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Search results

  1. Auburn

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Give'm a break ;p Poor addy-kun is being worked to the bone.. =/
  2. Auburn

    oh, hey mack! Doing alright here ^^ Do you still get on irc? Or what form of communication do...

    oh, hey mack! Doing alright here ^^ Do you still get on irc? Or what form of communication do you use most?
  3. Auburn

    I'm sorry I haven't responded to your posts directly. Nyx has drained all of my energy...

    I'm sorry I haven't responded to your posts directly. Nyx has drained all of my energy...
  4. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    As an INTP, surely you know well that belief in a certain concept and the externalization of said concept can be worlds apart, yet that doesn't make the concept unworthy of understanding. But that aside, they actually do impact my actions. I used to moderate and rationalize away all negative...
  5. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    The very definition of a gene, or group of genes, is a segment of DNA that carries within it hereditary information specific to one aspect of the organism. One gene's goal can be to generate blue eye color, another to generate brown hair, others to generate the genitals and reproductive organs...
  6. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    Quite a journey, isn't it.. *smiles* I'm glad you're alright. You did have me worried for a while.. and I suppose maybe I do owe Nyx for that. Is the journey truly over? I'd hate to find out that I've already actualized ^^; there's just so much more to explore. Although, by my personal...
  7. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    I'm talking to you Nyx, personally, as well as the others who posted. Were it someone who I haven't interacted with as much who posted your objections, I would have gladly accepted the challenge afresh, because they wouldn't be familiar with my views - nor would I expect them to be. What bothers...
  8. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    Yus ^.^ That was mostly directed at Coggie TehMomo and Nyx, pertaining to Identity. What I am saying is that even though one might consciously recognize themselves as having no identity, the deep parts of their psyche still won't allow them to fully escape that illusion. And thus, this...
  9. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

  10. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    Vocabulary. A reminder that any one word's definition is essentially whatever meaning the communicating parties have agreed to associate to it. Here are the concepts I associate with said 'vague' words: Happiness: ..is not referring to the emotional or bio-electrical state of the mind...
  11. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    All of you here know me personally, some for over a year. I've spoken elsewhere with you about my disbelief in any religion and spirituality, my disbelief in the legitimacy of 'vague' but commonly unquestioned concepts, my acceptance of the rationality behind several philosophies...
  12. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    @ Coggie - *noms happily* ^^ - I don't know if you see it within yourself but you actually do have much appreciation for the symbolic and non-literal. I admire you for that. Your user title is very fitting. When one realizes that any inherent meaning/purpose in this universe is unjustified...
  13. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    The Literal & Symbolic Self The Self exists in two different realms: the literal and the symbolic. The literal human is one which science can observe and explain. It is the physiological human; a creature which can be understood in relation to chemistry as well as it's environment and the...
  14. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    @ Nyx We are not in discord here. Man, nay - the entire universe, merely is. Existence exists; period. This is elementary. Surely you know that I know this, no? It's actually a bit insulting that you'd think I would overlook this. When I use words like perfection and divinity, you should...
  15. Auburn

    Perfection & Actualization

    The quest for happiness - the primary obsession of all humanity. It defines the entirety of human existence - it's history, cultures, wars, arts, religions and deities - and has rattled the foundations of the world; shaping it into what it is today. Every myth and god man has created is...
  16. Auburn

    ..can i haz hug..?

    ..can i haz hug..?
  17. Auburn

    Fictional and non fictional INTP's

    Perhaps the best fictional example I can think of is John Nash from A Beautiful Mind, although since it's based on a true story the real Mr.Nash is probably also INTP. A slightly less realistic example might be Sherlock Holmes from the 2009 movie? I'm not quite sure though. Also, these...
  18. Auburn

    Understanding NI

    I think INTPs are also prone to this "snowflake" syndrome to some extent? I remember I used to be the only conscious being on earth before I was 18 too...
  19. Auburn

    oh! ..right. =] Ahh.. the name. I got lost in a bit of an identity crisis back there.. <//<

    oh! ..right. =] Ahh.. the name. I got lost in a bit of an identity crisis back there.. <//<
  20. Auburn

    I charge my friends $20 for hanging out with me. ;)

    I charge my friends $20 for hanging out with me. ;)
  21. Auburn

    I'm back for more

    Welcome back Mathy ^^ I do remember seeing you around before. Also, I totally agree with you on how that thread shows a lot of traits specific to Ti dominants and not only INTPs. Regarding observation, I have the same experience. If I intentionally wish to focus my energies on something...
  22. Auburn

    Hello friends

    Haihai ^^ Ohh, I like what Cavallier's done here. So you want questions.. eh? Where did you put the body? :phear: What time do you go to sleep? What's the password? What's your credit card number? Where's my sandwich? Why are you using bloody Windows 1998/2000?!? Do you liek kitties? What's...
  23. Auburn


  24. Auburn


  25. Auburn


  26. Auburn


    ^^ haihai oh friend of Melly-chan! Or maybe you're yet another figment of Melkor's imagination... :pueh:
  27. Auburn

    Retro Avatar Week

    The image itself is from a very brief frame of Haku from the Naruto Anime series. I then changed the hue to my favorite color, and made it my avatar. There's several reasons for why I chose this avatar.. It's androgynous. The facial expression resonated so perfectly with me. Long hair is...
  28. Auburn

