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Search results

  1. PhoenixRising

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    I dunno, I have a friend who is 28, still lives with her parents, and has the same attitude about sex. She's a really sweet lady, but she is definitely a fundamentalist. I just feel sorry for people like that I guess, they never do anything with their lives.
  2. PhoenixRising

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    Well, that is... kinda sad then.
  3. PhoenixRising

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    Guys, I think catatonic is a very young girl. She reminds me a lot of myself when I was a preteen. Because of my fundamentalist Christian upbringing, I truly believed that sex was a sin. Let her have her ideas, they aren't going to make logical sense and she won't be able to explain them to you...
  4. PhoenixRising

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    Jesus never said sex was evil. He said we shouldn't judge one another, and that we should love each other no matter how different we are. He spoke about harlots I believe, and that being with a harlot was dangerous. That makes sense, disease was especially serious back when there were no...
  5. PhoenixRising

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    Hey Catz, are you Catholic by chance? You sound a lot like me when I was 12. I used to be Catholic and believed that sex was a sin. But then I realized, if sex is a sin, then God created us to sin as a necessary part of our reproduction process. That didn't make sense to me, because whatever...
  6. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    What law says a man can't tell woman he wants to have sex with her? Now rape, yeah that's illegal and it should be, but what happened to freedom of speech? My point wasn't that most females prefer straightforwardness, most don't since INTP females only make up about .00025 percent of the human...
  7. PhoenixRising

    Variations on the Beauty of a Lamp in the Sun

    Hmm, Photoshop I presume? I do love that program. Nice abstract piece. You've taken something most would overlook and added a brilliant creative flair to it.
  8. PhoenixRising

    Eelie and I started this... thing

    I do love your project, quite brilliant in a satirical kind of way. I don't have any Euros, can I buy nothing with a dollar?
  9. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Interesting thought. Are you suggesting that death is like passing out and staying unconscious, or that you pass out and wake to find yourself in another dimension of some sort?
  10. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    Indeed, attraction is more than skin deep. There is an intricate psychological science to it.
  11. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    Perhaps it's a side effect of letting logic rather than emotions dictate your decision making process. Like attracts like right?
  12. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    :D no. At least in my case, I would have to analyze you first to see if you were a compatible enough match. And right now I'm in a relationship with an ENTJ, which is scientifically interesting in its own right.
  13. PhoenixRising

    How do you look?

    I would post photos, but that would just be for my ego's sake. And it's big enough as it is :phear: Is that strange for an INTP, or is egomania a common occurrence among the introverted?
  14. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    That's because most people take things too personally, and they have preconceived notions of what's socially "right" and "wrong". I'm getting a headache thinking about how people over complicate things :p
  15. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    I guess my views on the subject are not the "norm". Not surprising since I am an INTP. I also hate it when people are fake, so maybe that's why I don't prefer chivalry. Personally, the only thing that gets me interested in a guy is his logic. Intelligence and wit are a turn-on, empty social...
  16. PhoenixRising

    How do you look?

    5' 7", Wavy gold hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, athletic but not too skinny. I've been told I look like a renaissance painting of an angel or a siren. I do dress in vintage clothing most of the time, Nataya was one of my favorite designers when I was a teenager. I'm more into business clothes as...
  17. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    I find it curious, you say that single men see any forum goer that happens to be female as a potential mate. However, on forums there isn't usually a way to tell how old another person is, what they look like, if they're married or not, etc. As you mentioned, as soon as you find out they're too...
  18. PhoenixRising

    Invitation to participate in an online research study (girls only!)

    I just took it. What a fascinating study. Will you be sharing the results with us when they are compiled?
  19. PhoenixRising

    The Most Practical Degree

    Actually, the industry that is growing the most right now is computer art and programming. There is no shortage of jobs in these fields. I'm a digital artist/animator/programmer and I had 5 offers for jobs when I graduated from my BA degree in 2010. All of these jobs required art, skill with...
  20. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    Read the article linked in my previous post. The theory you have stated here is true in that male brains are a bit bigger, but false in that the size of their brains makes them more intelligent.
  21. PhoenixRising

    When a female INTP reveals herself.

    I don't know about people having a shocked reaction to an INTP being female. I have talked about being female on here and no one has treated me any differently. Maybe it's because, like my boss says, I'm just "one of the guys" lol. I actually did the math recently, being INTP and female makes...
  22. PhoenixRising

    why is there no propper dating site?

    My degree was in web design, they actually covered this topic. The reason social networking and dating sites are segregated is because social networking sites have a lot of 13-17 year olds on them, and most (if not all) dating sites make you confirm that you are 18+ to sign up. Not to say that...
  23. PhoenixRising

