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Search results

  1. Anthile

    Global Warming [merged]

    I didn't read any posting in this thread but just from seeing the second page, I guess it's about the point where we blame liberals for everything that's wrong with the world. How predictable.
  2. Anthile

    Post your Big Five test results

    Similarminds.com is a pretty terrible site and their other tests are just as bad. Don't bother with them.
  3. Anthile

    Obscure Jazz music

  4. Anthile


    Just too bad the job market for despots goes through a major recession right now.
  5. Anthile

    how old are rocks?

    Why do you even bother with these threads? We all already know that no evidence, no matter how waterproof, will convince you otherwise. Da Blob will only accept answers and facts approved by Da Blob or people who agree with you. This thread is about a rather simple, factual question and you...
  6. Anthile


    Taxi driver, waiter, cashier, etc. Honestly, a philosophy degree is pretty much useless regarding jobs. You're better off with, well, pretty much everything else.
  7. Anthile

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: Grama nazi?. :>
  8. Anthile

    SpaceYeti hearts his snack drawer

    It seems like you take care of it religiously. :kilroy:
  9. Anthile

    Charity & volunteer work

    Natural selection favours charity. Volunteer work is something else entirely and very difficult to estimate. On the one hand, you might really help with it but on the other hand you might push a professional out of business who does it a lot better than you. There is a similar debatte regarding...
  10. Anthile

    Hey guys, I'm new here and I'm pretty sure I'm insane.

    No, the point of determining insanity is that an insane person is not longer capable of making rational decisions and is not longer capable of caring for himself (food, hygiene, work, etc.).
  11. Anthile

    Hey guys, I'm new here and I'm pretty sure I'm insane.

    Insane people don't think they're insane. Quite the opposite, really. Insane people think they're saner than anybody else.
  12. Anthile

    april fools

    "Piss off."
  13. Anthile

    Life Hacks

    Erm, caffeine usually takes about two hours to show any effect on your body.
  14. Anthile

    What can impair intelligence?

  15. Anthile

    Last movie you watched

    The Sunset Limited. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0MSitTAYyA
  16. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    40 Watt Sun - Restless
  17. Anthile

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    This thread is remarkably stupid.
  18. Anthile

    By god man, she is bossing me around.

    Fine, now make me a sandwich. Pronto.
  19. Anthile

    INTx Eye Color

  20. Anthile

    When you think it can't get any worse...

    No words can describe what I think about this.
  21. Anthile

    Are you an immoral bastard? BBC online test

  22. Anthile

    How Ni is a past oriented function

    Nothing in this thread is true.
  23. Anthile

    Where do you have your good ideas? (creativity)

    Dark rituals, mainly.
  24. Anthile

    Time travel / grandfather paradox

    There is another part of the grandfather paradox, I thought about recently but that I have never seen before elsewhere: It means that a grandfather and his grandchild would have the exact same DNA. That's just not possible.
  25. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Faith No More - Underwater Love
  26. Anthile

    Fabulous diet!

    I knew a hipster once. What was his name again? Eh, I don't remember. You've probably never heard of him anyway.
  27. Anthile

    What I do when I'm angry.

  28. Anthile

    Perils of Shaving

    That's why you buy German or Japanese electronic products.
  29. Anthile

    Perils of Shaving

    1. Buy an electric shaver 2. Never have to worry about shaving again, ever 3. Save money because you don't need any sort of blades, water or gel 4. Be able to shave yourself anywhere 5. PROFIT
  30. Anthile

    Psychology of Death Metal

    Basically, Metal is a subgenre of Rock and is loosely defined by the instruments used. It's not easy to pinpoint the exact subgenres as Metal bands often combine various styles from in- and outside of Metal. Often new genres emerge through a location or as a movement in a country and sometimes...
  31. Anthile

    Psychology of Death Metal

    You're terrible people. All of you.
  32. Anthile

    The Five Element Dragon Personality Test

    You are the Scorch Dragon, combining the elements of Fire and Air! With both the Fire and Air elements, the creative Scorch Dragons are idealistic, aspiring, and positive-thinking. You have the best of intentions and motives, but your approach to life may not be completely realistic. In...
  33. Anthile

    Psychology of Death Metal

    Listen to Edgy Of Sanity's Crimson and Crimson II and come here again. Otherwise, this whole discussion is meaningless.
  34. Anthile

    INTx Eye Color

    If there was a reliable link between eye colour and personality, people would have figured it out ages ago. So no.
  35. Anthile

    Are you INTP or INTJ? Simple test.

  36. Anthile

    Sorry Pod'lair

    Why is this here? This is not a podlair forum nor is it any kind of podlair-opposition thingy. You are no longer part of this community and even managed to get banned from IRC and forum separately. Just by being here you actually commit a crime. Not to mention the numerous people you harassed...
  37. Anthile

    Anime and low intelligence.

    I'm not really sure what to say about this. It goes way beyond clueless and idiotic. Really, I'm not even going to defend anime here because it can very well speak for itself. It's simply an art form - and nothing more. You don't even name a concrete example or anything. There is absolutely no...
  38. Anthile

    I am so lonely

    Like Buddha once said: Get over it.
  39. Anthile

    Expanding Earth theory! (WOW!)

    How can the Earth expanding when it is, in fact, hollow? You can't explain that. Checkmate, expansionists!
  40. Anthile

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    100% pie charts!
  41. Anthile

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    That sounds dangerously like Dor. :pueh:
  42. Anthile

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    Google 'blue waffle infection' if you dare. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  43. Anthile

    Forum Ladies and Their Men

    So everyone wants me? :kilroy:
  44. Anthile

    Personality based on Visual Test

    You already failed it. :kilroy:
  45. Anthile

    Personality based on Visual Test

  46. Anthile

    Pod'Lair VS MBTI/JCF

    "It's magic. We don't have to explain it."
  47. Anthile

    Pod'Lair VS MBTI/JCF

    It's funny. When you put all of them together it looks a lot like me right now: :rolleyes:
  48. Anthile

    Pod'Lair VS MBTI/JCF

    Listen, Anama... whatever that name was spelled - I don't particularly care if that is really you or someone else. I don't know what your issues are with Adymus and/or podlair and truth be told, I'm absolutely not eager to find out. If you really want to "destroy" them as you said, just shoot...
  49. Anthile

    Pod'Lair VS MBTI/JCF

    I don't see the problem with podlair. If it is really as good as the podlair people say it is, then they will be proven right by the scientific community and then any other typology system will be a relict of the past. If that's not going to happen, then it will remain what is now: mostly hot...
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