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Search results

  1. Rixus

    Left 4 Dead, anyone?

    Sorry I didn't reply yesterday - I didn't have the chance to play last night. But send me your Steam ID and we'll arrange something. Maybe next weekend? I'll have a little practice in the mean time when I get chance as I'm not working all next week. (I'm also in the INTP Forum Steam group, so I...
  2. Rixus

    Left 4 Dead, anyone?

    I sometimes play Left4Dead 2 with some guys from work. It's been a while, though.
  3. Rixus

    intp born or constructed

    The nurture nature debate could rage indefinitely on most subjects. But the most sensible and most likely answer is simple - it's a combination. My personal theory is based on my observations and experience, is that some traits we are born with and some are things that shift as we get older. But...
  4. Rixus

    Have you ever: The Introvert excuse.

    I've never actually done that because I'm used to extroverts who just don't get the concept of wanting to be alone or just wanting them to stop talking and go away. They just say stupid things about the modern era lacking communication and go on about extroversion being confidence and whatever...
  5. Rixus

    Ask an ESFJ

    I think that's a pile of horse crap, personally. I don't want someone who finds me "intriguing". I'm not a science experiment for your amusement, and neither do I have any desire to find another person who I don't actually like, play with them until they feel something for me and then discard...
  6. Rixus

    Ask an ESFJ

    I'll take the cookies. No, wait, I won't take the cookies. I'm trying to an inch on the waste. Stop tempting me with cookies!
  7. Rixus

    As if Reflected by a Shattered Mirror

    So you're saying that the successful one who dedicated every fibre of their being into a single pursuit is the insane one? To an extent, yes. I mean the one who did become president is clearly insane. Plus insanity is defined as severely abnormal behaviour or brain functions, and even if highly...
  8. Rixus

    Are intps good friends for other intps?

    Oh my god! :eek: I'm left handed too! Let all left handed INTP's unite all across the globe! Do you think our INTPness is related to our sinister nature?
  9. Rixus

    How do I type people without shoving a quiz in their face?

    Yeah, in order to give someone a slap dash informal typing for your own use, working out the 4 letter approach is the easiest and most efficient way. It won't be exact and you will be slightly out a lot of the time, but I think my informal typing in this way has improved with practice. An...
  10. Rixus

    Obviously - he's a Sith Lord. The true mastermind behind the whole thing. And behind the Snoke...

    Obviously - he's a Sith Lord. The true mastermind behind the whole thing. And behind the Snoke hologram. It all fits.
  11. Rixus

    No what?

    No what?
  12. Rixus

    John's Personality Test

    79% INTP 8% INFP 5% ENTP 4% ENFP 1% INTJ 3% is of me is missing. That's an entire finger. Maybe my little finger is an ESFJ, but I didn't give it enough attention or consider it's feelings enough, so it ran off.
  13. Rixus

    You are now the main character in an action movie

    Yes, exactly Jenny. Where we like to joke that INTP's are basically lazy geniuses, most of us love to learn new things. So we've surely picked up an interesting array of possibly unusual skills. As expert problem solvers, shouldn't we be able to put these skills to practical use? For example...
  14. Rixus

    You are now the main character in an action movie

    What would happen? Perhaps your identity has somehow been swapped with an international secret agent and you must complete his/her mission. Perhaps a loved one has been abducted and you must rescue them without involving the authorities. Perhaps you inadvertently came into possession of...
  15. Rixus

    If INTPs had a slogan, what would it be?

    "Yes, of course I have a plan to destroy the entire universe. But I just never got around to it." "You know comprehension of how much my sheer laziness is preventing me from killing you." A little more depressing one I once heard - "To be an INTP is to be both blessed and cursed with limitless...
  16. Rixus

    High Existence

    I'm disappointed. I thought this was a thread about someone experiencing existence whilst permanently high. Came hoping for senseless stoned talk, and got a link to click bait.
  17. Rixus

    Would You Rather...

    The moles. I can learn to apply make up. Would you rather be punched in the face every morning by a heavyweight boxer, or have to eat a sandwich made of turd once month (assuming no poisoning or desease would result from the sandwich). [Credit to my 11 year old for just asking me that one]
  18. Rixus

    When you're getting a snack, do you get a sweet one, or a savory one?