    Research shows the universe is NOT a fractal

    This study could be representative of the shape of the entire universe. However, we really don't know how big the universe is, so 3 billion light-years in length may be a large chunk of universe, or it may be minutely small in comparison to the whole. Because of this, the universe could be any...
  24. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    oh, ok then.
  25. PhoenixRising

    lost intp seeking intervention

    Screw that. Being a kiss ass isn't the way you get a management position. Unless you're working at McDonalds, CEOs are looking for people with strong opinions and decision making abilities. I'm about as kiss ass as a porcupine with rabies, and I get a lot of legitimate respect because of it. You...
  26. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    The idea that consciousness is separate from self identity isn't unique to Eastern religion. It's something that is debated and researched in psychology and neuroscience. Personally, I don't find it difficult at all to "wipe the slate clean" and temporarily suspend my personal identity. I've...
  27. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Really, what you are saying here is that the ego, the personal identity, is what is discontinuous. That is true, self identity is an illusion. Consciousness itself is always a blank slate, it is the state of simply being aware, being able to perceive without interpretation. We do each have our...
  28. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    What is the big deal about the toilet seat being up? Are most women really that anal?
  29. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    Well, that was kind of my point. Just sitting around hoping someday the perfect lover for you will happen to walk up and sweep you off your feet, that is delusional. It's so improbable, it's almost 100 percent guaranteed not to happen. It really depends on your priorities though. If you like...
  30. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    I believe you can find all these things in one person. Using my theory of compatibility I have found many men who are mentally compatible with me, as well as highly physically attractive to me. They have all also shared my interests and sense of humor. Every aspect of my personality and physical...
  31. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Curious, are you implying that we are a different person every day? If that is true, doesn't that mean we are a different person entirely every moment? Physically, the chemicals in our bodies are replaced by new chemicals, but it takes much longer than 8-12 hours for that process to make a...
  32. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Indeed, because it is very important to be prepared for the robopocalypse. What if humanoid robots take the form of androids though? Then wouldn't they be waterproof and capable of climbing trees?
  33. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Very impressive indeed. I have a friend who builds robots. He has one named Nina that can bring you things from the other side of the house and such. It's fun, not quite as impressive as the mechanics being shown in this movie though.
  34. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    But, what if the person trying to kill you was a cyborg as well? Or what if it was a guy in a fully-armed Japanese mech? Like this one.. but with real rockets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iZ0WuNvHr8&feature=player_embedded btw, I REALLY want one of these!
  35. PhoenixRising

    Free Documentariesssss

    I get one of those placeholder websites when I go to the link. I probably just missed it, looks like this post is older. poo :p
  36. PhoenixRising

    What makes you happy?

    It seems like you and I share an almost identical ideal of happiness. I think the thing I enjoy most about discovering profound facts is the energetic rush I get when realizing a new perspective about the world. It is also wonderful to have a long, insightful conversation with someone on the...
  37. PhoenixRising

    What makes you happy?

    Sounds like the effect of a jellyfish sting. You should probably get that checked out.
  38. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Well, if you think about it, someone who loses a limb is no longer conscious of that limb. So in that respect, a person missing part of their body is less conscious. You know, it's very interesting, I hadn't thought of it that way before you posed this question.
  39. PhoenixRising

    Happiness as an INTP

    Happiness is SCIENCE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZIVmKOdrBk Actually, I am happy when I'm learning something new or putting my knowledge to use in helping someone else. I guess it boils down to, I'm happy when I'm useful.
  40. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    Best answer so far LOL. It reminds me of the movie A.I. with the "love-bot".
  41. PhoenixRising

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Isn't subjective value obvious to all intelligent people, or is all of this supposed to be some kind of revelation? I mean, ask anyone if they were born with their name, and they will say, "no, my parents gave me my name." It's the same thing as subjective value, something chosen by human beings...
  42. PhoenixRising

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    There is research being done on creating mechanical avatars that could contain the human consciousness. This would allow people to live for an infinite period of time. The question is, would you do it, and what ethical issues do you foresee with this type of technology? If someone was a human...
  43. PhoenixRising

    Sarah Palin

    Oh how I love heated political debates! What a delightful thread you've all got going here. I do ask why we argue about specific politicians, none of them matter. They're just a bunch of greedy dumb monkeys being used by the establishment to manipulate the rest of the not-as-greedy dumb monkeys...
  44. PhoenixRising

    Apparently MBTI has been "dismantled" by the pod'lair team

    Indeed, there is no human theory or process that is 100 percent accurate at predicting the behavior of complex systems of any type. Perhaps someday we will understand chaos theory and all of it's implications, and then we will be able to be more accurate. Yes, Einstein had beliefs somewhat like...
  45. PhoenixRising

    Sleep Aids

    I've only ever used melatonin and serotonin. I've found the combination of these neurotransmitters is very relaxing. Natural sleep aids usually don't force you to sleep like synthetics do.
  46. PhoenixRising

    Apparently MBTI has been "dismantled" by the pod'lair team

    Part of the podlair theory may be valid, however it looks like they've turned it into voodoo, like card reading and all that crap. Why do people get so into superstition? Let's stick to science please. MBTI works well enough for most people, it's not exact of course.
  47. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    I think you're right that love is more about willing submission/surrender. With true love, there is no selfishness, but willingness to give of one's self. If one person is controlling the other in order to get their way, then they are not acting out of love.
  48. PhoenixRising

    Love & Compromise

    Since a relationship can only really work if two people are compatible, it's rather pointless to go around pretending to be anything except what you really are. If you end up with someone for an extended time, the facade of whatever you pretended to be wares off and then neither one of you are...
  49. PhoenixRising

    So this is the dark side ...

    Ah the trap that is society's standard expectations. Sorry you got stuck in it, it's never too late to free one's mind however. We do in fact have the power to do anything we want in every single moment. If it would further my purpose in life, I'd drop everything and go to a monastery to live...
  50. PhoenixRising

    INTP trait you like least in yourself?

    I get distracted from what I'm supposed to be thinking about by more interesting things. Like right now for instance. I'm supposed to be working...
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