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Search results

  1. JoeJoe

    choosing a medical specialty

    A woman came at the doctor's.
  2. JoeJoe

    Micro naps...

    Maybe if you have too much energy you should try to consume it in an unharmful way. Go jogging for half an hour every day...
  3. JoeJoe

    Third Return I think?

    hmmm :confused: Essentially yes. But now you made me wonder what the intention of posting a "return" is at all. A lurker will (usually) not post a "return". Some possible motivations for making a "return thread": Introduce yourself to newbies (i.e. not necessarily newbies, just people who...
  4. JoeJoe

    Greatest Inventions

    I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned earlier. If you just say "greatest invention" everyone is going to come up with something else, because they have different definitions of "great" in the context of invention. So far, here are some of the focal points the commentors are using in this thread...
  5. JoeJoe

    Positive you!

    Such as intelligence? Creativity? Would you mind to elaborate?
  6. JoeJoe

    Third Return I think?

    Maybe my translation from German to English wasn't comprehensible enough? :confused: How significant is your activity on the forum in relation to your life? What effects does it have? How do you measure significance? Can it be measured objectively? Can significance be only the time? Maybe...
  7. JoeJoe

    Positive you!

    I was once in a group of 8 people, where we were supposed to describe the other in one word. One guy said about me: amiable (German word is liebenswert) Also: Respect for life and nature.
  8. JoeJoe

    Third Return I think?

    It means the place it takes in one's own life, not the contribution one is to the forum. Think about 4chan. (/b/ board in particular) Unless you are a total camwhore and always post pics of yourself nobody is ever going to notice if you stay or go. A thread about: "Hey, I wasn't here for a...
  9. JoeJoe

    Best type to write novel with?

    My guess would be Ne dom or aux. so XNXP. But P's are less likely to see something to the end, even if they're really committed at the beginning.
  10. JoeJoe

    What is friendship and do you want it?

    Yeah, well I'm not really into buttsex and blowjobs... :storks:
  11. JoeJoe

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    The Grand Diviner 5% Strength, 5% Bloodlust, 48% Intelligence, 48% Spirit, 29% Vitality and 29% Agility!
  12. JoeJoe

    Third Return I think?

    I think I came back a few days before Zero. I also have more trouble falling asleep at full moon, and I've heard of at least two other people having the same problem... EDIT: found two contradicting articles: Link1 Link2 Dunno which article I'm supposed to believe. The second one at least...
  13. JoeJoe

    Third Return I think?

    yay, let's open a hit and run club...
  14. JoeJoe

    Could Robots Ever Appreciate Music?

    Some people are absolutely unable to appreciate music. For them all they hear is noise and not particularly pleasant noise. The question is how will AI be developed? Will we try to reconstruct the evolution of the human brain? Or will we be more results oriented and try to make robots with as...
  15. JoeJoe

    I just killed my Parakeet

    Don't you get a lighter punishment, if you really show remorse and make an effort to be better in the future? Isn't that the same thing? As for the fate of some bird I think the "punishment" his family gave him, or rather the feelings that resulted are enough of a punishment...
  16. JoeJoe

    An approximate number sense test

    You had a score of 87% correct on this test. Based on the results we have so far, the average person who takes this test scores 76% correct. Your percentile score on this test was 91, meaning you scored higher than 91% of people who took this test It took you an average of 0.54 seconds to...
  17. JoeJoe

    Last movie you watched

    I watched: YouTube - Sintel - Third Open Movie by Blender Foundation
  18. JoeJoe

    I just killed my Parakeet

    I'm glad you don't own a cat. :kilroy:
  19. JoeJoe

    What would 50 Do? (WW50DO)

  20. JoeJoe


    Well, I was unable to register. They didn't send me the email (yet).
  21. JoeJoe


    1. Yes, Anthile probably isn't an INTP, or so he claims, iirc. 2. They aren't rules, they're "hints". 3. The actual reason for this thread was a troll (multiple trolls?) back then. So, Yeah...
  22. JoeJoe


    Anyways, I'm joining that forum. Somebody has to start, right?
  23. JoeJoe


    Ironically, the fact that we're talking to you doesn't mean we're alive, does it? Couldn't we just be products of your sordid imagination? What is there to assure you, that you are not alone on this world?
  24. JoeJoe


    The short answer is: No, a seventy-question true-or-false quiz cannot really tell you who you are. The long answer: I'll leave that to someone else.
  25. JoeJoe

