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Search results

  1. Small steps cover large distances

    Self-improvement is masturbation.
  2. Why introverts don't get social validation and other thoughts regarding Introversion

    I was thinking about a scenario the other day. Let's say some extrovert who doesn't know you that well asks you what you did during the weekend, and in turns out you spent Saturday evening reading Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Would you be completely comfortable with saying exactly that? Or...
  3. Internet Boldness, real life shyness...

    Apparently getting hang of society reawakens that fetish for feeling weak and sickly.
  4. Boundaries vs Logic

    Freedom from following one's own logic and one's own principles is not freedom, it's just being impulsive (which is nothing other than being slave to one's emotions). So I would never say "fuck logic because I don't feel like following logic today", but I could say: my earlier assumptions were...
  5. Ask an ESFJ

    Something like a sense of being of being cared about – as opposed to getting socially validated for one's intellect.
  6. INTP ESFJ Relationship Guide

    I knew this ESFJ once, and I noticed that the most minute of things, like the tone with which I said something, could evoke severe emotions and judgments in her. It is quite a bizarre experience from the standpoint of an INTP, because you would have to smash an INTP in the face with a...
  7. Should i deactivate Facebook?

    Or become a double-agent. Thus you can make friends on both sides! An excellent way of expanding one's social media profile.
  8. I'm quitting my job

    There is no intermediate state between ice and water but there is one between life and death: employment. I used to understand this, but somehow got caught in the stream, got blindsided. Also, there is an important heuristic to follow in that context: never take advice from someone who has...
  9. Ask an ESFJ

    Here's a picture of carebears, because I know ESFJs like that kind of shit: http://cdn32.sptndigital.com/sites/uk.tinypop/files/styles/image_1170x658/public/ct_series_f_primary_image/carebears_show_0.jpg?itok=hPeRON--
  10. Ask an ESFJ

    It seems obvious to me why ESFJs and INTPs end up together. The ESFJ just likes the challenge of breaking into the INTP emotionally, and the INTP just enjoys the emotional validation (something in very short supply for INTPs). So when that part is over, it all goes to shit because there is...
  11. Cambridge OCEAN tests

    High in neuroticism :cool:
  12. Ask an ESFJ

    Must... resist... making... joke
  13. Ask an ESFJ

    Second question: where do I find ESFJ women in large numbers? I'm joking. Or am I? But to answer your question, I have always been impressed with the combination of emotional, social, and intellectual sophistication of ESFJs. They are usually not as interested in theoretical and abstract...
  14. Ask an ESFJ

    Why are ESFJs so insanely attracted to introverts?
  15. Distract myself while i rot away

    well, that's pretty much the story in general – but the variables are 'determined' only by virtue of thinking they are. Sometimes randomness has to be forcefully introduced in order to see new possibilities.
  16. Recent papers you have read

    That's funny. About 2 years ago I asked this question on math.stackexchange. Ultimately, I guess from a purely mathematical point of view you can come to any conclusion you want, depending on the assumptions. So it's definitely more interesting to look at it from a physical point of view.
  17. Should i deactivate Facebook?

    The only good use of facebook is to send less-than-urgent messages to close friends. The usual overflow of useless spam bullshit that is generated on there just makes me sick. Same with Linkedin btw. It's good for contacting people sometimes, but otherwise it's just a bunch of monkeys spewing...
  18. INTP ESFJ Relationship Guide

    Sensitivity is a waste of time and energy.
  19. Recent papers you have read

    Probably on the esoteric end of subjects so far, but I read Analysing financial returns by using regression models based on non-symmetric stable distributions by Lambert, Lindsey (1999). Based on the title, it's about regressions involving stock returns, but really, it's applicable to anything...
  20. What makes you cringe like crazy?

    Holy mother of God. I have finally found it. When I saw the title of this video, I just knew.. The thing I have been looking for all this time, it is here. Scientists, alchemists, you name it – countless great minds throughout history have tried to capture the essence of cringe. I believe...
  21. I'm quitting my job

    Exactly, dude. We need to have courage to do exactly what we want to do, and don't get distracted by all the bullshit goals imposed on us from the rest of world. I can only commend (and slightly envy) the people who understood this from a young age. I want to be the artist that starves and...
  22. I'm quitting my job

    It's an "advance" only in terms of business. Large businesses want replaceable people. That's why for example Java is so popular in development. Java coders are easy to replace. Packaging complicated systems into easy-to-use interfaces facilitates the replaceability. Businesses in general are...
  23. Greetings.

