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Search results

  1. Decaf

    Compliments and the INTP

    I pointed this out in another thread, but maybe this is a more pertinent and interesting case. You are a genius. There's a lot of disturbing things about that sentence, not the least of which is our instinctual discomfort with its utterance. I find myself just as uncomfortable with it...
  2. Decaf

    What do I do now? I'm writing a training program for a tech support call center. Ideally I'd...

    What do I do now? I'm writing a training program for a tech support call center. Ideally I'd be in chemistry where I spent all the money to get a degree, but I'm workin' on fixing that. And I agree with RT, its really become a problem how awesome Oregon is <le sigh> What about you? Have you...
  3. Decaf

    Favorite Monty Python Skit

    YouTube- Monty Python - Lion Tamer Its not the funniest sketch, but it always makes me smile.
  4. Decaf

    What songs are you listening to?

    YouTube- Вивальди "времена года",Лето3чаÑÑ‚ÑŒ
  5. Decaf

    INTP comedians

    YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 1 of 6 YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 2 of 6 YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 3 of 6 YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 4 of 6 YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 5 of 6 YouTube- Demetri Martin - If I 6 of 6
  6. Decaf

    Your new user title reminded me of this video :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVgvg8EXdFM

    Your new user title reminded me of this video :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVgvg8EXdFM
  7. Decaf

    So, two INTP's walk into a bar....

    candy corn
  8. Decaf

    Teaching Methods - MBTI

    If you want to learn more about it, look up Jane Kise. She was the instructor for my MBTI certification course and has a PhD in Education and Leadership. Here's her latest book on the subject. To the best of my understanding, the best use of MBTI isn't in splitting the group up. Its useful...
  9. Decaf

    What songs are you listening to?

    YouTube- "Friends" - Flight of the Conchords YouTube- Jason Mraz - Dynamo Of Volition
  10. Decaf

    Which Final Fantasy 6 Character are You?

    How could Gogo not be on the list?
  11. Decaf

    District 9 discussion *possible spoilers*

    I found the movie to be fascinating. I admired the direction and the interplay between CGI characters with live. They always found a way around difficult shooting problems in ways that fit with the action, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Because of those things it was easy to reserve my...
  12. Decaf

    Sadly I couldn't find a naked ninja, but I suppose it would be hard to prove it.

    Sadly I couldn't find a naked ninja, but I suppose it would be hard to prove it.
  13. Decaf

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    That dream is fascinating. In numerous dreams I've had the experience of acquiring something I thought was valuable only to have it turn out to be worthless. I wonder what that means about how I view my conscious experiences...
  14. Decaf

    I think I flew off the handle on the religious forum :p

    I think I flew off the handle on the religious forum :p
  15. Decaf


    I made no assertion that this awareness was anything but a direct result of acquired knowledge. I don't believe in a collective unconscious or innate brotherhood of mankind. I am aware that people live in Africa because it has been proven to me sufficiently for what I require to believe it...
  16. Decaf


    I disagree. We don't talk about caninity or felinity because to the best of our knowledge those animals do not form any kind of global community. They interact with each other, but they do not form a political landscape beyond their own territorial borders. If a pack of wolves were even aware...
  17. Decaf


    Oh well, then just pretend I wrote that all in the first person :D
  18. Decaf


    Agreed. Humanity as a concept is wonderfully complex and filled with mystery and loose ends. Humanity as personified... well... humanity as a concept is great :D Its not even that I dislike people face to face. I dislike having to relate to people on their terms to the exclusion of my own...
  19. Decaf

    Argument from Ignorance

    In my experience most people who discuss science from the stage come across as pretty full of themselves. The exception might be some of the TED talks I've watched (where a significant portion of the audience have given talks themselves and it would be hard not to qualify your statements in...
  20. Decaf

    Argument from Ignorance

    This right here is a fantastic explanation of the scientific perspective as it relates to any issue. I'm absolutely going to steal this argument in the future :D YouTube- Neil Tyson talks about UFOs and the argument from ignorance.
  21. Decaf

    I am Damaged Goods

    They alluded to it happening in one of their first posts.
  22. Decaf

    level of Chemistry interest

    I have a MS in Chemistry (specifically semiconductor processing), but despite being happy with my education, I kinda wish I'd gone into psychology.
  23. Decaf

    I am Damaged Goods

    Multiple identities are against forum policy because they are easily exploited and useless to anyone participating honestly in the forum. In this case, to deliver outrageous lies and attempting to manipulate and divide the members of the forum. If you want to research, much of the debate about...
  24. Decaf

    random: for Oregon people or those who just like interesting places

    Agreed. I've only been once, but it is pretty amazing. The cascades have a bunch of volcanic lakes that are worth hiking to and have a lot less tourist cache. I recommend Burnt Lake at the base of Mount Hood if you don't mind hiking a few miles uphill.
  25. Decaf

    INTP: Hoarder or Minimalist?

