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Animekitty's video blog

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I will never go back to college/university, takes too long.
Virtual reality will be a much more viable option soon.

People that draw comic books can see in 3D perspective and understand colors.
They have a certain amount of energy levels that let the absorb visually.

Music fills that void, it helps open the bottled up emotions and energy.
It makes you pay attention to the inside and everything pushing and pulling there.

When the brain isn't working against itself everything becomes unstuck.
The brain works as one thing, every part works together at the same time.

All your brain operates at once synchronously.
The energy drains get plugged.

Perception increases, everything becomes fluid.
You learn to absorb and think faster.

Clarity and speed.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Ni - creates a core perspective branching off to other perspectives and is predictive.
Ne - multiple realities exist at the same time overlapping where one is manifested.

Si - everything is concretized as the internal certainty one has of the world.
Se - the world is absorbed directly into the highest rendition of reality.

Fi - the subject is completely involved subjectively and on a personal level.
Fe - there is no internal involvement but into objective causative social dynamics.

Ti - rational in the sense that they want the most concise understanding possible.
Te - empirical in that they gathered evidence as indisputable proof of ideas validity.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I like cheese pizza with Italian salad dressing on it.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I do not understand how computer languages work.
The problem is I had a bad experience with learning java.
I got the full explanation of what they can do.
For years I tried to make my programs work.
I only got them to work with understanding.
I cried too many times to ever feel like trying again.
Everything I tried never worked, I felt horrible.
No books I read ever helped me, no one ever tried to help me.
One time all my work got deleted and that really made me cry.
Unless I have an in-person private tutoring I will never learn to program.
I am just not smart enough and emotionally conditioned unable to do it myself.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
In school, I would just do my work and was never bothered by the teachers just past on to the next class. It seemed that I was the only one to do the work so the teacher gave easy assignments for the whole class and I would do my own thing. I once got a math paper for geometric proof. I never saw this before so the teacher gave the class something else mathematics. In computer class, I was not good at flash animation nor photoshop. One kid could draw good. I think he was sent to art class. At a teachers meeting, I was the subject of, they mentioned Aspergers. I never had any friends or interacted with anyone, that could be the reason why they mentioned it. All I ever did was my schoolwork. I was always sent to the class I qualified for. I just was not interested in people. I just gave up. (social atrophy) very quiet. alone. baka

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I don't have social anxiety.
I am just shy and embarrassed. timid.
Do not know how to get rid of it.
I am hurt easily and scared. lonely.


I have a hard time with people.
But it could be I am somewhat emo.
Nothing wrong with my social intelligence.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Attentional Feedback
Memory maps perception and actions.
Memory is tiny wires that direct where signals go.
This attention uses feedback to make the map accurate.
General intelligence happens by making connection go in the right direction.
In order to adapt to the environment, you change the direction of connections.
Feedback is the requirement to change how attention works (where it is directed).

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I do not like it when people hurt my feelings.


Local time
Today 4:42 PM
Jul 23, 2018
Hi anime kitty

I found you on the INTP forum and I just feel a connection somehow

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I keep forgetting and remembering (awareness)
I need to make it self-sustaining.
I can't let life keep shifting me back and forth.
I need to control all these feelings I have.
It's so chaotic inside, pressure, push and pull.
Need self-sustaining inner control. (awareness)


Local time
Today 4:42 PM
Jul 23, 2018
I keep forgetting and remembering (awareness)
I need to make it self-sustaining.
I can't let life keep shifting me back and forth.
I need to control all these feelings I have.
It's so chaotic inside, pressure, push and pull.
Need self-sustaining inner control. (awareness)
It's more about mindfulness and balance than it is about control

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
schizoaffective disorder

psychotic features
negative affect

I feel like crap all the time.
It takes to much effort to do things.
Doing nothing all day makes life miserable.
I toss and turn in bed because I am bored at night.
Most times I am mentally stuck, I have no ideas.
I try to think but I can't think of anything.
Watching informative videos gives me anxiety.
I just feel like sleeping even if I have activities to do.

I want to do something constructive but can't.

I don’t feel functional 5 out of 7 days a week.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Ni - ideas come out of inside self
Se - realism

Si - illusory
Ne - ideas come in from outside self

Fi - absorbing emotion
Te - external criteria

Ti - internal criteria
Fe - vacates emotion

Ni - ideas come out of inside self
Fe - vacates emotion
Ti - internal criteria
Se - realism

Fi - absorbing emotion
Ne - ideas come in from outside self
Si - illusory
Te - external criteria

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I am having one of my good days.
Music is so crisp, clear and saturated.
My brain has more parallelism going on.
I feel the opposite of heavy,
I fell tingly sensations in my head.
I can see more, feel more.

