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Search results

  1. Auburn

    Do you think you fully belong here?

    ...i think i sort of agree with blob on this. i think it's more about naturally formed connections/relationships that certain members have with each other. this does not at all mean there is a hierarchy, but there's just bonds between certain individuals. I really don't see how they exert...
  2. Auburn

    So.. where do you belong?

    I noticed that in IB's thread, many people mentioned they don't feel they belong here entirely. So I became curious... Where do you belong? You can answer it in terms of physical location, in terms of surrounding company, in terms of spirituality, the metaphysical, or in whatever way(s) best...
  3. Auburn

    Adding IRC to the forum?

    Oh! yes, I forgot to mention... x__x The code above is meant to create a box for the chat to fit inside the forum, however a direct link could easily be added to the navbar instead. The link being...
  4. Auburn

    Adding IRC to the forum?

    There is no need to worry about anything server-related; it's all taken care of. The widget is hosted via mibbit, an irc client, and is free. Other forums such as the infjs use this same widget. :) Inserting this coding is all that's needed: <iframe...
  5. Auburn

    Adding IRC to the forum?

    I've noticed that the chat box which is currently set up on the forum is dead most of the time, while the irc channel to the forum is constantly active. Do you think the forum chat box could be replaced with an irc widget? A lot of members probably don't know about the irc - and future members...
  6. Auburn


    No, no... don't get me wrong... ^^; I just showed you more.. devious ones.. o,o Truly they are rather adorable! Embrace the warm fuzzies - they are your friends. I'm done.. ^^; promise
  7. Auburn


    ..ahem... I actually think infj forum's monkey smilies have us beat.. I mean just look at some of these: ooouu yea, whooda boss? <--- Cognisant (or lor on certain moods) <--- Melkor (or Tekton on certain days) scarred for life... can't! busy!!
  8. Auburn

    *hugs* ...thank you so much for posting that link in the Clone thread. I'm SO glad you did. I...

    *hugs* ...thank you so much for posting that link in the Clone thread. I'm SO glad you did. I never knew about mindmates, yet in my mind I've suspected their existence for a long time. Knowing this is not just a figment of my imagination, but a reality, is so much more encouraging than you may...
  9. Auburn

    Your Clone?

    Nice! Do watch; it's definitely worth it guys =]
  10. Auburn

    Your Clone?

    I know this thread is old... >_< but.. For all the newer members, I'm just curious as to what you'd say.. and wanted to give u a chance to see this buried ol' thread - in hopes that something interesting comes out of it. ^^;
  11. Auburn

    Are You a Nerd, a Geek, or a Dork?

    Joe Normal 35 % Nerd, 4% Geek, 48% Dork <.<
  12. Auburn

    Silence is Golden

    ...enters delicately, unnoticed... ...careful not to make a sound... and takes solace in the cradling, tender silence... ...weaves his way past the others and makes his home in a solitary corner of the room... ...sitting with his back hugged against both walls, arms wrapped around his...
  13. Auburn

    Allow me to introduce myself.

    What are the norms you ask? *grins* Manual of the INTPForum Norms: The Forums: Let's face it, there is overlap of all other forums inside every forum. It seems quite impossible for us all to stay on track :p - so don't sweat it too much if you go on a tangent - as all aspects of existence are...
  14. Auburn

    Of course you can have a hug! *huggles melly* ^^ Will you be around more often?

    Of course you can have a hug! *huggles melly* ^^ Will you be around more often?
  15. Auburn

    Developing Our Best Function

    yea ^^; lol hence "I digress..." I mean, I understand it to an extent - enough to where I can distinguish it from Ti, or at least suspect that there is a distinction (which is the case here). However, I don't know it well enough to claim that it is indeed Ni and not Ti - which is why I only...
  16. Auburn

    Developing Our Best Function

    Being able to gracefully articulate the steps of deduction which lead to any one conclusion is imperative to making any sort of claim - and for the support of said claim. Without it, the claim holds little weight in itself. I try to make a point of not making statements I cannot back up with...
  17. Auburn

    Developing Our Best Function

    @ beastie - Somehow that sounds more like Ni... =0 @ Black Pat - I'm unsure if this applies across the board, but I speak for myself and say that I do have a structure of logic - which is constantly being refined and polished. It's like a complex system/framework of axioms and principles by...
  18. Auburn

    My story, your story... A game?

    I'm glad you dug this back up. That was a beautiful post~ I can only let my mind wander as to what personal realities hide beneath the symbolism in your story... Traces of who we are can be seen in our every written expression... Sometimes clear, and other times more illusive and faint...
  19. Auburn

    MBTI an Illusion?

    IB, I agree completely. Even if the MBTI was neurologically grounded, I doubt that it would fit the 16 type model in the way that it is currently understood. The current model is simply the best we can do in trying to describe some sort of pattern we sense is there but can't quite understand...
  20. Auburn

    MBTI an Illusion?

