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Search results

  1. Rixus

    I've discovered the master key

    I'm sure he would answer your questions. But, though the INTP process has altered your consciousness, you still remain fundamentally human. Ergo, some of his answers you world understand and some you would not.
  2. Rixus

    Who here eats breakfast?

    I'm not usually hungry in the morning. But I think I just got used to not eating then because I'm always running late. If I'm at home, I'll forget to eat until I realise I'm famished about midday; sometimes later. If I'm in work, I always eat about 10am when I eat 1-2 pieces of fruit, a Greek...
  3. Rixus

    Weird things normal people do

    Yeah, nobody needs to look outside of their house (Pretends not to understand :confused:) I actually do use windows - mostly for compatibility, but also for familiarity. At least it's not iOS. I also have a Raspberry Pi with a modified form of Linux which is perfectly suitable for it's purpose.
  4. Rixus

    What's Your AQ?

    So... I scored higher than anyone who took this test, including those who are diagnosed? That's disconcerting. Especially as my daughter is actually diagnosed with ASD 2.
  5. Rixus

    Karma System

    I want you to be relying to me when you hit 10k (in 14 posts). I'll give you an up vote for it.
  6. Rixus

    Weird things normal people do

    We have all been called weird or strange by so called normal people. But sometimes I look at normal people and think that their behaviour is just plain bonkers, and I can't be the only one. So what things do you see normal people doing that make you think, "I'm glad I'm not normal - because...
  7. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    This is where getting so hung up on a single IQ score falls down a bit. I've never believed in one definition of intelligence. Shakespeare didn't study maths, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a genius. It's like people expecting me to calculate arithmetic really fast because I can read algebra...
  8. Rixus

    Week of Effort

    Rather than wishing you best of luck, I wish you the best lasting willpower. Because that'll make it work - not luck. I tried something similar just after my divorce. I managed to keep on top of all cleaning, improve my performance in work, get up an hour earlier 6 days a week to exercise...
  9. Rixus

    Avatar Experiment

    There's actually a story behind this avatar. That's a picture taken of the shelf of my fridge. I drew that face on it, propped a toy gun up, closed the fridge door and called the kids. "Did anyone unplug the fridge or leave the door open?" I said. Looking a little sheepish and confused, they are...
  10. Rixus

    Avatar Experiment

    I'm joining in the experiment. What do you think?
  11. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    I wouldn't say the guesses of you were in the middle, really. They were slightly higher than mine. Your posts always come across as very articulate and well thought out. But I (and I'm sure everyone here) is aware that raw IQ numbers relate to logical processing only - and I'd take a guess that...
  12. Rixus

    Avatar Experiment

    I admit, I do stop and stare at her sometimes. Just because there's nothing inherently wrong or disturbing about the clown make up, and yet it is somehow quite macabre. but on some level - it is. It's probably someone's Halloween outfit, and we're just reading in to it too much. It's probably...
  13. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    But that assumes that the entire mass of the human brain is solely devoted to information storage - which is simply untrue. It also appears to assume that IQ is solely described by the storage of information - and apart from a Wikipedia article on entropy of information, doesn't provide any...
  14. Rixus

    Avatar Experiment

    I'm not completely sure what my avatar says. I just did a Google image search for a new one and that was how I was feeling at the time. AK - yeah, I thought he was a she and for the first month read every he posted in the voice of Fluttershy. Cogs - this one looks a little less serious than the...
  15. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    And what did you learn? I've noticed you seem to have a particular interest in how you are perceived. It makes me curious. Especially as you don't share much of your opinions of others that I've noticed. I know the two guesses I had were higher than I expected, but naturally I always expect...
  16. Rixus

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Last night I dreamt that WW3 began. Rather unexpectedly, France dropped a nuke on my local city. Why anyone would do this is anyone's guess since it no strategic value, but there you go. Drop a nuke on it they did. The mushroom cloud in the distance (about 25 miles away) was the first we heard...
  17. Rixus

