Oh. o.o it really is teskeyben,
no.. I'd rather not. I too feel I've iterated the points that really mattered and if we can't get past those, the rest is futile. i doubt we'd ever come to an accord.
Well, it seems like you've blown your cover... ^^;
(not that it wasn't obvious from the start)
Well, it is never an *absolute* requirement for anybody to have investigated every facet of a theory to criticize it or part of it -- nor are they automatically wrong (wrong by default) for it.
Oh my...
Um, I'll just quote myself here. :cat: ....it's not that we here are entirely ignoring "qualia" -- that's what Floor 2 is for; the discussion of how a perception influences you and how you gague their whole person -- but that we're making an attempt to establish something more...
Right. The threshold percentile of compatibility can be moved up or down and the data would spit out a different number of motus signatures. But that's not to be confused with saying the data concludes arbitrarily.
The data can be viewed at different thresholds just like how you can change the...
Heya @BigApplePi, :)
Exactly; that is precisely the question that needs answering. And the next question that naturally follows is... "how can we develop a way to test for that?"
Consciousness is among, if not, the most difficult thing to measure. It would seem that even neural scans don't...
Thanks :)
@Moocow "Many of us don't even carry the misconceptions of which we're repeatedly accused."
It's not that I am accusing you of carrying the misconceptions (or maybe you were referring to Adymus' video) but I'm saying it would be nice to make progress. Becoming aware of a problem is...
Err... not that I don't like how this thread has become a conversation about cyber-culture and inter-forum etiquette , rather than the actual OP, :P but perhaps I can bring the conversation back around.
Now I'm neither for nor against Podlair, but I agree with pretty much everything Adymus said...
I have to say, that was an exceptionally well constructed video.
Quite excellent mastery of Fe from a Ti lead type...
And since I suspect you're (Adymus) probably lurking here, I'll have to accept your challenge now. I should have a video (or several) up in the next few days. Have actually been...
Correct. You'll generally find yourself relating to bits and pieces of lots of different profiles because the profiles aren't really the core of personality, but lists of common 'symptoms' of the personality. For example, in medicine, an upset stomach can be a symptom of hundreds of conditions...
#1: The strongest theme I sense is blackmail. A person being figuratively gagged because the other has some dirt on them.
I dunno about the others. :kilroy:
What you're describing (the essence, and of which one product is this resonance with environment/nature) sounds more like Ni/Se. You might actually be an INFJ (which as the configuration of: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) :3
INTPs don't have a very strong connection with nature, not by default. If there is any...
EyeSeeCold, Cogwulf - just out of curiosity, what would happen if you completely changed/removed any personal profile info that could be confused as spam (even remotely)?
So maybe like:
Backup/download your whole inbox (sent/received) then delete all of it from the forum.
Change your account...
Well, I dunno how to do that lol, but I can try to elaborate. o.o
Regardless of the video quality itself (or whatever specific examples they use) the message is that advancements in technology & exploration are imperative and play a key role in the quality of our specie's health - - and should...
inb4 music/trumpet is loud. i know.
I had no idea NASA had so little funding. I really hope they succeed in raising the budget. I love the spirit of NASA; it's one not motivated at all by economic agendas, but purely by the spirit of exploration and simple amazement at the universe.
And if...
Google and Wikipedia and other sources will combine with iPhone voice command technology - producing a weak-A.I. voice-commanded Super Knowledge Base available to anyone with the device, in 5 years.
We will be able to have Yugioh battles with holograms by 2020! <3 And virtual game consoles in...
If neuro-scans were run on people who I consider the same type, and no (or very little) brain activity was shared.
Since Jung describes them as "cognitive functions" then they ought to be measurable via neuroscience, if they do exist. But if no neurological parallels can be drawn between those...
Yes... ^^
It's most definitely an intriguing writing style though it sometimes drives me crazy! lol Like cliffhangers at the end of a book or episode. Makes me wanna strangle an innocent kitten. /jk
Ramble Warning:
Oh shit lungs, you've set off another long typology derail again. what have you done!.... :p now the LII on this forum aren't gonna drop it, and keep senselessly debating things for another.. mmm.. three pages or so. just what you came here to flee from, go figure.
- proxy implication -...
Thanks. I think I get it more now.
In JCF Ti and Fi are also opposed and don't exist consciously in the same person, yeah. Same with Te & Fe, Se & Ne, Ni & Si.
So EII would still be Fi-Ne-Si-Te, then.. humm
This is all so very complicated.
There's a lot more nuances and categories. Even extending into the unconscious 5-8 functions...
Imo, it is highly pretentious to speculate (and to so, so specifically) about the structure of the unconscious mind. One can postulate just about anything about...
So not making your bed is gross because if you do make your bed, then you'll have bacteria and fungi growing in it? that sounds kinda backwards.
Ah yes, forgot. lol
Carry on~
What's curious is that IxTJs are probably the most difficult types to embarrass, and types with little concern for their social placement. They're quite oblivious to social dynamics.
So it's not embarrassing to be an ISTJ, at least not for them.
But I know, I know. I can't take a joke.
Hehe, yeah. Though this forum is very shy about how much it cares.
It's not something that is voiced often, but there's an underground current of attachment that we all pretend isn't there, and interact T-status on the surface. Slightly warm in a nerdy way, and not overly sappy or corny. I...
Very interesting. o.o
How big was the class? What other types were in the class? What was the instructor's type?? What color were the walls?! What did you pack for lunch?!? O=
*slaps self* ...>w> ...<w<
@RadiantFlux - You started using it as an identity-anchor.
Then you found the anchor limiting and rebelled against it. Fine.
The fact that you did this,
has nothing to do with the core of the theory itself.
And the theory isn't flawed for how people choose to use it.
That ('people') inclides...
I propose we bio-engineer a new race of humans without gender, and only produce more humans on an "as needed" basis. This way we avoid overpopulation and also the gender issue! \o/
and for those already gender-fied.... er... castration >>
Yep, we're overhauling most everything,
and reconstructing it bit by bit from a new approach.
We're re-evaluating all cues at the moment, but we decided to reupload the pages for the time being for those who wish to see them - so long as its understood that it is only a preliminary draft and...
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