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Search results

  1. Joe Rogan

    Since when? I thought Fe and Te were the communication functions. What a person of a given type does or doesn't do comes down to how the type actually manifests, not on preconceived notions of how a type is supposed to manifest. Explanations like that move too far away from the fundamentals...
  2. Joe Rogan

    His voice sounds very emotional to me? I watched this video and it sounds like constant Fi, with very little Te, but in the video with Joe Rogan he does use Te a lot more. Also, the pace of his talk is like a random walk where he anchors on the details. Listen to this 45 seconds of Joe Rogan...
  3. Adrian Grenier (FJ, NF)

    He's an INFJ. I relate to him, aha. (it's funny, I almost explicitly mentioned Adrian Grenier in the post that I was writing to you as you were posting this thread)
  4. Joe Rogan

    If it's a conscious function, then you can directly see it being used in real time. Everyone uses all 8 functions, so there's going to be some implicit aspect of brainstorming regardless, but if it's being used consciously, then you can see it. "See" literally and figuratively.
  5. Joe Rogan

    We don't know this for sure. As far as I know, that idea is based on test results, and the tests are known to be highly inaccurate. e.g. an NJ is likely to score as a P, because of correlation between dichotomies. And when you're talking about aspects of the media, the actual type distribution...
  6. Joe Rogan

    Mac Lethal... ENTJ makes sense, but he seems to have a significantly wider vocal range than what I would expect for an ENTJ. He seems quite J though (more push than pull). edit: not sure about UltraDavid
  7. How random can you be?

    It's saying roughly 50% 57% after a lot.
  8. Joe Rogan

    I watched a bit of this video His voice sounds inward and emotionally neutral.
  9. Joe Rogan

    Daniel Pinchbeck? I'm watching a video of him now and he has very strong Ti, probably with Ne/Si, and seems introverted. So most likely INTP. Joe Rogan has Fi and Te, with the Te seeming to be stronger, and also has Se and Ni. He seems extroverted. So ENTJ. (I'm doing vocal analysis here)
  10. Plant eating

    I guess people will use any excuse they can find, then, won't they? The Bible, even in saying that a person is worth more than hundreds of an animal, isn't then saying to go and abuse the animal. But it does give permission to eat animals. Though, eating meat could perhaps be considered...
  11. Plant eating

    Not woo-woo enough. Look at the Bible verse I posted earlier in this thread which states that a compassionate person will be kind even to an animal. This is despite believing that only humans have souls. Yet, they may still eat meat because the act of eating meat doesn't imply an explicit...
  12. Animekitty's video blog

    I like this. It demonstrates clearly the opposing nature of those functions. I would perhaps use the term "present" for Se rather than "intensity", but it's often a kind of intensity of the physical stimulus which forces one to be present. An explanation of why Se attracts Si but repels Ni...
  13. What do you have intrinsic motivation for?

    Further developing the understanding of psychological types is one.
  14. Plant eating

    I was going to say what my intuition says on the matter, but it's somewhat like this: I think that's a better formulated expression of what I would say. Something about pleasure and pain being about whether an entity (however entity is defined) is moving towards or away from the state that it...
  15. Animekitty's video blog

    Well, I do seem perhaps like a Ti dominant type, but I put that down to my sub-type/modulation. I have NTJs in my family, and there's the cultural memes which encourage Ti over Fe in males, and discourage Ni generally. So I end up with a strong Ti. There could then also be an INFJ who has...
  16. Plant eating

    Well, if I'm paying for the animal to be killed, but not paying for it to be put through a torturous life, then am I responsible for the way it was treated if I buy its meat? Logic seems to suggest that I am, but my spirits weren't buying the argument. Taking the argument further would suggest...
  17. Animekitty's video blog

    Examples of generating details: generating sensations in your mind, and also this example itself - I am generating something concrete from what was previously more abstract. Also as you said "seeing more" may come into it. I observe a new detail = I generating a detail; contrasted with...
  18. Animekitty's video blog