    The value of IQ

    I think this argument boils down to two perspectives of the manifestation of the same thing in different ways. I think it's simply a question semantics as both points are true - Red Baron is absolutely correct about this effect and it's something which we can observe every day. If you use the...
  18. Rixus

    The value of IQ

    I usually hear the voices of the avatar - except for those who's pictures I've seen. So I sort of hear The Architect from The Matrix speaking, and sort of expect the complex language that goes with it. I actually just find it amusing to use that persona because no one else I know in RL could...
  19. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    I was actually very hesitant to join this thread for just that reason. Especially as to measure my actual IQ, you'd have had to at least seen some of our maths abilities, spacial awareness or pattern recognition abilities, which aren't really evident in any discussion, your therefore rated on...
  20. Rixus

    What's Your AQ?

    When I was 19, i was 6 foot 1 and exactly 147lbs. It's true - I just wanted in on the randomness.
  21. Rixus

    Unsure of my MBTI Type?

    No, don't do that. You might end up being one of those inferior types. And you don't want that. Just be an INTP. A better way would be to come in, hang around at the bar and mingle. If the idea of socialising is sounds like a suggestion to try pouring vinegar into your eyes, and yet you find...
  22. Rixus

    What's Your AQ?

    Do you mean Schizoid Personality Disorder (which also no longer exists and is now categorised as Avoidance Personality Disorder with Schizoid tendencies)?
  23. Rixus

    Up for a debate

    That list was made off hand and a little tongue in cheek. That particular one was based on an article I saw somewhere (I can't even remember where - I think it might have even been on MSN so only taken semi-seriously at best), after the new X-Files series came back recently. Involved a few...
  24. Rixus

    Up for a debate

    What you've got to think of is the vastness of time as well as the vastness of physical space. If the universe has been around for 14bn years and our planet has been able to support life for around 1bn years (roughly 2.5bn years after the formation of our parent star), it stands to reason we are...
  25. Rixus

    What's Your AQ?

    I would expect so, too. But even if that is true, it doesn't mean anyone here (who has never been diagnosed with any ASD related disorder) actually has one. It;s a sliding scale that everyone is on somewhere. But it gets mentioned somewhere a couple of times a week but no one discusses it in...
  26. Rixus

    What's Your AQ?

    No, not IQ or EQ. Your AQ or Autism Quotient. I've lost count of how many times I've heard the word Asbergers thrown around (which doesn't actually exist anymore - it would be ASD 1, but that's irrelevant). I know a lot of people have had the suggestion given to them at some point so here is...
  27. Rixus

    Up for a debate

    Here's some options: 1) The benefits of the ease of communication offered by the internet outweighs the possible damage it has done to society and local economies. 2) Gender roles are the protect of society. 3) The Fermi Paradox merely illustrates the scale of the universe. 4) The fact that UFO...
  28. Rixus

    Male Financial Abortions

    My perspective is more the caring about the child - if you don't do it, who will? Whether fair or not, is it their fault? Not that I'm not saying the current system is perfect, but is any of it the fault of the little person who wonders why daddy didn't love them or want them? That's the...
  29. Rixus

    Male Financial Abortions

    I was thinking about this. And however much I think - I come back to a simple answer. Whatever you think should happen, there's a small human being involved. When I found out my ex was pregnant for the first time, it wasn't planned and we were young and financially unequipped to raise children...
  30. Rixus

    Google images paedophilic results

    @Reluctantly - just out of curiosity, what stage are you at? I mean, if the transition isn't complete, which do you pass as? And would you rather I refer to you as "she" (just so I know in future)?
  31. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    I definitely think INFP and I always have. The reason is because I hear feeling in almost everything you type - I can even feel it sometimes. While ISFP's (IME) tend to be very selfish and attempt to satisfy their own Fi by appealing to the Se constantly, INFP's tend not to be so selfish...
  32. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    I still think Anime is INFP. Every INFP I've known seem to display more Fe than Fi - or perhaps they mimic it by using FiTe much as INTP's mimic Te by combing TiNe. Notice how the comment suggested using Anime's own experiences to map onto yours and interpret how he believes you feel. Which...
  33. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    From what I've seen, I'm gonna go with 135-140.
  34. Rixus