    This morning I needed a snack. I went to the vending machine with the intention of getting a smallish item - chocolate or crisps (British potato chips), but instead accidentally bought a mine beef and onion pie. It was just sitting all pieish and I had to take it.
  19. Rixus

    What is your IQ?

    Or possibly using an internet scale to predict your maximum lift. For example, I can bench 160lbs in sets of 7, and the internet says that means my maximum lift is 192lbs. Although that analogy doesn't work - because I actually can and have benched 190lbs. While weight lifters can use that...
  20. Rixus

    What is your IQ?

    Was that a typing error? The sake you linked to date 201 is the maximum. I know the world record in the Guinness Book of Records is 228, but that record want kept after 1990 as they are considered too unreliable. Most tests don't even go over 150 because it's so absurdly rare as to pointless to...
  21. Rixus

    Would You Rather...

    Personally i would have rather have my nuts pecked at by the penguin up thread than have nothing to read but Twilight 20 years. Eek. Donald Trump - because then I could take him to the remotest part of the world on the centre of the Pacific Ocean 1,500 mike's from land and when I stopped being...
  22. Rixus

    Would You Rather...

    But wouldn't you be immortally old and on the edge of death then? The potion didn't say it made you youthful again. I'd take the throat. That I could learn to live with. Itchy sore eyes just no. Would rather live another hundred years in perfect health, but you will never be able to touch...
  23. Rixus

    Would You Rather...

    Jet Lag. I'd be really tired, but at least I'd be happy about it. Would you rather be executed for a crime you didn't commit, or be guilty of accidentally killing your loved one and not get caught?
  24. Rixus

    Would You Rather...

    Surely the penguin would do less permanent damage? Hence, I guess I'd chose the penguin. Would you rather spend an intimate night with Donald Trump or the penguin that punched me in the nuts?
  25. Rixus

    What do you think make you INTP?

    I have thought about this. My father might be an INTP, but I've never tested him and I don't see him much. He might even be INFP, actually. My mother's an ISFP, brother and sister ISTP and INFP respectively. Given that my ex-wife was an INFJ, I've analysed my kids and they intriguingly fit ENTP...
  26. Rixus

    INTP and INTJ thinking styles

    So what you're saying is: https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170703/4f1830ce12342668abbcd8c526554b50.jpg Or is it more: https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170703/84055b216f6cb5ed81b1d60668817d63.jpg [Edit - just to be clear - that was a joke. While NT's are often associated with intelligence...
  27. Rixus

    INTP and INTJ thinking styles

    Difference is: INTJ - A human trying to be cold. INTP - A computer trying to be warm. Probably just as accurate as everyone else is here.
  28. Rixus

    Schizoid INTPs and immortality

    What I wonder is the Schizoid Personality Disorder doesn't technically exist anymore. It hasn't for a few years since the DSM-V, I think. There is Avoident Personality Disorder with Schizoid tendencies. But it's not really resembling a lot of the reasoning you mentioned. Not sure where you're...
  29. Rixus

    Schizoid INTPs and immortality

    "You have 65% chances of Schizoid personality disorder." Some of those questions are pretty stupid. Do you get better results when you work alone? Well, yes because I'm surrounded by incompetent stupid people. Do you have less interest in sex? Seemingly so compared to the rabid dog mentality...
  30. Rixus

    MBTI cartoons

    INFP doodle is perfect :D The ISTP should also have some motorbike or engine partly dismantled (or in the case of our local ISTP - computer parts all over the place partly put together into something resembling a Chinese supercomputer). Suggestion - a meeting in which two ENTJ's are desperately...
  31. Rixus

    MBTI cartoons

    Haha - I love it. "Ah, what's it doing?!"
  32. Rixus

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    Something to remember about INTP's. Everyone needs to think. But I constantly get told that overthinking is bad for you, it leads to depression and negativity etc. This is not the case for me. I overthink everything - from making a sandwich to the nature of the universe. It's a normal part of my...
  33. Rixus

    I only studied science up to GCSE level, so most of what I know was basically just what I've...

    I only studied science up to GCSE level, so most of what I know was basically just what I've read online somewhere. I should have taken it further - it was the only class I always got straight A's in whether I studied or not, but I was kind of pushed into IT and English as I was pretty good at...
  34. Rixus

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    @Crystabelle The fact that you've actually taken the time to find better ways of relating to your husband is a good sign. I can't speak for all INTP's, but one thing that is true of us in relationships that I've seen is that we are exceedingly loyal. I stayed with my ex-wife for 5 years of...
  35. Rixus

    Thanks. I should download a copy to read. Though I didn't study the field past High School, I...

