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Search results

  1. Eljua

    I laugh at the concept of permanently staining hair, though I don't have any evidence to any...

    I laugh at the concept of permanently staining hair, though I don't have any evidence to any statement either way, seeing as hair is simpy dead matter, coming from inside the scalp, I find the idea of it permanently being stained incredulous. Though that may just be me in my ignorance. If you...
  2. Eljua

    If you're light already, then the upkeep won't be too bad. If it's what you want, go for it...

    If you're light already, then the upkeep won't be too bad. If it's what you want, go for it. Personally, I did my hair once, got bored and decided to let it grow out. Then went for a trim, and was convinced by the hairdresser to take it lighter again, so this time I'm almost definately going to...
  3. Eljua

    It could only be less natural if it were synthetic. I'm naturally dark, and someday I'll return...

    It could only be less natural if it were synthetic. I'm naturally dark, and someday I'll return to it.
  4. Eljua

    INFP here - learning how others think

    I hope you find the place suitably enlightening, though I suspect that you'll have to sort out the P's from the J's first..
  5. Eljua

    I'm not one for introductions

  6. Eljua

    It is now time for me to upgrade to windows 7

    What's more confusing is how the forum registers your OS. windows_98_nt_2000
  7. Eljua

    It is now time for me to upgrade to windows 7

    Good luck, have fun, enjoy the ride. Don't forget, the nature of the beast is to confuse and to incapacitate, don't let it get the chance. If it looks like it's going to try it, water cool it openly in the bath, then sue Windows.
  8. Eljua

    Songs about Science

    It upsets me these videos haven't been linked to yet. The original: YouTube- TMBG - Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) The updated version: YouTube- They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma)
  9. Eljua

    tactics games

    I'm working off of the Tactical Roleplaying definition. This may or may not be what the OP had in mind, though I suspect it is.
  10. Eljua

    tactics games

    Played and completed Devil Survivor, but it was probably a given seeing as I'm a fan of the SMT series anyway. My first tactics game was Vandal Hearts, which holds up pretty well after all these years. I'm going to second Final Fantasy Tactics, though if you can't get a copy, legit or otherwise...
  11. Eljua

    I drew an A

    Could be doing with losing some weight on the right hand side. Maybe some sort of low carb diet.
  12. Eljua

    Do you think you fully belong here?

    Considering all this talk of not feeling appreciated, perhaps we should try and get some sort of ranking system where we can rate posts we like. That way we can actually quantify the amount of times we've been ignored and come up with a better way of proving we're unappreciated than simply...
  13. Eljua

    Red isn't the universal colour associated with sarcasm, I don't believe there actually is one...

    Red isn't the universal colour associated with sarcasm, I don't believe there actually is one, but at least it's a starting point.
  14. Eljua


    Try not to take your first result as gospel. Something like 50% of people taking the test end up being mistyped. But regardless, welcome to the site, and have fun. :D
  15. Eljua

    Next time I attempt any form of sarcasm I'll write it in red text for the benefit of those who...

    Next time I attempt any form of sarcasm I'll write it in red text for the benefit of those who can't detect it via the medium of text.
  16. Eljua

    Guilt Thread

    Depends on the subjective angle you come in from.
  17. Eljua

    Guilt Thread

    Seems like regret to me.
  18. Eljua

    Guilt Thread

  19. Eljua

    INTP comedians

    Oh hai, makes sense. *Placing things into context since 1332 today*
  20. Eljua

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    Two stick people having a picnic under a tree.
  21. Eljua

    Who are we?

    You never expend energy under any circumstance? You're continually recharging both when socialising and when you're alone? I wish I was you.
  22. Eljua

    To Insure Promptitude

    My apologies, I forgot the world is solely based within the CBD and annexed areas. Next time an issue is raised regarding the general work ethics of an entire service sector, I'll simply leave out the important part of the debate, those who care whether they make $5 or $10 dollars in tips a...
  23. Eljua

    To Insure Promptitude

    Seeing as this has just been raised by Jenny, I'll address it also. Someone owns a business. They start paying a decent minimum wage. People find out you pay a more steady wage, though they will be less likely to gain tips. Some people will prefer the stability of a decent wage, and so apply to...
  24. Eljua

    To Insure Promptitude

    I'd much rather pay more for a meal and have the worker living relatively well, for less hours, and being happier to come to work, than tip someone who has to force themselves to appear like they enjoy their work so they can make enough money to live on. Someone who makes barely enough money to...
  25. Eljua

    IPIP-NEO Test Results

    Re: IPIP-NEO Test So apparently I really DON'T care, which I'm actually tempted to agree with, though describing my range of emotional reactions as average is overestimating my capability.
  26. Eljua

    Typing by facial features

    It's good to know we've taken to using OKcupid as a reliable source of personality typing, considering, apparently, my face says I'm an INFJ. I'm exceptionally relieved that OKCupid has reliably sorted my skepticism out once and for all. I'm certainly most suprised that they have not joined up...
  27. Eljua

    Where do INTP's begin?

