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Search results

  1. A22

    Biotechnology or biology

    I think that if you choose biotechnology you won't get out of the lab that often.
  2. A22

    Serotonin Levels Affect Brain's Response to Anger

    Well that was kind of predictable
  3. A22

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

  4. A22

    Portal II

    lol I also don't get why this game takes so much to load Perhaps it's my computer Or the fact that I download the torrent
  5. A22

    Coping with studies

    Only if it is chemistry. Mistakenly. Yeah but that's probably because I don't have a good night of sleep. Learning chemistry. Rarely. If I notice that by going to school that day I won't learn anything I don't go. No.
  6. A22

    Magic pill found to cure INTPness

    Start taking sugar pills to see if it isn't you who's really changing yourself. Oh wait...
  7. A22

    Lack of Friends -> Therapy?

    You mean... Because you think one's lack of friends is an issue or so one can have someone to confide in? Either way I think it is only necessary if one thinks it is.
  8. A22

    Stepping Out of My Head to Say Hello

    Wow that's awesome! I actually downloaded some of your songs. Hope you don't care about that copyright stuff.
  9. A22


    Welcome! This OS recognition system is flawed, Jesse.
  10. A22

    Why do I care?

    One cares about what someone he likes thinks of him. Or someone one needs a favor from. I guess you just like your parents and care about how they feel about you. I get like that when I have a fight or a pretty big argument (even with people I don't know that well). I guess we're only humans...
  11. A22

    Wanting to retreat

    It comes and goes
  12. A22

    Portal II

    I'm currently at chapter 4 (Portal II). It's kinda dull 'cause it's too easy and there barely is action. Is the multiplayer cool?
  13. A22

    Nothing To Do With the Movie

  14. A22

    Acting and INTPs

    I regret not signing up for the theater club. Perhaps I do it when I finish school.
  15. A22

    Simple psychological games/tests

    Even before I look at the mountain spoiler I though it would be about being pointy or round lol Yup. I couldn't even draw three animals.
  16. A22

    Stepping Out of My Head to Say Hello

    Hi, show us what you got music-wise
  17. A22

    Guess That Album

    Although it's not my turn... I hope this doesn't be as hard to guess as it was to draw.
  18. A22


    this guy is the definition of wtf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw42uhVUY0M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G46YMyQjBY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGvJZpkO3J8
  19. A22

    Hi. Get out of my head.

    You seem like a sane person to me except for the hearing things part. That's probably because of the heavy use of pot. You should stop smoking it if you don't want this. Weed can make you anti-social and lead to or increase that disconnection too.
  20. A22

    Watchmen MBTI Types

    Well Rorschach is kind of impulsive and likes action. He also sees the world (I guess) in a very negative and perhaps realistic way. IDK about he being an INFP. I'd type him as ESFP. I agree about the others.
  21. A22

    Introductions aren't my forte

  22. A22

    Last movie you watched

    Limitless is nice although a little exaggerated (specially that part when the protagonist, who is already a heavy user of the drug, drinks like a sip of blood from a dead man who used the drug and gets high on it). I watched it from ~1 to ~3am while on a 48 hours-straight bus trip so I kind of...
  23. A22

    Last movie you watched

    It's Kind of a Funny Story. It's kind of a Silly Movie
  24. A22

    Last movie you watched

    Love and Other Drugs. Not as good as love and other drugs
  25. A22

    Top five favorite movies

    That was like, really hard to follow in the beginning.
  26. A22

    Top five favorite movies

    Wow it's hard to choose top 5. There are at least 10 movies I'd like to put on this list. 1. Requiem for a Dream 2. Blade Runner 3. Se7en 4. Die Welle 5. The Gods Must be Crazy
  27. A22

    Optimism and Pessimism vs. Skepticism

    Hope for the best. Be prepared to the worst
  28. A22

    I have nothing to converse with people about.

