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Search results

  1. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Com Truise - Ether Drift
  2. Lot

    I've never meditated before.

    What you'll need: A dark room Open mind The ability to breath 1. Find a time when your body is relaxed. Yoga, getting a massage, and/or cannabis, are great tool to relax. 2. Enter your dark room. 3. Sit or lay in a comfortable way. Remain as completely still as you can, but don't tense up...
  3. Lot

    Describe your first kiss

    I was 14, it was with my girlfriend/neighbor. I'm not sure what motivated me to do it. I just wanted to. We were sitting on her front porch, cuddling. Then I asked if she wanted to make out. So we did. I remember thinking how strange her tongue tasted. I kept picturing in my mind what it must...
  4. Lot

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    Just go to the upload button. If it's longer than like 5 mins you need to verify your account. It should prompt you if needed.
  5. Lot

    Is a video a good typing option for me?

    You can record from youtube if you don't have recording software. I did that with a few of my videos. The only down side is having to do it one take. So you could practice a bit before you record. I usually have to do a few takes before I feel comfortable. I look forward to the video.
  6. Lot

    Newcomer, p.s. ganja

    Me too buddy. We need more talk of cannabis on this forum. Indica or Sativa? You're answer will be included in my opinion of you. Also, have you ever had one of those moments when you're driving high and you realized you can see forever in front of you. Or one of those moments when you can...
  7. Lot

    Forum Death Pool

    So mean. THD is a naughty boy :cutewhitekitten: You'll be missed. At least we'll always have Colorado... if you know what I mean :angel01:
  8. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Mists Of Krakatoa
  9. Lot

    Which Philosopher are you?

    Early Wittgenstein / Positivists 89% Immanuel Kant 83% Plato (strict rationalists) 77% W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein 45% Aristotle 34% Nietzsche 28% Sartre/Camus (late existentialists) 22% Very interesting. I now have to some reading.
  10. Lot


    I totally hear ya on that. I really don't care what the government tells me. I'll use what I want to use. Booze destroy so much. I do have to say, with a nice bong rip of salvia, you pretty much have to do the same. It might be a nice funny trip, or you get sucked into a zipper world that...
  11. Lot


    I have not done Ayahuasca yet, but I plan on at some point this year. I might end up just extracting the DMT and smoking that. But this is definitely something I'm interested in. Last night I had a pretty intense salvia divinorum trip. It was my first time breaking through. Words don't do what...
  12. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  13. Lot

    How do you clear your mind?

    I actually said the opposite. But there are those moments when I find myself just staring at the wall. But that is usually a break between/during thought threads.
  14. Lot

    How do you clear your mind?

    Music is one of the best vehicles to take me to another world. I try to listen to stuff that is non organic. I try to go to a fractal dimension or shape the blackness behind my eyes. Let the imagery flood in from my imagination. I like when I get the feeling of weightlessness, as if I am a...
  15. Lot

    How do you clear your mind?

    Cannabis. But in all reality, it doesn't clear my mind as in make it blank. It can help to cut back on the noise. A couple puffs, put on some good music for relaxing. The dark places are easy to accept. The sad times have some sun shine. Your favorite things are even better, and things that...
  16. Lot

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: spelling nazism You just wish you could be as free as me. :storks:
  17. Lot

    Merged: Grama nazi?/spelling nazism.

    Re: spelling nazism I don't like when people correct my spelling and/or grammar. Its annoying, self righteous, and condescending. There are a few rules, that when broken bother me, but even then I usually don't care enough to say anything. I still got what the person said. A lot of the rules...
  18. Lot

    Lucid Dreaming

    I've smoked salvia a few times a few years back. Ironically, my cannabis supplier gave me some for free tonight. That stuff changed my mind set for a couple years after smoking it. For me, it showed me joy in pure madness. It was the most freeing experience I had ever had at the time. Not sure...
  19. Lot

    Lucid Dreaming

    They are the same thing from what I've read. There are some guides on how to ge the best out of it, online.
  20. Lot

    Lucid Dreaming

    I've been trying to practice lucid dreaming. My dream recall really needs work, though. I have had them before, and currently have them, but I can't remember enough about them. I'm mostly doing the lucid dreaming, so I can try to astral project. That seems like the ultimate experience. But...
  21. Lot

    Good evening.

    Not true! I use those to make my bread.
  22. Lot

    Good evening.

    Well howdie there. Aren't you a sprightly one. Care for a pretzel? How about another? Would you like to come to the closet with me?
  23. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    I can't get enough of this. Best if wearing headphones.
  24. Lot

    Civ V

    Re: Civilization V Game It's pretty fun. I literally just got done playing. I got a cultural victory. I also had a UN victory in the wings waiting. I don't recommend this game, because it will pull you in and steal your day. I should probabyl uninstall it lol
  25. Lot

    How do you feel about children?

