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  1. boondockbabe

    What are you all reading?

    I am currently reading the essential jung-Selected wirtings Introduced by Anthony Storr. Its kinda a hard read but if I can do The Republic. I can get through Jung. Iv'e gained some exceptional insight. Hard but worh it.
  2. boondockbabe

    Going back to school.

    does anybody know anything about Bioinformatics ? or how about Data Mining? I love the math and these fields look really interesting. Id anybody working in these fields right now? If so how do you like it? and thank you Zensunni, I have been thinking about contacting mensa and mabye taknig the...
  3. boondockbabe

    You know you're an Intp when...

    We have a movie over her called "Idiocracy" you should check it out. Sometimes I think we're heading that way;)
  4. boondockbabe

    any of you enjoy go-karting?

    running over and beating the locals is the start and then you work your way up as u learn. It takes alot and its not for someone who isnt into planning because you're always trying to find a way up.A professional is just someone who gets money for their services. I get paid to train show horses...
  5. boondockbabe

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Are you talking about me? "cause it sure does sound like it. And if you girls want my phone # I'll give it to ya. Just pm me your email address. I would love talk to another intelligent person. I don't have any out here.This is the only intelligent conversation I ever get to have
  6. boondockbabe

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    Thats pretty funny considering I float about 3% on the J vs P. I have taken many tests and they always float back and forth. I have the same tendency to always be right. If I really believe in it I will argue my point into the ground. I have had bosses that just started leaving me alone because...
  7. boondockbabe

    Good Movies

    KICKASS is pretty cool too. lmao and IDIOCRACY its really funny too.
  8. boondockbabe

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    cannabis can be obtained throug getting a "perscription" for it. Usually the Dr. owns or is a shareholder in the "dispensery" usually located next door. Or that is the impression I get from High Times.
  9. boondockbabe

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    I am actually doing this all the time.Someone is talking to me on the phone, and they are really not smart. It's always some drama of some kind.-usually saddle club politics. and I just drift off.... and then I hear " are you there?" and I say "yes...You were telling me about how jamie is a...
  10. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    hey BigApple, Now that actually sound like a pretty logical plan. Avoid if possible, Attack if nessary. You sound like you made a plan for that situation. I have plans for everything. Good plan.:)
  11. boondockbabe

    Don't do well with calendars

    Sounds like they're gonna be the death of us all :D
  12. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    All of my friends have pulled the trigger- thats why I feel they're still here. Not all of them are sure. This is a discussion we have had many times and I was just looking for some insight. And as a rule your first response is usually right. Don't think about it 'cause you really wouldn't have...
  13. boondockbabe

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    It seems like caffiene makes me manic and affects the way I percieve things terribly. I get oversensitve and over-emotional sometimes. It's the damn drug I can't seem to quit. I do usually only consume coffie. I used to drink pepsi by the 12pk. I still do some gaming, just less. I usually game...
  14. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    Symbolic? Dude this shit really happens. I can't tell you how many times I have heard this story. You want to change it to a woman in a burka? Does it matter? Would you pull the trigger to save yourself or take the moral highroad? This is what my friends ask me when they are having problems...
  15. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    So which do you have? And what is the difference between Bad Grammer and Ungood Grammer ?
  16. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    I would say it is safe to assume the child in this discussion was "brinwashed" as this was a soldier in a warzone.
  17. boondockbabe

    Don't do well with calendars

    I actually have a calendar on my wall net to the phone and it is on the correct month-this is due to my hubby. The onw in my office is still on january. And I have a collage of post-it notes around it where I have posting show dates.- I've been meaning to put them on the calendar so I wont...
  18. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    Contrary to popular belief, A person's bad grammer is not always indicative of their IQ. I checked with my mother-in-law and she was able to locate my online mensa test from a few years ago. My score was 134. Just shy of the cutoff. They did invite me up to take the official test, But I did not...
  19. boondockbabe

    All smokers are old or stupid?

    I started smoking cigaretts when I was seventeen. It is one of the stupidest things I ever did in my life. I have tried to quit many times many different ways. I hope to oneday be able to drop this nasty stinky habit. But in the meantime I smoke between 1/2 to a pack a day. When I was in...
  20. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    This seemed like a better question an hour or so ago. I'm so damned tired.
  21. boondockbabe

    Dark Matter

    I didn't know there was one. Darn that would have been cool.
  22. boondockbabe

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    I had a friend ask me this question and I thought it rather odd but apperantly it just depends on who you are? If a 5yr old pointed a gun at you and they were going to shoot you would you shoot first? I know this is a distressing thought but my friend was in the war and this happened. I...
  23. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    you are a butiful person angel.:)
  24. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    I have and IQ of 135-140. Is that really a high score? btw I'm not joking. I knew it was kinda high but whats genius?
  25. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    How do you know if you're the smartest person in the room?
  26. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    Hell Ya. I feel like an idiot at least half the time. I'm always suprized when someone comes to me for advice.
  27. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    I like you Roni. :)
  28. boondockbabe

    Would you rather be an INTJ?