    If you have nothing to talk about and want to talk, just do small-talk. Talk about what you do/did and hopefully the person you're talking to will bring up something about it eventually. If they don't, you do it. Jump from one topic to another, connecting'em. It's kind of automatic. "Hey I just...
  29. A22

    Why is slavery wrong?

    Should I ask the cow what it prefers? "You shouldn't do anything to it" yeah well, that's not how I see it
  30. A22

    One day (Nicholls)

    Has anyone read this one? I looked it up and it said it was a best-seller... I couldn't find it on Portuguese online so I thought I should ask before spending a few bucks buying it.
  31. A22

    Why is slavery wrong?

    Being myself, I'd rather die around my 40's minding my own business than being a slave my entire life.
  32. A22

    Why is slavery wrong?

    Even if we didn't kill the cow but caged it all it's life to get it's milk I'd still think it's cruel. I think raising the animal in a way it'll suffer all it's life is cruel (like slavery). I don't think killing a cow is "bad". I eat meat like monthly. I don't think it's bad or wrong to...
  33. A22

    Why is slavery wrong?

    I concur with Joz_helloworld. I'm not a vegetarian though. I see no problem in extensive livestock farming. What I do not see as right is intensive livestock (factory) farming where the animal is caged or maltreated. I do not eat chicken because I know it is factory farming here. I eat cattle...
  34. A22

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
  35. A22


    I have some troubles sleeping. I usually sleep 4h per night (+2h after lunch). I almost fall asleep in class. Fortunately it is not making my grades go down. Yet.
  36. A22

    Hot or Cold?

    None. Living where temperatures go from -5C°(23F) to 35C°(95F) I can say, too much winter is boring, too much summer is burning. If I had to choose I'd choose randomly.
  37. A22

    Also new

    welcome! dunno
  38. A22

    Being an INTP is a CURSE :(( Career/Major issue

    I applied for what I was more drawn to (Pharmacy) at the moment I had to apply for something. I'm not sure if it was the right choice but if I could choose something else now, I still wouldn't know what to choose, so whatever. (Here it works this way: You apply for something (like Medicine...
  39. A22

    Do you......

    Not really. If X happen, well, let's see how that goes then...
  40. A22

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    I get along really well with an INTJ girl. We don't have communication problems since if I have something to say to her I just say it. Not that I don't care how she'll feel about it, it's just that I'm really open with her. IDK about her but she seems to do the same. It might be because we know...
  41. A22

    I've never thrown a party - have you?

    I invite people over to play poker and eat churrasco but that's it. I've been skipping my birthday sice I was ~12 too.
  42. A22

    What is YOUR perception of "ugly"?

    What is not attractive. What is repulsive. What has characteristic that one does not like. I find the skin of a classmate of mine ugly because it has a lot of acne which I think is repulsive. I also see beauty on her though. She has a beautiful smile and is a wonderful person. Another example...
  43. A22

    ITT: post your RL Nick names

    I never had a nickname
  44. A22

    Last movie you watched

    Requiem for a dream That was sad
  45. A22

    Last movie you watched

    Watched by myself. I think she would've liked it. About the movie... Well that end was unexpected. Is The Butterfly effect based on that or what? lol
  46. A22

    Last movie you watched

  47. A22

    Melllvar has more cool links than 420Munkey

    Wow thanks for the answers. I got to know some very good science websites through the Science & Technology board (and through here now). If you keep posting I'll keep reading but that's just me... If this thread is open for contributions I'll post some links myself later...
  48. A22

    INTP self-improvement: developing theories and axioms

    thats a good one
  49. A22

    INTP self-improvement: developing theories and axioms

    isn't trying not to be part of all this a way of trying to be somehow better than others?
  50. A22

    Melllvar has more cool links than 420Munkey

    Nice Melllvar The one about the alleged miraculous antiviral: Very interesting. Is that website a trustful source? I wonder how they binded the dsRNA recognition protein with the "kill the cell" protein. Also: Is dsRNA only produced by virus? What about bacteria? And from the comments: Are...
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