I realized something important about A.I.
Thinking requires a model of reality.

I saw a blog from DeepMind where they understand episodic memory.
It has to do with how the hippocampus sparse distribution encoding.

I believe that a scalable approach to modeling reality is possible.
Then thinking can expand without memory constraints.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Self-regulation has a lot to do with intelligence.
Since the front and back brain work together,
increased perception increases parallelism.
Regulation gets the whole brain working together with itself.
Everything becomes fluid, effortlessly graceful.
The ability to switch attention makes the mind super fast.
Executive control meets no resistance to carry out commands.
You can hold more than several things in mind at once.
You can do many things at the same time.
More than usual with self-regulation.
All the brain at once.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
frustration, helplessness, anger
can't fucking do anything about it.
damn it.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
nothing I can do. stop participating. avoid people.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 10:42 AM
Jan 24, 2013

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Broken link (video) don't post OP's need text.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Perception just happens, Judgment is within one's control (irrational/rational).

Ni are convergent realizations to one idea.
Ne is random, ideas skip around a lot.

Si reviews the past trying to find certainty.
Se looks around a lot, has perspective.

Fi good and bad come from a personal standpoint.
Fe looks at what happens by group dynamics.

Ti focuses on internal logic operations for extrapolation.
Te focuses on the raw data for conclusions.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Perception just happens, Judgment is within one's control (irrational/rational).

The rest of your post sounds good, but I'd like to question this aspect.

I believe that we can control our perception, "surfing" the tide of information. Do you believe that if we do this, we're actually navigating through perception using a judgement process?

Maybe what I just describe is judgement, but I believe we have freedom in both the perception and judgement domains, though judgement is more associated with making a specific "choice".

(as a demonstration of what I mean: I believe a person who only had judgement functions would be equally as free as someone who had only perception functions. But you used the word control, rather than freedom, so, hm..)

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
@Artsu Tharaz

I suppose we could control perception but only through attention. Attention would direct but never grab hold of perception. Perception naturally flows where Judgment is an operation we need to mentally manipulate. Perception manipulates nothing. So judgment acts on something and perception recognize something. To mentally act and to recognize is a separation and thus can be placed as one flowing and just happening (perception) and one being controlling cognition (judgment). This is my understanding.

I see P as passive and J and as active. (irrational/rational)

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Yes, that sounds about right. We exercise our freedom through our selective use of attention when it comes to perception, rather than manipulating the variables. Similarly, judgement can be an automatic process becomes things just are categorised in one way or another, or give rise to some structured process or another.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
fuck it

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
loneliness and emptiness - numb

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
It is easy to model a person computationally.
Such models can be used to create assistants.
An assistant that by interaction responds, expanding the model.
It should understand what to do by knowing how what it does changes things.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
My psych doctor asked me to write down what would make me happy. I am lonely. And I said I feel like I cannot do anything because it is hard for me to think. It is difficult to hold information and work on it in my head. I have a nonverbal learning disability. I do not understand what kind. But it is not easy describing what is wrong. I do not have any close friends.

I am not sure what would make me happy.
I have lots of ideas all the time.
I don't actually do anything with them.
There are not that many activities I like to do.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I can't change anything.
This is why I don't speak out.
Makes me angry.
It's just wrong.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I am slow but if I increase perception I will get faster and think better.

Most people do not know how to inhibit their emotions to have mental control/ self-examination. Emotions make people single-minded and blind. Passions rule them when they should rule their passions.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Ni - predictive
Se - hyper-realism

Si - instinctive
Ne - possibility

Fi - personal preferences
Te - sticks with the data explained

Ti - extrapolates beyond the data
Fe - others preferences

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Prediction is one particular facet of Ni. Ne makes predictions too. Ne looks at what is happening and predicts where it will go, based on the way things tends to unfold, whereas Ni, and this is perhaps subtle, will be oriented towards an internal representation on the way patterns fit together. So Ni might make more global predictions, say about the way in which society will go, by first understanding it theoretically.

Si could be considered instinctive, but keep in mind the internal representation of what objects to expect also takes into account learning. Si has instincts to be ready based on having been exposed to the situation, in a generalised (is that the word?) form.