    I'm actually surprised this has had little discussion in this forum. Seeing how it is our nature to question most any concept and theory down to the very nuts and bolts, why not question the MBTI in the same manner? I wonder... We all seem to join this forum with the preconception that the MBTI...
  21. Auburn

    Melly, you're back!!! *hugs* ^ ^

    Melly, you're back!!! *hugs* ^ ^
  22. Auburn

    Mm, is it too late to ask? ^^;

    I think you're right ^^ Mm, well I think I can narrow down the list a little. I feel I can really relate to: ..heartspeak.. ..harmonious heartmind.. ...treads softly.. ..fearless explorer of the soul.. -^^- [I really like this one] (I greatly appreciate all of your input ^^ but perhaps I...
  23. Auburn

    User Titles.

    Decaf, I agree with Professional Amateur. It encompasses more that just mbti, which i think is more characteristic of your knowledge. :D Waterstiller... I can't seem to coagulate my thoughts correctly. It's difficult to explain how I see you. But I will keep thinking about it, searching for the...
  24. Auburn

    Mm, is it too late to ask? ^^;

    Heh, I might change my location later to something like.. "searching.." as that is the best way I could describe where I am. @ Ermine - I see... For me my experience in this forum has been one of self discovery but in a rather interesting manner. With every post I make I discover more of who I...
  25. Auburn

    Mm, is it too late to ask? ^^;

    ....-sigh-... mmhmm... I was looking forward to reading what you all might suggest as a title for me. I really liked the idea of reaching 1,000 posts before receiving a title and then having others choose a title for you. What that did is create a reputation for you during those 1,000 - and the...
  26. Auburn

    Silence is Golden

    :( *cries and runs over to lor, holding on to her jeans and burying his face in the denim*
  27. Auburn

    Lurker Unlurked

    welcome both of you! ^^ *sigh* it's good to actually seen new faces around. Not to say that old faces are "bad" ^^; ...don't get me wrong guys...
  28. Auburn

    Alright, fess up!

    I did, and thank you.. -^^- I consider this thread a huge success just by that one post. Yes, I realize the possibility of delusion is there, yet I trust this post helped to enlighten us more in regards to you than to confuse or mislead.
  29. Auburn

    Alright, fess up!

    @ Cog - Just one? Well, alright. ^^; Would you then please share with us what your true feelings/emotions are? In all sincerity, what emotions do you hide oh too often - be they in regards to a place, an object, or even a specific person.
  30. Auburn


    It's difficult to describe my initial reaction. It's a mixture of so many things.... The tangible realization of the ever vaguer distinctions between what is alive and what is not. The eradication of so many preconceptions regarding the nature of mechanics. And a strong empathy and happiness for...
  31. Auburn

    Alright, fess up!

    ...why is everyone out to taint me?! ...i just... ....don't understand.... :( But well, um... attempts to bring the thread back on topic I do have a confession to make as well... I... ...made this thread in hopes that I would learn more about you guys. I purposely didn't specify what...
  32. Auburn

    Alright, fess up!

    Tekton's unsensored post = Silly Tekton, was there really any reason to hide it? ^^; It's not like we did anything bad y'know. The way you put it made it sound so... @ lor - ..what else do you have in your collection...? :phear: psst, you didn't post your confession ... =]
  33. Auburn

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    *sigh* that sounds too perfect... *imagines having tea with waterstiller and her (imaginary?) friends*
  34. Auburn

    Alright, fess up!

    You know exactly what I'm talking about.
  35. Auburn

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    ^ me three. o.o I thought perhaps there was something wrong with me for disregarding intellect, but I guess I'm not alone. Before, logic used to be all that mattered, but now there are other functions that I willingly let overpower it. I see it's incompetence in so many other areas of life now...
  36. Auburn

    New Members?

    *tears up* ...that was beautiful tekton.... ="]
  37. Auburn

    Improving Type Function?

    There's a small book called Functions of Type that has some exercises to help develop every function better. Um, here, I'll list a few of them if you'd like ^^; Fi: Use your emotions to identify what is important, your deeply held values. List five things that you would devote a lot of...
  38. Auburn

    User Titles.

    ... the Grey.
  39. Auburn


    Live Topic is a feature that will tell you if someone has ninja'd you when you're about to post in that thread. If you're viewing that thread, you'll get a little message in a window at the bottom telling you that somebody just replied. (I think)
  40. Auburn

    Official mbti online?

    *hugs lor* ...what's wrong...?
  41. Auburn

    CHANGE --- Smilies of the Damned

    What if we kept the standard old smilies (modified) on the main editing page while having a link there saying "more emoticons" which would open a window that contains all other smilies which aren't a part of the first set? The INFJ forum has something like this. Could this also be done here...
  42. Auburn

    What would you ask?

    @ A.I. - Mm, so perhaps we could take an approach where a scenario is presented and there are 8 miltiple choice answers (the 8 functions) based on how they would react to said scenario? For instance: Q. Your family buys a puppy without your knowledge and surprises you with it when you come...
  43. Auburn

    Official mbti online?

    INFP 1 Extraversion, 20 Introversion 7 Sensing, 19 Intuition 12 Thinking, 12 Feeling 9 Judging and 13 Perceiving O.O! liieeeezzzz! I found the test extremely basic. I could tell what each questioning was trying to distinguish between. It even used the exact same words multiple times, such...
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