    Children are alright. Just like the adults they will one day become, there are some that are annoying, and some that are awesome. People seem to forget what selfish, ignorant, poop machines that they used to be. You were annoying. You asked ridiculous questions. You were so useless that...
  26. Lot

    Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman and his mass shooting [split from Psychology of the beautiful g

    Re: Elliot Rodger? omg BG I can understand where this guy comes from. I don't know why he would shoot a bunch of people up over it. I'm not much of a ladies man, and at a certain point you start to get frustrated. What is wrong with me? What is wrong with them? I'm a prize catch, who would be...
  27. Lot

    Composing a piece for the piano

    I really liked it. The progressions and phrasings are very nice.
  28. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Com Truise is probably my favorite music to listen to these days. I want to venture forth to other thing, but end up listening to him for hours. I woke up this morning with this song stuck in my head.
  29. Lot

    Lack of Imagination: No Mental Imagery

    This whole time I just assumed people could see mental images. I feel like an ass. I have an extremely vivid imagination. There are times when I day dream, and it's as if what's in my consciousness is all that exists. As if I have no body at all. When I speak i my mind, there is an audible...
  30. Lot

    How about talk about weather

    Small sparse clouds in the sky. Light blues and whites. Lots of sun. Desert plants in bloom. A slow breeze. Fairly hot.
  31. Lot

    Your Robot Buddy

    I want a chobit. I want chi. Oh you said buddy, not lover. My bad. I do actually like the persacoms from Chobits. Having a person like robot that is all that you get from a PC. Internet, phone, calendar. But also simulates some emotions, and is as cuddly as a dog. Like Momo. The robot could...
  32. Lot

    Composing a piece for the piano

    try adding an effect to it if there isn't a setting you like. Some light reverb, or echo maybe. What program are you using?
  33. Lot

    What's Good?

    Keef bowls and this music
  34. Lot

    How much different would your life be if you never discovered your MBTI type.

    I probably would have continued life the way I do now. Although I learned about mbti from the cult people. So maybe that means I wouldn't have joined the cult. Still 50/50 if I would have been better off. When I started getting deeper into the mbti I was having psychological issues. I was...
  35. Lot


    Extroverted Feeling. It's the weaker cognitive function of the INTP.
  36. Lot

    Composing a piece for the piano

    Do it! As your patron, I demand it. Don't make me take off my powdered wig and give you a flogging.
  37. Lot

    Please help. I'm going mad

    This kinda stuff happens to me a lot when I smoke pot and/or meditating. Are you perhaps using drugs during these periods of enlightenment. I'm not belittling this. I've decided to believe that my mind is expanding, but I could easily just be a delusional pothead. Perhaps, instead of thinking...
  38. Lot

    Psychology of the beautiful gyal.

    Wait.... But that means....:D
  39. Lot

    Why ESFJs are the best!!

    Very mature for your age. Totally pegged you as 13.
  40. Lot

    what do you do when you are stressed/pushed?

    I may or may not withdraw. I usually get stubborn and angry. Threats of violence may or may not happen. With peer pressure I usually withdraw, then get angry and stubborn. TBH when I did group work in school, I would play dumb and make the other people do most of the work. Teachers where dumb...
  41. Lot

    Hey. I finally joined

    I am also from Phx. Welcome to the forum. :kodama1:
  42. Lot

    Why ESFJs are the best!!

    This poor noob. Go easy on him Jenny. I don't know if his 13 year old mind can handle it.
  43. Lot

    What's Good?

    Having a conversation about astral projection, conspiracy theories, and getting high, with my brother.
  44. Lot

    Dungeons and Dragons?

    I haven't play in forever. I couldn't find anyone to play with. I was almost thinking of getting a group together on skype to play it. But like most of my plans I'll probably not. I like DMing. I like constructing a world and having other people play it out. Salmoneus, that video almost had...
  45. Lot

    choosing one side or the other

    I choose team Jacob! He's clearly the better choice for Bella. How could anyone deny that body? I do like to see both sides of the coin. I don't like dealing in dichotomies. But, srsly, why Edward? Finding a middle ground is where I tend to rest my foot. You never have to choose a side, other...
  46. Lot

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Dynatron - Pulse Power I like the modern take of the retro sounds.
  47. Lot

    What does your Fe tell you

    Fe is my inner teddy bear. As I've gotten older, I've learned to let the bear out. Life is just better when you have people in your life that give you hugs. I've been using Ti like methods to learn more about Fe and apply it. Learn how to harness it's powers. How not to take jokes too far, how...
  48. Lot

    Can't delete PMs

    Did you save the important ones ;)
  49. Lot

    Moved: could homosexuality be an adaption of an overpopulated world?

    Re: could homosexuality be an adaption of an overpopulated world? Yes, random.
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