Likes and dislikes is one facet of Feeling. Feeling is a function which takes into account qualitative distinctions, so it is not about what can be measured systematically, but about qualities have have to be "felt" out.

The reason you may be looking for as to why possibilities and instinct go together, is that we have instincts/experiences about what sort of things can be done with what. So when considering how things could be, we take with us how things usually are.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
A key difference between extroversion and introversion, is that extroversion looks at a piece of data and says "what can I do with this piece of data, how is it useful?", whereas introversion looks at the piece of data and says "how does this data fit into the data that I have already accumulated?".

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
7 Signs You Are Emotionally Healthy


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
The Lesser-Known Symptoms of Depression


Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Ni - predictive
Se - hyper-realism

Si - instinctive
Ne - possibility

Fi - personal preferences
Te - sticks with the data explained

Ti - extrapolates beyond the data
Fe - others preferences

See if you can make anything of this:

Ni = pattern recognition
Ne = pattern generation

Si = detail recognition
Se = detail generation

Fi = cognitive empathy
Fe = affective empathy

Ti = cognitive systemising
Te = effective systemising

The terms for Ti and Te are made up to correspond with those for Fi and Fe, which are well established concepts. The terms for the perception functions come from the generic N vs S divide (details vs patterns is one approximation) with the idea of energy going in (recognising) or out (generating). These terms were used on an image from a Jordan Peterson video, but I can't find descriptions on them.

So, use your intuition for what the terms mean. (and for if they're correct)

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Si = detail recognition
Se = detail generation

It is confusing to me that recognition and generation are not the same thing regarding sensing. Generating details would be seeing more and recognizing details would be seeing less? (is this something to do with art style?) (is it to do with peripheral vision vs center gaze vision?)

I do not get the distinction between Ti and Te (what is cognitive vs effective)


Local time
Today 8:42 AM
Jan 24, 2012
Ti is Fe and Te is Fi. The 3rd function is some kind of unique or weird "resting state" of the type, which in INTP is Si(Ne). The sixth function is the inverse of the 2nd one, which is Ne, so in INT or FP it's Ni, in the shadow, described or defined as being more "unconscious". They aren't inherently preferred and are more so exercised without effort or much care, unless requested by other people. Te is like Fe except more "T" (while Fe is Ti). ENTJ are just ENFJ except with Te instead of Fe - which again is just Ti, except in ENFJ it's inferior because they're lead Fe. So Te is more about facts and building (Fi), in inferior Fi it's unconscious so they don't really care that much (like ENFP does) but it still happens because they do Te anyway. Architect said the best way to increase your Fe (besides doing one problem a day for Ti) is to increase your Ti, because it's Fe.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Si = detail recognition
Se = detail generation

It is confusing to me that recognition and generation are not the same thing regarding sensing. Generating details would be seeing more and recognizing details would be seeing less? (is this something to do with art style?) (is it to do with peripheral vision vs center gaze vision?)

I do not get the distinction between Ti and Te (what is cognitive vs effective)

Examples of generating details: generating sensations in your mind, and also this example itself - I am generating something concrete from what was previously more abstract. Also as you said "seeing more" may come into it. I observe a new detail = I generating a detail; contrasted with recognising a detail which is not something new that has been generated but is fitting the detail into an internalised sea of images.

For Te and Ti, look at cognitive and affective empathy descriptions and change the terms to reflect the Thinking function.

Cognitive empathy: internally understanding the emotional state of another
Cognitive systemising: internally understanding a system of thought

Affective empathy: feeling pulled to act, and then acting, based on the emotional state of another
Effective systemising: feeling pulled to act, and then acting, based on relevant system-based criteria

The 3rd function is some kind of unique or weird "resting state" of the type

Interesting, where did you get this?

So, as an INFJ, my 3rd function is Ti, so then Ti would be a state of mind where I am neither energised nor drained?

And it would make sense to habitually enter into this if unoccupied?


Local time
Today 8:42 AM
Jan 24, 2012
No. It means it makes you look like you're T or lead Ti, but you're a feeler. In INTP, like me, who are quiet, it makes them look like sensors or ISTJ/ISFJ. It also makes ISFJ look like INTP or smart, but it's just tertiary Ti and not dominant.

