Adymus said:
The word Cult is so poorly defined that you could argue pretty much anything is a Cult, like a football game or a D&D gaming crew. But since when you use the word "Cult", you are using it as a fear mongering buzzword to conjure visions of glazed eyes and kool-aid, then I'll say no, Pod'Lair is not at all a cult.
I bring this up because I think these words have been glossed over and haven't sunken in. Most good skeptical people today see any system that has initiation rituals and hierarchical advancement and automatically think that system is a dangerous cult that should not be examined. This is a smart defense mechanism to have in a society where some people are seriously out to hurt you (even if they themselves do not think that way.) But it is just that, a "better safe than sorry" defense mechanism that does not work all the time. If you see that the system in question is based on something that sounds plausible and is likely legitimate, why wouldn't you at least give that system a chance? Try its methods out to see if they have merit, like any good scientist would do with an idea that sounds plausible but might not be true. If the idea the "cult-like" system is based around is bullshit, you will only truly find out if you stop to consider the idea and do some experiments of your own. It seems that too many of you guys blow this entire idea off due to the cognitive dissonance that would ensue if Pod'Lair is legitimate. To accept the visual cues of people reading as a fact, one must discard older paradigms that were very helpful in understanding people, but not completely accurate. I could see the hostility erupting to an even greater degree if they say you are a Mojo you do not see yourself as. Believe me, no one wants to hear that they made a mistake in understanding themselves. (Humans don't and can't fully understand themselves anyway; there are entire industries that strive to override conscious human thought - advertising comes to mind.)
Carl Sagan sings the praises of healthy skepticism in his excellent book
The Demon Haunted World. But unlike the most hardcore skeptics, he also emphasizes the power of wonder. Science is like the fragile yet powerful double-helix strand of DNA - the twin threads of skepticism and wonder are woven together with a powerful method that brings life to new theories and understandings. Take out either of the helices and the entire venture of science crumbles into dust. Excise skepticism and science would lose its rigor and drive to find the truth (which is NOT a democracy.) Most scientists who are active in the fight against pseudoscience seethe in deep rage when they imagine a future in which truth is considered a subjective matter. But many of them do hurl their choicest invectives at the opposite scenario - a society that has stagnated. For that is what life would become if wonder was to be discarded. Many new scientific discoveries that derive their truth from Natural Law sound counterintuitive, batshit crazy, or even criminally insane. What would science look like today if no one listened to Darwin because they were already creationists? If scientists were so obstinate in protecting the status-quo, quantum mechanics would be immediately discarded as magical hokum. Since science (often begrudgingly) listened to these wacky ideas, it has been able to build new understandings and create entire fields of study dedicated to gleaming more information from these understandings. Without both skepticism and wonder, science would die, as the essence of life is change (which includes novelty). So why would you not even listen to the core of Pod'Lair's message? It's not like they send you a pixellated Kool-Aid you must drink the moment they read you. Just GO and LOOK for yourself using your skeptical toolkit and your childlike sense of wonder as your guide.
But first of all, I must go back to the idea that Pod'Lair is a "cult." Adymus nailed it already, but perhaps more examples are needed. Consider this: reality is very chaotic, but it has rules. We shall call that "Natural Law." Natural Law itself has a structure to it. If you try to circumvent it, you will be ineffective, fail, or cause damage to yourself or others.
Education is a paradigm of Natural Law that surrounds us daily. Humans are not the only animals that must educate their young in order for the young to end up as productive adults who are talented at living the life they were best designed for. (No creationist sentiment is implied here. It's hard to convey thought like that without making an unimplied teleological claim.) A newborn cheetah can't automatically sprint at 60MPH right after popping out of its mother's womb and giving its mother the cute baby animal stare. It's not how nature works. The baby cheetah needs to learn how to be a cheetah from a guide or mentor of some sort, in this case its mother. It can't even eat meat right away, let alone sprint at fast enough distances to catch and eat Usain Bolt for dinner, let alone those faster (and much less gamey) gazelles.
Education amongst humans is like this too, and education systems have always been hierarchical in nature. As you can see from the example of the adorable but rather incompetent baby cheetah above, going against educational hierarchy would be like expecting a kindergartner to be able to tackle trigonometry. Even if some brilliant savant of a 5 year old was able to learn trigonometry, s/he would be building on previous knowledge. And learning facts and concepts in a disorderly sequence does not knowledge make. Pod'Lair practitioners do need to pass certain criteria in order to advance, this is true. This is like starting out in kindergarten and moving to first grade. Any decent kindergarten teacher worth hir salt will see a struggling kindergarten student and try hir best to make the student pass. If that doesn't happen, the student repeats the grade. Why? The answer is obvious to everyone who has ever been in a school environment. The student is not ready for first grade. Putting a student who is struggling with mere kindergarten stuff would do even worse in the much more challenging environment of first grade. Failing to hold the student back would result in damaging the student's self-esteem and drive to learn, which would lead to more problems later in life. The answer as to why Pod'Lair also conducts its education in this manner should be as self-evident as this example.
