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Search results

  1. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Modz are on fire this week! I'll go away now... *recedes into corner, watching intently*
  2. The Introvert

    Do you love ugly truths?

    :hoplit04::hoplit02:QUALIA! But to OP: What are you going to do about ugly truths? Hate them? I don't even think that your post references truths, but rather hypotheses. Whether or not they are testable is another question. I personally don't like truth, because I would rather do dare...
  3. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    No, but it doesn't make him right either. In fact, I don't think he's correct in this situation. Being a competent ruler requires a diverse array of skills, not just thinking. Rules are necessary guidelines to follow; you make rules and then apply the situation accordingly, using leeway for...
  4. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Jennywocky's post was a hit on Montresor's obviously ironic hypocrisy. She was pointing out that the very thing he was saying was subject to his own criticism, thereby negating any value that what he was saying had. The fact that you decide to misunderstand her post (and then continue to try...
  5. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    Because indecision leads to apathy, which I have the propensity to wander towards. Even an incorrect or meaningless decision is still a decision, which is more than nothing.
  6. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

  7. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    But the question becomes: is it really worth my time to intricately understand the differences? No, no it is not. I can get a general idea now, and if need be, focus more on the details later if necessary.
  8. The Introvert


    Problem solved! (finally) For some reason I had to run the script on Windows XP... :confused:
  9. The Introvert

    Self-Induced Hallucinogenic State

    Difficult to say, because the timing was a bit strange (we got up and left mid trip, as well as a funny "oh shit moment" when it was daylight savings and we lost an hour in the middle of the night). I would say between 2-3. From what I've talked about with the others, they seemed around that...
  10. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    Old enough :rolleyes: But seriously, INTJ and INFJ are very similar. Dominant and inferior functions are identical, so really the differences are miniscule (if not non-existent).
  11. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Well said Jenny :)
  12. The Introvert

    Self-Induced Hallucinogenic State

    That's an oddly specific description! HAve you by chance experienced something similar? :D (rhetorical) But to answer your question: yes. The part in the OP about the microscope was an attempt to visualize that feeling. Now, I have those moments (dripping with meaning) all the time. What...
  13. The Introvert

    Self-Induced Hallucinogenic State

    This is almost dead on. One thing that I'm not sure if I mentioned in the OP is that the feeling was similar to the mushrooms in that it felt as though I was seeing everything 'as is'. This would be the loss of subvocalization, which was apparent in both experiences. I have actually had the...
  14. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    TBH I kind of like own8ge's 'fits', in a strange way. Reminds me of my brother... :kodama1:
  15. The Introvert

    Self-Induced Hallucinogenic State

    FYI: 'twas a state of meditation. A clear head, for once. And @Duxwing I'm disappointed you fled after my last reply to you :/
  16. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Oh, absolutely. Like I said, I think the mods have actually done a swell job with this one. I've seen a lot of communication among everyone here. Almost as if we have our own little family starting to form :o
  17. The Introvert

    The Limits of Infinity (Irony Recognized)

    This is incorrect. It's still infinity; infinity is a concept, not a number.
  18. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    Banning is necessary only after the offender has repeatedly offended, even after being told to do otherwise. So of course the behavior has been going on for a while; it's simply the nature of the disciplinary process.
  19. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    I don't understand these terms :confused:
  20. The Introvert

    own8ge's temporary ban/Hawkeye's complaints about moderation

    From a distanced POV, I find own8ge and Dux to be very similar... which is probably why they can't seem to get along. I've communicated more with Dux, but it seems as though they are both equally stubborn in their own right. I agree with both own8ge's most recent temp ban and Dux's recent...
  21. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    Well, yes, that's what I was getting at. The coupling of different functions with Ni will obviously create noticeable dynamics between the two. It's a bit more difficult to tell, though, because either way I'm Ni-dom. For all intents and purposes, Ni-Te is the subjective intuition coupled...
  22. The Introvert

    Quantum theory and Spin.

    Am I correct in presuming the quantum physics implies that matter that we can measure and perceive influences 'matter' (for lack of a better word) in another state that we cannot measure or perceive? I see it kind of similarly to your spin concept, whereas light, energy, what have you bounces...
  23. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    And you're saying that would point away from INTJ? :confused: INFJ and INTJ are cousins. INTJ is just Tx before Fx (In this case Te before Fi) and INFJ is the other way around (With Fe and Ti). If anything I would think it would point towards INTJ. Your primary intuition was that I was an...
  24. The Introvert

    In an Attempt to Type Myself

    I'm not an INFJ. Would bet money on INTJ.
  25. The Introvert

    Can science cause madness?

    The madness is already there. Science (technology) is simply a catalyst for creative (usually initially destructive) thinking. People have always fought in wars. Scientific breakthroughs allow us to explore new catastrophic niches, so to speak. I liken it to a social rendition of the...
  26. The Introvert

    Is it just me...