I haven't finished Jung's collected works yet or theories on psychological types but it's more or less in there in some form, I'm sure. There's also some corroboration with my own field studies and work, in which most people here have absolutely none.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010
No. It means it makes you look like you're T or lead Ti, but you're a feeler. In INTP, like me, who are quiet, it makes them look like sensors or ISTJ/ISFJ. It also makes ISFJ look like INTP or smart, but it's just tertiary Ti and not dominant.

I haven't finished Jung's collected works yet or theories on psychological types but it's more or less in there in some form, I'm sure. There's also some corroboration with my own field studies and work, in which most people here have absolutely none.

Well, I do seem perhaps like a Ti dominant type, but I put that down to my sub-type/modulation. I have NTJs in my family, and there's the cultural memes which encourage Ti over Fe in males, and discourage Ni generally. So I end up with a strong Ti.

There could then also be an INFJ who has stronger than usual Fe and seems like an ENFJ, or an INFJ who has stronger than usual Se and seems like some sort of sensor. I don't see a reason why INFJs would universally come across as T-like, although what I mentioned about Ti being the most neutral function in terms of energy probably plays into it.

So, INTP seeming Si dominant would be an Si sub-type/Si modulating INTP. An ISFJ seeming like an INTP would be the same deal, although they're then modulating to both of their lower conscious functions. Again, there could be Fe-heavy INTPs and so forth. But that would be rarer than Si sub-type and would occur primarily in females.

I don't think this would be in Jung's work, although the general typing of Jung as an INFJ compared with his self-typing as an introverted thinking type does corroborate with what you're saying, but imply that Jung was not aware of this. The other theorists of typology seem to say the odd merit-worthy thing, but there's a general lack of awareness and consensus over how this all plays out.

The sixth function is unconscious, but in my view is also the dominant function of a type's secondary type. I tried to emulate INFP cognition, which basically means becoming an INFP, and was able to do it fairly easily, but INFJ is the resting state. As the sixth function, this function is like the fifth but a bit more unconscious and a bit less energising. It arises naturally through use of the second function, as its unconscious complement, and is displayed through the second function being used in a manner similar to the third function.

I guess you could say that opposite functions are the same... but it would be better imo to say that they're opposing ends of a larger process. So, with Fe and Ti, the Fe wants to express itself through articulation that gels right with the intended audience, but part of this expressive process implies checking that each segment of the articulation holds up to logical scrutiny, i.e. the words don't simply feel right, but they are defined properly.

Similarly with Ni and Se - when in the mode of Ni, one is only peripherally aware of the concrete environment and cannot focus on it, instead living in the void between all phenomena, a kind of almost eerie quietness. When in Se, it is the void that becomes peripheral.

So each function flips to its opposite, calls on its inverse and is completed by its parallel. Going from conscious to conscious, or unconscious to unconscious, means the energy switches from mode to mode to provide balance within that side of the mind, and going from conscious to unconscious, or unconscious to conscious, means a jump, wherein the conscious mind and the unconscious mind come to achieve balance - that which one carries out through intention, and that which is implied through the changes made.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
These are the feelings I experience from each function.
I get this from the outside but it is likely something is happening on the inside as well.

Ni - epiphany
Ne - bouncing around

Si - settled
Se - intensity

Fi - gentle
Fe - amiable

Ti - calculating
Te - forcefull


Ni - epiphany
Se - intensity

Ne - bouncing around
Si - settled

Fi - gentle
Te - forcefull

Fe - amiable
Ti - calculating


Ni - epiphany
Fe - amiable
Ti - calculating
Se - intensity

Fi - gentle
Ne - bouncing around
Si - settled
Te - forcefull

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Emotional control requires the same mechanism as intelligence itself. (control)

Self-awareness increases intelligence because of increased control.

And awareness of self is experiencing the energy inside of you (that is emotion)

More awareness is more control. More intelligence encompasses emotion. (energy)

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 9:42 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
nothing matters... oh

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 3:42 AM
Dec 12, 2010

Ni - epiphany
Se - intensity

Ne - bouncing around
Si - settled

Fi - gentle
Te - forcefull

Fe - amiable
Ti - calculating

I like this. It demonstrates clearly the opposing nature of those functions.

I would perhaps use the term "present" for Se rather than "intensity", but it's often a kind of intensity of the physical stimulus which forces one to be present.

An explanation of why Se attracts Si but repels Ni:

To be in the present takes one out of the time-transcending nature of the epiphany process, whereas the settled Si user stands away from the environment like one viewing a painting, and the intensity of intrusion of Se, rather than taking them away from their settled position, adds colour to the experience.
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