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Search results

  1. Rixus

    space time geometry

    When you're building 3 dimensional shapes using graphical programming, all shapes are made our of cones. Whenever you play a game, the world is made up entirely of very small cones. That's what I was taught in graphical programming in University. If you look at older games, take the original...
  2. Rixus

    What 'hurts' you?

    There is only one way I know to actually hurt my feelings. I have to care what you think. I know people say this - and I don't know how true it is for them, but it's true for me. If you are not in that small and elite circle of people I care about, I don't value your opinion enough for you to be...
  3. Rixus

    Functions and alcohol

    It's been my experience that it has little or nothing to do with functions. Alcohol softens your brain tissue and reduces your inhibitions - so it seems to bring out the parts of yourself that you keep hidden or repressed. I usually repress my emotions when sober and prefer not to say what's on...
  4. Rixus

    I don't know crap about makeup

    Matte isn't a reference of the car - it's a reference to the pain only. Just like matte paint, matt paper, lamination films or in this case a matte mousse foundation. Just means smooth butt not shiny - in some cases can have a slightly rough texture, but usually quite smooth. You see, if there's...
  5. Rixus

    Functions and alcohol

    I definitely do not become like an ENTJ when drunk. After a couple, I loosen​up and can be a bit ENTP. Possibly an INFP when very drunk, though. Sometimes maybe a little like an ENFP - it can go either way.
  6. Rixus

    No Such Thing As Good/Bad

    Bad as in evil in a biblical sense? No. That's just fear of things people didn't understand being driven by the need for power and control. Predators in the animal kingdom do as they do out of necessity and out of instinct. While I believe humans to be a highly developed animal, I think we've...
  7. Rixus

    Why Do xNTPs Online..

    We apologise for the feelings of discombobulation you are experiencing as a result of our unusually extensive vocabularies used during discourse. It's usually unintentional. For the most part - it's fun. I'm unable to use any ling words in non-virtual environments because most people can't...
  8. Rixus

    What's your driving like?

    I was quite late starting driving - It was less than two years ago I got my licence. I was always afraid to start, because I daydream so much I was afraid I'd zone out and end up in an accident. But it doesn't work that way. I still have clean no claims on my insurance. I noticed I actually...
  9. Rixus

    INTP Relationship Disasters

    I was actually quite interested to hear another INTP's parenting style - it's not something we've talked about here because most of the users don't seem to have kids (or not that they've mentioned, anyway). For a while, I felt a bit like that. You've gotten so used to someone being there that...
  10. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    So I watched Arrival last night. I thought it was an excellent film. First of all, it sucked me in by imagining how I'd go about communicating with them. And it got me thinking about the different language structures around the world. I'd agree with idea of going for text rather than sound...
  11. Rixus

    INTP Relationship Disasters

    Really sorry to hear you had such a bad relationship; hope you and the kids are OK now. INTP Male here - 33 next week, also a full custody single parent of 3 and a fellow estimator. Regarding your experience with ESFP - I had a similar experience. My kids' mother is an INFJ I was with for 10...
  12. Rixus

    Why do you come to intpforum?

    Reluctantly - Where did you get a picture of my butt from? :confused:
  13. Rixus

    Why do you come to intpforum?

    Because I don't have any friends in the real world, so I force myself upon you virtual people in the hope of my presence being accepted. I came here after I found out about this whole MBTI thing, excited to finally discover there may have been other humans in the world on my wavelength. I was...
  14. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    Arrival is £3.50 for SD or £4.49 for HD. Same price on Prime or Play. I'll watch it on my phone in bed, so I only really need SD, but will probably pay the extra. I know I could probably find somewhere to get it for free - but I've had enough of those sites being more trouble than they're worth...
  15. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    I know how those sites and overall ratings work. What I cannot get is how that corresponds to whether I'll enjoy a film or why so many critics like one thing and not another, why this has no correspondence to what fans think and neither corresponds to whether I'll enjoy something. BTW -...
  16. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    It was a way of showing how people will do anything to survive that little bit longer, even in the short term. Most of the characters had no plan - they were just desperately trying to do anything survive for longer. The husband and wife came up with a good plan to play on emotions. I'd...
  17. Rixus

    The most embarrassing thing you've done to woo the other sex

    After being single for a while following my divorce, an old flame who was a friend I'd had a crush on a long time ago contacted me - having heard about me and had a similar thing happen to her. She asked if I wanted to go out for the night - I also happened to have no kids that night so was...
  18. Rixus

    Last movie you watched

    I actually really enjoyed The Circle. I remember lowering my head as the business guy was laying in to the lesbian woman thinking, "you need to stop talking now." Nicely thought provoking. When you've only got a 1 in 50 chance how do you play it? You really think Nannook would survive? I...
  19. Rixus

    Is it possible to see intelligence in the eyes of a person?