    See if you can make anything of this: Ni = pattern recognition Ne = pattern generation Si = detail recognition Se = detail generation Fi = cognitive empathy Fe = affective empathy Ti = cognitive systemising Te = effective systemising The terms for Ti and Te are made up to correspond with...
  19. Motion pictures v. Stationary words

    One speculation is that P types often prefer movies, and J types often prefer books: because with one you're reacting to a stimulus with the other you're making an effort to understand words. I like reading because I can easily go for the highest quality information, or something relevant to...
  20. Plant eating

    "I" means a hypothetical entity which continues through a finite or infinite amount of time and happens to be me right here. So, one can say "I was there", or "he was there". Then, yeah there's the whole thing about everything being the same mind experiencing itself from multiple angles. Like...
  21. What job should I get?

    Yeah, this is what I had in mind. I would be prepared to do the study, including potentially even a PhD, in order to get a job in this line of work if I was convinced that I could fully immerse myself in the study of ecosystems. I believe that this would be a very good area to apply my talents...
  22. What job should I get?

    Perhaps rather than asking "what job should I get?", I should be asking "how do I get the motivation to get a job at all?".
  23. Times you've changed your mind

    Well, less than a year ago I claimed to not be a Christian. 3 or so years ago, and the 10 years prior to that I wasn't a Christian. In the past few years I've changed my mind a few times on it. It's a journey. Just recently I read the full Koran, wondering if it would change my mind, and I was...
  24. What job should I get?

    Thanks for the replies. Following up on suggestions: I haven't really thought about self-employment, no. I have no ideas of what I would do. I'm willing to learn programming as needed for what I want to achieve, but I have little interest in programming in-and-of itself. I generally have a...
  25. Plant eating

    If we assume that nature is conscious, what do we then do about that? How should we come to learn what would cause pleasure or pain to that which is typically deemed unconscious?
  26. What job should I get?

    Nah, that doesn't fit with my morals, I don't think. I'm not too interested in catching criminals - they will be dealt with in the Judgement. I don't honestly think I know all that much maths. I didn't try very hard in university. Someone who doesn't study maths at an institution, but put in a...
  27. Plant eating

    1. I would say that overall it is not ok to keep animals the way that we do. From what I've heard, the way animals are treated is completely out of line with what we know to be true about them. However, there's another question: is the person who buys the meat indirectly responsible for the way...
  28. What job should I get?

    I'm probably not going to be an amateur mathematician. Actually, I'm open to mathematical or totally non-mathematical career paths, I just mention the degree I have because it could be useful. As an amateur typologist, I feel like I've covered a fair bit of new ground, and I'm still...
  29. What job should I get?

    The courses I've looked at generally say a credit average is required, so I have a high enough GPA to enter such fields. I don't know if I want to do mathematical work at all though, idk. Environmental modelling was an interest I had, but I lost interest in that because my values have shifted...
  30. What job should I get?

    Bachelors, yeah. Credit average. (it says the formula for percentage to GPA is x/20 - 1, so I got about 2.5) I'm thinking of maybe going back for my honours year next year, but I'll still be in the same predicament afterwards.
  31. What job should I get?

    So I need help deciding on a career path. I have a maths degree. I got a maths degree because it was easy for me to do, I wanted to get a degree, and I had hopes that it would turn into something like environmental modelling or something along those lines, because basically: I want a job that...
  32. Does smoking help with stress and anxiety?

