I'm not going to waste scrolling space quoting your whole bit.
1. Bertrand Russell. Nuff said.
2. My mother and sister often argue with me about the whole 1% thing, and how if everyone worked their butts off, they have just as good a chance of being rich as anyone else.
I then drop the...
Having narrowly avoided joining the military, I understand now why I would not have thrived in that environment. That's not to say everyone should avoid the military.. but it's not the best job to have if you desire working alone, being autonomous and thinking.
It's not so much a resentment...
I think I already commented in another thread you were in on. I think it is a wonderful, brilliant scam to have convinced so many people that capitalism and "the profit motive" are the noble, driving force behind good things in the world. I stand in awe that this wool has successfully been...
On topic: I hear wonderful things about LSD, though I have yet to have the balls to do it.
If you have dropped acid, please do share your experiences :)
I imagine a large percentage of people dislike being micromanaged.
I think what I'm talking about more though, is how receiving an order instantly makes me resent it.
Sometimes I will go out of my way and make things a bit harder, rather than concede and perform a task "as ordered".
I am of the mind that the greatest scam of all time has been the scam of post-industrial capitalism.
The western world has been convinced that greed is a wonderful thing. They've been convinced if they work that menial job long enough, deal with that stress long enough, sit in that traffic...
Sometimes, I will be planning on doing a task (ie. the dishes), without any issue. But then somebody will come to me, and say "Hey, can you do the dishes?" (ie. my roommate). And instantly I decide the dishes are the very last thing on my list of things I would like to do at the moment.
I do...
What an interesting thread.
Several posts back, somebody mentioned how both sides seem to be constantly misinterpreting the other. I'm in agreement with that.
Proxy, you seem bent on believing these guys are saying they shouldn't have to do work they don't want to, and yet receive something...
Mornin all,
I'm starting school up again this coming week, after 3 or 4 years out of community college. I'm retaking a couple classes that I did "freshman" in.. meaning I did horrible cause I didn't care.
I completed two semesters of community college and stopped going, not before wasting my...
Lack of application of yourself is not an INTP trait. I'm full on INTP, and I can apply myself thoroughly when something challenges and interests me.
INTP is a large population with nuances, we're not all the same. But I think a general INTP trait that we all have in common is multiple...
Well I'm not a doctor, FBI agent, programmer or have any of the things he has.
But, I identify with him because he can't seem to stay interested in one thing for long. He wraps his head arounds it, figures out how to do it well, then moves on.
That's why I identify with him. Classic INTP...
Yea. I'm in a rut at work and I know (from much previous experience) what is coming next. Resentment, which will ultimately lead to me needing a change. Needing to quit and start something new.
If it was that easy, none of us would have difficulty doing it..
Finding out what you want in life is sort of the biggest challenge in life.
That said, I identify with the OP.
Oh yea, I never write more than a first draft.
I guess I've never really considered how difficult school is for some people, because it has never been difficult for me. In fact, I can't really remember the last thing I did, school or otherwise, that was truly difficult. I guess that's part...
Someone said something about wearing the same clothes, after washing. I think this is an INTP thing in general, but I may be wrong.
I enjoy scratching my head with sharp objects. It gives me an insanely wonderful sense of relaxation.
I like to sleep on the floor.
I can NOT dress...
I have that contradication problem in my head as well.
I've considered the idea that I may have two personalities or something.
I've been trying to decide what career I might like the most for years, and I always have an inner battle about the relevance of these careers. There is a part of...
I'm about the same as you, OP.
Through high school, teachers would assign "notes" as homework, forcing us to take highly formated notes (AKA: Copy the textbook) and turn them in to be graded. I rarely did those assignments, and when I did it was torture.
I consistently got A's and B's on...
I thought it was entertaining, but it makes INTP sound like a pet cat.
If you replace "INTP" or "man" with "cat" in that article, it still sounds relevant.
(Except for the sex part.. though some people are into that)
Problem: A general lack of understanding/interest in the universe.
I just don't understand how people can NOT look up into the sky and be completely awestruck. How can you care about such inane crap as celebrity weddings and American Idol? This is a REAL problem.
We have this incredible...
I'm at one of those points in my life. I'm going down a road I know I don't want to be on.
I'm following in my father's footsteps. Taking on a high paying 9-5 job. Sitting in traffic for 2 hours a day. Gaining weight. Avoiding exercise. Attitude changing. Stress almost constantly...
I guess some types are better equipped to handle the games? Some people ENJOY the games. Some people get off on just playing people, and getting in their heads.
I guess I come off as high strung, especially today. I was definitely high strung today. In general though, I'm very laid back. Just being pent up in an office building when it was ridiculously nice outside.. was destroying me. I have been developing this philosophy for years that causes me to...
I'll respond to my own thread to provide some clarity (what an INTP thing to do).
I wrote this while I was working late, against my will, doing something I disliked and feeling an immense need to get away.
I get this really "gut-dropping" feeling when I get overwhelmed with frustration...
Do you guys have a constant sense in your gut of "I should be doing this.."?
I feel like almost all the time, everyday, I'm under constant stress of "You should be studying this," "you should be reading that," "you should be doing this," etc.
Like it's never enough.
Recently, it's been my...
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