There are many more examples of this, like medieval crafters' guilds, video game guilds, and even climbing the corporate ladder. An apprentice metalsmith would be incompetent at creating high quality chainmail, and that is unacceptable. A noob rogue won't be able to stab the biggest and baddest bosses an MMO can throw at a player if he doesn't have good armor and weapons. Also unacceptable. An intern or entry-level worker does not know enough about running a business, company culture, and product R&D to be CEO material. Unacceptable. These systems are set up to reward success with greater challenges. With training and challenges appropriate for their level, these apprentices would become better and better at doing what they do, and they would gain confidence because the challenges aren't so mind-blowingly hard that the apprentice/noob/intern would just say "screw this" and quit.
Adymus said:
To suggest [that Pod'Lair is a cult] only shows your ignorance, fear, and intolerance of new ideas that do not conform their names of concepts to the obligatory over intellectualized norm, which really serves no purpose other than looking Sciencey. Although that is not to say the theory is not intellectually rigorous, its not even close to being simple. If simplicity is what you want, go back to MBTI.
This is why I have mentioned other systems in which there are challenges. It is because Pod'Lair is challenging. Most people either do not see these patterns of human body language that is impossible to fake. Or they see glimpses, but not enough to fit it into a system of thought. A Nai'xyy (INFJ) friend of mine posted some self portraits he took when he was very angry with himself. His friends all noted the frustration, intensity, and anger in his eyes, and reacted to that in their own ways. They are seeing something that is real, but they do not see it all the time. (No one mentions it on my friend's smiling pictures.) It takes time to go from the "sporadically notices nameless patterns" stage to the stage where you can take one glance at any given person and know instantly what their Mojo is. That is why practitioners have induction rituals.
Perhaps lots of people are getting up in arms because they are actually called "rituals." But this is what life is. From the previous examples, it should be obvious that graduation ceremonies are rituals. Brewing yourself a cup of coffee every morning to wake yourself up so you can properly function is a ritual. Stretching before you go out jogging is a ritual. Spending quality time with your family/partner/friends is a ritual. Heck, even what humans do in private are rituals. Sexually relieving yourself in front of the computer screen is a ritual, for instance. All of these habitual scripts help humans do other things, put a human in a better state of mind, and/or celebrate life's milestones. The best things in life are rituals, and the best rituals reach out to many human desires. Eating is a ritual for example, and more people rave about the café experience in Paris than rave about the wonders of going through the drive-thru at McDonald's. Any decent Parisian café serves delicious food that contains ingredients that were most definitely alive very recently. It is filled with interesting people, and there are interesting passerby on the street to watch. The waiters don't generally look stressed, as it is okay to savor time as well as food there, as if the environment itself is whispering "slow down and relax." This resonates more with what people desire than the McDonald's eating experience does, and this is one of the reasons people love going to Paris on vacation.
Likewise, there are Rituals of Understanding that are better than others. People who are not deranged psychopaths will agree that learning to put out fires is better than studying the art of arson (and getting away with it). Studying astronomy is more useful that studying astrology, though both could lead to a productive career. Why? Because astronomy is an exiting, expanding field, awaiting further discoveries of Natural Law that may also tie into new research in other fields of science. In contrast, astrology has already been defined. What is innovation in astrology if there is no objective way to test your theory? "Discoveries" will not help scientists uncover potential new avenues of research. It is a dead paradigm. It is McDonald's, while astronomy is the Parisian café.
If Pod'Lair is correct and it does have an objective system, then MBTI, JCF, Socionics, etc are wrong. There might be some truth in them, but if your method of finding the truth is wrong, you will not get truth out of those inquiries on a reliable basis. If there is no way of knowing you are wrong, how do you know if you are right? Even if JCF helped Thomas develop his theory in the same vein as astrology birthed astronomy, Pod'Lair does not need to say it is an improvement to these dead paradigms. You can go to a science museum, and many of them mention humankind's first attempts to understand the cosmos. The museum mentions these flawed ways of understanding, as well as showing the museumgoer a historical timeline. What the curators of such exhibits do not do is say that astronomy is a useful, practical addendum to astrology. Astronomy is not Astrology 2.0 because the methods are radically different. While they try to explain the same phenomenon, one is succeeding and finding new ways of explaining things in the cosmos that astrologers didn't know even existed. The other one is dead. Astronomy does not need to acknowledge astrology because astronomy is right.
If you are curious, just try it. If Pod'Lair is false, it will fall on its own demerits. It might end up being the quirky woo-woo bunkum du jour in peyote smoking, sprit animal huggng, homeopathy pill chugging, alien abductee, New Age circles. But if it is false, it will die a death of natural causes because no one of merit will take it seriously. It would not need outside help to die. But if this pattern is there, cannot be unseen, and can be pointed out to others to the extent they can't help but see it too? (I am an example of this - I can't help but see these patterns.) Well, then you have something that is real, no matter how unscientific the terminology sounds. For what is science other than a method - a tool to help one attain better knowledge of the natural patterns around us?