    This might be the 40th thread on this topic. Please do a little bit of searching before you needlessly start a new one.
  27. The Introvert

    What instrument should I learn?

    Guitar, acoustic (for your purposes). Reasons: - More mobility; it's difficult to carry around a piano. - Relatively easy learning curve; getting your fingers calloused is the hardest part. - You only need to know three chords and you can play 70% of all songs ever. Seriously. - More online...
  28. The Introvert

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Welcome! I like your name. :) Also, Doc is totally a ghetto farmer. Gold chains and overalls actually mesh better than you would think.
  29. The Introvert

    I believe I could put in plain words what the mods (and really, any of us that care about you)...

    I believe I could put in plain words what the mods (and really, any of us that care about you) would like to see out of you. Read into what I'm saying here. Shoot me a PM if you're confused/ need help/ want to talk about it. Or if you want cookies.
  30. The Introvert

    What is Religion for?

    You mean that there actually is God, and that God is calling out to humans to understand him and have a relationship with him. Whether or not we as humans understand it is a different story? I have no qualms about this. In fact, I even personally lean towards this view. There's a reason that...
  31. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    Ok, this is all great and I love thinking about it. But I want to be able to use it for something. It has to be applicable to something, right? There's both a spiritual and scientific use for everything; I understand the spiritual implications, but I want to explore the scientific ones.
  32. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    Really, all numbers are simply a representation of one number. That number is 1. The complete absence of numbers? 0. Is 0 possible? Is the complete absence of everything a possibility? There either is, or there is less (like temperature). Although theoretically possible, Absolute 0 isn't...
  33. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    So randomness is everything that isn't already under some sort of classification (be it subjective or objective [if objective classification exists]). An infinite amount of possibilities exist even within finite boundaries.
  34. The Introvert

    Insert interesting title here

    Isn't it supposed to be the most evolutionarily stable strategy?
  35. The Introvert

    Function Conjunction

    What are some easy tip-offs to identifying the differences between Ne and Se? Anyone have any good articles/ wisdom?
  36. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    I think the point of it though, was that there isn't a correlation between lower or higher numbers and the amount of prime numbers. I don't know if I understand infinity or not. I'd like to think I do.
  37. The Introvert

    What is Religion for?

    I agree with both of Cog's posts: Simply because if people lose the urge to answer the big questions, we lose the urge to give a shit about anything. And: Although I would also argue that for some (or many), people legitimately believe that incorporating religion into your life will enhance the...
  38. The Introvert

    Apathy and Depression

    Someone with lofty goals doesn't have to be self-indulgent. I, for example, have very high standards for myself and others and have a super-secret endpoint at which I'm aiming. I would consider myself humble and generally and genuinely interested in the people and the world around me. I just...
  39. The Introvert

    Greetings from Bedlam!

    Welcome to the forum :)
  40. The Introvert

    The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

    Link here Discuss. What does the randomness of prime numbers imply about the randomness of, well, just about everything? Discordians, take your bows.
  41. The Introvert

    Wavelengths and Hearing

    By the mechanisms found earlier in the thread. You might say... an infinitely large infinite :phear::eek:
  42. The Introvert

    Wavelengths and Hearing

    This thread works pretty much how all of my other threads work. I ask a fairly concrete question (or make a fairly concrete statement) and attempt to apply the hodge-podge of answers to everything and anything I can think of. Other people may inject their own opinions, but in the end the...
  43. The Introvert

    Insert interesting title here

    Only if I'm allowed to be in the wedding! You should have waffles at the reception.
  44. The Introvert

    Insert interesting title here

    Like Newspeak? :D You may find interest reading this (lower half of OP) Or also this Through your lurking you may have already found them. Sounds like you're searching for Enlightenment. There are more than a few good threads here to see what others have to say (consider Milo or the late...
  45. The Introvert

    Insert interesting title here

    Sounds like me! You'll fit in here just fine. Welcome to the forum :)
  46. The Introvert

    Suggested Personal Readings

    I've had limited experience with his work, but it seems to parallel Hemingway (which I really enjoy) in that his style is minimalistic but suspenseful.
  47. The Introvert

    Photon and Matter = Life and Death.

    You sound like me when I'm high.
  48. The Introvert

    Suggested Personal Readings

    I am open to any suggestions. I am only vaguely familiar with Hungarian culture (whatever has been told to me by my grandmother).
  49. The Introvert

    Suggested Personal Readings

    It's the combination of feeling like I should and because I want to, because I enjoy reading. I need to do more of it. Sorry for the confusion. Oooh McCarthy! :) I read Old Man and the Sea and loved it. His minimalistic style appeals greatly to me.
  50. The Introvert

    Suggested Personal Readings

    Hey any and all, This is pretty similar to some of the other lit. threads, but I wanted to make my own to feel special. I have come to the conclusion that to be an educated person, I have to read stuffs. This thread is dedicated to suggestions for literature to be read by me (or others)...
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