    As far as I'm aware, you're confusing different kinds of melanin. Melanin is a group of pigments found in not only humans but also in most living things. Eumelanin is responsible for black and brown pigmentation the hair, skin and eyes and may offer some protection against UV rays. Neuromelanin...
  20. Rixus

    Crazy Theories of Reality

    I did once have a theory, though, that the world really was virtual. The purpose of it was for entertainment, though, not for science. We exist within a sort of shared cinematic universe where. Various movies and series exist; sometimes part of the larger plot and sometimes unrelated. The...
  21. Rixus

    Crazy Theories of Reality

    I think it depends on purpose. If you're talking about a virtual world we could visit for entertainment, then I'd totally agree. Perhaps a huge cinematic universe we could both view and visit. But I was thinking about the concept of the reality in which we live being a virtual universe with...
  22. Rixus

    I am an idiot in...

    While I'm aware that I have some abilities above the average person, I can admit I have several that seem to be far beneath that standard. Examples: At forging human relationships. I pretty much don't have any - so enough said. Sometimes I miss obvious details that make me look very stupid...
  23. Rixus

    Crazy Theories of Reality

    @Animekitty - I was expecting someone to see it that way. When we render a virtual world (let's take an open world RPG as an example), the GPU renders only that which is on the screen and visible to the player. Only the area in which we are in is loaded, while in most cases anywhere outside of...
  24. Rixus

    Karma System

    Personally, I wouldn't like it. Anytime I've seen a voting system in place, it ends up discouraging good debate and discussion as popular opinion reigns - as AK put it, mob rules. And people start downvote hunting those they don't like. On the other hand, though, INTP's typically don't like...
  25. Rixus

    Why INTP women are amazing and A quick rant about MTBI tests

    I remember when I was first introduced to the concept - the lecturer only went as far as IT, ET, IF, EF and divided them up into 4 corners. He said you'll probably make friends easier with those in your corner, and find romantic relationships with those in your opposite corner. I'm not...
  26. Rixus

    can i have any suggestions for career? (career counselling)

    In fairness, he implied that English wasn't his first language.
  27. Rixus

    Anonymus warnings

    It depends on the seriousness of the crime in question. If I said I had exceeded the legal speed limit while driving, or if someone said they purchases illegal substances (something some people here seem to do regularly) or download a pirated movie, no one would care. I doubt anyone is going to...
  28. Rixus

    Crazy Theories of Reality

    From a probability perspective, the idea of layers of a sim makes sense. Avoiding the question of why, one has to ask the question of how and whether it would even be possible to maintain it. Let's say a species capable of such a feat were capable of harnessing the full power of their home star...
  29. Rixus

    Riddle the user

    1st was right. 2nd was Quicktwist - that old Rock and Roll song - Yeah, let's twist again! Like we did last summer! Yeah, let's twist again! Like we did last year! But faster - as in quicker. A quick twist. And doesn't really want to is reluctant. But we don't know what Reluctantly is...
  30. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    As you can see, his wiring is complete and he's essentially finished. Just a a few touch ups on his paint work and programming the wheels into his behaviour. I'm not sure I've wired the wheels in correctly yet - but the motion sensors, voice synthesis and the home made laser on his right arm...
  31. Rixus

    can i have any suggestions for career? (career counselling)

    Isn't Civil Engineering like architecture? We've just lost an Architect and will need another one if he doesn't return. Said he found the key to escape or something. You want the job?
  32. Rixus

    Type me thread

    You can't just say that to someone. I mean, do you really expect Minuend to forgive such a grievous insult? Ever?
  33. Rixus

    Discord Chat

    I'm used to eating alone - the nerd table didn't even want me.
  34. Rixus

    The Limits of Infinity (Irony Recognized)

    To understand where this limit lies, we must first understand the limits of the human mind. Our minds were designed to handle tactile form - to exist within a universe governed by the observable laws of physics. Sensory dominant minds can see, accept and understand what is right in front of...
  35. Rixus