    Step One: Learn to feign care, even when you don't. Asking people to elaborate generally tends to make people seem important. Phrases such as, "that sounds interesting, how did you get into that?" and "How do you manage to deal with that?" encourage people to think you care, and as a result, are...
  28. Eljua

    Bad Films

    If anyone has a chance to see Ninja Terminator, and not take it as seriously as it takes itself, then you'll laugh all the way through, seriously, it's one of my favourite Ninja films. In terms of bad films, I'd have to say Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, though I've not seen it all, so I can only...
  29. Eljua

    What should I study?

    I voted for all of them on the basis that there is no other individual in the world qualified to tell you what you will and won't enjoy than yourself. Considering that apart from a heavy science bias you seem to have a wide variety of options available, it's easy to say that you're probably just...
  30. Eljua

    Troubles with Compliments?

    On a similar topic, given that it appears to be so difficult for most of us to recieve compliments, is it any easier for any individuals here to hand out compliments, deserved or not?
  31. Eljua

    Thanks very much. Happy one year anniversary for the other week.

    Thanks very much. Happy one year anniversary for the other week.
  32. Eljua

    I contribute, but I'm also a terrific procrastinator, so while I tend to visit the site, I avoid...

    I contribute, but I'm also a terrific procrastinator, so while I tend to visit the site, I avoid posting until I'm avoiding doing something else; it's both a blessing and a curse. I'll probably be more active when I start back at Uni proper, and I'm supposed to be essay writing. Wish your...
  33. Eljua

    The Graphology Thread

    Not to my knowledge, though I've been accused of it Yes, yes and yes. I wouldn't say preoccupied, it's generally not at the forefront of my mind when it comes down to it. Sort of. I'm generally social when I can be bothered, and people around me pressure me enough into doing things. Same...
  34. Eljua

    kill em all

    That actually sounds quite interesting. The number of rounds could be flexible based on the ruthlessness of the participants, for example, if one of the rounds was to discover your opponents game ID, a person would make it to the next round after discovering one ID, and anyone who's ID is...
  35. Eljua

    humans suck

    It's much easier to burn a straw man than to address the actual issue, in much the same way as it's easier to attack a person's past decisions rather than a person's actual point.
  36. Eljua

    kill em all

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Tunnel It's not that I ultimately want to kill people, it leaves a right mess, it's just if people are going to do it anyway, it's better that it's efficient than not.
  37. Eljua

    kill em all

    Is it wrong of me to admit that I keep thinking that the current branch of terrorists are "doing it wrong™"? I can come up with an infinite number of greater plans than blow oneself up, do very little real damage. For example, ever hear of the Channel Tunnel?
  38. Eljua

    physcopaths among us

    Maybe he's insinuating that we're, ultimately, all the same three people? That's quite a serious accusation considering we could be banned for that. Now I'm not sure how I feel about that statement, I think I might be angry.
  39. Eljua

    The Graphology Thread

    Interesting. Here's mine. Note, the big blob of black is where I may have forgotton how to write liquor.
  40. Eljua

    Which INTP type are you?

    Agreed with Anthile, the work needs expanding. Until the person who made it up can expand and elaborate, not just for INTPs but for the rest of the spectrum, then it's nothing more than a semi-inaccurate sequence of words. Also I don't relate to the "personality" this places me as. I'm...
  41. Eljua

    Importance of spelling/grammar

    I find I have a habit of overusing certain types of punctuation in sentences, for example, I tend to use commas like full stops based simply on how I talk as a person. If I find myself speaking a sentence with a slight pause, I'll use a comma to represent it, whether or not it's necessary...
  42. Eljua

    MBTI an Illusion?

    See, personally, I took the test online, read a description of what being an INTP was and found it remarkably accurate, then I went online, found someone I know who seemed like a polar opposite of me, and sent him in the direction of the test, and asked him to let me know if he found any of the...
  43. Eljua

    How about silvery red with a hint of green? Lilac? Wait? She's dead? Ain't no way I'm going...

    How about silvery red with a hint of green? Lilac? Wait? She's dead? Ain't no way I'm going near a corpse. They smell and have holes in all the wrong places.
  44. Eljua


    QFT At the very least, the "debate" which has sprung up out of the potentially trollish behaviour allows those of us who respond to at least look at, and examine, our own particular viewpoints on the issues brought up, even if they seem extreme and particularly ridiculous. If we didn't have the...
  45. Eljua


    Both valid points, though I do believe the issue at hand is whether or not women deserve the chance to be actively involved within the democratic process, and to what extent the patriachal system that we all secretely advocate, due to the simple presence of our int"Pness", allows the female of...
  46. Eljua


    By dismissing the most important part of my arguement simply because you don't believe it's something I believe is an insult both to yourself and to anyone who attempts to try and understand any other person's point of view. Had I simply agreed with you in no uncertain terms, you would have...
  47. Eljua

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You've thought, or even said the phrase "*insert appropriate term* is an illusion".
  48. Eljua


    That's precisely how I interpreted your post, don't worry. I was attempting to be ironic though, as the internet has proven time and again, text is not the best way to communicate anything other than utmost sincerity.
  49. Eljua


  50. Eljua


    I'd say that triangle looks more pink than red, so the message I infer from you avatar may be horrendously distorted from the message you may believe you're making. Quite right, though I believe in a country still divided by major class barriers, universal equality is a much more major issue...
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