    I started smoking to reduce stress. That was over 6 years ago. I still smoke, but it's always on my mind to stop. Don't start.
  33. Plant eating

    The problem with the meat-eating in my view isn't the killing of the animal, it's the conditions that the animal was raised in. Saying "pain is inevitable" when the levels of pain in the world are not a fixed quantity seems foolish. At the same time, I still eat meat. Why? Because my spirits...
  34. Schopenhauer, Panpsychism, Nihilism

    Yes, for example the idea of chaos, which supposes that we cannot predict the effect of certain actions at all beyond some point. One moment the effects may be good, the other bad. So, the truth of the goodness of the action should have been contained at the moment that it was willed. Yet, it...
  35. Schopenhauer, Panpsychism, Nihilism

    Morality is simply the monitoring of the nature of action which stems from oneself. Whether we are aware of it or not, our actions have a moral nature, whether that be by their (intended) effects or something else, and to be moral simply means to be aware of that and thus strive to choose the...
  36. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    I just want to add what seems to be a correction to something I said earlier. I associated extroverted judgement very strongly with articulation, to the point that I claimed that if words are involved with something then it implies an influence of extroverted judgement. However, it has...
  37. Animekitty's video blog

    A key difference between extroversion and introversion, is that extroversion looks at a piece of data and says "what can I do with this piece of data, how is it useful?", whereas introversion looks at the piece of data and says "how does this data fit into the data that I have already accumulated?".
  38. Animekitty's video blog

    Prediction is one particular facet of Ni. Ne makes predictions too. Ne looks at what is happening and predicts where it will go, based on the way things tends to unfold, whereas Ni, and this is perhaps subtle, will be oriented towards an internal representation on the way patterns fit together...
  39. 151 Pokemon memory test challenge

    I got 144 or 145, I couldn't think of the name for one. I did it for an hour. I had named so many water pokemon that I was like, oh there can't be any more water pokemon, surely, and the ones I missed were Also, I don't play pokemon go. I was playing one of the recent pokemon games...
  40. What do you base your values on

    Like forcing an INFJ to adapt to traditional societal structures?
  41. What do you base your values on

    As I see it, one should be comfortable with all 8 of their functions. -- I base my values on innate sense, on logic, and on teaching that speaks to me. People should strive to know the truth, and to act in line with that truth.
  42. Animekitty's video blog

    Yes, that sounds about right. We exercise our freedom through our selective use of attention when it comes to perception, rather than manipulating the variables. Similarly, judgement can be an automatic process becomes things just are categorised in one way or another, or give rise to some...
  43. Animekitty's video blog

    The rest of your post sounds good, but I'd like to question this aspect. I believe that we can control our perception, "surfing" the tide of information. Do you believe that if we do this, we're actually navigating through perception using a judgement process? Maybe what I just describe is...
  44. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    How long did you do this for? I notice that often when I first start it, there will be no content, but a couple minutes later, I will nonetheless notice a shift in cognition. The quietness doesn't stay. Of course, everyone's minds work differently, there is a lot of variation. Yes, what I'm...
  45. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    There are different kinds of meditation, which encourage different kinds of cognition. When I used meditative earlier, I was more referring to the heightened level of awareness compared to content, giving rise to a kind of quiet attitude, Here you're probably describing Fe in conjuction with...
  46. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    The first part my have been Ti, and the interruption may suggest the switch from one cognitive function to the next, in this case Ne. (assuming you're an INTP) Hmm, we'll wait for more people to chime in, I guess. Perhaps any type which is not Ni dominant would have to stretch their cognition...
  47. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    Yes, I had considered that this may be the case. However, if my results/interpretation of my results are correct, then any type can use Ni in their conscious mind.
  48. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    Hmm, could you elaborate on what you experienced? When you say "the order of [your] stack", which order are you referring to? Certainly there's a kind of filtering that occurs, with the first function igniting the process, and each subsequent function following on from that, such that they...
  49. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    My description of the functions, based on my observations while employing the method I outlined, together with other miscellaneous observations. What is written is not a comprehensive description of the functions, but merely some things that they can do.
  50. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    I remember reading that introverts tend to have more active internal processes. I'm likely going to make a post soonish outlining what the functions "look" like phenomenologically, based on my observations when employing the method I outlined. As a general rule, the introverted processes tend...
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