Tbh I just read the OP and skimmed the rest of the posts but the more detail I read the more things I see that probably...don't help, to put it nicely.
Crystabelle said:
Yes! If he's meeting one of my friends, I have a ?bad/good? habit of "prepping" them beforehand because I'm afraid they're going to think he's rude or uninterested. I usually tell them he's very introverted and quirky but really nice and super smart.
Stop doing this.
Crystabelle said:
I think we are so attracted to INTPs (and introverts) because it's in our DNA and feeds us to connect on an emotional level. INTPs seem so extremely closed off in this area. If they give us a sliver of themselves it's incredibly rewarding to us. Makes us feel like we've accomplished an insurmountable task and makes us feel special to "go where no man has gone before "
It's not special. INTP's are pretty open to the right kind of people. It's just hard for you to go there because you're not the right kind of people.
Also I'm pretty sure if someone stated this as a reason they're attracted to me, I might start thinking or even suggesting various ways for them to spontaneously combust.
Anyway I don't really know enough details and I guess I'll have to take your word that the two of you agree on stuff but it seems to me that you view him as more of an 'interesting thing' than as an actual human. Like, "wow it's so quirky and different it's just FASCINATING!!!" which is pretty shitty and high up on the list of "bad reasons to enter into a serious relationship".
I could be interpreting you wrong but I doubt it because that vibe seems to seep into every post you make when you're describing his personality?
In any case I think that trying to disentangle 7+ years of a Serious Relationship™ is beyond my power to achieve over an internet forum. I'm also sure he's been selfish and a stupid piece of poo at particular points.
But I think the thing about it all is that you both look like you're just doing what you naturally prefer to do, and inadvertently making each other feel like shit. Which is why I asked the two questions in the previous post. For the relationship to work you'll probably both have to learn to be/do things that are unnatural to the both of you.
If that sounds like it's not worth it or won't work then probably just end it now before you both end up even more damaged. In my experience it rarely ends up as a successful relationship when two people to force themselves to be unnatural for the sake of the other. The best case scenario is that they 'stay together' but just live completely separate lives, albeit in close physical proximity to one another but it's really not a happy, mutual relationship.