    Male Financial Abortions

    As I said, I mostly meant where the father is not even aware that he has a child and doesn't have the option to be part of the child's life. Being a parent is about more than just financing them. And I know that realistically, you can't have a system without some rules. But surely there can be...
  35. Rixus

    Male Financial Abortions

    First of all, I'll agree with you that child support is a terrible system. I haven't seen it offer any help to anyone - partly because in this country the amount the father pays is subtracted first from any benefits the mother receives. And many decent fathers are stripped of disposable income...
  36. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    I did see Neverlake last night. It wasn't free, but since I'll pay more for a cup of coffee I gave it a try. The story involves a teenager who takes a break from boarding school to visit her father in Italy, who is studying a lake said to be the site of ancient rituals involving healing /...
  37. Rixus

    It seems I'm rejecting my Se

    I don't think this is anything to do with Se or Si as such. It may be describable that way, but what you're describing is very common amongst people prescribed the medication you're taking. The fluctuating dopamine levels you'd be accustomed to would make the nicotine buzz far more pronounced...
  38. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Had a chance to do a little work on my Raspberry Pi robot for the first time in a while today. I've been cursing Python for seemingly ignoring an if statement and performing the function even if the conditions aren't met (which was completely mystifying me) - the robot should only attempt to...
  39. Rixus

    Discord Chat

    But... I'm here.
  40. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    A day will come when I will have a good movie to recommend that you have not seen or heard of. But it is not this day. Yeah, I was impressed by how well they kept the tense jumping, so much so that the characters had no idea when they were - and you weren't even sure whether you were seeing a...
  41. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    I usually like to find a good horror movie for Friday night - last night I did a Google search to find a good one on Amazon Prime and came up with Oculus. It's begins with a guy of 21 now being released from a psych ward after seemingly committing murder on a family member as a child. His older...
  42. Rixus

    The Last Jedi

    Yousah don't know power of dark side! Yousah in big dooh-dooh this time! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170421/feac6989f1f42d2400217bc0c67ab7ba.jpg
  43. Rixus

    Sexual Identity?

    I get what you mean now - more complicated than animals arousing women as it originally sounded (although I can't imagine how people felt when the researchers jotted down that they were aroused by chimps) - it seemed to be suggesting the act of coupling itself initiated an emotional reaction for...
  44. Rixus

    Sexual Identity?

    That sounds very Freud inspired to me. Like, just because you think something is beautiful does it necessarily mean it is sexually arousing? Does it not seem more likely that attachment to animals is more likely an extension of mothering instincts than a sexual attraction? Yes, women do appear...
  45. Rixus

    is empathy, at its core, selfish?

    I remember studying this is Psychology back in college (many moons ago, so the subject is a little vague now). The behavioural approach suggested that there should always be a positive reinforce to our behaviour, even if one is not immediately apparent. Even it is not a concrete reward, one...
  46. Rixus

    We are invited!!!

    What is the Mafia War of which you speak?
  47. Rixus

    Motorcycle Club

    I rode a bike to University​ since still lived at home. It might have only been a small 98cc two stroke, but I loved it anyway. Felt so much more free than driving. But long story short, a fresh with a learner driver that was foretold by a creepy clairvoyant damaged the oil pipe and the engine...
  48. Rixus

    What is your IQ?

    INTP and usually test in the low to mid 130s. Not sure how useful IQs are, though.
  49. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    I found Brimstone and Treacle on Amazon and Play. You don't mean that do you? I can't find anything else called Brimstone. And that's what that thread is for, Nanook. You are just as welcome to write about that as anyone else. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  50. Rixus

    Google images paedophilic results

    1 - According to what I've read on the subject - no. It normalises the urges they are apparently feeling and leads to escalation, plus usually connecting with other such people which again normalises it and makes them more likely to engage in predatory actions. Personally, I think people who...
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