    Retro Avatar Week

    Cavalliar: Here's mine from back when nobody knew who the hell I was. The Grim Squeaker... Hilarious! ^^ I do remember that avatar but I didn't know it was you at the time. When I think Cavalliar, that horse rider lady still comes to mind. ;) Tekton: Cheers to the people that actually...
  29. Auburn

    Retro Avatar Week

    With permission from the forum's very own Avatar coordinator, miss Nyx, I'd like to initiate the forum's first Retro Avatar Week! Quite simply, participants put on the very first avatar they used on this forum (or a very early avatar that was used for a long time) from May 20-27th. Post your...
  30. Auburn

    Guess who's back?

    my drawings! D= and my lor plushie was in there too...! and my cards... and.. and.. dammit Cog, those robots were my friends! *sticks a syringe up Cog's mechanical rectum and walks away* hmph!!
  31. Auburn

    Guess who's back?

    Nyoooooooo... :phear: can i still haz your super kewl awesome secret lab??!?!? I mean, I already decorated it in purple! and and put my drawings on the walls, and dressed those weird looking cyber-mannequins in anime cosplay outfits, and I trained your robots to play Yu-Gi-Oh! ;D I don't think...
  32. Auburn

    I probably shouldn't even have been so direct in assessing his sister was ESFP. Um, what i...

    I probably shouldn't even have been so direct in assessing his sister was ESFP. Um, what i should have said is that, just from that one video, she displays the demeanor and conduct of an ESFP - and if no further information is introduced, the most accurate assessment I could personally make is...
  33. Auburn

    I can't quite type (or claim to type o,o) people as quickly as Adymus. I just don't trust my own...

    I can't quite type (or claim to type o,o) people as quickly as Adymus. I just don't trust my own analysis that much and remain ever skeptical. There is no rush when it comes to self-identity. The journey to understand the Self is such an important and personal matter that it requires the most...
  34. Auburn

    gah!! blackmail!!:kilroy: [SPOILER]

    gah!! blackmail!!:kilroy: [SPOILER]
  35. Auburn


    *ninjapounces on cav from behind!* -^^- <3 haihai mister Grunge! Nice to meet you ^^ (p.s. I'm auburn.. or use to be at least.. o,o before the "accident")
  36. Auburn

    Overrated is Overrated

    "___ is overrated" Isn't that just a feeble attempt at elevating one's own opinion of a particular things to a quasi-empirical level? It's as if to say one is not stating an opinion any longer but a fact.
  37. Auburn

    Turns out I'm actually a feeler.

  38. Auburn


    Lor, love the avatar! ^^ Melkor.. put that tongue away, please? < < Cog - just likes the attention. ;p What'd be worse is the sudden death of a forum member, thus leaving the forum with no way to ever know they're actually dead.. P.S. Hey! let's all wear our first/original avatars for a week...
  39. Auburn

    You know you're an Intp when...

    You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.
  40. Auburn

    My Girl

    reminds me of... YouTube- Immortal Technique - You Never Know Lyrics
  41. Auburn

    D= nooo! *pokes melly in the eyes, and steals back kitties* *places anti-melly alarm system...

    D= nooo! *pokes melly in the eyes, and steals back kitties* *places anti-melly alarm system around hir profile* ]:<
  42. Auburn


    Hehe, Melly do you remember the time when I had to mop your bloody remains off the floor? Then you had to talk to me in pm as a ghost? And time when I made Fleur promise not to hurt you anymore? *sighs nostalgically* I miss the little beepy sound it made. IRC doesn't beep the same.. :( (If...
  43. Auburn


  44. Auburn

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    @ Alice ...I'm slowly rebuilding my confidence as well - redefining who I am on my own terms. It's quite a long process but also fascinating. One thing I've learned is that it also requires the help of others who can validate you and support your grown and actualization. I wish you luck on this...
  45. Auburn

    I'm an INTP girl, and what a relief it was to find you guys! I thought I was alone

    See, what I don't understand is that most INTPs that introduce themselves here start off by describing how they developed a sort of "Screw the world and it's irrationality" mentality growing up, where they embraced their differences and sorta knew they were the right ones all along - thus...
  46. Auburn

    awz! ^^ ur avatar ish cute! Did you draw it?

    awz! ^^ ur avatar ish cute! Did you draw it?
  47. Auburn

    The World Is About To End.

    1. You know the world is about to end, you know when, how, why, and how to stop it - but nobody believes you. What do you do? If I know how to stop it, that would include how to convince others to believe/help me (if it is necessary for me to need the help of others). So, ya.. I'd stop it. P=...
  48. Auburn

    Shirts an INTP might like

    65% Oxygen!?! 10% Hydrogen?! 19% Carbon?! Ha! *thinks up conversation scenarios* "Why yes, my head really is composed mostly of hot air." "I am 75% Ghost, 19% Diamond. Don't mess with me." "It wasn't me. The wind moved it!"
  49. Auburn

    Music Immaturity

    omg.. I hate this too.. >.> It was getting rather ridiculous at one point, so I decided to try and mentally overcome it. (because well, y'know, my mind is all powerful and can fix any problem!) I did find, however, that if I consciously disassociate the music/object from the person who...
  50. Auburn

    Cognitive Functions 100: Basic Functionality

    *squee!* *huggles* yay!!! =^.^= See what happens when an INTP gets motivated? :rolleyes: And I think they wouldn't mind really. They've made entire boards just for one member before. =P
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