    Thanks. I should download a copy to read. Though I didn't study the field past High School, I do find astrophysics fascinating. I love the sheer scale and weirdness of it all. I like kind of rolling the concepts around my head and I think it's something only we intuitives can grasp as it...
  36. Rixus

    Black Holes In Motion

    I get it now. I just realised. The space around the distortion is able to move at normal time. So while anything within the temporal distortion is held within this bubble, the space around it can move. In effect, a sort of natural warp bubble where the space around the structure moves a...
  37. Rixus

    Black Holes In Motion

    I just though of this, and it's bothering me. Two super massive black holes were just discovered orbiting each other. This is something I've wondered before, but I still don't have an explanation. How can they move? Beyond the event horizon, time dilation is so extreme that time has stopped. By...
  38. Rixus

    Saddest Video Game Character Death

    The daughter in the Last of Us? Also, depending on how you ended it, some of the endings to Dragon Age Origins. Hmm, @Quicltwist, I almost forgot that the ending of FFX was almost tear inducing. I thought it was almost ruined by the, "I hate you!" Just before the battle, but it still managed...
  39. Rixus

    Boundaries vs Logic

    It depends on the nature of the logic. Our logic may not resemble your Earth logic - it's much more advanced. Actually, really, if I am presented with a logical argument, and it must be logical and not emotional, then give me time to go away and consider it. I will then process with...
  40. Rixus

    Formal Apology Thread

  41. Rixus

    Newly discovered INTP

    Silence ye Red Baron with your inferior mortal typology! This young man has discovered the key to ascension and wishes to take his rightful place upon Mount Olympus with the other INTP's, where he can join us in presiding over all mortal types. Welcome to our forum. Where we INTP's go when we...
  42. Rixus

    Saddest Video Game Character Death

    What's your vote for the saddest every in a video game story line. My vote goes to Aeris of Final Fantast VII.
  43. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'm feeling very, very, very angry right now. I just wanted to express that safely. I was in work, and spotted a potential issue as is my job so went to see someone to sort it before there are any shit storms. On my way, I was a little lost in thought about something (eh, I'm INTP, when am I not...
  44. Rixus

    Should i deactivate Facebook?

    I wonder if your issue is really with Facebook itself or your own perceptions. If you do not post on their, why do you care if you post on there? The things you've mentioned are fantasies. Perhaps when you fantasise about these things, part of the fantasy is how other people would then perceive...
  45. Rixus

    Your ideal day

    I lost many hours of my life in Fruity Loops Studio. I tried playing a guitar, but I couldn't get the hang of it. Making electronic music was more fun, though. Generally speaking, any day where I get to experience or create something new is pretty good. I think the last time I counted it as...
  46. Rixus

    MBTI cartoons

    Both the last pictures are probably closer. Given that I'm currently sat at my desk in work. There are 7 piles of papers, most of which have a purpose but I'm not really sure what a couple of the piles are for or where they came from. For some reason there is a large multi pack of gluten free...
  47. Rixus

    MBTI cartoons

    The 10th Doctor is ENTP. Neo is indeed INTP, but I don't recall ever seeing another draped in leather, nor playing a card tricks. Normally you wouldn't notice an INTP male because we're invisible, or at least camouflaged to look like humans. Possible giveaways include harmonious colour schemes...
  48. Rixus

    In theory... how do INTPs do as Filmmakers/Screenwriters

    I see no reason why this isn't a perfectly valid INTP career choice - if you can do it. INTP's are quite creative and you'll find many of us are writers of some description. I have a couple of bits published and have been putting together some material to start a writing blog, mostly for fun...
  49. Rixus

    Some new pill ideas

    I was going to ask that myself, Jenny. But Cogs did say that they can be reanimated from a 100g piece of bone and return to their corpse state afterwards, so I'm assuming they reanimate to look like they did before. They also retain all their memories and knowledge, so I would assume it sounds...
  50. Rixus

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I'm running down a corridor. Seems to be an office building or something. Loki from the MCU is behind me, chasing me with his staff. I have to get to the end. There's a helicopter hovering out of the window and I just make it in time, leaping onto the landing struts. Loki comes out behind us...
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