    The most embarrassing thing you've done to woo the other sex

    Well, you know, I still had a heart in those days. It's gone now. I've never written an actual note to someone, but I used to be like that around someone I liked. But I can act perfectly normal (for me) as long as they don't know or suspect I have a crush on them. If I make any attempt to...
  36. Rixus

    Riddle the user

    Perhaps you should avoid in jokes that only a few would understand? Here's some suggestions: Slowly, but surely, your demise shall sneak up upon you. Yeah! Let's do that dance move again. Like we did last summer. But do it faster. This user doesn't really want to.
  37. Rixus

    The most embarrassing thing you've done to woo the other sex

    We'll, on a similar note to that one. There was this girl at university. I'd met her in college - smart, kind, beautiful. Probably INFP, I guess. We became friends in the first year, having a class together. By Christmas, we were pretty close and would meet every morning for breakfast or at...
  38. Rixus

    The most embarrassing thing you've done to woo the other sex

    I have done that many times - but since they will never know how obsessed I was over them having never shown it, I don't think it counts. I don't know about to woo the opposite sex - but since nudity and every girl I knew was involved, this story of the most embarrassing thing that ever...
  39. Rixus

    Cog's Thought of the Day

    One would assume that in such a situation, the virtual world would have to mimic the real world entirely in order to prepare the users for a life outside that world. The biggest problem would be to ensure that all muscular development would be equal to that of the virtual bodies they were a...
  40. Rixus

    Riddle the user

    The only user I can think of with a colour that's anything to do with them would would be Yellow. But I have no idea what you would mean by a muller. The only Muller I know of is a brand of yogurt. And I don't think anyone here is a yogurt.
  41. Rixus

    CD: ENTP... is Rixus wrong?

    That's how I always thought of it. How could you approach a problem from Ti unless you looked at the problem first? But only if you started thinking about it with no idea of where it was going. No, if you're creating something you have to have a rough or abstract idea of what you're creating in...
  42. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    It wasn't directly from the manufacturer - just a shop. The same model is available at various retailers and I'm pretty certain it's just a fault with this particular item and not an attempt at victimisation. I know I should do, and once I make the call I'll manage. It's just - dealing with...
  43. Rixus

    CD: ENTP... is Rixus wrong?

    I think Hadoblado's issue wasn't how using your understanding of functions to explain CD, it was bringing up RBs type and the derailing into my type. That derailing began, though, when RB bright my typology into it. Although, it was (I thought) an acceptable point given the question was whether...
  44. Rixus

    CD: ENTP... is Rixus wrong?

    I can see what you mean - and you are sort of right about my thought process. Take a piece of work I did last week that my boss had previously deemed impossible and commented on how good it was. The problem was to extract all information from our huge database system into an easy to use...
  45. Rixus

    Cog's Thought of the Day

    Brain matter seems pretty soft to me. I'd mash it up and mix it with something to bind it and form a burger. I'd probably use something gluten based, but since your eating someone's brain I can't imagine you'd care whether it was gluten free or not.
  46. Rixus

    CD: ENTP... is Rixus wrong?

    I admit I was probably FOS when I suggested it, but was just trying to explain CD's playful nature, that appears to me to hiding something deeper. Much as I think you do. That's the second time weekend ENTP has been suggested. Unhealthy ENTP is entirely possible, but since I'm actually a lot...
  47. Rixus

    CD: ENTP... is Rixus wrong?

    Am I wrong - Almost certainly. But what was the question? I just haven't seen much of your Ti, I guess. I don't know. Some people seem obvious, others don't. Who knows - I tend to talk more here so likely come across as more extraverted, when in reality the longest conversation I had today...
  48. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    I don't know about the debating, but you do seem a little more extraverted than other users here and don't seem to take life too seriously. Since ENTP's debate endlessly for fun rather than to achieve something, I wonder if the silly threads you set up are a sort of similar thing. Plus, although...
  49. Rixus

    Guess the IQ of the user above

    My guesses of recent posters: Zerkalo - INFP, 110 Minuend - INFJ, 120 (strong Fe so much higher EQ) Creeping Death - I actually suspect ENTP and probably around 125 Quicktwist - IXTP (but mental health as we've discussed might make you seem a little more F then most T types). Probably 115. What...
  50. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have a problem. I bought myself a new keyboard - a white Roccat Isku FX. I ordered it online. Next day delivery and well packed. Lovely responsive piece of kit that improved my gaming, was comfortable and looked great with the rest of my rig. But. A few days later, the "E" button doesn't...
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