    Forum Whores

    Oh my, this reminds me of the time I had 40 posts per day. :D
  26. JoeJoe

    hey guys

    Hang on, we really had a restaurant once, iirc. I wonder what happened to it...
  27. JoeJoe

    School boredom

    Interestingly I only zone out in those subjects in which I have (almost) zero interest. I have a big capability of concentrating on what the teacher is saying and following the class over a long period of time. But I still suffer from school boredom. While most subjects are fairly interesting...
  28. JoeJoe

    Reincarnation placement test

    Am I the only one who gets fed up answering all those questions, just to find out something I either already know or don't agree with? :pueh:
  29. JoeJoe

    tailored recommendations.

    Some classical Soundtrack stuff: http://dennyschneidemesser.com Also classical-ish: http://maestrorage.newgrounds.com/audio/
  30. JoeJoe

    ISTJ = meanest?, ENFP = nicest?

    Aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... :elephant: I <3 NFs. :herzen02::o
  31. JoeJoe

    Isur Sirith

    No we don't use it anymore at all. I think it was no longer used after Nazi Germany (?). I've only read black lettering in old sources (e.g. history class). Many people also have a hard time reading it fluently. I myself can read it well, but sometimes I'm not sure what the capital letters are.
  32. JoeJoe

    Placebo Effect

    The symptoms of cancer and AIDS patients always worsen after they receive the diagnosis. Is this also a kind of Placebo effect? This has nothing to do with desires, as IB suggested. :confused:
  33. JoeJoe

    INTP Interaction Manual

    I smell redundancy in this repetitive post about redundant redundancy. That said::elephant: The post is also redundant.
  34. JoeJoe

    Placebo Effect

    I guess this question can only be answered once we are so far... :rolleyes:
  35. JoeJoe

    Isur Sirith

    Except if you're on INTPforum. :p :D
  36. JoeJoe

    the INTP and his/her siblings

    I have one sister, who is 3 years my senior, who is an ENFJ. As children we had a very close relationship, then over puberty we drifted somewhat apart and now we're very close again. She's intelligent and funny so we can have decent talks and we joke around a lot. :) Now recently, my mother's...
  37. JoeJoe


    I assume you are stumped about the Sex factor? OK, I wasn't really looking into the results of my equation, but happiness in general and what are indicators, that you are truly happy. But then again, this is not something that can be over-generalized. Every human has his own...
  38. JoeJoe


    Come on, no opinions on that? :(
  39. JoeJoe

    The inner mind (or, your recurring fantasy outside of reality)

    Past, present, future. I think we are always in the past and we can't really stop it. We already know, that what will happen in the future is only a repetition of what happened in the past. And in the present we already act, as if we are moving into the past, only it's actually our future and...
  40. JoeJoe

    Isur Sirith

    I've heard that, for digital writing, Sans-serif-based fonts are easier to read and for printed texts serif-based fonts are better.
  41. JoeJoe

    I hate introductions.

    I like dead people. :segen: :segen: :segen: :segen:
  42. JoeJoe

    I'm back for more

    my bad. :p mixed it up with the difference between INTP and ENTP.
  43. JoeJoe

    I'm back for more

    *is waiting for Adymus to rant about how neither INTPs nor ISTPs have Se*
  44. JoeJoe


    I strongly suspect, that what the girl found out was also the question to the answer 42. :D
  45. JoeJoe

    Who are we?

    England/Ireland would have been my first guess for "non-continental Europe", but there must be a bug or something, because you're actually one hour behind me...
  46. JoeJoe

    I'm back for more

    The fact, that you are so deeply interested in the subject of personality is an indicator, that you are iNtuitive. But not proof!:storks::storks::storks::storks: :storks::storks: :storks: :storks:
  47. JoeJoe

    Who are we?

    Hmm... Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, some Danish or Norwegian island? I have no idea. :confused:
  48. JoeJoe

    Different kinds of jokes

    Sadly, this is the way wars get started. But I do agree, that it is not our responsibility to make sure that no person is offended by what we say. It is not our task to see to it, that everybody got what we said the way we meant it. It is however our responsibility to make sure, that we...
  49. JoeJoe

    Who are we?

    Hey, where are you from? Europe or Africa? :D
  50. JoeJoe


    meh, actually that's what I meant with the second option but w/e. :slashnew:
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