    I think INTPs are focused. We collect many things due to our hunger for clarity and insight, including things that allow us to explore our emotional side. Our sentimentalism is, I believe, derived from our curiosity. Our own emotions can be ideas worth studying and we often require some...
  26. Decaf

    I am Damaged Goods

    Doubtful. I imagine Silvertongue (not a bad username for them all considered) has fallen victim to the appeal of indiscriminate revenge. When things go poorly for us it is often tempting to get revenge on the perpetrator of those "evils", but much of the time the perpetrator is indistinct...
  27. Decaf

    I am Damaged Goods

    It took all of half an hour of research after the Herstory thread closed to put together a case for proving the illegitimacy of our "new" member. That's without even referring to the similarity in writing style.
  28. Decaf

    Love of Quotes?

    I think INTPs like quotes because we don't tie people to ideas intuitively. Ideas exist in and of themselves regardless of who utters them. When we read a quote its really not that different from when we say what's on the top of our heads, but the quote exists generally because it was said in...
  29. Decaf


    I believe the real question is, which future were you born in?
  30. Decaf

    Dr. Incandenza, I presume?

    Well now I'm confused... who was on first?
  31. Decaf

    Robot skills (aka 'be nice to cog')

    I thought the throw and catch was pretty cool but oddly enough I was found the tweezer bit the most compelling.
  32. Decaf

    Your username

    I'm curious if that reference was why "Polly" thought you'd make a good ally. Always fascinates me how first impressions are made.
  33. Decaf

    Your username

    well, turtle's can be tricky. If the aquarium is too small they'll walk into the corner... and by walk into the corner I mean they bump their shell against the walls over and over and over and over and over again... sometimes at night. Just a warning. I hear iguanas are good. I think an...
  34. Decaf

    Dr. Incandenza, I presume?

    Was himself the bat boy?
  35. Decaf

    Nice pic Water :D I'm jealous of your chair

    Nice pic Water :D I'm jealous of your chair
  36. Decaf

    User Titles.

    My patience certainly feels a little silly now :confused:
  37. Decaf

    Your username

    I used Phinegan for a while because of Finnigan's Toy Shop in downtown Portland. Then I switched to my first constructed identity, Edward Province, user name: eprovince. Of course I'm not gonna tell you what my current one is :p Not that it matters as I may finally be disposing of that...
  38. Decaf

    The club with no apparent purpose, club

  39. Decaf


    How do you feel about the term "Egalitarian"? Do you feel like it is a suitable substitute for the often maligned term "Feminist"? I can certainly understand the negative emotions that would arise from the loss of what once represented an extremely positive movement in cultural perceptions...
  40. Decaf


    I really don't know what to say. How about... You are not welcome on this forum. This kind of behavior and outright arrogance will not be tolerated.
  41. Decaf

    User Titles.

    I like Steady at Sea, but on reflection, I think I'll be happier long term with "Professional Amateur" I'm also throwing in for "Waterstiller... runs deep". That just seems to sing :D
  42. Decaf

    The Ninja Club

    I would suggest this book. I found it imminently useful when I was learning (not that I ever developed much of a practical technique... spent too much time reading I guess).
  43. Decaf


    I apologize, by Ts I meant the T word, or Troll. The black and white thinking is so strong they remind me a reverse-biased diode. Sure there's gray area in the middle, but nothing non-hypothetical falls into that category. That quality is pretty indicative of troll behavior. Godwin's Law...
  44. Decaf


    Ah... and here I had just written this long speech about treading carefully as an aggressive personality when around INTPs... now it seems like it wouldn't have made much of an impact. Maybe with a little increased confidence in spotting Ts we won't feel hesitant in pointing and laughing when...
  45. Decaf

    I feel stupid here

    I've definitely scrapped more posts than I've written. If you include paragraphs I scrap in the posts that make the cut, I'd say 80-85% of what I type here doesn't get posted. Even then, I've come to regret some of that 15-20% leftover. Times when I take a stand on something I really don't...
  46. Decaf


    Uh oh... I think we may have to have a Cog battle royale. We've all been calling Cognisant "Cog" or "Douchebag". [citation needed] ... Oh, and welcome aboard :D
  47. Decaf

    Bernard was down for under an hour.

    Oh no! We've got to do something!
  48. Decaf

    User Titles.

    @ Waterstiller How about Badass Adorable? @ Ogion Ugh... too much pressure... how about "Professional Amatuer"?
  49. Decaf

    Bernard was down for under an hour.

    Bernard needs a better health plan
  50. Decaf


    My dad had a wasp nest right outside his back door a while back and came up with what is one of the simplest and most effective solutions I've ever seen (go figure, he's an ISTP). Take a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment and secure the hose end right next to the entrance to the wasp nest...
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