
Hmmm.. I think I need a specialty.
A "generalist" might not necessarily be totally unpredictable.
You make the mistake of thinking you have a choice. Your specialization will come as a result of experience, opportunity and societal pressures.
Test results displaying percentages have no bearing on the fact that nature is already imperfect(considering absolutes), regardless, equal preference is a violation of consciousness as per Jung.