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Search results

  1. pjoa09

    Is Gregory House the poster child for dysfunctional INTPs?

    Crap. Then introverted intuition still remains a massive mystery. So far, it seems like it's just being able to have an insight into the future. But who doesn't speculate?
  2. pjoa09

    Is Gregory House the poster child for dysfunctional INTPs?

    But he's the leader of his little clan isn't he? I get ah-ha moments only on technical stuff.
  3. pjoa09

    Your View on Hugs

    It's a social norm so whenever you get hugged think that they are doing you a benefit by giving you free practice on a social norm that will not find itself abandoned.
  4. pjoa09

    Words that piss you off

    Yeah, I actually remember myself being on both ends of the situation embarrassingly. It's half save-face and half I-am-only-pretending-to-be-interested that causes this to occur. For me it usually occurs when someone tries to explain you pottery art and you have no interest in it but you...
  5. pjoa09

    What languages do you speak?

    Fluent English little Thai (understand and speak) little Sindhi (understand) little Hindi (understand and speak) very little French little Spanish little Python little C++
  6. pjoa09

    What do you guys think about an INTP/ISTJ relationship?

    INTP overbearing on an ISTJ? The hell. Someone got their typology wrong?
  7. pjoa09

    Cannot think of a title but hi

    DarkRoom as in the amazing app?
  8. pjoa09

    3x INTP, 1x INTJ and 1x ISTP

    True that. I soon picked up on those little itsy bitsy questions that made the deals between INTP vs ISTP and I no longer trusted my answers. So even though I had like 9 times straight INTP. I knew I was just applying INTP to the questions. I was conforming to what I initially labelled...
  9. pjoa09

    Mid life career help

    I can associate to actually liking a desk job. There are very few odd jobs that I'd bother getting out of office for. Too bad it's redundant, I compensate by making elaborate excel formulas to get it done quicker.Sometimes they aren't as quick as I hope but at least it makes my job more...
  10. pjoa09

    Replace all filler words with the word "DOOMED"

  11. pjoa09

    Mid life career help

    Damn, scary stuff. I sometimes think I have a quarter-life crisis.
  12. pjoa09

    Finally watched Pulp Fiction : Can you relate to Vincent Vega?

    Mr. Wolf and the guy who shot at Jules and Vincent but missed. That guy had a perfect plan but he just couldn't hold a gun straight. Just speculating. The Gimp was one hell of a trip. I doubt INTPs would make good gimps.
  13. pjoa09

    Finally watched Pulp Fiction : Can you relate to Vincent Vega?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpXoCmwZANU @Jennywocky I think nitpicking is just introverted thinking gone bad. This argument between Jules and Vincent is what I relate to. I guess I made a bad call. No one else seems to see it either. I am just saying I see at least a fat introverted...
  14. pjoa09

    Finally watched Pulp Fiction : Can you relate to Vincent Vega?

    I think Jules was clearly overreacting to such an incident. I'd take it as a sign to be more professional at work. Start protocols to insure the security of the situations I am getting myself into. I am sure when someone has a near miss accident that could have killed someone they don't...
  15. pjoa09

    Finally watched Pulp Fiction : Can you relate to Vincent Vega?

    Word on word? I was half hoping someone could relate to the Ti. Jennywocky Well unless he decided to 'walk the earth' I don't think he would've made it. The job he had was bound to make him meet his end early. But seriously, not a hint? I mean I at least would say he was rolling on heavy Ti...
  16. pjoa09

    Finally watched Pulp Fiction : Can you relate to Vincent Vega?

    SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERERMGHRHDFRKK If you didn't watch it I can't help you. You have now read some material that may ruin your experience with an IMDB's top ten movie. I think it is, I am not going to bother to check. Actually there seem to be extremely few spoilers. It is quite a movie...
  17. pjoa09

    I Have This Odd Sense of (Faux) Deja Vu

    Whenever I go through a different experience.
  18. pjoa09

    Shaving is self-hatred

    Re: Shaving is self-hatret YEAH! That whole chimpanzee thing kills the argument! Okay wait. Grooming is considered as affection. Grooming is done in good intentions of whom is being groomed. For example, chimpanzee grooms another chimpanzee in affection. So you show affection...
  19. pjoa09

    I really think I have ADD. Should I get it checked out?

    Wow, how strange. I spent a month repenting the fact that I did not go to college when I was 17 and you are repenting the fact that you went to college when you were 17. Those were the exact things that I was afraid of when I was thinking about college. I am not so sure if I could get some...
  20. pjoa09

    Shaving is self-hatred

    Re: Shaving is self-hatret true dat. bitches must hate dem poodles den Actually if you cut someone elses hair without their consent it shows that their current state is actually disturbing you. If their current state disturbs you then you aren't pleased with them. So yeah, shaving...
  21. pjoa09

    INTP (LII) INFJ (IEI) relationships, socionics take

    Wasn't interested in the interpersonal stuff. But oh my god another socionics resource! More "Oh how true" moments. They are like crack.
  22. pjoa09

    MBTI Comic

    100th post! on this thread! argh Yes, more please. 18 is a killer!
  23. pjoa09

    Architect, Engineer or Designer?

    I chose engineer but I think the best would be Standardization's Worst Enemy.
  24. pjoa09

    No personality

    Been there, done that. Sort of. There are some who have been officially diagnosed with it and are on this forum. I self-diagnosed, then threw it out the window when I evaluated the medication's side effects. If OP, through some paranormal senses, decides to return to this forum in three and a...
  25. pjoa09

    Is your ISP part of the anti piracy scheme?