    Hello, good sir/madame. I trust you have found the right place, and that the motive which induces you to become a member of this community of the Internet is a an excellent one, and, when you become acquainted with its design and the intellectual prowess of its members, I judge it no small...
  24. Song Lyrics and Poetry

    I think ABBA wrote the worst lyrics. Take a look at this:
  25. Recent papers you have read

    Post a paper you've recently read, your thoughts on it, what it was about etc. Perhaps even a critique of it? I'm sure this thread will be a great hit. I will be back when I have read a paper.
  26. I'm quitting my job

    Nope. I would definitely do it again though – it was a really cool experience. Worked there for 1 year and have never learned so much in such a short period of time.
  27. Possible careers for those that have 'Logical Intelligence'

    What sort of questions tested the math ability?
  28. When did you realize that you are gifted

    My ego got fed way beyond any healthy dosage in elementary school.
  29. What are some life lessons you've accumulated over the years?

    Lack of optionality leads to delusion and bad decisions. This is true for everything – work, relationships, etc. Also: underestimating your own capabilities will make you just as miserable as when you overestimate them.
  30. Internet Boldness, real life shyness...

    Being a dude is a fucking beautiful existence. If a woman talks to you for more than 5 mins (even it is about abortion), we immediately start believing we might have a shot there.
  31. I will drive them all away and say "you fools! I have important secrets to reveal." :smoker:

    I will drive them all away and say "you fools! I have important secrets to reveal." :smoker:
  32. I'm quitting my job

    There is absolutely no point in comparing working at startups with regular jobs. I work 40 hours a week now and feel like I want to kill myself because of all the regular hours, preset times for lunch etc. At the startup I worked close to 100 hours a week, yet had a blast 100% of time and didn't...
  33. It will be revealed at that party we're going to.

    It will be revealed at that party we're going to.
  34. Jenny, we can't all be as brilliant at coming up with names as you are. Us poor mortals just...

    Jenny, we can't all be as brilliant at coming up with names as you are. Us poor mortals just pick random shit like Serac. It's really just a serac – that ice block thing. But who knows, maybe there is some poetic meaning behind it.
  35. I'm quitting my job

    Polaris, that was a damn good read. Thank you for taking the time to write that.
  36. Hi

    So by using my ingenious deductive skills, based your name I take it you like c++. I would say you have good taste in programming languages.
  37. I'm quitting my job

    So 4 weeks ago I moved to a new country and started a new job – actually my first "regular" job ever (I had a job before, but it was in a startup company and it was some completely crazy shit which didn't resemble a regular job in any way). This new job is kinda intellectually stimulating, but...
  38. Fun lil blog read

    Does this mean you envision us attending a party together?! Oh, Jenny :o:o:o
  39. how to not waste your life

    This is actually very good
  40. Which careers or fields of study suit the 'philosophical intellectual'?

    It seems the distinction you make is between strong and weak AI. From what I understand, strong AI – the general sort of artificial intelligence – is an extremely small field of research at the moment. But it's interesting as hell for sure.
  41. Is IQ a valid measure of human intelligence?

    I guess an even more fundamental question is whether intelligence is something that only exists in terms of specific effects (career/academic achievement, how fast you can do mental calculations, etc), or whether it is in fact some general and universal property of things. Like, if aliens landed...
  42. Which careers or fields of study suit the 'philosophical intellectual'?

    Not to sound like a skeptic, but I am curious about how you consider those people's work to be conceptually different than the "regular" machine learning algorithms. I mean, I would love to know myself – it would certainly make AI a more interesting topic for me personally.
  43. Which careers or fields of study suit the 'philosophical intellectual'?

    Well, do you like the idea of AI or do you want to actually deal with all the technical intricacies of it. Those are quite different things, and let me tell ya, AI in real life is something quite different than AI in science fiction. AI in science is fiction has all this cool shit about the...
  44. What 'hurts' you?

    I would never
  45. What 'hurts' you?

    It hurts me when women reject me. It's like someone stabs me with a little knife. I cannot take it anymore. My ego.. it bleeds... That's why I went MGTOW.
  46. Fun lil blog read

    I guess orange would be handy, but not really turn you into a superhero. Like, we can say Einstein mastered physics, yet it took him many years of hard work to come up with General Relativity. You can master stuff, but you still gotta have the ingenuity to come up with cool shit. But yea, I...
  47. The Random Thoughts Thread

    If you gave intelligence to a worm, it would probably kill itself after realizing the terrible futility of its life. Crawling around in the dirt – that's its happy way of life, but only as long as it is under the illusion about the importance of that activity. Similarly, if you gave intelligence...
  48. Online Philosophy Writer

    Sounds very interesting. The only problem at this point in history is that just about anyone who has a laptop writes shit online – blogs, websites, youtube channels, etc, etc. Even if you are the new Nietzsche or whatever, no one will know because the Internet is flooded with information. I...
  49. Fun lil blog read

    The black pill doesn't work. If you look 1 month into the future, you no longer live in the world that is 1 month prior to what you see – you live in a world where you looked 1 month ahead, in which you have no clue what will happen 1 month ahead. You can probably tell from this that I'm great...
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