    I actually tend to test about 47% INTJ and 53%INTP. Its always very close. I have never checked out the INTJ side because so many call them "evil Scientist". I'm not familliar enough with the difference to say which way I go or am. I am trying to get up to par on understanding the...
  29. boondockbabe


    I have never been to a club. But its not high on my priority list. I like bonfires by the river listening and listening to the radio in the truck. I go to the bar occasionally, but I don't like the loud music and all the noise. I am also not a big drinker. Somebody has to drive and It's a long...
  30. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    I am almost always the lamest person in the room when it comes to interaction. Sometimes I get lucky and say somthing cool. But its a rare occasoin. I can look cool. But it goes away when they talk to me. I get so uncomfortable and nervous I usually make an ass out of myself.
  31. boondockbabe

    Do not take this the wrong way,

    Well, Its here we might as have some fun with it. I know theres no real logic but thats what has make it kinda fun. Its a place to let your mind wander
  32. boondockbabe

    That feeling when you are the smartest person in the room.

    If somebody else brings it to my attention I'm always kinda suprized. I dont feel that smart. If I feel I'm the smartest person-which happens pretty frequently when I leave the house and have to interact with "normal" people. I'm usually frustrated because I'm surrounded by Idiots.
  33. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

  34. boondockbabe

    A Species all of Her Own

    Gonna enjoy this one too.
  35. boondockbabe

    Global Warming and the pride of scientists

    I will be back to discuss this with you tomorrow night as I have some of the same theories. I have to go to bed.
  36. boondockbabe

    The Night Sky

    Awesome. I can see the constellations from my back yard but not like this. Thank you for posting this. I cant wait for the new moon this month.Darn its raining and yesterday was the new moon. Mabye tomorrow. So cool.
  37. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    But there are good things about living in the country.
  38. boondockbabe

    Depressed People Make Better Decisions?

    That explains why they're always brewing fresh coffie at the car dealership. I think mild depression might help in some instances. Like doomsday preparedness. or songwriting. ever listened to country-western music? I think some of the writers are probably really depressed.
  39. boondockbabe

    I have made you my soul-sister

    I have made you my soul-sister
  40. boondockbabe

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I did this until my computer started slowing down. Now I organize things into favorites and then into folders. I have a 8 yr old laptop- I never buy anything new if the old stuff still works.It seems wasteful. plus I dont like having to change.
  41. boondockbabe

    What can impair intelligence?

    So would you say marijuana impairs intelligence or does it alter it?
  42. boondockbabe

    Digital Angel xbox and Kurious Kat are officially my soul-sisters

    Digital Angel xbox and Kurious Kat are officially my soul-sisters
  43. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    :D Sometimes I do it naked just 'cause I can. I just made a hick thread. come and join me
  44. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    I just got this post and I am adopting you as my soul-sister :D I feel the same way. I am sooo damn tired of having to smile and act like I care. But what are ya gonna do. If you're not nice, theyl'l remember it next time you need help. This is one of the downsides of living in the sticks...
  45. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    AIN'T IT GRAND:D BigApplePi-I have a speciality in animals being a horse trainer and I have actually found my introversion to be beneficial. Because I dont care I am able to train the horse without my emotions getting in the way. -At least when working with the horse. I try to avoid the owners...
  46. boondockbabe

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

  47. boondockbabe

    Do not take this the wrong way,

  48. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    I have long made the joke that you must "assimilate" or be inhillated(sp) Out here nobody gets it. Mabye u will.
  49. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    Well, having to be nice and friendly all the time CAN drive you crazy;) We are similar. Living in the boondocks has its ups and downs. Because the towns are soo small ( I live outside the city limits of a town that has a population of 115 people) everybody knows everybody. Its kinda like a...
  50. boondockbabe

    Calling older INTPs

    The expense is an issue. But you can usually go find a barn in your area that will give you lessons in exchange for manual labor. And most horse people are not socialable so you can expect to be left alone for the most part. Anyone interested in getting involved with horses is welcome to pm me...
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