    1st world problems no really, we don't
  26. pjoa09

    hello, INTP friends :)

    Damn, only used the profile name Engineer, "Engineer Drei" and 0 posts. That is new. emoticon overload? I draw alright, it's my form of expressing time to time.
  27. pjoa09

    Words that piss you off

    gifted,prodigy,fuel efficient,hybrid,leaf,big bucks, smart money, cash, dough, college, university, blocks, organic, healthy, nootropics, successful, depressed, and actually every slang for money is irritating.
  28. pjoa09

    INTJ Forum Member

    Well you can't ignore the fact that this layout is just retro-sex. The neatest forum has to be the Aspies'.
  29. pjoa09

    If You Shot Yourself in the Head Would You Feel It?

    Yeah. Don't you hear about people getting shot in the face? They have a survival rate. Tupac was shot in the head and he survived.
  30. pjoa09

    Crappy signature?

    It's so fucking difficult to maintain it. My signature was just my name scribbled slanted on to a piece of paper. Now I need to make sure it is that same scribble! When I scribbled my name I avoided a couple of letters and made some letters incomplete. Now I am making sure I do so when I sign...
  31. pjoa09

    Spliting Every Atom In The Universe

    Big Bang 2 : Okay Who Was It This Time?
  32. pjoa09

    The Perfect INTP Career (.com)

    So you forcefully modified the tasks of your particular job to suit you? Made the manager to make agreements for your position? I was thinking about doing that in my particular case. I personally think it would be ideal to join a start up website company. Very malleable and if you aren't a...
  33. pjoa09

    Necrotising threads

    YEAH! I can't believe it. It seemed like I was the only guy pointing it out. But I have grown to accept it. It's very reasonable. Imagine the average Joe's forum: New Thread: "Hey, this topic has been covered extensively and many times before look around!" Old Thread: "Why did you...
  34. pjoa09

    I really think I have ADD. Should I get it checked out?

    Thanks for the insight! Yeah, I think I will definitely stay away from ADD medication now! As far as I can remember its only the psychiatrists and ADDforum guys who say ADD medication helps. As far as Youtube videos, experiences from people on INTPf, Asian narcotics law, my brother's personal...
  35. pjoa09

    The Perfect INTP Career (.com)

    Well... shit. But job unhappiness is a common thing! So I am pretty sure all other 15 types have a thing. Especially INFPs! I mean those guys got to be like 'wtf, wheres the poetry in bureaucracy'. A little stereotypical but you get the point.
  36. pjoa09

    College students, what's your major?

    yeah... its a bit stupid i think... like, why study all this random shit if you didn't want to know about it in the first place?
  37. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    Okay, my bad. Didn't read the title. Totally missed out the Carl Jung 1921 and ran for the text. I have been to that website before and that is where I found socionic descriptions for all the personality types. As in this link there are ILI descriptions.
  38. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    That is definitely not in dispute either. I just thought INTPf catered to MBTI rather than Socionics and he is an MBTI INTP not a Socionic one.
  39. pjoa09

    Myers-Briggs Dating Field Guide

    INTJ- Why you want one: It’s kind of intoxicating to be around someone this smart and serious. It’s really sexy for as long as you can go without getting compliments/any affirmation that they like you back. Spoiler Alert: Oblivious misers. Where to find one: Home alone, reading something...
  40. pjoa09

    Why are you here?

    LOL There is a thread by fukyo. One answer to the banned OP: Need some people to relate to. My general expression in daily life to others is 'wut,y?the fuk?'
  41. pjoa09

    Emotionally Sensitive INTPs?

    INFP ALERT! If you are stirred by emotions, make decisions on the basis of emotions, you don't shun out emotions, or you enjoy the manipulation of emotions then I'd consider that as a feeler. Otherwise, not really. I secretly have a blog where I post what I feel in the most bizarre...
  42. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    That's like saying isn't Unix the source material for Mac OS X and Linux. They branched off of the same idea but as far as I can see Socionics became Russian warfare witchcraft to understand personalities. You have to dedicate a few hours to even grasp the beginning of the concept. I mean...
  43. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    That is Socionics and I thought OP was referring to Myer Briggs INTP not ILI. I now understand why you were referring to Jung. As fascinating Socionics is, it's witchcraft to me. I mean somehow they made wild predictions of how I look and they nailed it and I was scared. Got to read...
  44. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    I must have gotten that off of the forums. I think it's the Myer Briggs definition. In case you'd like a link here it is. Might have made the assumption that the opposite of energizing is exhausting. That is it. I don't think there is any other problem with that statement.
  45. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    First off, honest mistake. Would have not guessed that your name is Law. INTPs are always focused on the big picture, they tend to ignore details. Except, when I am under stress I tend to start obsessing over little details. Also I don't think you can't like being INTP. It's just a set of...
  46. pjoa09

    The Perfect INTP Career (.com)

    Can't bite the whole chunk as a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is taking ones investment money and giving it to another investor as a return from their investment. I'd call it a mildly dodgy website that makes me nervous to why there is so much INTP related stuff. I mean that's what was...
  47. pjoa09

    young enfp, changed to entp, now intp

    Sounds more like.. damnit. Was going to say professionals then you have to consider the fact that he might have friends that are not lawyers or of that sort. But if there is a circle with legal professionals that includes him then he's definitely jabbing at his peers. It's impossible to go...
  48. pjoa09

    INTP Land: Culture

    New years and my birthday. In fact, the birthday one is dying too.
  49. pjoa09

    Just got the post sorted out! Did not know that.

    Just got the post sorted out! Did not know that.
  50. pjoa09

    INTP Land: Education

    I like the Finnish education system. I watched something about it on Youtube once. Makes me want to be born again as a Finn (yeah, edited it). The teachers teach a set of students for the rest of their lives and as a result know what a student is really good at. Then they focus on their...
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